Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 23, 1941, p. 3

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the gcorgctoyqn herald wednesday evening july 23rd 1941j timely topics for women by barbara baines going sombwbebs r almost everyone is maki plans for going somewhere it may be only a day s outing to a nearby beach or it may be a gay weekend at one of ontario s countless summer resorts or a motortrip or perhaps a lasy vacation in your own comfortable cottage but whether it is to be a short holiday or a kmg one whether it is to be at one of our wank summer hotels or camping m the rough you wluneed to do a certain amount of planning in advance if your holiday is to be a success flruyou should find out what kind of activities you are likely to be engaged in it is folly to take an evening dress on a vacation trip if you dont expect to do any dancing but on the other hand a pretty cotton summer evening dress is a must at many resorts jor travelling bv train or car or plan wear cool dark tailored clothes that do not crush easily around the cottage slacks and sport things are ever so smart shorts if they are becoming or playsulta put you in the tight mood for sports and every woman should invest in the bestlooking bathlngsult she can find and an attractive beach wrap for swimming and sunbathing if it is the fashion among your crowd to spend the afternoon on jtats verandah playing bridge or knitting and sipping tea then be sure you include a couple of good looking shlrtmaker dresses but if you are really roughing it take along a pair of sturdy slacks a waterproof jacket and high boots the experienced traveller always carries a small but complete set of toilet articles and an emergency kit containing a first aid package sunburn lotion cleansing tissues mending materials extra hair pins soap etc it is a good idea to keep these in a separate bag with your over night things take along a pair of dark glasses to help safeguard you eyes in the bright sunlight a few new magazines or a book will keep you amused if the rest of the crowd want to sleep a couple of simple games will help to while away dull moments on rainy days a camera will record the happy times you do not want to forget a few don ts may not come amiss don t slop around the cottage or hotel or even tent in a bedraggled housecoat or baggy lounging robe if visiting friends don t leave your belongings all over the cottage your hostess will and it hard enough to keep the place tidy without having to pick up after you and don t be late for meals not even for breakfast don t try to get your whole summer s tan at one sitting better to run for the shade at the first sign of redness sunburn can be dan gerous as well as uncomfortable don t drink water without first boiling it unless it has been tested and found pure don t go in swimming for at least an hour and a hall after eating nor when you are very hot or very cold or ery weary and beware of poison ivy it can spoil the best of holidays now i hope i havent dampened your enthusiasm for the trip and heres best wishes for the happiest and most successful vacation ever american women train for defense americas entrance into the war is still swajing m the balance but s already over a million american women hae received some train lug for defense of their country in eent of a crisis two organlz ations are chiefly responsible for this training mrs dwight davis a powerful organizer is at the head of the red cross volunteers a million of which have washed dishes in can teens taken apart motors trained in hosnjals studied telegraph or typ ing practiced ajtj and first aid or aen other training to prepare themselves for a place in the women s army of defense mrs throckmorton mclean a sportswoman who used to spend her winters in england is organizing the fastgrowing american women s voluntary services patterned on the wvjs of great britain already some 93 branches in 20 estates are going in full force specializing in training for communications ajij and physical fitness these two organizations are largely responsible tor training volun teers to aid the army navy and air force the air force has asked for trained observers to form a giant network across the country to watch for enemy planes for trained volunteers for radio switchboard and tele graph operators clerks and typists and chauffeurs other women who ave taken a course in aviation may be used to ferry planes from factory to base break in new planes which have to be flown at slow speed and pilot officials around the country still others are needed to fold para chutes which have to be refolded once every forty hours of flight similarly the army needs trained volunteers for typing tabulating and filing records and for other work the military information section is asking for women who have graduated from the awvj8 courses in mapreading photography and camouflage i another group of women are doing an egobuy vital work in connec tion with the united services organization ip is they who are re sponsible for making americas saturday night one big singsong and for keeping the soldiers sailors and airmen happy off duty the federal government is building clubhouses in over 300 towns to be run by the tjjbo women are staffing these clubs dancing with the men and in a hundred ways helping to keep up their morale women holding government offices are charged with supervising consumer needs and steering the buying of the public away from basic materials essential to the armament programme with studying the prob lem of how and where women are best used in the war industries and with finding ways and means of improving relations with south american cointiic in addition growing thousands of women are working in fac tories and plants turning out weapons of war it has been said tnat american women are the most spoiled wo men on earth but today they are showing that they are able to accept discipline to face facts and measure up to the needs of the times wheth er entertaining visiting diplomats or making fuses or manning a type writer or sen ing coffee to the troops each in her own way is making a worthwhile contribution to the defense of her country let me remind you loveliest of lovely things are they on earth that soonest pass away the rose that lives a little hour is prized beyond the sculptured flower above suspicion book review william cullen bryant by helen maclnnes mcclelland stewart 333pp 3 00 above suspicion is an exciting story one that you will not want to drop until the last thrilling chapter is finished but it is more than that it is a convincing and authentic picture of life in nazi germany and in austria in the mad months before war came a picture of clicking heels and military salutes of despotism and intrigue of puzzled and intimidated citizens in a land where no one was entirely sate richard myles a young professor at oxford and his pretty blond wife frances were accustomed to spend their vacations hiking and mountainclimbing on the continent because they would be so obvious ly above suspicion peter gait a friend of theirs at the foreign office asked them to undertake a very important and difficult job of espionage to find out by tracing back from one known contact in paris whether a certain englishman head of a group of secret agents is still alive and stm free their apparently harmless wanderings take them from paris to nuratoerg to innsbruck to jenbach to pertisau and in each place they were able by faithfully following instructions to contact one more agent in the secret chain but not without meeting many unexpected obstacles they carried no incriminating documents or evidence but they knew they were suspected and that their position was gradually becoming more perilous yet in spite of their growing suspense and constant fear of making an irretrievable slip they retained their usual brand of humour and their gayety and courage and they enjoyed some really good times with an american reporter and a young englishman whose acquaintance they made but wherever they went beneath the surface there was tragedy or something twisted something evil and it is their new found friends who in the end save them from the horrors of the gestapo and help them bring their mission to a successful conclusion raspberry floating island this is a really festive dessert tempting and delicious but not ex pensive and quite simple to make 2 teaspoons com starch teaspoon almond extract 4 tablespoon sugar h teaspoonful vanilla extract teaspoon nit few grains nutmeg 2 cups milk 2 cups raspberries 5 age yolks meringue crown jpgme corn starch sugar and salt add milk gradually cook over hot te stirring constantly until sughtiy thickened add to beaten egg ka cook unto mixture eoata spoon cool add flavourings pour to ft ahaoow serving dish when ready to serve top with meringue orown intksuf ational 1tnifokm sunday school less on the holy spirit inspires new testament letters sunday july 27 1m1 golden text all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteous ness 2 timothy 3 16 lesson passage galauans 1 11 12 1 thessalonlans 2 is 2 timothy 3 1417 2 peter 3 1416 jude 3 i envy not the twelve nearer to me is he the life that he once lived on earth he uvea again in me inspired writers 11 12 paul wrote thirteen of the twenty seven books in the new testament his writing grew out of his deep exper lence of god s love in christ convlc tion had come to him by revelation first on the damascus road and then through a progressive illumination by the holy spirit pauls letters also grew out of circumstances he wrote to different churches because of quar rels and controversies and suited his mesage to their needs pauls inspir atlon did not free him from hard thinking he drew his inspiration from a study of the old testament scriptures and from his constant fel l0w5hlp with christ with great care paul dictated his letters or wrote them painfully by hand his literary crafts manshis was a product of a great mind and a great heart he wrote with glowing passion quite uncon clous of the fact that he was writing books for the new testament to be ctrottfted in the bible one proof of paul inspiration is the effect that his wripaes have had upon such men us auguittneluthu john wesley and igarl barth inspired readers 13 15 another test of ihe inspiration of scripture is that it still inspires us reading the psalms gles us a sense of the presence ol the unseen god reading the gospels giesus a new attitude towards our fellowmen we need to learn how to read the bible one reader skims its pages getting little from it another ponders over the erses word by word and finds that gods spirit is given while he reads timothy owed much to the companionship of paul but his cap acity lor growth was made possible by his early studj of the holy scriptures was limited to the old testament because the new testament books had not yet been written but he was en abled to receive the message of the new testament because of his study of the old testament very often conversion makes the bible a new book for the reader when the scripture is read critically or with only histor leal interest it may seem to be lifeless when it is read to know the will of god it finds our conscience and is sharp as a twoedged sword ef we are not receiving inspiration from the bible it must be because we are read ing it in a wrong way inspired character 16 17 verses 16 and 17 should be read to gether too frequently verse 16 18 taken as a dogmatic assertion of the inspiration of scripture failing to see that the purpose of the bible is to make persons spiritiiauj effective the bible is not an end in itself but a menns to the production of a christian character it can help people live inspired lives the bible gives us a faith that life is not meaningless a cure for our selfishness and sin and wins for us the great lire purpose of building the kingdom of god on earth there are inspired men and women who work with vision and courage and thej testily that all their power has come to them throigh a study of the bible it is impassible to be a christian apart from lift long bible study inspired scholars 14 16 no other book has received as much study as the bible there has been constant study of hebrew greek ara male latin and many other languages in order to discover the exact meaning of scripture denominations set apart scholars to work in colleges to collect and preserve knowledffp about the bible millions of books have been clrcilated in an effort to explain its truths year after year the bible re mains the best seller more copies of the bible are being bought in germany than of mein kampf whole truck loads are being taken over the burma road into china in our own day there have been half a dozen modern ver slons of the bible printed and cir culated such scholars as dr moffatt or dr qoodspeed have clarified many verses that used to be perplexing it is sometimes said that the bible is the best seller but the least read of all books this is an exaggeration mill ions have read dr moffatts transla tion alone they would not pay the price of a new translation or read it if they were not interested and if they were not receiving help from it translators have shown a measure of inspiration as well as the original writers the westminster divines who produced the authorized version or king james version as we call it had distinctive spiritual qualities inspired teachers 3 there has b much controversy about the inspiration of the bible too often the debate has been theoretical and historical without fixing attention upon the supreme question of how we may be inspired for christian service vs a m ll w issi mm t aybaer choice new pack sine 4 peas z lr aybaer choice tomatoes catdhs coofced j spaghetti z29 wmmmmmm clover leaf red cofaoe w4l salmon nesfles evaporated 6oz tin nesue bh milk 17c v- 27c biscuits w ib 18c miracle whip ds j ioc 49c mother parkers tea h 37c marmalade s lobster aylmer chicken z3c aylmer catsup tf izc ginger ale te iz ioc brazil fruit cake e xoc raisin cup cakes 6 loc champion dog food z i9c pi ioc 25c 29c 9c z3c 63c kleenex oxydol camay soap h o powdered ammonia 3 pi 13c v carroll own- soap flakes 4n bo 29c 2 k- lie 2 19 soap 213 plewi puree of pea soup 2 19c woodbury 1 sie facial soap 4 c 24c clark s pork and beans lie ontario no 1 potatoes 2 california grapefruit 5 or 25 valencia oranges doz 21 green hard cabbage t2 for 23 red fruit and vegetable prices until saturday night only phone 357 free delivery main street georgetown pnul sitting in a prlsoi thinking of his friends in phluppt wrote a letter full of inspiration a cii xdlan sunday school teacher rending the words that paj wrote in rome and reflecting upon them may be upllfted and chal lengrd and come before a class of boys ind girls full of inspiration it need not be past history alone it may be todays experience through fellowship with christ our daily conversations may hav e a measure of inspiration our private and public prayers instead of being flat and lifeless may breathe spiritual power and conviction the greatest tribute to the christian faith is not alone an inspired book but in spired people through the inspiration they derive from the books teachers of the bible may be inspired as well as the writers and translators questions for discussion 1 should we expect inspiration with out hard thinking 2 compare reading time weekly given to bible and newspapers 3 what help am i receiving from scripture in wartime 4 was peter fair to paul 5 what do you think of this book title moral man in an immoral socie ty lesson outline copyrighted by the international council of religious ed ucatlon used by permission indicative of the rapid expansion of the royal ttanadlan navy under sires of war is the fact that a band has re cently been organized this new band made up of experienced musicians wid be at the forthcoming canadian na tional exhibition training planes bombers and par suit planes air force equipment of all descriptions and the men that man them to answer your questions all this is but a part of the roaf display at this years canadian national ex hlbluon t and nil with fruit men ing ue crown 3 egg whites 6 tablespoons sugar hi teaspoon vanilla few grains salt beat egtg whites stiff but not dry add sugar gradually and salt and vanilla fog constantly pile meringue in a ring around a greased pie plate set in a shallow pan of warm water bake in a moderate oven 335 degrees p 30 minutes cool betty rixand max strang married in st johns norway the marriage of betty jeanne daughter of mr and mrs john c rlx to mr max kenneth strang son of mr and mrs john a strang of georgetown was solemnized saturday july 19th in st johns church nor way by rev a brlarly browne mr w h mould was at the organ and mr walter warriner sang the church was decorated with paste gladioli the bride was given in marriage by her faher she wore a white sheer gown made in grecian style a sweet heart halo with fingertip veil and carried plcardy gladioli her brides maid was her sister mrs john p bgan of rochester ny who wore pale yellow chiffon made like the bride s dress a flower halo and veil and carried pale mauve gladioli mr george s kabelln of welland was best man and the ushers were mr howard muckle and mr john p bffan of rochester ny a reception followed at the home of the bride s parents 45 st dements ave when her mother received in a flowered alice blue sheer gown with navy accessories and a corsage of white roses she was assisted by the groom s mother who had chosen navy blue sheer with white accessor ies and a corsage of rapture rosea the newly wedded pair left later for a trip north the bride wearing a redlngote dress of pastel blue with coin dots and white accessories on their return they will live at 63 roe- hajnpton ave the groom is ft gradu ate in engineering from the univer sity of toronto asthma people are beglnnlnc te drop in aa4 ted as how quick n they g from dwvla wiwiiwty nn tow and tha attaeka aa eaaa back tf yoa f eoani danj tak ing a 4 bottle m 3 chapmans drag stan baptist young people bold outdoor meeting a mos enjoyable summer meeting was held by the baptist church young peoples society on the beautiful lawn and amid the beautiful floral sur roundings at the home of mr lv harding on monday evening the fellowship committee was la charge of the amusing and interest ing games miss eva harding- led bx the devojonal period mrs w j smith presented certificates and seals to all who had read the bible readers course light refreshments brought the evening to a close british government war m- is coming to canada this summer it wul be part of the british government ex hibit at the canadian national exhib ition just what type of souvenirs from the battle of britain win be sent is not yet revealed excepting that tt wul include airplanes we print nifty letterheads envelopes and other printed forms phone 8 men off 30 40 so pep vim vigob bnbnonaalll want normal poo ttm vinr vhatltrr try oetrsx toole tabtetk oottula tonka stimulant oyster alwaonta alda to norm pep after so 40 or go get special introductory for only j cooke floor contractor n laidto flfcsuwacing old rutoma good wottmaiufclp 1 nbw st hoiun oki

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