Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 13, 1941, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening auguat 13th 1941 carrolls udon- rio krlsples x x j crton corn flakes x is i wheat x x3 silver star pastry afssj av flour 24ib ba 59 keep up to par with ovaltlne tin jo 98 chocolate flavored toddy b 5 44 good morning marmalade j 23c 35c sbimif new desserts 3 p 23c cbriatie fmited nat mas 15c ayltner tomato catsup ijsc rom rice it xic minute tapioca pi xic cmnki cocoa t 14c x4c carroita par raking powder f- 7l it oesmrt k pears i 15 v domestic orteniof l jc venule or l extract kkornn jell maker 2 pfce 25c tops 3 or 5c bruce bird seed lib pin 17c champion ct or dojf food 2 lib liu ioc master dot biscuits x x 25c canadian crabmeat a zee beaver lobster 6 x7 28 8090 prunes 2 n 17c doerra tiny apple blouom biscuits lb woodbury facial soap 4 ck zafc old dutch cleanser th xoc irory soap flakes i pk 23c snnligtit soap 2 cake xic handy powdered ammonia 2 pk xx infanta delight soap cake 5c eaer on your hand rinso akt 10 z3 46 for rich sun chlpso h 9t z3 51 scomxin p 8os pk 14c z3c peanut butter ponnd ioc r v libby pork and beans i 2 christies iced rainbow cake each xoc heinz baby foods 3 tin z5c a rimer chopped foods tin 19c gravy maker blsto pk 25c junket ice cream mix 2 pk 19c ready cut macaroni 2 ib oc ubbyt evaporated milk 16os tin sc shirrifps lemon ke mix pk i4c libbys potted meats tin ox jewel salad dressing 39c ayhner halves of ontario peaches 15oz tin salmon flesh good slxe canteloupes ea s no 1 new potatoes 11 i 15 ib peck 27 dt nestle duchess apples 5lb15 no 1 cooking onions tatiiatoea gabbsfe celery cwsvxotors lettuce fruit end vegetable prices until saturday night only 3 lb 14 phone 357 free delivery main street georgetown 2 your telephone bays you are busy but it isnt true maybe you are robbed of an even- inns fun perhaps an important business call cant reach you your telephone is gagged became of the off the hook habit last year bell telephone repair men found 120400 trouble calls in the seven largest cities of ontario and quebec lo be just plain oft the hook troubles its a real menace to efficiency especially in warlime when tele phone service must be fast and de pendable you can help by always replacing the telephone care- fully leis keep our lines of communi cation clear moh report for july in the last stages is an epidemic of mumps which caused several hundred cases in town during the past few months the report for july issued by dr c v williams medical offi cer of health for georgetown lists four cases the same number as in the month of june also in july one case of whooping cough was reported the first and we hope the last of the year for this nasty disease following is the complete report scarlet fever 0 chlckenpox 0 measles 0 german measles 0 mumps 4 infantile paralysis 0 typhoid fever 0 whoopingcough 1 cerebrospfnal meningitis 0 epidemic your eyes sunglare aches this can be restored by ttnlttd lenses groand to salt tow eye defect wehte a large stock of the better kind of san gogglea a ofemonsbatton wto prere they better for year eyes consult 0t walker r 0 whe wo be at us aaoa erer the bell ttlephane osaflaai stoaet georgetown thai weoneeriaj f each saasxtl peter encourages suffering christians sunday august 17thlml golden text if any man suffer as a christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorify god on this behalf 1 peter 4 16 1 lesson passage i peter 4 1219 5 611 i knew that christ had given me birth to brother all the souls on earth sharing suffering 12 13 picture the historical situation in the first century christian men and women were scattered abroad the jems were antagonistic towards them and the pagans laughed at them when peter sought to comfort them he stressed the fact that they were partakers of christs suffering the servants were not greater than their lord christ had been despised and rejected of nien his followers passed through the same experience because of this fellowship in suffering peter dared to speak of joy in the same breath as he spoke of trial in studying these words of peter we do not forget the tradition that he was martyred and that he was crucified head down seeking to atone for his denial peter is not writing a polite essay to elaborate a theory from the day he had left his fishing boat he had been challenged and had received many taunts through it all he was upheld by the conviction that he was sharing the suffering of christ suffering as christians in the early years of this century canadians were very jaunty the world looked good to us immigrants were pouring ino canada and ou hopes were high we spoke of build ing a christian world yet today there is much opposition to christian ity in japan certain gioups in china resist it many people in india will hae nothing to do with it and on the continent of europe from vladi vostok to the english channel from narvick down to athens and rome there is opposition to thej christian way of life there are many people in nterment camps solely because they are christians their imprisonment is an honour rather than a disgrace they are reproached for the name of christ and they are happy to follow in his train it may be that the christ- ian church will go through a period of persecution and martyrdom such a period has already arrived in many countries can we meet persecution with faith and hope a spiritual experience 1719 peter taught that inner character is much more important than outward circumstances we ought to be judg ing ourseu es if we do this coura geously and honestly it may be that we shall escape judgment from others christ never promised that dlsciplc- ship would be easy rather did he state frankly that it would require heroism and endurance the only way in which we may lhe victoriously during the dark days through which we are passing is to make it a spiritual ex- perience a relirious lenter who en dured bombing nightly wnile he slept on concrete under a stairs states that the surface the world appears to be chaos any materialistic philoso phy fails to rationalize the world as we know it only a splritunl interpre tation gives light in the presence of death we believe the more in immor- taluy we may fear those who can destroy the body but much more should ne be afraid of those who can kill the soul the world can not be made good by force nor we believe can it ecr be made wholly bad by force in the midst of our difficulties we team to trust god more fully living under discipline 69 in these weeks when human lives are being sacrificed by the thousands two courses of action are possible some turn to dissipation and others turn to god even in bombed cities night clubs are busy following the philos ophy eat drink and be merry for to morrow we may die others say that because of the brevity and uncertainty of life they will live it nobly they humble themselves before god they put treir trust in god they are alert and vigilant guarding against temp tation they see the frustrated futile lives of those who have yielded to selfindulgence and they decide to live under discipline people living in air raid shelters in old london have dis covered how to live without complain ing without quarreling and without losing faith an englishman who thinks of the world as the vale of soulmaking says- the earth life has not been wasted if it is only a prepar atory school and if the university course of the soul lies completely in the next or spiritual phase of life one lady writing from the old land said to a canadian relative please do not send any more food we do not want to have more than our neigh bore a young woman said concerning her soldierlover i dont pray for his safety only that he remain brave and unstained and do his job he must take the risks the others take one cannot feel pity for people who meet adversity in that way peters benediction 10 11 read over and over again 1 peter 5 verses 10 and 11 the author of these words is an apostle who as a disciple was a weak waverer impul sive and heady at last he had become a rock he had fulfilled christs pre diction for him he encouraged his readers to expect victory he told them that christ could make them perfect prom christ t could re- timely topics for women by barbara baines busy children are happy children and with lovely soft waves and llttlff flat curls that seem to follow the curves of her head how mny of you parents find it a if a womans hair is beautiful other problem to keep your children busy things do not seem to matter so much and happy during the long summer but if her hair la lifeless untidy vacation how often have you heard and straggling around her face the them say in a bored voice what will most attractive costume is spoiled for i do now mum at school they were me accustomed to a regular routine and summer is always hard on the hair the days seem very hard to nil up too much sun too much water if you now that they have no definite job swim and perhaps neglect in very hot to do what is the solution i guess weather all oomimnirto give your hair provide them with a job in which they that dry sunbleached lustreless look will be interested but that is some- which is so annoying a hat is often times easier said than done a nuisance but one really ought to few children in this country lack the wear some sort of light covering to opportunity for free play in the fresh protect the hair from the hot sun air and sunshine which is of course and wind essential but a great many of them frequent shampoos especially if do lack an opportunity for creative ytji have been perspiibng freely are a work under competent and encourag- necessity you should use a mild ing supervision authorities on child cleansing soap in warm not hot water training agree that our modem child- and follow up with a mild lemon rinse- rem are not taught to use their hands to bring out the highlights some wo- enough and they are taught too late men find it very helpful to rub hot all children need to learn early the olive oil into the hair and scalp a joy or doing things the satlsfac- few hours before it is washed tion of accomplishing something and brushing is still the best condt winning approval for their skill in tioner ordinarily a hundred stroke terms of praise and wages a day is enough but if your hair is take the case of else elsa was dry and brittle longer brushing may home over the civic holiday on her be necessary to get results use uhe first leave since she went to a fruit brush in an up and out stroke that farm in the niagara district as a gives the roots an extra tug audi farmerette this summer has been stimulates the scalp a tonic cream tops the most fun ive ever had or oil may be rutbbed into the scalp she salq in talking to a group of and on the broken ends of the hair to friends i have never seen so much help restore elasticity hair grows fruit and so many vegetables in my about half an inch a month and it is whole life and the way they are amazing how quickly it responds to handled is amazing i like the other regular care girtetoo they come from all over most women like to have their halr the province and it is fun comparing cut fairly short before they get their notes on scnoo doings i enjoyed the summer permanent it is then both farmerette frolics the barn dances easier to manage and cooler- on hot and entertainments and sometimes we days simpler coiffures are predict- get a chance to swim i have worked ed for this winter through which you hard but it has sure been a swell sum- can run a comb quickly and look well mcr at a moments notice the trend 1a elsa is only one of many over toward a wider look with the hair 10000 ontario students are working brushed up from the ears vwomen on farms this summer greenhorns find they are too busy to be ootheredj are learning to wield pitchforks and with long bobs and elaborate hair- hoes and milkpalls like veteran far- dos mers most of them love it they t t f v like the camp life the majority live in hostels under the supervision of p uk scrap book kick out of earning their first money the uvelon zuiotta perrv and gaining their first taste of inde- t t y pendtnee they are getting good ex perience but best of all they are book review learning the joys of work but it is up to you farm folks who have students with you to see that you do not discourage these young people by making the work too hard for them and that you let them know that you appreciate the effort they e making was a naiu flier by gottfreld lesfce longmans green 351pp 300 i was a nazi flier is one of the most unusual books published this season it is based on the diary of a young flier in the luftwaffe who la have any of you mothers ever seen now a prisoner in a concentration a young child with normal health that camp in canada was naturally lazy most tiny tots are his diary which was never intended a bundle of energy but even little iot publication begins with the straf- children get tired of all play they m of women and children on the want to help mother with the dust- roads when holland and belgium were ing and daddy do the chores and invaded and covers all his activities they almost burst with pride when unu1 thg ume vvhen he was shot they are able to say i did it all my- down over england and captured m self it he tells some very significant and as they grow older the urge to ac- damning facts regarding german complish something if directed and psychology and military life developed grows stronger and should leske is a typical young nazi bo become the foundation of a useful j hitlers youth movement back and satisfying life in i and later belonged to the many of you i know think there eitc guard if he ever had any is nothing like a summer camp to de- doubts he cast them aside with this vclop character in your children thought the fuehrer knows best camps are improving all the time anyway it is wiser as the gestapo camp leaders are recognizing that might happen on his diary children should not be coddled too he records the bombing of the beach much they are cutting down on the at dunkirk and the luck of the eng- services provided and are teaching j n getting away his disdain for children to do and make things for the french the razing of rotterdam themselves but how many of you and coventry the preparation for the parents can afford to send your child- invasion of england and his glee in ren to a supervised summer camp the bombing of london there nre ery few of you though hp tells of his infatuation with lie- who can t afford to give wee teddy solette and his later disillusionment a box of building blocks and four- of how the gestapo checks even upon teen year old sally some cloth and a the bomber pilots and of a visit from pattern and an opportunity to make goenng an apron or a dress for herself leske glories in destruction and kill- or who ennt afford to give twelve- ing he is bombastic and egotistical yearold gordon a hammer and a few as shown when he says we german nails and a corner for his work- always are amazing the world bench where he and his chums can everything important has been ln- do some experimentins vented by us readers will be inter- ested in the picture he reveals of the i often wonder nhy the average warped mentality of the nazis and town li willing to spend so much on the ruthlessness with which they treat fine buildings and bridges and roads even their own people and so little on its young people if t 1 t i had my way every community would mitcmmom have its own boys town and girls town too it would have a centre casserolfc where those youngsters who could not combination of cauliflower and get away to camp or cottage could mu wll glve you a delightful meet for supervised sports and play h lf you hftven tried it bo or maybe to form a band or dramatic iore it mhkes a nice simh lunoh- club and in addition get some use- djj when aocomp by 3rtsp ful training in using their hands such a centre is a good investment for an town lf it is the means of keeping adolescents out of mischief that idleness is sure to breed but to be a real success such a centre should do more than give growing boys and girls an outlet for their energies it should help them to become creative selfreliant and happy persons and cooperative responsible citizens t t t how much care do you give your hair when you hear it said that a cer tain woman is wellgroomed what comes to your mind first some celve strength to face ifielr dinger and to meet death triumtphanuy the god w all grace has called us and will sustain us to the end no matter what fiery trials we may have to endure hardsnipee make strong- characters too much sonshlne is as bad for a flower bacon and buttered toast 2 cups cauliflower v4 teaspoon salt dash of pepper 1 can mushroom soup condensed 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup sliced mushrooms boll and drain cauliflower separ ate into flowerettes arrange in a cas serole cover with the mushroom sauce with a little milk added if it is too thick saute the sliced mush rooms in the butter and sprinkle wltti pepper and salt arrange on top of cauliflower heat in a modern oven 350 degrees f for 15 minutes t t t letters are invited fkn interested think of her clothes their fashion and readers hate yon a favourite dec- fit others of her complexion and sert for young children sena us your makeup stfll others of her shoes recipe and we will publish it we gloves and other accessories- bu would like too to hear your can- when i hear that a woman is well- ments on our column have you any groomed i think of her hair glistening criticisms or suggestions writs with health beautifully cut and styled barbara baines in care of this psper too much shadow desert ah sunshine example makes a desert the example 6t christ himself encourages us he was perfect by suffering we may share his victory if any man suffer as a christian let him not be ashamed qasatlom far dtooassksn 1 is the christian church facing- en- other martyr period 2 why are the dictators aiiuodlstio to christ s are we capable of fudging oonsttm 4 are my present ternptattoidsl roaring lion or subtle mt 5 write a wartime benamom lesson outlines copyrighted hy 1 international council of bengloat 1 ucatton used fay pertnltalodj

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