Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 11, 1941, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wedneaday evening june 1 1th 1941 i timely topics for women by barbara baines another woman member op parliament mrs cora t casselman wlfl shortly take her place in i tie house ol gammons jit ottawa she has the distinction of being the first liberal woman member elected to the house the only other woman member at present is mr dorlse nellsen the radical member frrm north babtleford sosk miss agnes macphail on tarlo first elected in 1931 and mrs qeo black yukon are now both in private life the byelection in which mra cusselman campaigned on a wln- thewar platform was caused by thdeath of her husband p c cassel- man in ottawa several weeks ago she received a majority of more than 306irvote6 over orvlc kennedy the social cedit candidate and over 5000 votes more than a a ucleod the peoples candidate backed by ttarlse nelbon mrs casselman is a native of tara ont and tatight in kingston vcolleglaite institute before going to edmonton 22 years ago lend for victory canada th rd victory loap is of f to an excellent start the small- est villages and most isolated communities shared with tne largest towns and cities in the colourful pageantry with which it was laun ched flagbedecked buildings martial music mammoth parades of marching men floats and army motor vehices drumhead services and moss meetings announced the opening of the drive and public patriotism and enthusiasm was convincingly manifested by the huge crowds every where which turned out to participate in the celebration on saturday the opening day the largest crowd that ever gathered in down town toronto cheered lustily as a moat impressive and heartstir rim parade lasting two hours pasted by the reviewing sand at the city hall it was mad up of 40 floats 35 bands 6000 men from the army navy and air force almost 3000 uniformed women from the auxiliary ser vices and veterans police foremen and others on monday evening a crowd of 18000 mostly women jammed the maple leaf gardens for the women s ictorj loan rally it was a thrili tag experience to be present and see representatives of all our uniformed services march in to the roll of drums and take then places on the floor of the arena they were followed by the official colour party and miss dorothy thompson the chief speaker of the evening miss winnifred kidd was chairman of the meeting and senators iva pallls and cairlne wilson epoke briefly miss thompson received a tremendous ovation she said no one can hope to escape the fate of his nation and rich is the man today who has a free country on which no bombs are falling for hundreds a bowl of soup a clean shirt and a safe place to sleep would be luxury the most evil thing about hiuerism is that it is based upon a purely mas ouline cult that seeks to remove forever the influence of women in society it has tio place for them except as cooks housekeepers and breeders it threatens to build a chilization without a spul speaking of the victory loan miss thonipsson said the very fact that vou are requested to subscribe to this loan is significant in ger many hey dont say please they take and she added no investment is so safe as an investment in one a own country our newspapers radio and public speaker have all tried to im press upon us the fact that today democracy is bracing itself for the sup reme test ships planes tanks guns and shells are needed with tremen dous urgency reinforcements of trained airmen sailors soldiers radio experts technicians and craftsmen are likewise needed at once if we are to turn the tide for victory but a war programme of this magnitude needs money vast sums of money and this the people must supply if we cannot help fight we can help finance everyone should buy a victory bond no matter how great the sacrifice needed to acquire t whatever the cost of war the penalty of defeat is greater teachers certificates the dcpt of education recenth announced that summer courses having btn abolished for the duration of the war teacher with mtarim certificates may obtain permanent certificates without at tending summer courses evidence of successful teaching experience may be substituted for thj university suojects except english required lor a permanent teaching certificate the time is now book review by pierre van paassen longmans 80 pd 1 pierre van paassen has just written one of the most talked of books f published in recent times it is a short book but written with a pas sion and fervour that jjs convincing it is a last m effort to ar ouse the american people to their peril he makes a masterly analysis of germany s strategy to date and af ter pointing out the danger spots calls upon america for immediate ac tion he advises the occupation of dakar the cape verde azores and canary islands an expeditionary force to the east to save india and the suez full use of the fleet as a single unit with the british fleet and ar embargo on war materials to japan furthermore he believes there must be an emotional upheaval a moral regeneration in america if christendom and democracy are to sur vive the canadian peoples by b k sandwell oxford 124 pp 80 cents this is a book ewrj canadian should read it opens with th story of the firat coming of the french and britlsh their clashing interests their final union and then confederation ii deals at 1ngih with the problenis of the french living as a minority on an fngllsh speaking con tlnent the growth or the partj system or rovlrnmen the finding ol gold and the prosperity it brought to the country it discuffie canadts part in the world war o 114 18 and the growth to nationhood in a final chapter it endeavours to show how the character of the people is affected by their geographic position mr sandwell formerl a pr lessor of economies at mglll unlver sity and now iranagint editor of saturcay night has given us a concise and clear account of the gradual growth or canada to her oresent place of importance in world affairs international uniform sunday school lesson the oxford press has recenuv published a new series of pamp ilets in a world at war thej contain short accounts of current interna tlonal problems and are written b expert historian scientists they average 32 pages in length and are p each economists and priced at 10 cents let me remind you polltencso has been compared to an air cushion there is nothing in it eases our jola wonderfully which although fruit crisp a friend of nunc passes along this recipe for a fruit dessert and 0 tells me it is one of which her famil never tire in the spring she uses rhubarb later strawberries raspberries or cherries and as the summer advances plums and peaches sc it always seems new she varies the amount of sugar used according to the sweetness of the fruit vz cup butter 1b cups toasted bread i cup sugar cubes teaspoon nutmeg 2 cups corn flakes a teaspoon vanilla 4 cups fresh rhubarb teatp ca a raip sugar cut the bread in cubes and set in oven to toast while it is heating cream butter and mr cup sugar add eggs and beat thoroughly stir in flavouring bread cubes and corn lakes place half mixture in buttered ling dish cut rhubarb in cubes and arrange evenly on top sprinkle willi v cup sttgar cover with the remaining mixture bake in moder ate oven 375 degrees f f or 35 minutes or until rhubarb is done six to eight persons defense ketnote to newest acto engineering a motorized circus can replace a bombed city hpw the astonishing xaval academy was developed inside factory and how the pleasure car assembly lines are rolling off huge moving fortresses is told in a provo cative article in the american week ly with the june isth issue of the detrou sunday tfcnefcbe sure to gw the detroit sunday tbnes this week and every week progress in world missions sunday june 13 1941 golden text for ye are all the children of god by faith in clirist jesus galatians 3 20 lesson passage acts 13 44 52 galatians 3 20 20 come stand again where mighty tide sweeps billows high and billows wide far in on sandy shore there see the symbol of gods mighty glee there aland again and surely know he 1a thelord of all below estimated meeting 44 45 what is the test of a good meeting are numbers the most important foe tor twenty thousand people may see a hockey match and the chief vol ue is recreational ten thousand peo ule may listen to speeches in an elec tion campaign and few votes be chan ged the haystack meeting with only a few young men present began a new era in christian missions and has had more lasting results than many larger gatherings in his travels paul addressed large crowds sometimes an gry mobs but apparently there were more results from a small riverside meeting in philrppl in antioch of pisidia paul had almost the whole cltv as his audience but the chief ef feet was upon the speaker himself he made the momentous decision to turn from the jews to the gentiles judged by numbers paul had a satisfactory congregation but they were not in ag reement with ihe speaker the regu lar religious leaders who were taken for granted in the city did not like this newcomer attracting so much atten tion so they began to contradict and olaspheme paul was left in no doubt as to the attitude of his hearers it was definitely negative yet out of that situation came one of pauls greatest practical decisions masters of assemblies 46 48 true eloquence said daniel web ster does not consist in speech cannot be brought from far labor and learning may toll for it but they will toil in vain words and phrases may be marshalled in every way but they cannot compass it jt must exis in the man in the subject and in the occasion here tne three conditions were fulfilled the man was paul who had been transformed by the grace of christ his subject was nothing less than the evolution of judaism into christianity the occasion was dram atlc as paul and barnabas wen speaking under the threat of persecu tion and were about to turn to the geitales as the more promising group among whom to work paul was fam illar with jewish traditions ht used simple language and had a moving story to tell but his very success awak ened opposition daringly paul and barnabas announced their decision u spend no time trying to convince pre judiced people but to turn to the gen tiles actually this meant wng mis ionaries to the greeks rather than to the jews when the gentiles in the audience heard the great pronounce ment they were glad and pralsed god the word of the lord vas publl h ed throughout all thetteglon so it was a successful meeting afer all and once again paul had proved himself a master of assemblies i nducouraged leaders 50 52 propaganda is nothing new mod ern methods by radio and subtle news ri porting or large scale advertising are novtl features but there has al ways been propaganda by word o mouth tongues buzzed in antioch or pisidia until paul uid barnabas hao to leave to save their lives they did not give up but moved on to iconium to renew their efforts what upheld them in the face of persecution they liad both had a deep experience or the saving power of christ and wanted to tell others they knew tha they were being led bv the holj spirit ani thev saw others come inder the same pnw ir the paslbilitlcs ci freat and they went forward in faith jonn rus kin lid education doe not mean teaching people to know what they do no know it moans teaching them to behave as they do not behave paul and barnabas did both the christian experience 26 27 paul told his converts that tney were all children of god by faith in christ jesus it meant that instead of hav ing life poisoned by fear of many hos tile gods they came to believe that god sipvewas that of a father stead of flunking that blind chance- ruled life thoy came to believe in the wise providence of a universal mind- instead of thinking of themselves as the playthings of fate they found meaning and unity in life through seeking and doing the will of god in stead of being at war with their ftl low men they had fellowship with other believtrs in christ and began to take responsibility for winning others to the transforming experience of raith in god as taught by christ they made a great decision in accepting christ and then they continued put on christ they begin to think like clirist to speak like christ to like christ strangers were able recognize the christians b the qualify of their lives one in chrhl 2ft 29 in speeding up industrial production we are hearing much abou bottl necks tie water flows slowly because the neck is too small for the bottle or in traffic a narrow bridge cannot s uuert- for four lin of cat5 jesus taught the truth of the oasic unity of the human race what axe the bottlenecks hindering the progress of this conviction one bottleneck is race there is racial prejudice sup eriority leading to actual conflict so cial distinctions make another bottle neck people ere divided into classes but when an air raid starts sufh clas siflcations are found to be unreal and even ludicrous another bottleneck has been sex women have been weft- ted as inferior the chrtettan ideal is that we are all one in christ jesus our aim is to make a world brother hood in christ it has been said that aty e eatons announces the opening of a new ordm office practical convenient pleasant satisfaction guaranteed a modern light add uptodate ft hat a ttraamuned outlook and a genuine deilre to serve you in the moit efficient way possible youll find that you can rely on this new shopping idea ay for your dollar economy and value have been the watchwords of mall order shopping for generations every season thousands mora hrifty canadians learn the truth of the saying it pays to shop from eatons he4 service that customer appreciate the sort of assistance that- has made the name eatons synonymous with convenience and helpfulness in all those little details that are so important i ku mums eatons has enoyed 0 canadawide reputa tion tor tair prices and honest openhanded dealing since tho time of its inception the eatonguaranjoe of poods satisfactory or moneyrefunded is well founded an uutu j- ns acquainted with this newest shopping con venience drop in today tee for yourself oi if you prefer telephone and your wcnts will be taken care of speedily and economically by the courteous eaton clerk in your mendly eaton order office ir a personal service t eaton c- order office gorjetown m wesleyaii sts telephone 27 when two ra t live side by tide thej rise or fail together no final solu tion of our international affairs is possible without collective action for ecurit can the christian church remote thf bottleneck questions for dicusslon 1 wlia ii you tct ol a successful meeting 2 what p ace is there for controversy amons leigiois workers 3 wl i jersecunon purify the church 4 whit doii faith in christ jesus include 5 which do more for your congtega tion men or women usson outlines copyrighted by the in tenia t ion il council of religious education used b permission successful wctu medal contest on wodnesdiy eening may 2th the annual medal contest in elocu ion sponsorea by the georgetown wct u was held in tho sunday bchool room of the baptist church and was under the direction of mrs w g marshall superintendent of this branch of the union s work mrs a r varum ter formerly pre sldent of the union presided and the opening worship service was con d ctcd by mrs a reeve the contestants most of whom were juniors provided a program which to the assembled lovers of children uas truly delightful mrs w cromor with messrs weir rtldnnd keith dolson all represent lna rural sections of georgitown kind ly ictcd ts judges of the contest theirs was no easy task according to thtir report which was given by mr reid who in prawn ting it gave ome k ndly constructive criticism ro the contestants the winners names follow junior grade 1 7 to 9 r 1st margarei marshall bronze me dal 2nd jean colman war savings stamps 2i honorable mention george baxter junior grade ii 9 to 12 yr 1st jonn buck silve mcdil 2nd ron nic vivian war savings stamps 2 honorable mcntxn mar wood intermediite grade 12 to 15 yr 1st jean ronej gold mcdu 2nd douglas peck war savings stamps 2 honorable nuntlon ingeoorg h i iptmann l e close of the medal contest mss ellen mckav superintendtnt of hit fssijs and poster contests pre sented prices to the successful contes tants in his recent inter chool com petition o wt loh prof hutt and mrs hntt and rtv f c overend had kindly aced as judges miss mckay congratulated the winners upon uie improvement being shown in the quality of the work as the years go by and expressed the hope that again ome ol hie county and provincial pri tcs maj find their way to georgetown district the following all from georgetown public school received their prizes in cash essays grade vh 1st kenneth harri son 2nd dorecn mulholland 3rd marjorie herrington health books grade vi 1st ingeborg haupt- maiki 2nd joan cole 3rd june co- fell posters grade vtt 1st june clarke 2nd james bums 3rd harold gilmer grade vi 1st dare burn 2nd paul norton 3rd olive moyer a most enjoyable feature of the ev ening was the musical entertainment of vocal and piano selections inter spersed throush the program and given by misses elma king alva cripps and norah cleave with mrs h wright acting as accompanist as a concluding itenv we were privi leged to hear a brief but very inter eating address on temperance by keith dolson a student of georgetown high school wlio recently won for his ad dress it simcoe ihe provincial trophy in the oratorical contest sponsored by the ontario temperance federation which success by the way entitles him to a trip to montreal in the near lu- in clo in mrs marshall on behalf of the wctu thanked all who had so willing contributed of their time and talent to the sue s of another medal con et and expressed the hope that the winner of the gold medal miss jein roney i who is now posses or of bronze sliver and gold medals won in successive contests may have at some not too distant date an op- iwrtunity to compete for the grand prize offered by hit provincial organ ization ashgrove oact sixty enjoyed the annual sun day school picnic held at stnnlej park erin on thursday june 5 dinner was served about one o clock and the afternoon was spent in swimming joa ing races and games a picnic for the y j u is anticipated for monday evening june 16th this will conclude their activities for tho summer months th- regular monthly meeting of the wms was held on tuesday after noon in the basement of the church the president mrs w brownxidee took charge of the devotional exercises mrs j bellbody gave a report of the acton prestayierial and mrs c b dick gave a review of miss m baha- chev s address from the sectional rally at ballinafad mrs f wusaa favored with a piano solo articles for the missionary bale were on display including a complete outfit for a child two year old also second hand cloql- ing mrs w brownridge supply secre tary tor the wms presbytery spent two very busj days on wednesday and thursdaj last week packing the mis- ionary bale in milton several from ashgrove had the prl- a lege of attending the anniversary services of the nerval united church on sunda june 8 -f- the young man contemplating mat rimony can rest assured that whether or nor two can live as cheaply as one two certainly pay less income tax than one toronto star he whole family will welcome a big luscious berry pie baked wiih robin hood flour strawberries blueberries or any of tb current fruits may be used for a filling it u easy to bake pies if you have an ice box make a quantity of dough and you can hare fresh pies daily mrs- wicks says it is a joy to bake bread plea or any other baking when you have a dependable flour like robin hood i wouldn t think of bakmg with anything else recipe- 2 cups robin hood flour sifted 1 scant cup sbortenidg 1 2 tsp salt enough cold water to make a very stiff dough use as little water as possible recipe method- 1 sift flour with salt 2 cut shortening into flour 3 chill roll out and cover pie dish 4 fill with berries sprinkle two table spoons flour muted with two table spoons sugar through berries 5 bake in hot otco 450f in ten minutes reduce heat to moderate ind bake evenly until crust b golden brown thousands of women like mrs wicks depeodoorobmhoo foe everything they bake this- famous dependable flour makes baking joy next tune you need flour buy robin hood at local merchants er sincerely cm t ffrfotc homr baking sbrvics robin hood rour aoxulimmd robin hood flour

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