Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 2, 1941, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyfourth year of publication wednesday evening april 2nd 1941 si so per annum in advance 2 00 to usa bit they offer all 1 maclaren and mccartney head war services fund committee officers and captains chosen at meeting i with celebration april 12th 250 district a meeting was held in the legion rooms on monday evening for the purpose of laying plans for the cana dlan war services fund drive for i 5500 000 georgetown 6 quota has i been placed at 2500 and the com mlttee which was chosen at ate meet ing expressed confldeiwexhat the citizens would donate generously and tlds community over the top in the campaign mayor joseph gibbons in opening the meeting explained the purpose of tbe fund which 1b to be shared by hie canadian legion salvation army yjcjoa yw knights of oo- jammitand wesferhtfatiches ofttae tjo jxb all -these- organisations are devoting themselves to auxiliary war services both in canada and over seas and instead of making separate appeals for funds they are making one united appeal for money tfcds year sir gibbons introduced mr leroy dale president of the georgetown red cross society snd g w mcuntook treasurer of the organisation who both b4pressed their interest m the cam paign and their best wishes for its drive will end quota for this hie district covered by the local committee co balhnafad to the sase line and nerval to the 4th line lit alex maclaren was chosen chair man of the committee with mr fred meoartaey president of branch 120 y tifg as vicechairman h o meclure and a c welk are ser- oanttnued on page 5 macd0nald- anguish wedding last week on wednesday march 26 lieut alan graham macdonald of the dut ferln c haldlmand regiment was married to marlon corinne only daughter of mr and mrs fred an guish in a quiet ceremony at the brides home with rev f o overend officiating miss evelyn tumbull of atwood played the wedding music the bride was given in marriage by her -father- and w a p tlua afternoon dress with a rose hat match ing accessories and a corsage of sweetheart roses and sweet peas she was attended by miss bernice mac- donald sister of the groom who wore a french beige crepe dress wtth brown accessories and a blue spring corsage the groomsman was the bride a bro ther mr howard anguish after the wedding a reception was held at the brides home where her mother wearing a navy crepe dress and navy accessories with a oorsage of sunset roses received she was as sisted br the groom s mother who was gowned in blue crepe with accessories and her dowers were yel low rosea later a dinner was serv ed at hunters inn following which the couple left by motor for montreal and eastern points caledon councillor dies was the brother of georgetown woman member of caledon township ooun u for three years and trustee on the board of 8 s no 6 caledon for nine years norman ernest storey 48 died at tjord dufferin hospital orange- rise last thursdays where he had undergone an operation for appendicl- tla mr storey was bom in amaranth w township and moved with his par em to mono mula for the past eighteen years he had farmed in cale- don township be was an active wor user m community affairs and bad been instrumental in the rebuilding of tbe oaledon community ball he was a conservative in politics and a mem feer jtt alton iaxxx and mono mills 3reoeptary he is survived by his wife jemima 3at and three sons cecf efcner and victor two brothers clifford of caledon and fred of bairte and three atsteta mrs bdlth ostrander of georgetown mrs f marshall moose aw saskatchewan and mrs stanley wi barrie fire brigade holds dance for the war victimfund bm o fne imrt i spon- acred dance m b aene la wj aiming to aid of the herald nssml a air erowd mul out la dan to the modern end tina music provided by dork and have bun added to the g bat of h w to war wiottm tuoa the georgetown herald brttuh war victims fund previously acknowledged tor- warded to toronto evanlng tvlegrani fund 43 mrs w a johnston ijoo mrs james a crabtree ijoo raffle by fred mooartney at branch 130 cana dian legion 540 mrs w maybanea 44 proceeds of social evening at the home of mrs a carter 740 pool that was not collected at beeumonts mm olen williams uo prooeeds from oommunlty bridge buchre and oro- cery draw committee mrs p p blackburn mrs ann lewson mrs w e nodweu mrs h c mocaure s p chap man 10044 mrs m a bally stowarttown ijoo b myth olen wullama ijoo total march so lau mrs w maybanka 46 mrs w o anthony u miss j i young baoinaad 1044 georgetown ftra brigade iauu of dance m arena march 9kb 4444 mr john osftena m0 mrs j do and mrs wm miner proceeds of suehaa party van march u 1040 lb manor of mother and brother kmed in the lest war 440 total april and 4 4a a officer of health advises municipal garbage disposal system annual meeting of canadian legion the annual meeting and election of officers of branch 130 canadian le gion was held last thursday march 27th in the legion rooms the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year honorary presidents capc sutherland and l e fleck past president lit col o oousens president j f mccartney 1st vicepresident dr r lear month 2nd vice president- fred armstrong secretary h harlow treasurer t p orieve chairman entertainment committee ir muir chalmin house committee chairman publicity and transporia hon committee s b groat canteen f gilmer sgt atanns a henney standard bearers h watkins and merry day auditors s p chapman and grant w marjot rasch speaks to w ct u kitn dolson oratory win neb also presen at march meeting by the press secretary the wctu met tuesday march 2th at the home of mrs o ferum with the president mrs r h wright in the chair mrs a reeve led in the devotional period taking ashfee subject of study psalm h davids prayer at a tune when as a fugitive from the jealous king saul and fearing betrayal by me people to whose land he bad fled he found comfort and courage in the trust that god who upholdest the upright would be his defence and de liverer 1 following a brief period of business the president introduced as guest speaker miss maroot rasch formerly of utreoht holland the w15ather our first week of spring has been quite normal with freesug tempera- tures at night and bright warm sun shine in day time just the kind of weather to start the sap running for those fortunate enough to he able to make maple syrup or sugar the old snow has pretty well disappeared ex cept in places where shaded from the sun and there has been no rain or new snow for the whole week with the wonderfully fine covering of snow it has had all winter fall wheat and all low vegetation has come through the winter as frtsh and green as when the early snow covered miss rasch after completing her nurses training three years ago left i fall and march has gone out as her native land to see something of j ffentle as a lamb the world and because she had a are the local records for the friends in canada decided that would w be a good place to begin j dat in a most entertaining and informal mon march 24 the mens bridge club met on talk the speaker gave an interesting tues march 25 monday evening in glen williams at informative review of observations she wed march 26 the home of mr j r williams cam m sinclair and harry wright had high continued on page 8 scores for the night two toronto men jailed for attack on harry chu third man absolved case heard monday in milton court lyall rogers toronto was sentenc ed to three months hard labour in halton county jail by magistrate w f woodlifte in milton last monday when he appeared on a charge of wounding patrick mccarthy toron to taxi driver drew a sentence of 90 days in jail when he appeared on a similar charge while a fflmpttn joseph wright was found not guilty the three men were arrested on saturday mnmirag marrh eml tftr a razor attack on harry chu proprie tor of the golden gate cafe aocordv ing to the evidence given the three men entered the restaurant and after ordering sandwiches mccarthy and rogers followed chu into the kitchen while mccarthy held the victim rogers produced a razor and inflicted a long out in his throat joe park an employee at the golden gate was un able to assist his employer the two then escaped in their car leaving wright who had taken no part in the attack in the restaurant they were arrested a few hours later provincial police it was learned that rogers had come to georgetown seeking revenge on a former employee of the george town cafe who had been instrumental in having his girl friend arrested on a charge of theft going to the restaur ant he asked about the whereabouts of a certain jhn chew mooarttiy said that chu became flustered and while wright remained at the table the other two followed chu to the kitchen where the attack took place you went to georgetown with the sole purpose of terrorizing a chinese taking with you a razor a very dan gerous weapon declared magistrate woodllffe in sentencing rogers in the case of mccarthy magistrate woodllffe said his reason for partid pa ting was inexcusable w i dick acted for the crown j p sam of wlarton interpreted the evidence of both chu and park allan mccullotigh ba the following has been copted from the tacoma washington daily paper allan mocuuough 78 pioneer rest dent of tacoma and a foriner well- known mining engineer and metal lurgist died at his homer 1mk so sprague ave saturday march bth a native of canada he came to the dty 68 years ago he was reported u have seen some military service dur lng the boer war in south africa but seldom spoke of it at the turn of by the century he was prominent in local mining circles but waa inactive during his later years a widower his only surviving relative is a sister charlotte moouhough wilson georgetown ontario nsnmd the funeral service was held cram mellm- gers funeral chapel on tuesday mar llth at 2 is and was conducted by rev w a moore interment took place at oafcwood cemetery tacoma mr mocuuough whose father emi grating from ireland settled in the 8th line farm where mr and mrs w a wilson now reside was bom there and went west when a young man a sister mrs margaret jane starrett passed away last month at the home of her son w akin starrett presents annual report to council 10 to w service fund parking restrictions on mill street accounts passed p the privies and garbage dump tra our park do not give visitors a good impression of town sanitation the de velopment of a municipal garbage col lection service with some modern me thod of disposal will correct the latter it a low cost said dr c t william last night as he presented his annual report for 1940 to the town council dr williams who has been for years active in the apmpwlgn for a sewage system has decided that it la inadvisable to do anything about until after the war but he does be lieve that an immediate remedy should be found for the garbage vspfirsi problem in georgetown at the pres ent time the main town dump is located in the park and compjalntfl have been received from residents of the neighbourhood that waste paper blows into their yards from the dump if the town is not going to con sider a complete system of garbage collection it might be an improvement to license garbage conveyors stated dr williams in this way a check could be maintained on those who caelessly dumped refuse where it would blow about and cause trouble the council in discussing the mat ter late left the question of beauti fying the park dump with the pro- perty committee suggestions that it be fenced with snow fence and that evergreen trees be planted to encircle it were made and left with the com mittee for decision good health in town the report spoke highly of health conditions in town showing 90 of public school children immunized against diphtheria and 86 against smallpox he regretted that the dental inspection work undertaken by the georgetown lions club in 1930 had not been continued last year as he felt it had been a worthawhile health measure mention was made of the pollution at times of the town water supply of ll sa sent to toronto for ex- amination in 1940 oiily grade a a solution for the problem is not easy and so far the iwnrtiae been forunate in being able to tram no slokness which could be proved as due to the water cbjarlnatlon would clear up the situation but chjorinatlon is dimoult in a place continued on page 8 thura march 27 fri march 28 sat march 29 sun march 30 man march 31 h and la temp 44 24 19 34 18 14 0uuu of thanks mr and ito robert m6ery wl to express their deep appreciation of the irtrwtness and sympethy shown by friends sad uiitjliiriiira through the loss of their home by firs these deeds wis ever bs greatly hawtetiiiewind an appaallng story by helen topping miller author of wmsprinfl ilvar 5fonn ogr con ut ms die tossdoy llus morigolds vlrgje morgan and her daughter mariin indertske to manage a pulp mill to the cars- lists saoontain country but labor trottbles break oat and onscnipaloiis enemies sppear with saspense romance and a group of fnfly rounded characters yoatl thrill to evsty instalimeni of bswk fai the wind one ef mrs millers stoat exdtiag novel srially in this paper celebrated birthday anniversary a very happy time was spent at the home of mr and mrs w j henry recently when a number of relatives gathered to assist in celebraiblng the 87th birthday anniversary of the lat ter a mother mrs elizabeth henry at the present time mrs henry is the oldest resident of cheltenham district and despite her advanced years she is enjoying excellent health and takes an active interest in the general af fairs of the district she makes her home at the home of a daughter mrs wil hutchinson and enjoys meet ing her relatives and mends from time to time mrs henry was bom on the fourth hne west cttnguaoousy and has spent her entire life in the hnmedlate vicinity of her birth at the anniversary a sumptuous din ner was enjoyed the table holding a continued on page 8 tl leslie awarded meritorious diplomaby agricultural society thomas l usui arha waa a tt aamallsaa cartlfkata car aanice ts asjrlaal- tav at a mesttns at a tsfia las afrledtanl sacmr dtrotera last fruar najit all aervlcee at 440 olosxk mfcbdar aura 7th baptist ohtrrcb yaudg peoples service tueedagr april 4th bias ctmroh rev f o orerand riianjlei fedtaaaday am 4th tadtsd ctvnreh rev w o thuraoat aorfl 10th ocrareh bar o d d plasetf er a o invitation la camdad to an um people of oeoravlowb and vle- inttv to attend thaw aarvioaa onr the gov with the heat same of htanonr roe to alan a aflaoartbdr ef oan tma4t qalttomla who in hta win namedabc mu to be his pahbeavers bo thev wit cany me to the and third certificate alsbasz awarded by socdtty ipmday evador mr and mrs walter y opened their borne for a sodal 8therta by the directors of eaouos- tog agricultural society at which mr vbj of honor atf or the past three years the ontario department aalcuv ture has given a meritorious certifi cate to be awarded by the local aerl outtural societies to members vrho have given of their time and labour in the promotion of the ao- clmy and agriculture in general the nnt and second certifloates went to w a wilson and p w cleave and ana year the award went to t l leslie who has been a director of the society for a number of years prior to the presentation eaohr was enjoyed by those present attar whiob mr w a wilson retiring tjk trlot no s director in a few wen chosen words presented mr leans warn the framed diploma other directors oongmtidatlng mr wishing hbn many mora yeara of mice in the intercuts of aerloulbn in replying mr leslie thantpd ttiaoas spo for awarding the oatttbcaa him and drteny cited the advances made along agrlooltarel unea the past fifty yean refreshments were then served af ter wbkbavoteof thanks was moved to mr and mia any for than- hos pitality in opening their home far aha gathering of the lair baud among the dheoton present were president barb cleave nank mob p w cleave o m mntrntraw o mcouvray t l leslie w a wneon oscar lurch oecfl orilshersr bbaoeer wilson w o anthony walter any social cvknbro df bono oomwlfs alw prior to her marrlaflt lieut alan maroawm mas angnlsh waa the jpawa of i heata by the of the i a sodal evening

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