Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 11, 1941, p. 9

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the georgetown herald first section wednesday evening june 11th 1941 victory loan edition over 100000 in victory loans s locally all oinothing the following may be dubbed al legorical but the reader wtu recognize that it is as homely as bread and but ter as real as life and death x am the spirit of canadian cons oldfacetiiefacts they die speateung to each one of you who has a financial stake in canada i have known you more intimately than any living being wherever you have gone i have gone nothing that you have done has escaped my atten tion i have followed your every thought and your every action just as closely as i once followed the curious- eyed explorer so he trampled through the wilderness of canada years ago i have travelled with you in your hea ted trains and planes and motor cars as x travelled with your forefathers on a roughly hewn wagon drown along rutted trails by oxen i trudged north with the united empire loyalists with those men and women who gave up new homes for rough shacks and unending toll in or der that they might stay under the flag of their forefathers i was with hearded statesmen who planned con federation and staked the course of freedom for generations of canadians to come i went out west with adven turous courageous pioneers who brav ed scorching heat and intense cold to break the rolling prairies into wheat fields i accompanied the trapper and the prospector into the north i flew r fiiiwy crates with the first airmen over northern alberta as canadians toiled and sweated to build up a national prosperity i tag ged along always i have been close to those in every generation of cana dians who have sought to temper prosperity with an economic justice for all the citizens of the country i know you as i knew your father your grandfather and those before him i know exactly what price you have paid for a community which neither stifles individualism nor tramps on the masses i know this community of canada to be outstanding in the whole world as a happy name for a free man i know something else i know that you know that the very existence of this community is threatened i know that a horde of millions like a great pack of hungry wolves would swirm over this country if they could i know that they will if canadians hold back even partially in the great common ef fort to set up a barrier against the pack i know and you know that can adlans are engaged in a struggle of life or death that allows no lukewarm halfway measures and death would not be for the youngsters in uniform alone but for canadian business the canadian home canadian freedom canadian happiness don t stick your head in the sauu get into the thick of the fight turn over your dollars to your country in your own selfish interest turn them over for the sake of your family your friends for the protection of every thing that has contributed to your present freedom make your subscrip tion to the war loan so big that the signing of your cheque constitutes a hardship canada was bunt on nard chips and it cannot be kept away from the ravaging hands of dlcators by her present protectors without hardship make sure that you are doing ev erything you can to build and main tain the indomitable fighting machine which democracy must have to sur vive the challenge to canadians today is emphatic bach member of the com nrunlty must be prepared to lend all he can lest the pack gets through and shall leave him with nothing you can t fool me i am your cons cience the conscience of every one of your fellow citizens you fully under stand this situation in 1841 and un derstanding it you are not going tc try to food yourself and hold back dol lars which must be forthcoming 11 your country is to survive major frank pullen of oakvule is chairman for hal- ton in the victory loan 1941 drive major pullen whose whole family is on active service was present at the victory loan parade in town last thursday evening and in troduced the speaker mr hugh lawson of toronto give it the nelson touch vsatl right in buy bonds today if we cant fight uts lend here in canada separated as we are from europe 3 war by many him dreds of miles of ocean we are indeed fortunate but our good fortune can sometimes make us forgetful of wliat is going on around us our present apparent apathy in this struggle stands- condemned from many queit- ters soldiers upon returning to can ada from england have expressed their amazement at our lack of organ ized effort only recently hon mlt ohelli hepburn premier of ontario gave utterance to this thought we are satisfied to do too little too late while hitler does too much too soon we talk big but we just do not deli ver the goods commensurate with our organized capabilities i am frank to confess that in my judgement only the stark realization of a twoocean invasion will awaken us from our state of fepathy let us pray that ontario 5 premier is wrong but it is up to canadians to deliver the goods already canada has deliv ered to the fighting front hundreds of men trained and equipped to fight our cause here in canada it is our sac red duty to keep them supplied with tne articles of war those of us who are not able to take up arms ourselves should help as best they in we can add to our nations war effort by pur chasing victory loan bonds if we cin t fight lets lend 1050000 quota set for halton in present war loan drive victory loan parade in georgetown best in many years soldiers bands floats draw large crowd on thursday night a crowd estimated at 1500 was on hand last thursaij evening to see georgetown s victory loan parndt md to hear stirring speeches urging them to support canada s victory loan 1941 and help finish the job the pirade was arranged by w f bmdkv publicity chairman for georgetown district as n means of helping to impress the importance of the present loan on the minds of citizens in the district and the en thusiastic turn out gave evidence of the interest which georgetown is tak lng in the loan to lieut col gordon cousens goes the credit for the sne cessful marshaling of the parade it self the parade formed on queen street and started on its route at 8 30 pm when several giant rockets were set off at this signal church bells and factory whistles joined in the fanfare it moved up the highway to the monu ment down main street to church street west to market street and along wesleyan back to main street at mill street between the two banks one of the floats was used as a plat form and w v grant local chair man of the victory loan drive acted as chairman for the evening chairman s remarks he expressed the gratitude of the committee to all those who had taken part m the parade and explained that such parades were being held through out the dominion in connection with the drive he appealed to citizens to greet the bond canvassers heartily we should be grateful for the pri vllege of buying bonds he said when iwe see what is going on on the other side of the ocean the band then played therell al ways be an england after which the chairman introduced fred j monauy who made some pertinent remarks concerning the importance of the loan f d mcvally speaks we set a group of boys in tront of who have volunteered to do their part said mr mcnallj pointing to comimny of the lorne scou ip 1 h regiment who were siand niij directly in front of the platform we can do our part to help finish the job bj bioinf victorv loan bondb h- lemimied lht gallic ruit that we liaie the pruiligt of worshipping god nd of domt vhnt we like within the law the empiri has re iclied a crisis in hi r jorious historj he said and must nil put our shoulders to the wheel and do our bit keep the light o democracy burning bick up the tos who give their today for our to norrow by buying victorv bonds at the conclusion of uiefre remarks he public and high school children and the georgetown choral society accompanied by the band sang two verses of the stirring land of hoie and glory major frank pullen of oakville halton chairman was next introduc ed major pullen said he was proud of his county with its past record of carrying out its obligations to the letter and he was confident that in the present campaign it was going to add fresh laurels to this past record we re all british he said and its not the british way to sit back and let someone else do it lending is a utile thing to do guest speaker from toronto major pullen introduced mr hugh lawson of toronto a director of the york knitting mills who was special speaker of the evening we know from the addresses of mr churchill mr king and mr roosevelt yes and of hluer himself just what we are fighting against he warned we are fighting to live our lives as we want to live them and after the war to make sure that no nation shall ever again be able to run amuck as germany has done we are fighting against a nation ruled by mighty lion counts on you this mighty british lion proud symbol of an unconquerable race is pictured here superimposed on a background of factories whose belches of smoke chide a symphony of determination to rid tfae world of natl hist truly a tribute fo canadian industry whose factories produce these planes and ships and guos the tools of war this design won first prise in a canadianwide ea for posters for use in the p victory loan npag the design w the creation of a j oasson wellknown commercial artist and as a result mr casson will receive his prise a one thousand dollar victory bond at the bands of his excellency the governoroeoeral when reproduced in striking colora of gold and scarlet the design will appear on meboarde in every city and town in the dominion a reminder to the nation to support tfae loan so that the tools may be supplied to smash the german hordes force by a brute who hates england and democracy he pointed out that the present war is primarily a race in war production and that the nation which can produce the most war materials the fastest i and the longest is going to be the victor tools to keep front line intact many of us are still looking at the war from a seat in the gallery he challenged while the british empire fights for liberty we must remember that it is only by luck of geography that we are not in the front line and this cant happen if we roll out in time the tools to keep our front line intact more than that we can roll them out so fast that we can store them up or the knockout blow which will drive hitlerism from this world the peaker pointed out that when ever we have met the enemy so far we have been defeated not because of man power but because of superi or equipment someday when the tools are supplied we will meet on ven ground meanwhile we must pour our surplus enry nrd mone in this task and buy victory bonds un til rt hurts a selection bv the pipe band was followed by an announcement by chiirman gnnt that the district had iready passed the 50 mark in its objective of 160 000 the band then plaved o canada after which the lorne scots regiment presented arms and tie singing of god save the kuig brought an end to the cere monies parade a highlight the parade was one of the best t r seen in the district and it drew nam faonrable comments from the peotators marching at the head was mr harry watkins bearing ft large flar fo lowing this were cars bearing m mbor of the victory loan com mini and th co incll the lome scou brass band was t b ood fortune members of 1 c company lorne scots pd a h r glmmitt arrhed home on wedn ida night for for days leave n i 1 e nnjority of these turned out o m irch in the parade hoaded by vt 1 1 r john r barber in company wl h them were members of the 2nd ba 1 1 ion headed by lieut harold c mrclure acting oc of the 2nd batta lion legion float th first float was the combined roi lrlbution of the legion and the w a of the legion and was one of he rx rt in the parade among the rharacit rs depicted were britannia mrs t grieve john bull mrs f braisb uncle sam mrs f mccar tnej england mrs a collins scotland mrs j kemshcad jack canuck mrs frank smlth red cross nurse mrs w f smith wounded soldier mrs allan roney soldier sailor and airman wilfred breen c parton and jim emmerson following the legion float were members of the georgetown acton milton and ouelph legions with be rets and ami bands members of the georgetown and acton civil volunteer guard wearing berets and arm bands and a number of men from newmarket training centre with their pipe band a group of c a tb from muton in their smart blue uniforms showed the part that halton county women are playing in the war effort a float from muton displayed two iewis guns manned by soldiers and following this were decorated floats entered bv the georgetown creamery tyers milk products and smith stone ltd lions club float the lions club float was preceded by red holmes dressed ir gay red and white uniform riding on a white horse the float bore miss vic tory mary feller seated on a throne with two bulldogs and a number soldiers surrounding her the lome scots pipe band high school and public school students came next followed by the alliance paper mills float depicting then and now pictures of england d fred weaver of glen williams following this was the decorated car of mr d brill and the provincial paper float which carried a model of an english cottage and a number of school children dont be stubborn k c mcmillan in a carriage drawn by a team of mules urged don t be stubborn as a mule buy victory bonds and got a big hand from the crowd for his original idea bringing up the rear was the io de float a horsedrawn carriage gaily decked with flowers and bunting containing a number of children and a sweet old lady mrs woo thompson knitting for the soldiers w v grant w v grant of provincial paper ltd ably heads the victory loan 1941 drive in georgetown and dis tnct mr grant is devoting a great deal of his time to help make the loan a success in this district in addition to his duties as chair man he is acting with l e fleck and iyroy dale on the special names committee georgetown is already well over the 100 000 mark in the victory loan 1941 drive now underway according to an announcement issued today by w h long canvass chairman far this district the electrical thermometer stanclng at the corner of mill and main streets indicated on monday that the 100 000 mark had been teached and since then there has been no slackening in subscriptions an objective of 160 000 was set for the georgetown district and the com mittee is quite confident that this will be substantially exceeded before the books of the loan are closed on june 2lst it might be pointed out that the above figure is made up only of con tributors and doesnt include special names which have bought large quantities of che new loan the local committee includes ohaliman w v grant vlcechatnnen leroy dale w a wilson t 1 leslie publicity w f bradley canvass w h long frank petoa a beaumont j d kelly q employees r b foulis w b ford e mcwhlrter special names l e fleck w v grant leroy dale in addition to these an honorary committee includes the names of j b mackenzie john bingham mayor joseph gibbons col james ballantlne major g o brown joseph beaumont reeve harold cleave lieut col g d s cousens george currie c b day- foot b stone rev w g o thomp son and mrs s b mackenzle canvaleers who are making a house- to house bond selling canvass are w a wilson prank petch t l leslie george c brown f kersey and w deans the new victory loan bonds are of fered in two maturities and are dated and bear interest from june 15th 1941 a ten year 3 bond is offered in denominations as low as 50 00 sell ing 6t par it has a yield of 3 09 jo maturity the other type is a 2 year bond issued at 99 yield ing 2 194 to maturity it is in de nominations or 1 000 5 000 and 25 000 w h long with a good record of service as a canvas er for the red cross war services and other worthy causes w h long was chosen as chair man of the canvass committee in the war loan campaign ton preached at knox presbyterian church while rev fr vj led his congregation at roman catholic church victory loan sunday at local churches special victory loan messages were heand by the congregations of local emirches last sunday in conjunction with the present war loan campaign at the united church rev a o w foreman of balunafad was guest preacher in the absence of rev f c overend who was preaching at the i04th anniversary services of melville united church mr j l lambert was in charge of the service at st georges church of england in the absence of rev w g o thompson who took suddenly ib on saturday mr sid johnson of toronto took the regular sendee at the baptist otmrofa rev mr smith of west minster presbyterian church hamil- lets oo to work with our hearts as well as with our hands and heads l b flxck l e fleck of alliance paper mills lid is vtoeobatatnaa for hilton county in the victory loan 1941 drive and serves to this dwrtct an the special names committee in charge of securing a from corporations and wealthy men in the c help finish tie 30

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