Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 18, 1941, p. 8

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 18th 1941 hawk in the wind by helen topping miller r fr- id make some chocolate lucy i yas a little breathless this chaii i 1 more comfortable im sure can i helpt daniels offered oh no i couldnt think of it rcx laughed quickly im old m hioned you see t belong to that i vanishing race of women who think that men should be waited upon never could she let him see the istde of that dreadful old kitchen ijtne ow wood stove the smokeo ket ijile and rusty pipe the smoky little i twoburner kerosene contraption i they used in summer she lit this affair now to heat the itcocoa carefully closing the door so 1 its smudgy smell would not pene- i irate the other room the little itcups were pretty she had bought 3hem hopefully and kept them now i her trunk after having found one won the back porch with medicine in lft mixed for a sick hen she had crocheted the lacy edge of the nap- fsdns and ironed them to a gloss everything was- delicate and i pleasing even marian morgan her lelf coyld not have arranged a dam er tray then she lifted the lid of the cake itwx and exclaimed in sudden die- may oh mean oh what shall tdo mrs fields had eaten all the lit tie cakes even before he was able to stand 1 alone without wavering branford wills knew that he was falling in love with marian morgan the realization troubled him he was under deep obligation to virgie lhe had he knew saved his life by taking him in by the care he had had when illness laid him low to repay that debt by falling in love with virgie s child especially now that virgie was also to be his em iployer seemed a left handed and slightly dubious procedure but the re was no help for it marian s very aloofness her odd prickly halfsueet hilf bitter with drawing the secre nd judging quality that lived ir dark eyes and hid in her lonj ibhes made her an enigma a challenging mys tery to dare any man with blood in his veins and branford wills was young and fiercely proud and ad venturous his pride was what bothered him las he stopd erect finally and shav ling himself with a rather uncertain hand before the mirror in his room he told himself grimly that no one least of all the girl herself should iver guess the state of his feelings until he could look virgie morgan calmly in the face a man on his own worth what he was paid and able to love a woman without apol logy or without humility so whenever marian came- near he kept the conversation on the bnt bttft halfbantering halfcontemptu strain that modern youth as flumes choosing it for sophistics tfon hiding any current of feeling ng every emotion and so soon t he could mount the stairs without ggering he rented a room in the of ada clarks mother and prepared to move i have to do this you under- he said to virgie yea she said i understand i havent anything to pack he so i might as well go i have i send some wires and locate my belongings til leport for work on 1 monday and il earn whatever you pay e youll earn it all light virgie wu terse i had give up phi nthropy after three banks had tsted in my face pcople who work me have to produce to marian wils pitched his fare- l speech in another key pm about to depart hence he narked walking into the little i at the foot of the stairs which bad once been david morgans pri- ivate lair my obnoxious person is about to be removed from your vi- itty a then you can smile and be lightsome and gay once more marian looked up from the letter s was writing a quick little shad- moved over her face her eyes irkened and her lips caught on a open incredulous question l her composure returned well goodby she said getting bar feet i sjppose it would be much for you to tell them in bat we are really fairly nt people if we do miltpulp tm not going to washington im j here an older man a wiser man would 8 caught the light that flamed up behind her eyes noted the i little catch of her breath but iford wills was young and not ibly wise oh ao youre staying here rians voice wavered ever so lit- tm going to w-t- n the morgan mill didnt your r tell yoqt no she said slu v she didnt tell me v she stpod waging with the old desk where david more an had kept his dusty piles of letters and his stacked trade papers with david morgans photograph steelyeyed and with a fierce handle bar mus tache behind her as the tradition 6t the morgan mill and the mor gan money was behind her it was a little like stand inn on a proud mountain disdaining all below but marian was not funking of that because at that moment a white pain had her by the throat there had been an hour but of cdurse wills had been desperately ill then and sick men are unaccount able but there had been an hour of dusk- and quietness when she had been keeping watch and wills had caught her hand in his hot twitch ing fingers and told her that her voice was like a song mad folly of course even to have listened but she had listened and her heart lonely and selfcontained and timorous for all the briery bar riers she had let grow eroundit had waited hungrily for more but obviously there was no more he did not care he was going to work in the mill he had wanted a job and he had been ingratiating and smooth and engaging until he got it she let bitter acid brewed from galling disappointment seethe through her blood and sting the tip of her tongue so youre going to work in the mill you never waste time do you i hope mother is able to make money enough to pay you she has had a hard time paying the men she has already it was her suggestion he stiff ened himself missing everything that a man should have seen and heard m her eyes m her voice a man who was in love then he plunged on angrily because he was hurt and tingling from a vague scorn he thought he caught in her atti tude it wont be necessary for you to see me if it s painful to you you can ride by and disdain me from beyond the wall ive been looked at with loathing before i can bear it he walked out and marian stood- still pressed against the old desk her teeth set on her lip the little room was small and gloomy from an overhanging hemlock tree an old chair twisting squeakily stood there and she sat in it her knuckles pressed against her teeth her nails cutting her palms so he was ah opportunist and callously brazen about it i and she daughter of david morgan had dreamed dreams she writhed against the cold leather of the chair then on an impulse she ran to the hall dragged on a hat and coat picked up the telephone and gave a number crisply i m ringing announced mil dred the operator m suave tones that made marian s teeth click all the girls in the exchange knew that she was calling bry hutton all the girls knew also that probably bry wasnt up yet mrs hutton answered a hurrying nervous woman with a nervous voice marian could almost see her standing there with a duster in her hand and an ear cocked to one side to listen for fear the beans might be boiling over she was a marvel ous housekeeper and it was rumored in the town that mrs hutton kept a dustmop in a hall closet ready to erase the tracks of visitors almost before the door bad closed upon them bry was shaving she said bry hutton had only two types of conversation where women were concerned an ironic halfbitter drawl and an insinuating caressing intimacy that verged faintly on in sult he began in this second man ner but marian cut it short crisply i didnt call up to be petted bry this la business i want to go to sally gallups that mountain road is muddy and mother will fuss if i drive it myself youll have to take me oh look here sweetness its raining and cold as belt cant you call sally on the phone cant you wait till tomorrowt it might freeze over by that time i want to go today if you dont want to take me bry ill call somebody else well dont do that if you ab solutely have to go ill take you but its a nutty idea if you ask me theres no sense to it nobody asked you and perhaps there isnt any sense to it bry will you take me to asheviue instead sure stick around ill be there no i wont stick around im going into town now she spoke hurriedly a car was stopping out side in a moment branford wills would be going down those stairs tu meet you at the drugstore bry she said as she hung up rain beat through the open win dow of ber little car as she tore down the mountain the wheels lurched and skidded on muddy curves but she was reckless and heedless she had to get away an ger rode her like an imp of white flame anger that liurt the stiff fiber in her that she had from her father that odd fierce honesty that could be both intolerant and tender was tortured by the thought of weak ness of surrender how could she have been so weak so easy she braced herself so hard on the steer ingwheel tharher knucklesached continued netx week as we see it usually me associate weddings with the month of june end it might be quhe proper to also associate examin ations with this month up to uu present time it warns that examina tions are the best means thought of to determine the right of promotion but like everything else in fr have their faults the otherwise cap able student may worry about exams thereby producing nervousness with the result this student hasnt made an honest showing of his or her capabili ties on the exam papers again the gifted student with a short jnefnory can cram the night previous fp each certain exam get by with a good per centage correct and by the following day may hare again forgotten it all there is an opening for someone to discover a better system to obtain a fairer standing for promotion for students than by the present system of ftttt until this better system is discovered we wiunhave to put up with this rather unfau which is now in use we noticed an article in one of the exchanges recently regarding a pupil in the town represented by this ex change and as we happen to know this particular student the item in terested us this student had won a valuable scholarship and the f local paper had rightly given him quite a witeup he is a amort lad alright but we just wondered about the other students of that same school who are likely to be numbered with those aver age students who just get by it is not likely that they will get any par ticular mention regarding their ability but suppose we look into their fu ture and no doubt we will and that these average students will make up the rank and file of their community and it is they that will be making the wheels go round they may never win any scholarships but they will be classed as so many of the common people that abraham lincoln seemed to admire on the other hand what about this brilliant student that has won this scholarship he will have a hard row to hoe as he will be expect ed to continue to be brilliant he may have gotten his education the easy way and might be able to forget it eu just as readily so often the plodder who gets bis the difficult way remembers the little he did learn much longer titan does the student who seems to learn so readily somehow we have a heart for those plodders who just get by there seems to be so many of them the first day that we arrived in georgetown we were asked if we were familiar with the bis dam that was being erected on the grand river near fergus and we have been asked the same question a great many times since that it so happens that we were born in the same township in which the dam is being erected and we also lived in fergus for several years so we are more or less familiar with that port of the country often those enquiring about the dam have never been up to see it yet and- we thought judging by the number of sightseers that have visited the dam each weekend during the last two yeans that everybody urotftarlo at least had been there the grand river rises- near dundalk and flows through two townships in dufferin county jsast luther and east oarofraxa and then on into west qarafraxa which is in wellington county and it is in this latter town ship that the dam is located back in the 1890s we can remember the folk talking about the government ditches that were being dug in luther township in order to drain the marsh had those ditches never been dug it is quite likely that this big dam would not have been needed those ditches drained the fiat country quick ly each spring causing a flood on the grand and then when the flood was over the river was usually very low for the remainder of the summer the idea in erecting the dam is to over come this freshet trouble in the spring by storing the water then releasing it gradually during the summer months this steady flow of water from the big dam will be used for power per haps by some of the factories down the river but the main benefit will be for sanitary purposes for sue a t wn5 anfl cities as fergus kitchener pres ton gait and brentford the dam lent quite finished as yet and may not be finished now until the conclusion of the war a few miles of the cpu that runs from ebra to the cataract has to be moved to higher ground be fore the dam can be operated to ca pacity we havent mentioned the slse of the dam nor the amount of land that it will flood when it is fuu if you are one of those folk who havent visited the dam yet we sug gest that you drive up and see it the most direct route from here is straight through balunafad and hwsburg and then turn left at the fergus-orange- ville road and driving straight ahead will take you f the dam x is about a forty mile drive sweet caporal ymgrajftrftsags digestion improved complex cle up happy womans story everyone who b subject to any form or indigestion should know of this womans experiences advio from one who has had such severe attacks is advice worth having she writes i suffered from indigestion gastritis and constipation and was so very ill i had on medical advice to live on soda biscuits and rouk for three months well a friend advised me to take knuchea and now i am pleased to say i am greatly improved i can eat and enjoy a good meal without any pemrul aftereffects my skin w clearer in fact quite clear and there is no sign 01 constipation i would advise anyone buffering the same to take kruschen mrs m r l the immediate effect of the several salts in jjcruachen is to stimulate your liver kidneys to normal action and help to free your system of poisonous waste matter soon after you start on kruachen you will find that you are able to enjoy your food without distressing aftereffects what bonos ob bondage now is the time to have your electric stove checked over before the warm months wiring appliances water systems richard forster electrical contractor phone 406 georgetown john street 12 noon or 6 pjn buy vi bonds amd help bbat hjtusr1 for active ml service bates of pay ih tie ranks tl30 per day with board lodg ing clothing medical and dental care provided extra 1 rates varying from 25 to 75 per day for stalled tradesmen while em- eoyed 2 dependent allowances cash 935 to wife 12 each per month for 2 c only 3 dependents per soldier join canadas active army how yea guns tanks armoured cars mechanized equipment of every description await you to send them thundering down the road to victory this is the opportunity you have been wanting the chance to talk to the hun in the only language he understands so join up now for action overseas in old england or wherever the enemy rears his head the canadian active army requires men for artillery engineers signals armour ed cars tanks infantry transport and supply medical and ordnance and other branches of the ser vice the army is prepared to teach many trades and to train you to efficiently handle canadas weapons of war go to your nearest district recruiting office find out about these units how they work what they do see just where yuuu fit in see where any particular skill you possess can best be utilized then join n for action 1 apply at nearest district recruiting office or any local armoury department of national defence u canada 4

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