Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 23, 1941, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 23rd 1941 amos mason heads conservatives the mtmuu meeting of the halton conservative poutlo ni held in the town hail mutan on wednesday july oth when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year president amos mason acton first vfcxrpresklent allen 8 nicholson burlington second vicepresident mrs oraoe hallett oakville treasurer charles leatherbutd acton secretary uoyd dingle burlington represent atives for the municipalities are eb- questng oeorge currle georgetown b t cook umehouse mrs w o mcdowell georgetown nassagaweya a o freeman caropbellvule mrs boy gtirrie oampbeuvllle joseph frank campbellvllle nelson john allen burlington w j robert son milton mrs louis lee freeman acton h l ritchie w j beatty mrs w j beatty burlington frank n galloway a 8 nicholson mrs clara dorland georgetown s v king a early mrs j p rett mil tonjames waldle miss mabel oamp a bell mrs l lott oakville w j h bray bruce root mrs g hallet advisory committee major frank pullen voafcviue prank galloway burllngttor- dr c a martin milton i e fleck georgetown amos mason acton george cleave esquesing john allison nassagaweya w j robertson kelson flnanc committee w j beatty acton murray sproat milton d creighton peorgetown w l- rennle burlington george atkins oakville col 8 b pepler was chosen to or g a meeting in trafalgar for the i purpose of choosing representatives lor the county organization major frank pullen who was chair ii of the victory loan campaign advised that haltqn had oversubscr b ed ite quota 930006 and stood second to the province the meeting accepted his suggestion and passed a resolution strongly urg lng the dominion organization to call a convention at the earliest date for the purpose of selecting a permanent leader both uoyd dingle burling ton and george atkins oakville pointed out the necessity of a leader we must have one who will be a real leader and not one who plays politics mr dingle sal j takes enthusiasm to attract sup- porters and hat we lack mr atkins charged there never was a time wherl there was such a lack of leadership as the present what iias been accomplished since we wen to war condemns the government we have temporary control of the chan nel end west coapt so i believe that now is the most opportune time to do something bylaw no 416 town of georgetown a by law authorizing the taking of the assessment in the town of george town between the 1st day of april and the 30th day of september in the year preceding the year in which the taxes are fixed and levied upon such hawk in the wind by helen topping miller 1 by section 5 u of the act being rbo 1937 cbapter 272 the council of any town may pass a by law authorizing the taking of the assessment in the said town between the 1st day of april and the 30th day of september in the year preceding the year in which the taxes are fixed and levied on such assessment and whkreas by section 59 3 of the said act the council instead of making a second assessment in the transition jear may adopt the assess ment roll previously made and revised in such transition year therefore the municipal corporation of the town of georgetown by its council enacts as follows 1 subject to the provisions of clause 4 the assessor for the town of georgetown shall hereafter between the 1st day of april and the 30th day of september in each year take the assessment upon which the taxes in the next following year for the town of georgetown shall be fixed and levied to the intent that after the 31st day of december 1941 the taxes fixed and levied in every year in the town of georgetown shall be fixed and levied on an assessment ta between the 1st day of april and the 30th day of september in the year next preceding the year in which the taxes are fixed and levied 2 the assessor for the town of georgetown shall hereafter on or be fore the 1st day of october in each year deliver in the form and with the forms required by statute to the clerk of the town of georgetown the completed assessment roll upon which the taxes for the next following year jn the town of georgetown shall be fixed and levied 3 the date for closing the court of revision in each year in the town of georgetown shall hereafter be the lfith day of november next follow bkg the return of the assessment roll and the date for the final return by the judge of the count court in each year shall hereafter be the 15th day of december next following the re turn of the assessment roll 4 the assessment roll previously made and revised in the year 1941 is hereby adopted as the assessment roll npan which shall be fixed and levied the taxes for the year 1m3 and the ttme for dostog the court of revision in connection with the appeals from such aneament roll shall be the 16th day of november 1941 and the final return of the judge of the county court m connection therewrtb shall be ttm 1mb day of december 1941 5 ah by laws or parts of bylaws not in accordance herewith are here by repealed tills 7th day of july 1041 mayor p b harrison chapter x branford wills went to his work at the mill hi the morning like a young man riding to a crusade there was about him as he entered the gate a feeling of going mto battle no tangible opposition presented it self no definite hostility the men were not friendly but they ware heavily polite and reserved as he knew all mountain men to be until they were won over daniels was curt and indifferent but their work did not coincide and wills following the milling of the product through the plant from the first removal of the bark to the warm brown rolls of wood pulp rolled into storage saw the chemiwt but seldom but on the snowy morning follow ing his visit to the jail daniels emerged from his laboratory his hands in the pockets of a stained jacket and came to stand beside wills who was watching a new couch blanket being spread on one of the big presses daniels spoke without preamble you were down at the other end of the mill yesterday wills did you see anyone fooling around the big vats thq digesters we lost a batch of pulp through some funny business or other 1 1 don t know au the rnen in the rryjl as yet wills said and i was out for two or three hours tpe vats have padlocks don t they that g it daniels frowned it s an inside job evidently without even a motive that we can disco v er you haven t made any of these tellows sore have you wills looked puzzled how could i ive only been watching and lis tening and if i made a man sore he d be more likely to give me a poke in the jaw wouldn t he than to rum a run of pulp it sounds reasonable it s a mys tery and not so good for me be caus 1 a the keys well much- roliged at shouted instructions from a ank man in overalls wills went to ielp smooth the thick blanket mto place on the bed of the machine but the odd unease of being pressed upon by strange and unfriendly forces persisted he hated the feel ing of defensiveness of needing to justify himself in his own mind he liked this job and he had been swept up into admiration for the in trepid spirit of virgie morgan and now as the mill clamor beat around him he was certain that t was the remoteness the indifference in her eyes that made this feeling of bemg on trial without a friend in court he had to show her he had to show her that he was something other than a lost and rather pathetic young man whom a big hearted el derljr woman had befriended a sudden sharp nausea caught him as his mind raced young men had been befriended by middle aged u omen before if she thought he was that sort an opportunist a heel he gave an involuntary jerk and bud spam yelled hey but the yell was lost in other yells rough and sudden and startling frank emmet banged the gears of the jordan machine back jumped and ran wills ran too and be cause the others were yelling he yelled too hobe anderson was dragging a flat hose off a reel an other man struggled with a fire ex tinguisher the smoke was pouring from a little oil house built against the north wall of the mill they kicked the door in there were yells and men running mto each other and much coughing and hissing of chern cals the smoke grew blacker then turned white and sank to the ground wills eyes were running scalding water but it was he who kicked the smoldering barrel into the open where hobe anderson knocked it over and sent it rolling with a stream from the hose take it easy wills shouted at hobe cut that water off let s have a look at this a dozen hands jerked the charred smoking staves of the barrel apart a label still intact on its side in dicated that it had held bisulphide in the bottom an oily mass still smoked acridly dragged out it dared mto flame briefly a soaked dangerous bundle of cotton rags and paper men stamped out the flame looked at each other somberly somebody announced frank emmet was fixing to burn the mill wind s wrong hobe said kick ing a smoking heap into a pool of water or she d have went sure look- like if anybody wanted to burn her they d have figured on the wind hvtll was aware of lucy fields whit face near to his elbow it was set wasn t it she said obviously though even if the barrel had burned there might not have been serious damage that little building is more or less air tight the fire probably would have smoldered out but why would anyone want to set fire to the mill the town would be ruined if tt was destroyed daniels cut in would onfe want to spoil the pulp something s wrong somewhere where is mrs morgan she went to asheville to see tom pruitt s lawyers i d better tele phone her i wouldn t wills said the fire is out why worry her she has troubles enough already that b true ij won t tell her you d better clean this up frank let s have a look at it first wuls looked at daniels we can find out perhaps where this stuff came from 6 for an instant wills sensed an edge of hesitation in daniels man ner his eyes flicked around then were as quickly guarded but his lucy was heavily unhappy as aha walked home alone that night lrfe could be so hopeless so ghastly when you lived in a shabby old house at the end of a shabby street when you were so acrdragly in love chapter vi next week umeh5use f marlon norzie is holidaying with her aunt and uncle bar and mrs thos allan at oshawa mr robert shaw toronto visited with the folletts last week mrs t l campbell and children visited with mrs h norton last week considerable damage has been re ported due to the hailstorm on wed nesday last marti glvens reports his barn having been struck by lightning and several farmers had grain flat tened and some threshed in the field the hydro electric power was off for some time also a number of panes were broken in some houses the quarrymen had some pumping to do next morning but roost people were pleased to see some ram for gardens and pasture fields mr and mrs john nfckell attended the burial service at ayr of mrs nlc- kell e halfsister the late mrs william scott of brentford miss shirley wright was among those who attended orange celebra tions at grand valley july 12th mr and mrs d mcdonald mrs s gisby mr donald mcdonald and gunner angus mcdonald motored to nlagaraon the lake on sunday week end and sunday visitors in eluded miss grace beerman of georgetown mr and mrs earl scott master glen and wee garry of malton all with the bcott family mr and mrs frank benton of to ronto with the benton famflica hero- sunday evening messrs gordon and william grieg of brantford with mrs oale ana mls xvens mrs h b mcdowell mrs ross and ronnie of toronto with the mu n family mrs mcvey had holidays at home recently mls helen mills returned homo sunday after three weeks with tho- land army girls at winona miss shirley mcajptna visited friends in acton and guelph last week mr william shelbourne caught speckled trout at llmehouae recently which weighed one anil onequarter pounds and measured thirteen ana one half inches her face went red and then white as wuls came in voice was carefully casual when he answered not much left but there may be a clue wills went back to his work at the jordan machine it was an hour later that one of the spain boys came to him and said lucy wants to see you in the office wills crossed the yard to the lit tie structure that stonl so bleakly alone lucy fields at her tittle desk and her fice t nt first red fjnd then wh te is s came in sit down pie t sie faltered a little then pi ntd pidly mr w lis i m do n vcr bold thing- asking you to tome ere but 1 had to talk to you there s noth in else to do i see and i was it y wanted to say to n he tnok the chair oppos tt tie r tint still bore the mpnntv dav d mor gan s shoulder blades her throat flutter a stra ned look came over hti mall wistful face this is sutjh d i u town she began its n trior ful to le in such a goss p i t plice it sn t easy whai 1 i to say to moke it cleir i n t n about the town about the m ii it belongs to the town to all of mr w lis tl e men who work h have been here always n h 1 p er came in from outside till mr pin eh came ldt year what is it you rt trying to tell me w lis asked blut tly that i m an outsider that s r chow or oth er i am to blame for t e trouble n the mill and so your suggestion is that i leave town in haste and never come back tears ran down her pale face i know i sound like a fool to you but mrs p- in has been a moth er to me 11 of us we ve all fought and w rked and struggled to gether always for the mill all but the fellow who poured oil on the newspapers and ruined the pulp he was fig ting for him self perhaps he thought he was fight ing for the mill perhaps he thought that outsiders would be coming in to take it away from us he might have thought that you were the first it sounds fantastic but it may be true i ii talk to mrs morgan and you can be sure i won t let the mill be destroyed on my ac count ohi please don t talk to mrs morgan please just go you can make some excuse you had a job you can say you are going back to it you could say you had changed your mind i m sorry 1 couldn t leave with out talking to mrs morgan i m very much indebted to her i appealed to you she sighed it s all i can do but if you were convinced you ve done your part what ever happens i m to blame 1 hope nothing happens i hope i m wrong she smiled thinly but there was a dubious uneasi ness in her heart as wills went away had stanley daniels been a tittle odd a trifle curt and watch i fult he couldn t know anything about this affair and yet he alone i carried th keys save gas by buying at home every week the pages of the herald are filled with advertisements of georgetown merchants and businessmen telling you of the services available to v you in your own home town on another page of this issue appears an advertisement inserted by the government of canada urging canadian people to reduce their purchases of gaso line in order to conserve supplies and release transportation facilities for vital war purposes what better way to save gas than by buying at home where your local merchant is always on hand to give you value for your money you can t go wrong if you use the georgetown herald as your buying guide buyers guide brills dept store mens furnishings ladies ready to wear boots and shoes main st phone 167 georgetown lumber co everything m lumber sash doors and interior finish we also handle ilydrated lime hardwall plaster fibre board cement and roofliuj of all kinds w j cain invites tour patronace auto repairing an make tires batteries welding all work guaranteed phone 284w victoria st college view exchange hotel room and meals good accommodation hollywood hotel norval a home away from home every accommodation r licata fruit vegetable market a good place to shop phone 71 georgetown ullicos tor best service and cleanllneaa we try to make an ad of every permanent machine or maehlnelcsa our prices are right too cajll hugh lindsay radios refrigerators kelvinator philco stewart- warner main st phone 11 mcbean co importen of dry goods gents furnishings shoes caps overalls house furnishings phone 64 h c mcclure home furnishings funeral director and ambulance serriee phone mw why not make mcgibbons hotel your meeting place plemmnt social sitxrovndliicb visit mackenzies one stop service station cars picked op and delivered all oars insured we invite xoor patronage phone 355 brace mackcnrie proprietor r rachlins can tire yon better aervtoe a try will satisfy cleaning pressing tailoring all work guaranteed phone 233 0 richardsons hardware phone 25 electric fans 550 to 14 75 keep cool we deliver white rose service station and garage specialist jpiluen and carboretot repair p sinclair main street georgetown phone 26 scons garage international truck saler and service corner mate and onclph sta phone 161 saxe motors ojbtx road service dodge and desoto sales and service gaelnh street phone 152 tyers milk products itdulvu high grade dairy products phone 162 oe a wm town 3-

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