Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 29, 1941, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening january 29th i94k wonderful cioab- sctcbs web says cukmbofi- toww man overseas in a latter written to his fam ly on csudstmas day earl wilcox newly- arrived in england with the 0aj3jf gjyra some interesting impressions 01 bnglandi we aze at a swell camp lie says just like a summer resort its hot bad weather here yet when we wera travelling in the train the rarmexb were plowing the fields all along the way laiert are cabbages and u kinds of vegetables stm in the flesdi don t you wish you had that kind of weather over there when we got here we were quaran tined for seven days after that we got a seven days leave we are al- lowed one of these every three mon ths as well as one weekend a mon th he remarks on how oheap thltgs were on the boat going over cigar ettes were 16c for a large pack age chocolate bare four cents uew twelve cents a pint and sometimes fli teen cents a quart i got the flu tht first day on board but other than- hat i felt fine and wash t seasick btu there were lots that were cigarettes are very dear in england however is 8d for twenly 42c in canadian money i went to a con cert last night in our canteen pjt on by the legion there were some good singers and the english girls are just about as nice as our ctna dlan girls tom raynor is in the same camp and another man from street svllk named mlllen chicken for christ mas dinner and the officers srave each man a large deck of fags m jntesnaxional vklftittak sunday school lesson calling cards and b islness card printed at this office phone no 8 the individuals responsibility regarding beverage alcohol sunday february 2nd 1m1 golden text abstain from all appearance of evil 1 th ians 5 22 lesson passage hnbakkuk 2 5- oenesis 4 9 12 mark s 424b 1 thessalonians 5 22 it may be that you dare not heed his call for help because you jack the strength to lift him but you need not push him back the treating system 15 during the past forty years there has been an enormous amount of re search on the subject of beverage al oho on its assets and liabilities on why peope drink and on what it does o them the new knowledge doe rot minimize the dangers v showa hat the 1 ffher brain cen r s fade first under liquor morale self crltl- ism god taste with many benavi oir ls altered o t i very opposite or normal some siy that uhe third rink ls tlu mc t dinerous ve uu ti in- i r nn 1 d far oao the id o of in durln wir f a e m i- i i a i le to stop af t tun drirks in1 lo alve to wa er irei the monp thev would have spent n i third ro n- otlim find thu i eiier for hen to ab tain al 1 than resist the seductiveness of the treating habit a woman traveller writes i have some fine memories of drinks all over tht world but i say it a all spinach i found it did nothing for me except bore me so i quit the scientists say that alcohol and ether are cousins under the akin others 0 12 am i my brothers keeper is a question that has been ringing in bu man ears for thirty centuries com plex modern civilization makes it more uid more true that we are responsible for one another millions of civilians are being defended by a few thous and aviators we are interdepend ent and we can bring out the best or the worst in ohiers offering a drink to another in the spirit of social hospitality may really be presenting a moral temptation dr charles mayo said that three drinkers out of ten are in danger of becoming addicts about one person in fifty it is es- imated is allergic tb liquor a re cent book states that there are five hundred thousand confirmed drinkers on the north american continent al present- and we never know ttdfohir hand either about ourselvesor aflout othtrs which person will become victim of the drinking habit actually only about one person in four uses beverage alcohol at all its always a good idea to keep in mind that at he very least there are ninety mil lion nice people in north america who don t touch a drop the tempters gnllt 42 a man who has had years of experi- nce or repeated intoxication gives it ts his opinion that a drinker feels 1 hth guilty every time he takes a i nk drinking always has a fellow more or lass worried deep down in his art one rarely takes a drink with ut an indirect excuse or apology h serts that the old time frosted win iainly for women carrolls carrolls sliced side bacon our dandee coffee iib p 31c 1lb pkg aybner choice cream style pork tomatoes sb corn swansdown pie cherries javex beans 2 13c jff tins kp 16oz tin cake flour pkg t- ii lsoz tins concentrated bleach aba nukes a gkho mt bltlmt bu xv weitant scotch crisps patereona flaky soda biscuits christies cocoanut macaroons christie angel cake pound ioc mb p 14c pkg- sc ea 20c t small white beans t spaghetti 2 15 j our own peanut butter 35c campbell tomato juice sr isc glob choice dessert pears x st 17c crown brmnd corn syrup i8e 39c lux flakes 9c sac camay soap 9c sbimfta mixture for lemon pie 2 pp- x5c shoe polish ioc uum bowtwilli prinewi soap flakes n u n lie old dntdi cleanser a 9- pearl soap s 9 surprise soap x 9c texas seedless rt o grapefruit 5 23 oratges26c54coz homegrown carrots 4b- j0 potatoes 27c fnnt md vegetome prioe unffl 3a8oabkf might only dows or the modern gutters on drinlc lug places are an evidence of tbla conscience tmtslmsa bartender have often used soip on the mirror behind the bars so the customers could not see how uicy looked in addition to the drinker s conscience there is now the drivers conscience running an automobile is getting to be the job of an expert engineer 6o you will have to make up your mind to choose between driving and drinking youre stupid 11 you do botli one host serves drinks to h4s guests who are passengers and apples to those who are driving cars many drinkers fre quently apologize for their drinking hiere is really greater reason to apolo glze loi ghjng drink to others stocktaking 4348 to drink or not to drink that is the question that practically every one sooner or later has to decide one of ihe first things a drinker might well be counselled to investi gate is why he drinks why he started drinking and why he continues us ually the reasons are psychological rather than physiological the mine contents berore the body cells learn to crave often the cause of th drinking lies so deep in the subcon scions mln 1 of the individual or a fni back n his childhood that it is i unknown even to himself and can i only bi dlmovered by an expert doc tor or psychiatrist and these doc torj s tt is not so important to find nut win i ma i started drinking as it is to di cover what he in trying to run away from actually the prob iem drinker was a problem long before he ncr took i drink hospital records hew that 9p of all alcoholics are ntrover s nat a few have klddv cir personality thty need to be te d untied i i her man criticized on hundred per cent 22 a bibulous irishman once said tha he always hud el ner oo much o- oo llllc tht modi rate drinker seldom ecm d be c r ain whether he is or n h ixen liking too much for many ieople it is eas er to abstain altogt h er the new knowledge from labora lories makes total abstinence qui ra- t onal alcohol is now shown to be a tll5guid narotlc but still a drug omparhimlj cheap and one that can be self administered this drug has an affinity for the brain and through numbing th nerves qulcklj afwla tne cun ro i hs and logs s v sties show tlia ii motorists or pedestrians drinkers t n i n ere iable io iccl dents tv t rirs ago two per cent of the ar st fot drunkennevs were women to i ten per cent of drunken arrests a a orm n one h nt is sure prhitelj ii c lubliclj omen are drinl n more than ever before and ih lrls must face the lum at- m fnci thi y as thev may they r m i d ink like men a moicmnt is nferi t get one million adult canadians n sln declaration of pur po t carda o t total abstainers from ra i itiioi for the period of the wir and demobilization it is not t rr cat acnflce to make when mor s 1 rs and aviators are risk n thdr es itinns for discussion 1 t ib t ute or the ircttinfc s k m 2i u i k drink habit a micui 1 roilim i ii i k l i s tl sen e no more mm u uphold few r dt r ss 4 t i inn 1 i tr o i it do you ol o l ho ild 1k ni nt wl at is the cl re p in ed b the ip n il nt fultrious ed d b ixmiisslon u1 i thanks p i k f lh lite thorni sm ai 1 t innk friends for u ir nr of v ndni s during their r i i brn men phone 357 free delivery main street georgetown kcmcmillan phone 40 georgetown mmugumakf timely topics for women by barbara raines fashion futures fashion futures the worlds trtaift fushlon show was held in the grand ball oom of th ho el asio in new york city recently against a dramatized backgiound of american life 800 ensembles dresses hals shoes furs nnd ua 3 were punted b 150 models in a parade which lasted foor hour they ranged in price from 10 76 to moo the show was attended by abojt 3000 bujers stylists designers and fas hion writers tickets l for 1d00 the significant feature about the show was that for the first time arm mean designers did not ha 10 compote with french itnportatjona t nd fashion authorities ecm to agree that they have proved their tal- ents and their right to se the slycs for the world a few designs from london were included however the show cen red around the average american women the work ing girl cr the vitamlr flrl as tht chooe to call her rather than the glamour girl and while clothes for sprjng will be beautiful and exciting uiej wli be more wearable and more in keeping with oi active lie than man of the sophist cattd finch styles were fashion themes weit derived from many sources the gay festive costumes ot the south am rkan pea ants and aztec indians the leis and flower head dresses of the hawnl an islands and ranch life on the great western plains the empire influence appeared in tne british ballroom sci nt whirl endqd- the i ew the colour launched foi spring was green salad green sea green bud green preon in a dozen different tjiades beige was the colour largely idopted for ttac lasic drcvs beeauc it can be worn with a aide variety of lti cur in jwillry id acce sorics o her popular colours were off wh it parma violet vivid red ard black and white one of the higl 1 ghls of the show was a more feminine shoulder line sloped draped and padded only enough to narrow your hips othtr trends foitcat were casual suits with longer jackets to give von that lean look cape threatening to crowd out spring coat printed dresses soft in detail end soft in colour blending skirts neither full nor pencil slim but with an easy swinging flare and 15 inches from the floor waists hitting a natural level sports c othes ncehed cmidernble emphasis slim trouser slacks or ironiier pants tailored shirj with long sleeves and kerchief scarfs lixgli cu ralf boots sombrero h us jewelled and fringed belts and i play clothes manj witn fringed hems and cuffs came in ail the gay bouth american colours ski clotht this winter are showing the same influence your hat must u straight tilting to neither left nor right miny will perch high bejond your pompadour or ban bright colours more hovers thanou hae ever seen befoie and veils will be worn witn both aternoon riit s and tailored outfits evening dresses struck the one glamorous note and vre soft ultra feminine and full skirted favorite materi tie chifloi u jer sey lace or pastel marganza all hrd uu waists and usually long sheer slcee mnny even n- s veie of wool and showed the mannish in fluence oihcr models wo e jewel ed stoics vith the stongg worked heai cmero nir i ih soners of vr 1 rj e 1 u ioimt1 o r b 00u uuo was raised in 0 canada during the recent campa n tieir greatest single under- taklnf to date is he sinprjing or 100ck foad pi 1 eels weekly to british prisoners of w ir in en my countries at an tstlmated cost of 1500000 annualh toronto has been asked to be responsible lor the packing of 5 000 parcels weekly and montreal 5 000 chorlej park ine lormar residence o the lt tovemor is the tororwb headquarters and the work there ilicadj toinfc smoothlj mrs rf of england whose son a flying officer is a prison r of waruelped with the organizing and volunteers from the i ode and olber women s organizations take turns a day a week to do the packing the parcels weighing 11 lb contain biscuits chocolate jam powdered milk tinned gutter corned beef cheese salmon sardines tea suetr dried appks or piune and soap the packing is done by the assembly line method at which the women are quickly becoming expert the rnrccls j sent first to new york thence to lisbon then to uie international rti cro s at oenea which is responsible for distribu tion each mt el contains a card to be signed by the recipient and re turned and it has been estimated that 95 t of the parcels reach the pris on rs ilit british red crass hit expressed their gratitude to canada for ukrij o ir 1 pirt of this woik which is u heavy burden to them un- c 1 r jit co ditions t t t t book kfviiw 1 the spring bj urc boothc ckro boo hf is quiu an inn n ting jrerson it has been said of her tint he ls jount autiful wealthy and intelligent she is imtlior of the woimn tntl other wellknown plays famous for iht r sparkling wit it is uiat wit which has made euorpe lh the s 1 ng so erj popul ir miss boothc arrived in europe with an open mind before the 1 german push began and remained there until the enemy was at the clniml a the wift of henry lute she carried a passport which was piactictlh open sesame everywhere she met and talked with gen- uals ambassadors politicians and statesmen and for that reason her bo ik i uniquely informative slu his the dramatlts knack of highlighting important situa tions europe ir ine sprng is full of significant statements witty dialogue coined phrasts joull not forget if she ls sometimes cynical she has plenty of excuse in rome she net count cinno and other highups but they re fused to talk in paris she learned how proud the french were ot their morale how they depended upon the maglnot line how they hated 1 how lhej alsliked the british she talked with vincent sheehon knickerbocker and other report ers who were frantic because new york editors did not want ths truttl about the pettiness stupidity the spirit of wish fulfillment abroad every where she vl ited the maglnot line and was having lunch with a gunner regiment rear by when a white faced messenger brought word from new york not paris that norwaj had been invaded f she was in holland when the germans marched in there and t durcd bombing in brussels when the blltzkrelg began in belgium she escaped to pans where she found a spirit of terrible futility everywhertj in early june she flew to london and found ute iff wanied and anxious about american isolation but not despairing her aotlystt of the eiiglish ls just as shrewd as that of other peoples and just u dis concerting to some of tjie higher hob on june 8th she took the clipper to lisbon and home to axoerlc and vl can only be sorry her candid shots of countries at war had to end there on her return she found the americans smug and complacent bid- ing behind the auantic and then and there decided to write ot vfam she had seen and heard and felt and broadcast to all america tne staur need for action before here too they would say too late too and too late t t t t let me remind you love that lasts a lifetime needn t lose its high romance but its got to be of fibre that can battle circumstance it must have fire and tenderness and loyalty intense and faith and hope and charity and simple common sense rarebit de luxe if you want to make a hit with the men at your next party your dish e cheese rarebit that ls smooth and golden h lb cream or cheddar cheese cup thto cream or evaporated mft 1 teaspoon cornstarch h teaspoon vtoroliestershire sauce teaspoon dry mustard 1 tablespoon butter dash at cayenne and salt malt the hatierln a flonbift hpugr add corn starch and 8tlx until wen mixed add cream gradually and cook 2 minutes cheese grated and stir until melted serve on crisp buttered toast with ddl plcue and your best

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