Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 14, 1941, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening may 14th 1941 hawk in the wind by helen topping miller you ve miaseclyour roaa she said this is nothing but a woods trail youll have trouble jsath that heavy car tf you try to gojfhy eur ther we re looking for a piece of- land formerly ajvned by a man named pruitt the taller of the pair said they were city men of a type vir gie mqrgan knew well all one tint of gray close shaven milled like dollars the cautious click of shrewd finance in their voices tom s land is on the other side of the ridge virgie told them you u have to walk threequarters of a mile do you belong to that phillips outfit they defaulted on everything they bought in this coun try we the older man had thin lips and a mouth that shut like a trap are victims of the phillips outfit virgie kept silent very likely these were some of the crowd who had put up the money to back phil ups obviously they had no idea who she was they thought her a quaint mountain character proba bly so she kept to the part starirg dully and curiously at them as mountain people did slamming her worn gears she drove on up the ridge turning south at her line and bumping acyoss a tony meadow sun washed and pleasant she found her foresters eating their lunch their legs dangling from the muddy tail of their truck she shared their lukewarm coffee in apected the damp little hillocks where baby spruce stood and shiv red feeling their cold small be wildered roots groping in strange chill darkness i hope we get a snow so they dont dry out too fast she said we heard a car a while back one of the men said see anybody down that way mis morgan i was going to speak about that virgie screwed the lid on a thermos bottle much obliged you boys i meant to get home for luneh but i got delayed as usual about that car i saw em and i want you to quit earl you too joe knock off before three leave the truck here and go over the other side down toward little fork theres a piece of hardwood down therea hundred and sixtyodd acres take a good look at it and call me up to night pruitts stuff eh said joe who knew these timbered slopes and ridges as well as virgie did it used to be pruitts stuff some things up and im not going to let tom be gypped by another bunch of allck talkers with blueprints in their hands and black iniquity in their minds dont call up till after sev en hear and don t talk to any body but me about this business sure boss we understand you dont want it mentioned to pruitt then m talk to pruftt crank this old caboose for me will you she was blinking so absorbedly as she drove in at the gate pf the plant that she ran over a steam hose and ripped a sizable sliver from the corner of the toolhouse before she came to and stopped the truck tom pruitt heard the impact of her arrival and came slouching out of the back shed picking gum off the palms of his hands anybody else bust up the prem ises like that and youd fire him he drawled amiably that steering gear busted oh shut upl grumbled virgie climbingodown stiffly she was irritated by tom no man so huge should be so naive so helpless whoever stuck that shanty out there in the way must have thought wed be hauling stuff in here in ox carts forever virgie continued to fume as she tramped into the office tom opened the door for her i reckon dave put it there he aid calmly come in here virgie ordered tom followed her obediently and began punching at the stove vir gie made a complicated task out of getting her hat off and her desk opened she did not look at tom she was exasperated and when her temper got the upper hand her tongue slipped and she did not want it to slip she had to bay the right thing to tom who was so helpless in the presence of law and finance and the crisscross web men weave wo strands to hide the simple intent of their acts stt down directed vragie and dont squirm lucy you go out and get the time slips pruitt and 1 have got business to talk over lucy rose meekly put on her coat ow soon shall i come back mrs morgan fifteen minutes is all 1 need and if you hang around that labora tory walk in the i ome before you come back in there may be worse smells thaq young dan iela invents but satan has got a monopoly on em tom draped bis long legs over a stool and twisted his hat i reckon you found a seeder tree cut that hadnt ought to be cut he said i expect i done it virgie swiveled her chair around the darkened leather cushion on the back of it still held the print of david morgans lean shoulder- blades imnot going to talk about mor gan trees she said i want to talk about yours do you know any- thing about that property of yours over the ridge that hardwood tract what shape is it hi tom twisted the hat nervously i sold it way hack in 26 you knew about that i reckon i sold it to that phillips outfit they paid me the first payment they am t never paid anymore what sort of papers did you get have you got a hen theyre all in the safe dave put em away for me dave told me i d ought to foreclose then he got down and you know how we been ever sincewe ain t had time to think of nothing but keeping this here mill running virgie sighed it s my fault i suppose ive got to take care ot you just like ive got to take care of lossie and lucy out yonder and some more helpless people i got a good piece of money out of that land tom defended they defaulted on the contract didnt they the companys out ot existence it will take a lawsuit probably to repossess it but some body s interested in ft i met a couple of men bankers they looked cke up on the ridge they were asking the way to that piece you ve got over therewithal strip down ha zel fofk withuae big poplar on it you get ithose papers out tom and let me look into them tom lujhbered out of his chair there was one kind of action he could understand indorse and fol low strange men had been on his land land that virgie said was his i low them fellers better keep off over yonder he boomed his eyes dour i don t know no law but if thats my poplar them bank ers better keep off my place well youve got to have the pa pers first id have lucy open the safe for you but when lucy came back moon eyed and absent with a droop of unhappiness about her mouth vir gie regarded her with impatience lucy had been strung tight as a fid die lately making mistakes and be ing rushingly apologetic about them jumping when the telephone rang virgie knew what was the matter with lucy young stanley daniel was flattered by the sight of lucy s if thats my poplar them bank en better keep off my place little silver heart fluttering on her sleeve ha had grown arrogant and cagey lucy needed shaking so because she was disgusted with lucy s meekness virgie climaxed a day of exasperations by giving the girl a raise go out and buy yourself a new hat and some lipstick she ordered and if that young daniels is hang ing on the gate when you start home give him the back of your hand and your chin in the air i can do alt the moping we need in this pulp business lucy was tremulously grateful and husky it isn t that exactly mrs morgan it s oh everything old lamps and the rug wearing out and food costing so much i know virgie was gentle we had a sofa that flopped over and made a bed and my brother had to bleep on it it was always flopped down in the parlor when 1 had a beau don t let it get you down lucy at night joe and ed reported that the two strangers had walked ovei pruitt s land climbed back inn lit ir cai and gone away again ihe would hunt up her lawyer a soon as she had time virgie de tided and find out just what could be done for tom young mr branford wills was still seriously ill a halfdozen tele sjram had so far failed to locate mone who belonged to him or who n cht be inu rested in him virgie ad hint k worn s as we see it i j a strang during a recent sunday morning aervice tine bmn jost as i am without one plea was sung we had nt heard that hymn sung in church for a long tune its singing recalled to mind that it was a favorite hymn during those evangenatic services that were common some forty or more years ago it would be ait these ser vices that we first learned thai old hymn isnt it remarkable how words that are set to music stick in our memories we gbmettanes wonder way more young folk are not found at church services it is when we are young that those memories are form ed that stock with us tihrough life and if these younger folk don t learn these old hymns they will have missed something worth while perhaps if you were writing this column you would uever think of mentioning that an elderly gentleman aged 70 to be exact had dropped dead in a bloor street drug store recent ly however this gentleman was dif ferent back on sept 6th 1895 he was sentenced to he hanged for the murder of three people at valleyfleld quebec his sentence was changed to lite imprisonment and he spent sev eral years in a quebec prison then was moved to k penitentiary he was a model prisoner and later on was sent up to the jieformatory at ouelph where he was given the posi tion of head baker for that institu tion it was there that we met him as we were being shown through that institution he was a fine looking tall gentleman and wore a van dyke beard we had our son with us that day and knowing- that we were bakers he suggested to our son that going home he exceed the speed limit and get sent down and that he would then teach him the baking business later on he was paroled from guelph and white still having to report to the police regularly enjoyed his free dom he changfd his name to that of francis v cuthbert and conducted a small place or business on yonge st former friends who called to see him were never recognized and he always claimed that he had never seen them before he walked with the aid of a cane and wore a monocle surely a strange story but worth recording we are concluding our articles upon the subjeot of bread by using a poem that was written by miss edna jac ques formerly of vancouver but who is now living in toronto this poem first appeared in the vancouver pro vince and the title is a loaf of bread a lonely field set v ide to sun and sky brown furrows turned in crumbling rows to dry a hundred dawns to blaze above the land staunch hearts to love the soil and understand the high black night set with a mil lion stars the call of cattle at the milking bars- the scud of rain above the stoolinjr wheat the quavering waves of breathless noonday heat high winds that bear their clouds of choking dust new virgin soil to feed its greedy lust a hundred odors woven in the air trie rutted aoil the stubble brown and bare old farmhouse kitchens warm with firelight and swaying lanterns yellow in the night odd threshing crews and teams about the yard frost in the morning glittering white and hard the crunch of wagons on the froaen road the horses straining with their golden load men plodding weary miles to keep them warm the whining cry of wind before a storm it isn t only loaves of snowy bread its life and death and blood and bones instead a hundred failures sweat and toll and pain seed times and harvest sun and wind and rain only a loaf of bread baked white and sweet set in a bakeehop window by the street holding within lte crust the golden span of all the struggles in the life of man the fergus nenrareoord has been publishing some oldtime pictures during the last few months and as we happen to be a fergus old boy they are quite interesting to us re cently hugh templin who by the way is the editor of the newsrecord published a lacrosse group picture tak en at toronto around 1902 the fol lowing week he again published the same picture this time giving the natnes of many of the faces shown in the old picture we wish that hugh would publish it once more and give the nicknames this time and perhaps a short story of how those nicknames were given the owner we rather like nick names and they so often give us an idea of the personality of the own er that the real name would never convey just to give you an mea of how those nick names are attained we gave you this one which we can vouch for the lad was attending public school at the time his mother was active to the ladies am in their brnrrch and at noon had teer toy go- children calling home we know everyone of us that in the end all will girl broadcast these words to the british children and the iqnplre the speaker was the princess ella the children shown here and many more who have end all will be well and in the meantime while ing hour at home north americas young war guests forming a valuable link between those who fight in ing the tools the happy scenes presented in the casts of children calling home from the cities voices of british children to their parents in britain be well last october a 14yearold english school who had been sent to temporary homes in america abeth heir to the british throne her llsteenrs were no doubt in their brave young hearts that in the mothers and fathers and friends preserve their shin- are gaining in health experience and learning and britain to save democracy and those who are supply- cbcs pictures represent moments in recent broad- of canada once each month the cbc carries the ther some pies with his little wagon and he was to uike them to the churcn to be used at a luncheon in the church basement that afternoon the church was nex door to the school and the lad took one of the pies to school with him no a ery serious offence and yet to this day that young man is mill know as pie this all happen ed over thirty years ago and evn yet that young man often gets mall ad dressed to him as pie the writer ap parently thinking it hs correct name hajltov garage operator s abbociatlon activities now and greater enthusiasm is sweeping through the halton branch of the ontario garage operators as sociatlon to a much greater degree than at any time in its history this was shown by the attendance at the may meeting held thursday evening may 1st in the farmers hall at mil ton it is inspiring to the officers to have such a good attendance and so many members take an active part in the work the president mr j l mc- kindley presided the secretary re ported several items of business from provincial council while a large am ount of correspondence was read and reported on a general business per iod and discussion followed and in tense interest was displayed by all the members in the proceedings the big event of the evening was th educational part of the program provided by the raybestos brake lin ing co ltd represented by mr w h mccartney who gave a very instruct ive address on installation and the servicing of brakes and also explained in great detail brake trouble and how to best overcome it which provided plenty of food for thought a social half hour at the close brought one more evening to a very happy ending oklahoma man started collecting pencils because his wife was always losing hers and now he has more than 2000 pencus no bwo alike except perhaps that none of them are sharp ice ice ice phone 84 r 13 for ice service and get more for your money delivery anywhere in town and nearby villages a complete line of frost wire fences and supplies always on hand c e smith stewarttown phone georgetown 84 r 13 mark every gra manufacturer of distinctive monuments cemetery ttring corner posts and markers no agents to botiier yon no o mrn commtelons to pay designs submitted large assortment in stock buy direct from us oakville monument works 19 colborne st w on highway oakvuxe a card or letter win brine am- serrtoe to your door she took time to hope that iucy bad found a decent hat she ud not know that lucy was sit ting alone at home among- the rav- imtg and that stanley daniels was t that moment occupying a rocker in front of wallace withers ow wooovburning stove smoking one of wallacea fivecent cigars and think ing very well of hmwh continued next week brantford roofing withstands j4 time and weather jx o thirtysix years of satisfactory ervlce in our varied climate proves the quality of brantford roofing by using the finest materials skilled craftsmen have combined qualities of beauty and permanence along with weather proof and nreresistant features to give you outstanding value in brantford roots assure yourself of safety and comfort by specify tng brantford roofing 7 sold by rt dealmbvrywhre brantford lloofs brantfoni roofing company unibod mantkmb t omtauo the georgetown lumber co ltd

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