Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 14, 1941, p. 6

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v the georgetown herald wednesday evening may 14th 1941 item of interest to is the local farmer our farm page field pas as a farm crop the acreage devoted to the produc tion of field pease in ontario has mduaby decreased during the past forty years until this crop now oe- ftries a relatively unimportant place cgocept in a few scattered districts on these districts however the crop being flavoured as a rule with good and good markets is held in high m spite of the apparent lack of ta- ftarest to this crop a comparison of tihe narket value of different crops grown to the province shows that the value per acre of field pease enjoysja higher mrccasb than does that of either barley or oats by taking the average at a fiveyear period the value of an acre of peas at prevailing prices was trnv- at tl6 the acre vakoe of bariey was taeo while that of oats mas 1180 says dr lh new nan dominion oereattst central ex perimental farm ottawa one of the objections to the growing cf peas has been the difficulty entail ed in harvesting not only is the crop ouffcult to handle hot the losses ttvough shentog when harvesting takes place in the usual way are of ten serious this harvesting difficul ty may be o where a small combine is used as such a machine is capable of i up and threshing the crop without much difficulty and with very little kiss of grain where a combine is used the crop should be left until dead ripe field pease are grown chiefly for tbt making of pea soup it is esttma ted that the city of montreal atone re- cjolree about 135 car toads each year for pea soup recently a new method of joqpmalrtng has male its appearance whereby peas which will not boll sat isfactorily may he used this method posabhr may provide a new outlet for the crop there is always more or less demand for peas for sowing in groin mixtures sere they are used to increase the protein content of the resulting crop jtnee peas are approximately three times as rich in protein as either oats or barley where maximum produc tion of protein is desired results at the central e farm ot tawa indicate that this may be at tained by growing peas alone any de- atred gram mixture for feeding pur poses may be made up later the value of pea straw especially jar feeding sheep has long been rec ognised when harvested and cured properly especially if cut a little on the green side and then housed or tacked caref udy pea straw is con atdered almost the equal of hay as a soiling crop in conjunction with some other grain such as oats peas are highly prized owing to the large yield of rich succulent fodder obtained the value of a green crop of peas and oats for feeding dairy cat tle when pastures became short is widely appreciated as a gatherer of nitrogen from the air pease like other leguminous crops are especially valuable they may be grown satisfactorily on a variety of sous but appear to do best on good clay loams which are well supplied with hrne and well drained pease in the ottawa valley appear to give best re turns when sown on fall ploughed sod one of the reasons for this probably is that pease cannot compete well with weeds and fall ploughed sod is likely to be relatively clean the most popular varieties in on tario at the present time are chan cellar arthur and ojlc 181 a fourth variety known as early blue usually yields well in areas to which it is ad anted namely on soils where the ateaw of other varieties is liable to grow too long the quantity of seed peas required per acre varies a good deal with the variety the usual practice is to sow small seeded varieties such as chan cellor and oaxj 161 at 3 bushels per acre while the larger seeded varieties aucn as arthur usually are sown at about three bushels may 18th best time to plant potatoes later plantings beaou in lower yields ontario dept of agriculture tests show when is the proper time to plant potatoes results of experiments conducted in middlesex and south simcoe indicate chat from the 18th to the 26th of may the most desirable time to plant says 4he ont dept of agriculture these results are supported by similar finds at the ontario agricultural col lege ouelph and the central experi mental farm ottawa the tests showed that potatoes plan ted may 18th yielded 374 bushels of marketable potatoes per acre the yield dropped to 248 bushels per acre when planted may 25th and 224 bush els when planted june 2 potatoes planted june 10th showed an average of only 198 bushels per acre the value of proper and consistent spraying has also become an estab- thb things that matter prime minister menzles of australia all i want to do is to say to myself as i invite every man in public life all over the british world to say to bjknself day by days am x so utterly convinced that x must put everything i have into this task that x will spare no effort that i will never spare my self in order to have victory i need not say to you but i must aay it to myself and repeat it to myself constantly that nothing else matters except that we should live when this war is over in a free world to the kind of world in which we want to live what does it matter if we come out into that world bankrupt what does it matter if we come out into that world with lower standards of material uvtog than we have now what doss tt matter tf to that world the rich are not so rich what does tt matter if to the last resort the fraj of alstmlllwftlilii that i world becomes the onsmnst of sharing new and honorable poverty these things do not matter the only thins that matters to free r tfaatrse policies under which they fere atiafi to the policies that they tbemaerres devised as the represent xaatrat of their ova people oanadtao boom of oo may tow 1ml sh antoa otf the highways attwrttno to health and aw an lev ps ushed fact spray and dust experi ments with potatoes at ridgetown ex perimental farm for eight successive years have shown that plots thorough ly sprayed and dusted five times dur ing the growing season gave an aver age yield of approximately 28 per cent more marketable potatoes than un- sprayed or undusted plots there is no staple article of food brought into the average home that has greater appewto the housewife than good bright clean potatoes of a uniform size and free from bruises and diseases how courteous is the japanese he always says excuse me please he climbs into his neighbors garden and amlles and says x beg your par don he bows and grins a friendly grin and calls his hungry family in he grins erutbows a friendly bow so sorry this my garden now old bffla column ville chronicle in the dunn- then and now turning the pages of the georgetown herald may 4th 19x1 on his way to vancouver mr george molten was suddenly stricken h appendicitis and was operated at winnipeg general hosplial there was a weumtended meeting of the chamber of commerce at the town hall last friday evening mat ters of importance pertaining to the future welfare of the town were dls cussed an item in the umehouse news states that the baseball olub organ ized with the following officers for 1921 president wto oowdy vice- president s h hurst manager w s mcdowell secretary trees wm mllliere word was received on monday that mrs sam hajrop who with her hus band and family moved to england last summer had died at westhohne north wales on saturday in 921 the georgetown and glen williams oboperatlve society ltd was selling quality bread at only lie per loaf potatoes were selling at 78c per bag tea at 3 lb for 100 playing at the rex theatre this week lon chaney in the miracle man convlct no 13 with buster keaton among our advertisers barnhllls nerval j j oibbens cut rate cash ac carry m b nicholson advertising oraydort motor cars p l mcder- mott cleaning and pressing a hlr- sohorn ladies wear now is now a mr george mclean sldent of the west the old home on guelgavstreet being broken up on the death of his mother the flat jennie mclean the chamber of commerce is another organization that fell by the way and is no longer functioning wm oowdy president of the 1901 llmehouse baseball club still resides in the village 8 h hurst passed away a year ago w o mcdowell is in the trucking business in georgetown while wm mllliere is now operator at the cna edwin harrop whose mother passed away to england is a member of the esquestog township oounoil of today bread is now sell ing anywhere from 8 to 10 cents per loaf today potatoes 100 a bag end tea 38o and 40c per pound lon chaney the most famous character actor is dead and his place is now be ing taken in the movies by lon cha ney jr buster keaton can still be seen in the comic roles none of the advertisers mentioned are to business in georgetown today although barn lulls store in nerval is still operated by ed did that soldier attempt to kiss you last night why mother you dont think he came all the way from camp borden just to listen to our radio do you every auto accident concerns every motorist it affects the rate of bis automobile insurance the bray chick does thetrick a bray chicks an real i makers 1 can prove lt place your order he 100 bwj dv uvery guarantetd george c brown phone geor so r tt wooumowemommmnlnn c obtain 8mb ana twto tnm local livestock trackers of ffl ikon mndun ammnm wool ojuwma uubd t7 bay street nrtc canada calls canada has reason to count her blessings in these days ftrial canada is three thousand miles away from the sound of guns which are devastating europe the broad atlantic ocean rolls between us and the ruthless savagery of the german armies the strongest fleets in the world british american and canadian patrol the sea between us and the enemy 1 we have a great friendly nation probably the richest and most powerful in the world at our side canada can afford her sacrifices this war is a mechanized war we have the nickel copper lead zinc and other metals the war industries need we have access to the iron we can make the steel we have the organized industries to fabricate these metals and make the trucks and tanks and guns and planes and the ships we have skilled workers and the plants for mass production canada has the wheat and the food supplies let us count onr blessings and tighten our belts canada is rich one of the richest countries per head of popula tion in the world let us lend our strength to the utmost of our power our national future depends upon victory we must win to live there will be further calls there have been many calls upon the people of this country for money since canada entered the war at the side of great britain there will be further calls let ns face the future unafraid canada can carry the load but every canadian must shoulder his and her share this is the most critical hour in our history let the future historians say of canada as they will say of our mother country this was their finest hour get under your load and lift department of f i n a n c i ca ha o a ci

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