Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 19, 1941, p. 8

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 19th 1941 rmmmbs pure lard e pork sausage breakfast bacon boneless pot roasts machine smced 3 km 25c 2 lb 35c lb 29c lb 9c porterhouse or wing roasts lb 28c blade or shoulder roasts lb 2qc keixoggs allbran large box 23c 2for 21c muffets javel water fresh prunes westons mixed biscuits readycut macaroni 1 large oxydol and 1 medium size oxydol all for quaker corn flakes interlake toilet tissue aylmer tomato juice 26 oz tin york brand no 4 choice quality peas 20 oz tins 3 or 13c 3 1b 29c 2 lb 29c 3 1b 13c 23c 2 for 15c 3 for 25c 10c doz 25c oranges medium size california lemons 6 for 15c texan extra large grapefruit 4 for 25c new cabbage lb 7c fresh carrots ontario no onions cooking 6 1b 25c cooking apples 6 qt bskt 25c c j buck phone 28w georgetown oalton cattle go to us i think that i shall neer i a billboard lovely as a tree mr edward oneal palmy fajpehaps unless the bluboarda tall recently purchased twentynine head m never see a purebread bnlstetoftiesian cattle nash from breeders in the counties of i baldnnand wentworth wellington peel hmlton r glimpses of parliament kfetaardeon caledonia floyd becker ayr w j pnuer streetoyflle h warren bean new dundee hugo fergus henry bowman geo r bell chanfbrd m- snyder waterloo f noml john taylor bnterole farm kitchen er samuel roth baden locamiews the wjotu will meet at the home of mrs c freure arietta sl tuesday maroh25th at 3 pan net proceeds to date from the community bridge and euchre parties and the basket of groceries draw amount to 8800 the womenv institute is hold ing a euchre at the legion rooms tin tueaday march 36th at 8 pm re freshments everybody welcome ad mission 38v 2t mrs j oraham holding ticket no 218a won the wrist watch given as door prise at the st patricks keno held monday night in holy cros hall m many sections of canada white diarrhea in baby chicks u more pre valent now than for many years past so safeguard your own crocks by adding a small amount of wampotes hygeol to their dally supply of drink ing waterrtnit do not use mental con tainers this safe powerful germkill ing antiseptic has many other use and is available here in 3sc and 90c sizes mtfocormackb drug- store verdun rebekah lodge has con tributed 25 0o part of the proceeds from their recent birthday party to the war victims fund of the re bekah assembly to help the ontario lodges in their pledge of 11 000 0q the minstrel show and dance sponsored by ballinafad community in aid of the red cross originally sche duled for march 11th will be held next tuesday march 26th program wilt commence at 8 00 st admission 35 cents on display in the herald window this week is an egg brought to the office by mrs james carlisle of silver creek on the rounded end there is a raised portion which resembles- the letter e biddy is a little smarter than ii duoe she s putting her money on the winner i the yp u of a hgrove will hold a crokinole in thi church march 24 2 torj3c mr f mcdonald manager of the acton exclusu e shot store has re signed his position in that town and left last itk for his mw job with iht 2 bun 13c manor dtpar mciii sto t ntw toron to thb store i a brinch of silvers dpannunt stor uid s managed by mr na 1 an slher eouosing township federation of aerlculturt is holding meetings in ac ton town hail and hornby oringe hall on march 24th and at norval i pan sli hall march 25th at 8 pm standard time speakers at acton m m rob nson at hornby w breck on at norval p fisher come and brint your neighbour now is the time to heed the old adage about an ounce of prevention being better than a pound or cure and start putting a fjnall amount of wampoles hygeol in the drinking fo uitains to prevent your baby chicks ding on with while diarrhea often times the chick ts carrying the germ when hatched therefore treatment j should start with the first drinking lj nater dont use metal containers l hygeol is a dependable preventative and remedy for white diarrhea oet a 35c or 60c bottle here today mac cormacks drug store continued from page 1 new advertisements bsartkrs want t for two boarders all apply mrs m aider- son church and charles st ltp dlately the governments policy on wheal was announced this week but the discussion of wheat will doubtless be postponed until the entire farm prob lem can be discussed it is estimated that as of july 31st 1041 the domin ion government will own s75 million bushels of wheat at a cost of at least 400 million dollars and that it will cost miss shirley wright and mr russell store to rent living quarters above an john street 915 a month apply at herald office 3tp 2 oriental pattern rugs red back 9 ft x 12 ft and 4 ft x 6 ft 101 r 4 m by april 1st six room house with gooa garden apply herald office ltp far sale or exchange quantity of seed batoan oats original commercial no 1 toe sale will ex fvn for wood or sound work bone aggkly at herald office tp uve and dressed poultry market prions a barnett te son hut- totrfine pfaone brampton r 14 re- vetse charge- modem atx roomed senn4bstoned bmw newly doom bartw floors furnace heavy wiring po sob march 1mb apply kenneth m it tt sfac room bouse with all content- auoss esntxaby located pbone tift limehouse mrs john ellerby entertained quite a number of friends from the neigh bourhood at a euchre party on sat urday evening when seven tables of cards were played prises for high scores went to mr e miller and mrs jamieson while consolations fell a bsaotiful large front ioomground ftgjtf during day or phone 186 quean at least another 50 million dollars to store this wheat for the following twelve months it has therefore been decided to take steps to reduce the production of wheat a sufficient amount to prevent any increase in this large surplus to effect this result it is estimated that the sowing of wheat must be reduced to 6s per c of what was sown last year this will necessitate a reduction in the acreage of about nine million acres in many parts of the west wheat la the main crop and it necessarily follows that these western farmers must be paid temporary payment to tide those fanners over the transition period be tween the production of wheat and the production of other commodlttea it is proposed to pay mjoo per acre to a farmer who summerfallows bis reduced wheat acreage or part of it or s2j0 per acre if he sows the reduced wheat acreage to coarse grains or 200 per acre if he sows the reduced wheat acreage to grass or clover from these figures it is a simple matter of arith metic to dcaaonatretc the fact that these paymento jmnnot exceed 38 mil lion dollaro saadwould only amount to this amount if all of the 9 million acres ts summerfallowed much of it will be sown to coarse grains and to grasses with a consequent reduction of 200 per acre this proposal is costly enough without being exagger ated but i notice the qlobe and mail came out with a news story in part as follows the new wheat policy which will admittedly cost the country iso- ooojooo a year raised angry pre tests among ontario farmers to day and followed with an editorial equal ly misleading the select committee of the house to examine war ntpeadttura met this week for organisation purposes mr j t thoraon kjokp of man itoba was sleeted obalraan mr thor- on is a rhodes scholar and former dean of the law bcbool m hit prov- ii was derided to divide the about t or i too of good green mtasd nay got in without any ram on it jwy c v pww pboo h t ml w mcdonald during the evening mrs ellerby held a draw for a tea cosy which was won by mrs jonathan lane a good sum was reallxed for the community war work the committee of four in charge of raising money for the women s in stltutes war work for this month have set their objective at fifty dol lars they are holding a st patricks tea at the home of mrs b norrie on monday afternoon and a bingo at the scott home later in the week rev d d davidson preached the first of a series of two sermons in pre paration for the spring communion service on sunday last visitors in the community included mr and mrs arthur lane and mlseas dorothy and norma of toron to with his mother mrs r lane on suneay mr and mrs qarl scott and son garry of malton miss inez scott and mr bruce ournmer of oeorgotown visited mr and mrs jos scott on sunday messrs win and gordon grieg of brantford spent a few hours with miss ivens and the gales on sunday afternoon the march meeting of the w m b was held at the home of mrs a w benton on thursday evening mr and mrs fred wairrtiwj and mr hainan of kitchener visited mr and mrs beerman and family on march 9 letters recently received from two of our men over major oordon sutherland and sapper 8amoisby lett mem well and busy at time of writing social and personal mrs chariot gilbert of toronto was a recent visitor wttfa mr and scrs a reeve mrs l w dam has returned to toronto after spending the past two weeks visiting in town nursing sister helen lane of camp borden visited with her sister mrs fred sinclair over the week end miss myrtle vint had the misfortune to fall on the ice outside her home to day and fracture her right arm mr and mrs w h hu1 of brant ford spent the week end with mr and mrs t 8 hill king street the many friends of mr wnuam huggins will be glad to hear that he is able to be up for a little each day miss jean mackenzie and miss yvonne adams spent the weekend skiing at umbeiiost lodge hunts- vlue miss margaret guuvet who has been 111 in a toronto hospital is convalesc ing at the home of relatives in to ronto sunday visitors with mr and mrs walter t evans were miss margaret evans of woodbrldge and mr harold custan of brantford several georgetown people attended the annual carnival of the toronto j3katlng club which was held in maple leaf gardens last week from monday to friday oughts lancecorporal j at marshall lot canadian army brigade camp bor den was a visitor on monday with his friends mr and mrs w o an thony rev r c nunn of hamilton re cently returned from a year in the korea mission field preached at both services in georgetown united church last sunday pte bruce harley was home from camp borden for the weekend mr and mrs roy smale of free man spent last saturday in town with htr parents mr and mrs walter t evans pte merne dale of kitscoty al berta spent the weekend in town with his uncle mr leroy dale he was accompanied by pte gebert of florida both men are at present sta tloned at camp borden with the tank brigade the young peoples union of the united church motored to milton on monday night where they were entertained at a st patricks party put on by the young people of st pauls united church stltwarttown private 8 hunt or newmarket and ac gilbert hunt of jarvls spent a coupleoruays at their home last week miss kelsey and the pupils of stew- arttown school put on a very enjoy able evening last friday the chair man sgt major murray introduced mr wright of acton who showed first slides of the before and after variety these were pictures of the houses barns end properties that en tered the contest held in 1940 by the home improvement club these were followed by moving pictures of the visit to canada of their majesties king oeorge vi and queen mixataetfa then some pictures of shirley temple and charlie chaplin were shown the junior red cross had a quilt on which they had sold tickets a draw was made and the lucky win ner was mrs norman devereaux coffee and hot dogs were sold at the conclusion of the program the pro ceeds wul go toward red cross work at the request of ttm king and the bishop of this diocese the service at st johns qhurch next sunday after noon wul be one of intercession far peace and victory in this war every body is invited to attend the servtcei ashgrove week the ashgrove ypu held patrick social on monday march 17th in the ninasiaw of i church miss b snore conducted short worship service after which miss shore and lflss marlon dick enter tained with games and contests bee local news re young peoples crokinole union owing to the short course on nurs ing held at stewarttown the last two weeks in february the ashgrove wj postponed the regular february meet ing until march 13th when miss elsie bird opened her home for the occa sion mrs a speight of georgetown was the guest speaker and gave an interesting address on winston churchill mrs hector bird favored with a vocal solo after which mrs w bird conducted a contest miss reta fisher mrs francis thompson and miss isabel wrigglesworth were a committee appointed to plan a social for later in march a nominating committee consisting of mrs hector bird mrs w brownridge mrs f wilson and mrs russel hepburn will draft a slate of officers for 194142 to be presented at the april meeting a social half hour was enjoyed at the close whtn the hostess and lunch com mlltee served a dainty lunch the april meeting will be held at the home of mrs milton bird mrs walter brownridge mrs frank wilson and mrs john bellbody at tended the halton presbyteiial held m acton united church on friday march 14th another pleasant evening was en joed by the euchre club on wed nesday night march 12th when mr and mrs hector bird entertained miss elsie bird and mr frank wilson won the prizes messrs wilfred bird and frank ruddell attended the threshermen b convention held in hamilton last the red cross society held their regular monthly jneetlng at the noma of mrs joe hoar this afternoon a quilt was quilted as well as other sewing done the terra ootta junior institute held their march meeting at the home of mrs prod lyons on satur day afternoon the chief feature of this meeting was miscellaneous shower in honour of one of the mem bers mrs mufred lorell the former norma hunter mrs lpvell watf the first president of the institute and has always taken an active part in the institute work a mock weddms was staged by misses marjorle site- kane georglna socles helen youac and mrs john mcouaongh a very attractive lunch was served at the close several of the ladles front union attended the shamrock tea in nerval presbyterian church on friday after noon mrs houck of brampton was the chief speaker the union wa are nbldtor a spring tea at the home of mrs t f macdonald on march 38th mm roger guyot glen williams wul he guest speaker t buy war savings cetrlflcates and help win the war remember you too car serve by saving notice henceforth all taxes and water rates will be payable at mv office and not at the municipal of fice dated this llth day of march 1941 kenneth m langdon subscribe now to your nsssute magazines amd this newspaper at a bargain price the thrifty economical way to5ub3crikt0thbntw5paper ndyour mvourite magazines at sehsatiohaily low prices wm nmfet stu of djfferanthranonet of war expenditures tt baa bean taf- that aavh of tme three armed an land and naval wffl be jy and that two other vffl daal wtttt mta- niuons and supply and general war services public null mi wm ftnt be held to be followed by meeunga to camera when confidential tafonnation might be disclosed which would be ltp useful to the balunafad mrs john snow is at present a patient hi onatph oeneral hospital we are glad to report she is imj log ntoaty from an opemtton which tsexe was ft good re of our wjfjs mattban at the halton preshyterial which wan hold in acton united obnrch last friday splendid d ware given by scra hugh taylor and lata dr gordon agnew mi and mrs d j sinclair attend ed the funeral of the jate itabari ift who was prominent in sporting circlet in toronto last friday mrs swindletrurst is vbrinag with her daughter mrs sidney reyes dunnvllie a euchre and dance win be held friday evening in the hall the pro ceeds wfll be for the red qrosm the draw will take place for a quilt tbeae offers are good for new or renewal orders it will pay you to look them over and tend us the coupon today allfamily offer this newspaper 1 year and yoor choice any three of these pubhcattooa check thkeb magazines en clo sb with obdeh 1 maclean magulns 1 yr j american mm grower 1 yt w4l i 1 chatelaine 1 yr 1 canadian horn journal 1 yr i canada poultry review 1 yr j g sjajf aaf national home monthly 1 yr canadian horticulture and i american girl a mot m m american boy 6 mo home 1 yr supervalue offer this newspaper 1 year and your choice of one magazine in uroup a and twu magazines in roop b mark an x bsforc the magazines you desire okour a gkotjp b magazine digest mos i maclean magazine 1 yr 1 1 true story 1 yr t j chatelaine 1 yr all four silver screen 1 yr canadian home journal 1 yr oni v national home monthly 1 yr christian herald mos fact digest l yr canadian hortleulturt and science and discovery 1 yr home 1 rr 1 1 mccall magazine 1 yr i i koo ana uun i yr t 1 wa p t 1 parent magazine f moa i i american fruit urower l yr vj i m mm 3 1 1 open roatttdr boy 1 yr i 1 canada poultry review 1 yr w t home art needlecraft 1 yr american boy 6 mot 1 screeoland yr american girl s mos i it i n amarlotn om l jr cbna ufm jr 85 nmimiii hsmid l jr subscribers phase est pric changes is ear nwrfazim otfif tractive from thb date or the georgetown herald c

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