Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 28, 1941, p. 2

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the georgetown herald wodnewhy evening may 28th 1941 the georgetown herald news of georgetown nerval dies williams umenoose stewartawn balunafa4 and van ootla subscription rates canada si 50 a year united states 2 oojrsar single copies 3c advertising bates will be quoted on application v walter 0 bibhn oarfielo l mooilvrat leslie clark reginald broomhpad phone no 8 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec division of the owja the editors corner canada takes stock y it is the custom of most business concerns to have a regular stock taking when all asserts of the firm are checked in order to get a composite picture of the business it is just as important that a country from time to time take stock of itself tin order to ascertain its assets some of these are tangible population religion racial origin profession others are more- lntangitale in nature social conditions trade pausing when taken al together an accurate picture of the people and hie of the country can be tabulated it ls the custom in canada to take a census every ten years on june 2nd the eighth decennial oensus begins in thousands ot localities trained groups or censustakers will begin making house tohouse calls asking questions compiling a vast store of information in our national stock taking it is expected that from two to four weeks from june 2 will suffice in normal localities for the completion of the field vork after the third month it should be possible to give out the first results for many muni clpalities as to when the aibsolutely flnil count by orovmces for the entire dominion will be available unforeseen contingencies make pro pheciy difficult under ordinary circumstances the results should be ready before next christmas tlme the census as it concerns individuals u strictlj private the offl ru enumerator sworn to secrecy is entrusted to keep tnformntion given him ki lhe strictest confidence it b corrrpulsorj by law to answer the questions and refusal to answer a cmsus question is penalized by statute history of censustaking census taking dates from the dawn of civilization moses numbered the children of israel in the fifteenth centurj bc exodus xxx 12 lo numbers 12 4 and 47 4jii 14 16 iv 34 48 but statistical investigations were made mjfnj centuries larlier in babylonia 4000 bc in china 3000 bc in egypt i2500 bc i a census taken b king david in 1017 bc achieved ell notorittj in iilstorj from the divine wrath which it provoked n samutl xxiv l 25 i chronicles xxi 1 27 1 and was rittd lor many generations in opposition to the spirit of scien ttflc lrq iirs the census wah one of hit in tut ions founded b the great low giver solon at athens m the lxtti ctniuij bc the romans too were assiduous census takers both in drr the re mblic and the empire julius caesar reformed the census unong other things the brciarj of charlenjagne ad 808 ind the domffsdav book of william the con queroi ax 1086 are ctkbiated midiajiil cen ues later the census disftpp eared from europe it maj not be teiiualr known uu the credit of taking the first census o modern imts bt oiil o canidi the eir wis 1600 the w p i ce tl ere ind been larlier it do ind qubc 1608 but the im i al in mum ion of iht peopk un kc n fo i fixed di e show r i i n and conjugal condl ion of no o l sciii i i doc mint of 14 mgts in whh a iw is m the public arclilves at t n r co c 1 ouu witn it l recalled modern in ls di td on from tin ilhtetnth cci ur hos o france and en 4 h rid fiorn lie fr t ir of the nine teenui whllsl m tin ouutu states no tin ls of lit count rj m a whole was taken before 1 00 he achievenun of tht primi ne st lawrence colon infetituoiw alia u toda one of tht principal inm rumen ti of govtrnm in ever cm ized comm mi v mav call for more than passing appreciat on at confederation the br lsh north america act specifically men tioned the census and sa lsttco as falling within dominion as dls tinguished from provinc al jurisdiction section 91 the first dominion census act was passed in 1870 and the first census was taken every tenth year namely 1881 1891 1901 1921 and 1931 the census of june 2 1941 ls therefore the elghth comprehensive decennial census to be taken since confederation the administration of the census was originally vested in the minister of agriculture in 1912 however in a reorganization and centralization of the statistical work of the oovemtnent tt was transferred to the minister of trade and com merce who is accordingly promulgating the schedules and regulations of the present census cenau v is th i of tht co oi record of s ltrntnt i poi cen us of 1006 wta a as me it a record of ji j i u i lug u a u hte o rt t each per n i i s i no tht are i of pi o whr ottav a al o t n tha l europe the f i a great privilege it was distinctly an honor for the guests at the cedar crest opening last friday to have as their guest speaker such a distinguished scientist as dr cbertes h best this brilliant man s fame has already spread far beyond the confines of our dominion and his career is just beginning be is a young man to his late 30 s we should judge and it ls all one r that in a few short years one brain could have acoom- dr beat added another laurel to those which we knew he already wed it la often true that a great man who is at ease when talking shop with his own profession cannot translate his words into laymen s language dr beat to treating a complicated scientific subject so simply left out no essential details and yet made the whole process seem so easy hst a public school child could easily understand rt tbit in cum gave pa an insight into the character of the man truly reat there is no conceit about dr charlie there was no trace of false modesty be spoke as an authority who knew his subject but there was no smugness no hint of an im good and i know tt attitude which one sometimes sees in famous personagas la introducing himself he told of his days as a young medical stu dent when he spent a summer working at cedar crest with just the right touch of humour he sketched one or two incidents the time that be and his friend dr clark noble rolled all the greens twice in one day and had it explained to them by a msrnber of cedar crests labour onion that rolling the greens was a fourday job and again how at the time toe was here be was engaged to miss fttahon now the charming lbs beat who was summering in vancouver bach time a letter arrived lira mular would run up a flag over the olubhouse to flash the word to young ohsries best wherever he might be working on the course dr best has not forgotten his days at cedar crest he has been m the put a frequent visitor and has spent many hours of relaxation on sir wulougnbys beautiful golf course now we are to welcome him as a resident of the community on land behind the course which he purchased last year from mr job board a summer home is at present beta built where mrs best bandy and henry will spend their holi days joined as often as possmle by the doctor bene he can slip away from his multiple duties for a few hours and seek the relaxation that is needed by all men both great and small here we oecrgetownpeople will have the pleasure of intimately knowing a great ma and bis family if we jud hi tightly there will be only one sign on his door and that will be welcome legion wa thanked for parcel h tataef auxiliary to too oana- dfem lesion sent a parcel of itrsr laot january to tfae lord mayors na tional air raid dtatas fund in lon don bfrrti menfaer donated an arttcw of dotfctofc and tb parcel when hip ped lmetfied untty hl otictt prmtdent of ttia atoop toe uenelon houa london ec t uaroh slat 1mi mb u a often mmtnt ladtet amuaay ontaatn ulon bran 1 tut rjrzsu by the lord mayor to send you his sincere thanks for the gift which you were kind enough to send to london for the use of women and children who have suffered in ot sequence of enemy action the lord mayor wuv be gfcd tf his thanks will be conveyed to all the ladles participating in this gift tours fatthfully a w hqrtsbe secretary lord mayors national air raid distress fund sweet caporal jjakty5sb new demonstrator gosh how does this can opener work jyjinute iniatures brief backgrounds in j the careers of canada s captains of war rear admiral percy w neuea kcji chief of the naval staff young man in oonunan of a young navy hear admiral pcy walker nelles at 48 ls canada chief of na val staff and chairman of the chiefs of staff committee in the severest struggle of the etapires long history the man on the street ls beginning to be aware of what this country and in deed the entire commonwealth of nations owe to the foresight and energy of this brilliant and modest officer during the peacetime years directly preobedlng this war the foundation he laid made possible the amastng accomplishments that started with the drop of the hat when war was declared looking back at canada s prewar navy of fifteen vessels and realising ss we now do that with the u b neutrality regulations every item of war supply and equipment from the u as well as canada must leave this continent for the british isles via some canadian port canadian dusens today feel an eactraordtnary thrill over the first exchange of messages between oreat britain and canada s navy how soon the admiralty asked on the outbreak of war could the ca navy be ready to organise a oonrvoy to accompany merohara stupe out into tht allan ic admiral nelles replied is ow o l lit technical words to uiat iir ct s n po ntnun in 1934 to sue i d c mmodore hot as chief of i 1 s ilf admirtl ntlks had ls uallzed tut role his h e naj must 1 ij i of i ski i ton organization in b dinned to act is an i m trim n of i win oi uie moment j ik iaii cloins uitlurmt on the hori on shoald break in o the iiitviiabie erm hi s said to hae known per onnll b nami uen vessel afloat in c n ida pmiue mrrctim t pleasure craft sailboat or launch and what warnmt role eicli could be made to born in brantford ontario nelles ls the son of britradier general charles m nelles his mother was one of those rare grandoa dames of armj circles a woman whom the ranks re vered of her two only children the jounger norman cunningham nelles was killed in action at ypres in 1915 admiral nelles was educated at lakefleld prearatorj school and trt nitj college school port hope when admiral klngsmlll came back to can ada from england to organise a cana dian navy in 1908 second youth to sign up on the strength was percy nelles age 16 he has come right through the entire life of the navy from the days when his preumlnary braining was done on a fisheries pro tection service vessel to the acquisi tion of the istlobe and the gradual achievement of a small fleet of our own nelles attended royal naal college oreenwteh and followed th usual co ot instruction for offl- cera of the royal navy till he was commissioned a lieutenant nelles began the last war attached to admiral craddooks flagship in am erican and west indies waters lat er in hm8 antrim he saw continu al service convoying canadian troops and war supplies from halifax to the clyde after the war ended his ser vice sheet shows him continually re turning to london for further study staff work at the adtniraltiy servlos with the fleet training step by step in the same pattern as officers of the ro yal navy he had the remarkable ex- perlenoe in 1909 of being the first and only officer of the canadian navy ever to command a british cruiser when he served ss acting captain of the dra gon his promotion to rearadmlral came in 1038 r thought and eton college and x neve fifty miles oould be so long we are u in good shape mere and hepe everyone at home ls toe same hoping to see a lot more of the herald i remain tours sincerely lanoeopl tl p tost b37195 c coy 1st bat rhli canadian army what a record to ring down to ages there was a victory bond in every canadian home attentioni dos owners a dots in town an prohibited croat inntaf at lane from may nth to ep 15th hue order eopllaa to niohts a nell u days andwlll b etiiotly enforced w o marshall 2t ohlef of polloa t- directory f r watson djs mjd8 georgetown office hours 3- i to f kioopt j thursday afternoon dr j burns milne dental subgeon xbay georgetown phone 80 a m nielsen mth yesx of practice chiropractor xray drugless therapist udy attendant office over dominion store georgetown hours 35 730 630 pjn closed ihsrsday phone 150w clifford g reid lxjsa djj8 dentist phone 410 main street georgetown i le roy dale kc m sybil bennett ba barristers and sollctton mill street georgetown phone 19 kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary public first mortgage money to loan office gregory theatre bldg mill street phone 88 georgetown radio repairing eciauzein this work 13 years experience j sanfordson phone i georgetown mw 1 in our mail bag f b7473b c coy 1st btn q or camp sussex n b may 10th 1m1 dear sir having been translvrred to the queens own rifles i would be obllg ed if you would forward my copy of the herald to the above address the weeldy visit of the herald is very welcome and i would like to take wis opportunity of thanking you for send ing the paper to us chaps on active service i find new brunswick a very in- teffftsuns province in many respects teckward compared with ontario but the people are very friendly and easy going the scenery is a pleasert change after damp borden busses is in the xmhftecosjs valley midway tr tween bt john ssd honcton and x understand the finest agricultural area m new branswlok the farms ace typically english quite small but well tilled and have about them an air of prosperity needless to ssty we are all anxious to get across the pond and help writs finis to hitlers wild orgy of brutality and wanton destruction but we have to be patient in the meantime you can be sure we are making good use of our time camp sussex ls very well equipped with recreational facilities the ym oa salvation army and knights or columbus have large huts with can teens libraries and comfortable read ing and writing rooms motion pic ture shows are put on in these huts almost every night the boys are all grateful to the people who have con tributed to the war services fund thereby making these facilities pos sible well mr editor x will say good bye for the present wishing you and your staff all the best x remain yours truly rifleman t h parry atdershot england april 35th 1m1 dear sir i must hank you for the copies of the herald that you nam sent me it is great to receive news and es- peoiauy from home i was greatly interested in the sports section and now that paisley is on top x am talcing a great riding as i liave three boys from there in my section we have just come back from a fifty mile route march to windsor where we were taken all through the castle frank petch licensed auctioneer and all classes of insurance prompt service phone 391 georgetown po box 413 jcooke cement and cinder blocks brick and tile mantpacturkd vrith up to date power all sizes any quantity 3 new st phons bit bcsuxgton elmer c thompson nvsckanch service fire auto windstorm op railway and alked stonahjp summer excursions phono lmwec i 1 ralph gordon the teoatflt nwrtatner for tour next uunlarn illustrated ejroasar free i toronto address a b gray coach lines timetable exstern standard time lcave obokoktown fasti ssni te tsreate f h am 4m pjn su8 un wepja 1148 pjn 903 da o 323 pjn w is london 93s ajn c00 pjb- x la os pjn b tjto pjn a 06 pjn dxlojs pm ay 4w pjn exlljs pan- a except sun and hot b sun and hoi only o saturdays only d except sat sun and hol e sat sun and hol f dally except sun x to batctaenex y to stratford w h long phsne tt c n r timetable standard ttrns gsteg east passenger git su passenger and atoll 10js sj passenger and man bj psssngerunday only gst pjgv i passenger daily svtt pjk toronto and beyond psssrwgersatairdayonay 10jj pjn passenger daily fnff saturday and bunday m pjg passenger and mail mb pjav passenger sundays only 11 jo pm ostag nsctk passengsr and mall b4s am oetag sssslk passengsr and ismu u0 pm depot ticks oxttoepnone sow monuments markers and ittesing pollock ingham gait ont designs on request phone sott inspect our work in q cemetery motor salesman can i show yott i something sir pedestrian no rm not here to bay anything but its such a wonderral change to be in the midst of all these cars without having to dodge them bell bros wholesalers of gasoline kerosene distillate fuel oil motor oils greases diesd foeb milk phone 89 r 2 day or night

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