p the georgetown herald wedneaday evening march 5th 194 the george town herald ben ttm kertel ojea w 14 l cauda mm ii xv i ratob 7 onrted auto mm ear etofw oopie at adverualba aetea wfu be thm en apa walikr 0 bdfln oarftffleo l mochlvrar leaue olarfc reginald broombead nun mo mentor of uw ftamdlr- weekly newspaper a and tin quartoqnebec phaeton of tbe owj1a flie editors corner first birthday with this edition re celebrate our first anniversary as editor of trie oftormbown herald flfty4voveefc have pissed swiftly 67 atooe we ftesrtilw ourselves tataetetora ohaii beg mrj as aeatshieepstcher for the town we have since celled nan it has been a yaw of iaarotn now teielnees a new town a new ditrtcen mtor- eattag ytwj and an exciting one because we can ttotafc m otter we which oud be o interesting or exciting s that of a neanckapefman we flrat thought of newspaper work as a career while we were a uuvemity undergraduate through tbe interest roy vaedusen pub- llsher of the tat leader we aeoured an introduction to stewart moore then editor of the port esgm times and a relative of roy- by marriage the outcome of this meeting was that we spent a summer in fort egtu in the times office which developed in us a real affection for newspaper translating thought into action was another matter however and we abandoned newspaper dreams for what seemed then the more prac tical profession of accounting and auditing the work for which we bad pent lour years training at cottegfe by coincidence it was with the to ronto firm of edwards morgan ac co of which roy edwards farmer oeorgetowner was a member that we secured employment during our months working as a junior auditor iiowever we eouwn t seem to get the newspaper idea out of our head spurred on by a father who encouraged the idea we kept an eye open for likely prospects and in late december 1836 we found wluu we had beentvalting for a bright little newspaper in a wide awake town prom then on tt was only a question of lime until we put our audit ing books on the shelf and traded die auditors pen for the reporters pencil it has been as we have bald an interesting and exciting year we ra lo oeorgutowii us a compleu stranger to the district and to the in habitants we came aa almoct a complete stranger to the work we have chosen we can honeuy y thai wi have never had a moments regret in choooing the course we did ii lias not been all smooth sailing but after all a ilfe with no rough spot la a monotonous one we liave earn estly tried from the very first to turn out an interesting newspaper and in tills we have liad gratifying co operation from both merchants and readers oeoigetown merchant have betn geneiout in their une of ad veruuig sace from which we trust they get adequate returns for tlielr money herald readers liave lxt11 generous in uielr suggestions and their crlticwns from which we auo hope uiey get adequate return in a better newmkler u has been pleabaiu lo have a staff which u second to none will lug workers wlio take a pride ui uielr work and are ever on the alert for new ideas mow as wc settle down to a second year as editor we have only one thought ui mmd to give you a continuously better newspaper which will reflect all the news of the district return of the native coming to live in a small town has been a real home coming for us although we spent most of our life in the city tlie fact that we liad been born in the biuce county town of chesley always remained with us and someday we always hoped to get back to small town life during this past year we have experienced that grand feeling which a city man is never privileged to know to walk down the street and liave your heilo echoed by everyone that passeo to know your neighbours intimately to share with them their successes and sorrows and to know that they are likewise sharing your own to trade lhe insane mile- minute speed of uty life for the healthier quieter and happier life in a small town a pool has caught the tempo of city life in this poem which we reprint below to our mind town life is the direct antithesis of the thoughts expressed around lhe corner i liave a friend in this great city that has no end yet days go by and weeks rush on and ere i know it a year has gone and i never see my old friends face for life is a swift and terrible race he know i like him just as well as in the daya when i rang his bell and he rang mine we were younger then and now we are busy tired men- tired with playing a foolish game tired with trying to make a name tomorrow i say i u call on jim just to snow im thinking of him but tomorrow comas and tomorrow goes and the distance between us grows and grows around the corner i yet miles away here a telegram sir jim died today i and that what we get and deserve in the end around the oomar a vanished friend news from the north ja jew ag w hd a leuer from a northern prison oamp amm tor j of tit boy and written by ods c e stacey on uielr be tim nkftwed wwji j was a souvenir winch paused much spsou mop x mr hwnid ofuoe h wu a white ivory mustord spoon and x varied ooaesuutf4ably as 00 wlitmt uut souvenir came from one pnt was tuat ji had ueeu made by tfut indian in the district an pwr that jrt had i taken from one of um oerman prtsonersofwar mill soothes that it liad been lifted from a restaurant somewhere en out to the camp the first uieory was exploded when a ototsr ekwnln ados revealed the word paris suinjwd in minute letters on the handle wnbth leaves it a choice between the otfaar two opinions you read en know the boyw better than we do so its up to you to decide we are mfles away mm a village of any kind so tf any of the pamsveopic would uke to send the boys anything now is the time it tt hi appreciated says the letter what other papers say 1 appheciatton ot a navy boy at sea mrs hugh haan who baa knitted 47 pairs of socks and otioer kn for the red cross and others some times puts a note of cheer for tbe soldier boy in the socks in the flxst pair of socks for this war in 1980 she sent the following verse of her own he was at army camp for a month hes done this ever since ontario business summary business generally has held up weli after an unusually active holiday sea son and the volume of wholesale and retail sales continues ahead of las year collections are good the in creairui demands of war have sus- ained industrial operations at record high levels unemployment is comper ativelv low and normal winter layoffs aie the smallest in years iron and j bteel mills and brass foundries are in i creasingly active with regular lines supplemented by large war orders the automobile uidustrj continues to step- up production aircraft plants and shipyards are bus engineering and electrtcai firms are working full time nd the demand for machine tools ex ceeds capacity output most agricul tural implement factories are on in creased schedule the furniture in duslry reports business brisk and a good volume of orders on liand tan 1 n art reasonably well employed as are shoe factories especially those with army orders production of naer tires has been maintained at a hlglh level paint sales continue to exceed those of last year textile woollen and worsted and knitting mills with few exceptions are working at capacity the output of rubber footwear re mains below normal gold production for december totalled 272590 oz s 540 660 us as compared with 285 6 oz 8297960 us in december 1939 in 1940 the mines of ontario produoeb 3 168 323 oz 110991805 v s of gold against 3 008 894 oz 105311590 us 1 in 1939 j previous records hello soldier write and tell me if you really got my soaks there s so manor fdouah stories floating round the village blocks 111 be glad to know you got them as i knit them just for you and i sure will keep on kni mi this awful war is through on tuesday febroary utb uhu she rece yn trarm w verse from hotbead aivr 1 land dated january 11th 141 hello mrs hagan ive got your anefca so dont believe tbe foolish stories floating round tbe village blocks hope youre glad to hear i got them though you did not knit tor me truth is that im not a soldier but a navyboy at sea many thanks dear mrs hagan where 111 be at sea or land warm feet always will remind me to your skilful busy hand thanks also your good intentions knitting on tbe whole war through and be sure i carry on now with a grateful heart to you all the best yours d stobbe hjsjsjet grand river help vour country by saving your way to victorv buj war savings cer tlflcates by this means you are help ing to smash the axis powers and also making a wise investment for yourself and your familys future caledonia deeds of people who a hejp tbe goramment but tbey never been called upon of women ifsjlslnml tbdr ssnms ana were never asked to do anjurhsz itt of filrtrst tbe nrnw porkbaxntl w hisadreda st party workers would be given a tasnpancr job ml quite a good daily wage we ax confident ttoat ii the go ask ed for volunteer warkess vtoey would be it is a chance for she government to save a lot of money and tor people to do tyt to help the gurnrif- ment we havent seen figures ta tr how t flf tbe kul mil lion tiwntrd be paki to tbe cenfc- takexs but mm it it were batt cbs total 11 would still be a magpjpotmit saving eurery in these days wben may douar frnjff the gw iii can in duce tn patriotic oanadlatk to vahmleec haii- seevkxs in tbis isorthi cause and thus save a lot of money taking the canadian census announcement lats week that the dominion government is pa to take the usual ten year census of can ada next year at an estimated cost of 2800 000 has caused various papers to urge that the census be abolished and this money saved lor the war ef fort we doubt if it would be a wise policy to abolish the census for one thing parliamentary representation is based on the census far another canada now has an excellent record every ten years of the statistics of the country and it would break the continuity if this ten year period were to be omit ted but we do feel that here is a chance for the government to call upon volun leer workers to help there are nun tbs good ouk datirg think of ttugoodoldilays we see them tbrongh a rosy mist that bhms eeajbo we assume ttoat we could go back to tbe freeandcast ways of thf 20 s and still have the new inventinna tbe modexu comforts and otfaex things we now engoy it is jnn nature to put glamor on tbe past end grumble at tbe present everyone who is falling shoxt of his best efforts today because of a vague longing to be back in 1929 may well take stock of current progress what glory of 1929 would compen sate us for tbe great air transport routes of today the modern com pact mecbaniaad and insulated borne makes the old time cumbersome resi dence seem like a barn where is tbe woman today who would willingly sur- iender 1941 heating equipment wash ing macriifaes and refrigerators who wants to give up air conditioning and streamline trains if we must look back at least we can heed its lesson it taught us that need of 1941 is a modernized view point that is unselfish instead of pcrsonil and national instead of lo- trris applies to defence efforts and ya normal production ojmntiiuiiannrttiiiikw 11 itiiauthri unnitiimiuiramum undtfmwnnnomiu inimtumhnniurniujabmintitrbn directory iiamiiuiuuimiimit acuoub ik fcovc a vztuuiro muhi novu mareli lew x tin muau swujm tlma be wre is raid rwan trop in luxari novel atout a apsbail jhl wrio dnawt drama a uxo ahared wllh a nan ana adored be aura to jet he alaroh 9 detroit aundar nam h o the world newi seen through the christian science monitor ajrjmmumre dtlly wmtftftr m tradgei pajeaacbte u li i lfr haak 1 il i laa whartafc an timdr end t mi la dear buy tithlm u dw weeur majrin hiielea maae aaenfae ea id w f e the cueilea sdeaevuuuue secejrr uw norwer smec beatoa mil lineal price i12m teerlr etll 00 mcotk fl leiae ineluuina maeaeuu secuen 140 a yei ifitrodufsecy offer 6 1mu 29 ceal j sample copy on request 4- laistowel banner c a weekly review of developments en the home front week of february 20 7 1m1 1 in the house of commons febru ary 26 hon c d howe minister of munitions and supply announced that of ben major divisions of munitions production seven general equipment construction sbipbulkllng chemicals mechanical transport sheus and steel up to or ahead of production air craft behind schedule but rounding in to shape 2 pursuant recommendations unit ed statescanada joint defence board canadian government establishing air bases at grande prairie fort st john fort nelson watson lake white horse prince george smkbers fields will provide all necessary ground facl- lrues for planes travelling from unit ed states or canada to alaska 3 over 7 000000 in war savtngs stamps and certificates pledged in first 22 days of fampalgn reports indicate that objective of uo000000 per month will be passed by substantial amount 4 sir frederick banting co-dto- oover of insulin killed in military air plane crash near muagrave harbor nowfourkuand sir frederick was on mission to great britain of high na tional and scientific importance 5 ldgbton mccarthy kc toronto appointed oauisdbui mmlster to wash ington mr mccarthy replaces iormg christie who leaves tbe post because of llmess fl r o berklnshaw general man ager goodyear tire and rubber oo appointed director general priortthm branch department of munitions and supply priorities plan put into effect by order incouncil confers extensive powers on director general aim of plan is to ensure that all government war requirements shall have priority over other requirements 7 oontractsawaroed by department of munitions and supply during week ended february 14 numbered 1710 to talled 670381 8 first call issued for four months compulsory military trmining oafl ap plies to single men inrt nlillirtamehaie ens who reached 21 on or after july 1 1940 previous calls were for train ing periods of thirty days stophng tbe papbr fve stopped my paper yes i bev i didnt uke to do it but the editor he got too smart i want to be consulted i am a man as pays bis debts and i wont be tasurtetf 6o when the editor gets smart i want to be consulted i took ms paper iwen years an helped ham all i orjukt aft- an when it comes to dtmwn ma i dldnt think he woudt air but that lie did it made meho aays i m atop it the odassd