Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 19, 1941, p. 3

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l j- the gcorgeawm hfewm wawaday evening march 19th 194 imely topics for women k by barbara badoc8 5 etejty woman can look attractive kmster te just a month away already say fiowerhedecknl wisps of hats are beckoning from milliners windows there in a now heahne and e to the dresses and ensembles on display in the shops spring fashion shows though lees elaborate than in former years are the order of the day but no matter how gay and appealing the clothes you dan for the easter parade or how glorious the easter sunshine you will not attain that freshahftoer look so much jjo be desired without some pre liminary fhnft mp how is your complexion overheated houses and cold winter winds can work havoc with both skin and hair every woman of twenty- one or even younger should know how to give herself a good home facial she should learn the type of skin she has and what special care it needs too few lay enough stress on the thorough- cleansing of the skin with a mild complexion soap and soft brush before appljdris creams or makeup expert advice on makeup will show you how to accent your best fea tures beautiful hair is rarely an accident wellgroomed hair never is but hair responds very quickly to proper care regular shampooing and daily brushing are essentials if you want to keep your crowning glory shining- but in spring you may need some special reconditioning treat ments to renew the hairs natural life and elasticity try out some of the new hair styles and choose the most becoming one beauty expert says you should always arrange if possible to have your hair styled and a new permanent before you buy a new hat coloured nail polish though disapproved of by many has done a lot for women s hands if for no other reason than it has drawn attention to them and how worthwhile is the extra few mhates spent on them each day beautiful hands can be very expressive perhaps the first requisite of beauty according to modern standards is a good figure we do not necessarily have to have the measurements ol a photographers model though of course they help but we must have a good carriage and a graceful walk we may not wear a size 14 or even 16 but we should look as though we were able to touch our toes without grunting some fine exercise routines to keep the body young and supple have been worked out by specialists and if during the winter you have partaken not wisely but too well of rich party foods nov is the time to lose those extra pounds i do not think reducing diets have ever been more sane or more appealing than they are now of course if you want to look your best good health is the funda mental necessity plenty of milk and fruit juices and other vitamin- packed foods should be on sprang menus to make up for the scanty sun shine of the long winter exercise in the fresh air to stimulate the circulation sufficient sleep to rebuild the energy you have used up and relaxation to give your muscles and nerves a chance to rest all contribute to radiant health great beauty may be the gift of the rem but an attractive appear ance can be acquired by every woman ir she will but keep herself physi cally fit see that she is ueu groomed at all times and give c care to the choice of her clothes and accessories perhaps your new spring outfit may consist only of a lovely frilly white collar for your best black drees and a wreath of white lily ofthealley on your last years black sailor hat but whether it is elaborate or simple you will not do it full justice unless your complexion your hair your hands and your figure radiate good health and good grooming looking your best is not a luxury even in wartime because it means feeling your best it gives you confidence in yourself helps you face new problems and is a splendid antidote for drooping spirits t t t t xet me remind you when you were born a helpless child you often cried when others smiled so live thai when you come to die you then may smile while others cry traub t t t t book review blood sweat and tears by winston s charchlu mcclelland and stewart 3 75 churchill is the man of the hour when he speaks you have the voice of england the spokesman of a highspirited and free people fighting at terrific odds against injustice aggression and brutality he is a man of dynamic action and a master of oratory but in addition he has an almost prophetic understanding of events and peoples which makes him an inspired leader he has never treated his people as child ren who need soothing he speaks to them with directness and force but with frankness and candour and they are responding gloriously blood sweat and tears contains 47 speeches dating from may 6 ibm to november 8 1940 these brief addressee each mark some import ant event or decision and give readers a coherent picture of the war they are short and dramatic and spoken in a clear crisp english all can understand the first speech is a prtttest to the house of commons against conceding to the irish all rtgntfi in porta needed for the defence of britain s lifeline four days later speaking in an effort to arouse the country to the ever growing danger he says t should hke to see britain and prance go to those small countries who ere going to be devoured one by one by nazi tyranny and say we are not going to help you unless you help yourselves what are you going to do about it ttwo weeks later in the house he made a plea for stronger air defences of britain of munich he said we have suffered a total and unmitigated defeat and prance has suffered more than we have of the abandonment of czechoslovakia he said it is the most grievous con sequence of what we have done and what we have left undone during me last five years five years or tutqe good intentions five years or eager search for the line of least resistance rive years or uninterrupted re treat of british power speaking of the invasion of albania he draws attention to the bri tish weekend habit and the timing of the italian stroke to coincide he speaks of the months or tension in which we live from crisis to crista then comes the outbreak of the war and churchill s appointment as first lord or the admiralty in a radio speech he says our reluctance to fight was mocked at as cowardice now with the help of ood and the conviction that we are the defendersot civilization and freedom we are going to persevere to the end tn speeches that follow he tells of the effort needed to maintain 2000 ships at sea in the teeth of dboat attack of the loss of the royal oak of the heroic battle or the plata of the withdrawal from norway on becoming prime minister in may at a most solemn hour in the nations history he said arm yourselves and be ye men of valour of iunklrk he said a miracle or deliverance achieved by unconquerable fidelity but warned wars are not won by evacuation when speaking in a radio address after the tragedy of prance he said let us so brace ourselves to our duties and so bear ourselves that if the empire and its commonwealth last for a thousand years men will say it was their finest hour then came the battle of britain and the massed air attacks on lon don and his great speech containing these words never was so much owed by so many to so few the book ends with a speech from mansion house in which he says we have had to face these great calamities we have come through the disasters we have surmounted the perils so far all we have to show is survival and increasing strength and an inflexible will to win blood sweat and tears is a book which should find its way into s every canadian home t t t t when the menu is in french most people are familiar with the more common french phrases used in hotel and restaurant menus but others they still find perplex- lug t list may hel y bru up on some of thosewub wbjchyoy are not so well acquainted table d note is a complete meal of several courses served at a fixed price sometimes a limited selection is permitted in each course a la carte you order any item you desire frkn the complete bill of fare and pay for each individual dish the price specified hors d oeuvrea an assortment of highly seasoned foods vegetables fish smoked meats etc usually marinated in oil and served on a large flatter or special dish divided into compartments canapes an assortment of highly seasoned foods served on uny squares or rounds of toast as an appetizer volauvent a small putt jsiste shell in which is served creamed chicken sweetbread lobster etc consomme a soup made from two or more kinds of meat or chicken and cleared bouillon a soup made of brown stock and delicately seasoned and bisque a thickened soup usually made of ahehflah with muk and is that chap in the mirror really you a mirror oaah lie if your eyes jmn noddy in fee wbitss ana dullln the inaea and year tongosto eorited well then juare not the mum you and to be but there are other symptoms flood doesnt interest yu little things get en your nerves vou fall asloop when you should bo awaks ym try toot out of visiting friends or going to the movies worse yob are too tired for your job youre or lozyyoujuit ecu whats the cause i stwmra isnt clear there are toxins m it jpouwmous waste hi m your bvntem get rid of it kruachen m tv thing for that there are so vera mineral aaltn bi rruwhon balanced on oxact proparr titiiw o insist the onrgnns of evacua tion to got nd of waste mutter evtry divy krubchem is more than a laxa tive it is o diuretic as well hhlps to cuh the kidneys and at the uroe turn keep the colon moist so that mtion ts nasy and gentle a patch of krurchen evnrv morning jb all you need inunction costs only 25c 4bc or 75c at all druggists good health ar 1iih thun a aunt a day croutons small squares of bread fried in butter used tn soup en brochette skewered a la newburgappued to lobsters clams or frogs legs served tn a rich cream sauce with sherry added a la maryland applied to chicken or oyster dipped in seasoned ess and cream batter and fried a la ineunlere serred on b toast wet mlgnoo tenderloin of beef broiled or fried compote fruits served in the syrup in wbkh they were cooked coupe a froaen dessert served tn a small cop petit fours ncy biscuits or small iced cakes damltane small cup of black coffee serred after formal international unifoath sunday school lesson jesus condemned and crucified sunday march 23 tml golden text what shall i do then with jesus which is called christ matthew 27 22 lb880n passage luke 23 13 25 33 34a god is not dumb nor doth he sleep but mid the worlds deep care a living voice to ufi doth apeak a holy life to share a joace m trial 13 16 it was really pilate who was on trial would he follow his own judg ment and give a just verdict or would he be swayed by a faction and act from selfinterest having examined jesus he was assured of the prison er s innocence and openly said that he found no fault in him this con clusion was also confirmed by the trial before herod who had discover ed nothing worthy of death yet pi late compromised he offered to have jesus scourged and released that compromise was illogical and unfair to have an innocent prisoner scourged was a way of escape for the judge ra ther than for the prisoner all through the trial pilate was moved by selfinterest instead of dispensing strict justice he was playing politics he knew what was right but was afraid to do the right as he saw it in the light of the ages the judge stands self- condemned pilate has been weighed in the balance of history and found wanting he misrepresented roman justice at its best cnooamg barabbas 17 19 there was no doubt whatever as to the guilt of bbxaubas he had been convicted of sedition and murder yet the crowd called for the release of barabbas and the crucifixion of jesus instead of seeking facts they were ani mated by hate the custom of re leasing a prisoner at the feast gave them an opportunity to gratify their animosity their conduct of course was not exceptional few or us can claim that our judgment has not been influenced by resentment or partisan ship we find it hard to see merit in a public leader who belongs to an op posing party it has been well said that we are the victims of labels and labels are often libels again we find it difficult to admit the good in any person who has injured us even if the offence was given yearb ago one of the hardest bits of self discipline we have to undergo is to learn to make truthful judgments and not reach our conclusions through self- deceiving hates if the light that is in us be darkness how great is that darkness hatred perverts the moral mob rule 20 a group of college men were discuss ing the sixth commandment thou shalt not kill among the number wai a highly educated negro from a southern state his whole concern was to stop lynching he told of the sudden waves of racial discrimination of the overruling of forces of law or the suppression of news through fear he said that mob justice was tempor ary insanity and caused terrorism far beyond any local district in canada we are almost wholly free from the lynching evil but the mob spirit shows elsewhere students occasionally get out of control during initiations premeditated acts are committed halloween there have been several lnstnri pf soldiers rioting and aveng- ing a grievance by destruction oi pro- perty political meetings sometimes break up because a fair hearing is not granted even in sessions of legisla tures and parliament and also la church assemblies good judgment l made difficult by excitement parti sanship slogans and appeals to sec tional interests the jury system was devised to give sober calm verdicts after presentation of both sides of case the three crosses 32 s3 there were three crosses on calvary but one stands out above the other two the malefactors were put death justly their crosses were i instruments or roman law but jesus died the just for the unjust and his cross has become a symbol of beauty what made the difference ah three wooden crosses were similar tag and looking alike but jesus on his cross transformed it the of christ now signifies control dpllne service sacrifice redem it is an example of the posstbolty of bringing good out of evil it embodies the outreaeuimt love of ood to man dis- mainly for women it holds out promise of victory over human sin christs death upon the uroas has made a hateful thing a mes senger of divine love to the jews the cross was as repulsive as the gallows to us yet we place crosses on he jo naoo ain no setiamup jo eands bibles prayer books and hymn books a cross marks the graves of countless dead poems are written sermons are preached bocks are published to ex plain the mystery of the cross that transformation of the instrument of death into away or life is a miracle in history the vleto- 34 in the crucifixion jesus was the victim but also the victor pilate herod and the frenzied mob had their hour of authority and power but christ is rorever the victor even while he was dying he prayed for rorgiyeness for his enemies he said father forgive them for they know not what they do jesus prayed that prayer while nails wore through his hands and reet and his blood was trickling out what does his example mean to us in these years of war can we even while fighting a war of defence afford to give way to na tional hatred will that not lower us for the present and make us less cap able of establishing a just peace the weapons of our warfare are spiritual as well as material we need to culti vate understanding to be more ready to suffer than to seek revenge to be willing to go far in forgiveness to lis ten to the centuries rather than to the years the rule of totalitarian force may appear to be in the ascendant temporarily but the healing of the nations can only be achieved by the forgiving love of christ made con temporaneous by living christians questions for discussion 1 in what sense is a judge on the bench himself on trial 2 what are the motives deciding your choices 3 what would you dp tn a riot 4 how has christ a cross the power to gather great meanings to itself 5 dp i genuinely practise forgiveness lesson outlines copyrighted by the international council of religious ed ucation used by permission france t ragoed regiment of avengers read in the american weekly with the march 23 issue of the de troit sunday times how once again the miserable mendicants of prances once gay capital have banded together again in their twilight world as did the ruffian league of heroic fol lowers or francois villon years ago and have pledged their lives in sabo taging german rule be sure to get sundays detroit times s the world needs idealists but what canada needs most at the moment some honest courageous realists at the head of affairs farmers advocate your eyes most of as work ear eyes to the mnil we work long bean at the raetory store offlce or studies at night we read sew go to a movie or play cards what is the answer eye strain and fatlgwa we can n j make an appotnttaent with ns today newest style of glasses as etfy oonsull ot walkemt- 0 eyesight specialist who wfll be at his oftloe ore the bell telephone co hsjft street georgetown the seeent wednesday of each month or you may consult o t v at his office hi brampton phone georgetown 7 carrolls spring cleaning sale p 0 soap 7 25c oxydol 2 i 43c 2 un pkgs 17c jjsaabo pfc 59c chipso 8s 20 45 ivory 8c5c camay t 2 9c ivory lt jf 22c a wfcu each few mtty bolh product luted bm lo ubtu ha q to procter and camblc toronto mnd nor fkv sutar witf b charge 75c flaw sffur free to you free of charge 5- strbig allcora brooms 27 shinou carroll own soap flakes 4- 24 cleanser 9c saniflush 15c 37c laverene se steel wool 5c scrub brushes i7c crisco 19c 49c spaghetti or ready cut macaroni 3 11 floor wax 19 liqaid ptuo 27c floating carbolic jrrn soap spcu1 okr a okn 15 kh-m- allbran mcunn cup 2 pk 23 pl 20 aylmer tomato catsup ll 12oz btl clover leaf sockeye red salmon tin 21 ed5mith5 12qk jar lb chateau cheese t aylmer jellies midget mallows fig rolls chrt date sandwich layer cake oszsu cowans cocoa liptons tea l 36c 41c 46c 15c ii6c 17c i7c ik i7c i5c xoc in ho 2ftc fixmn grapefruit 5 23c swot jtj10y 0rah6es 2 doz 35c spinach 2 ontwo washxd carrots 4f0c fruit and vegetable mce until saturday night only 35 free delivery mamstoaftt georgetown

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