Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 20, 1941, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyfourth year of publication wednesday evening august 20th 1941 5c a copy 2 00 a year letter from hydro commission chairman tells of latest development in building plan no new bu till after the war adjacent property will be purchased lor temporary use plan combln atlon municipal and hydro building in future we reprint below a letter from mayor joseph gibbons chairman of the georgetown hydro commission explaining the situation in relation to the proposed hydro building which was to have been built this year on pro perty owned by the commission at the corner of main and ihurch streets building plans have been dropped for the present owing to high build lng costs and it is not anticipated that the building will be erected until the war is over meanwhile permls slon has been secured from the on tarlo hydro commission to purchase the adjacent property on main street to be used temporarily for hydro pur poses r georgetown ontario august 18th 1941 dear mr editor owing to the changed policy of the georgetown hydro commission in con nectlon with the proposed new hydro building it is my desire with your permission through the medium ot the herald to explain to the citizens of georgetown the situation as it is at the present time in 1940 the local commission with the approval of the hydro electrio power commission of ontario pur chased the property at the corner of church and main streets and were given permission to construct a build lng at a cost not exceeding 14 000 00 early this year plans and speciflca tlons prepared showed an estimated cost of 11000 00 due to the rising cost or building material and undoubt edly due to skilled labour conditions the lowest tender received for the construction of this building exceeded to a considerable extent the amount the georgetown commission were pre pared to spend and therefore it was their considered opinion that the erec hon of this building should be deferr ed until after the war at a recent meeting with the on tarlo commission consent was ob talned to purchase the adjacent pro perty on main street which will be usd temporarily for hydro purposes if space will permit mr editor it is also my desire to make public the in formation that at that meeting we appealed to dr hogg e his com- mlsslon for a reduction of rates to georgetown hydro consumers and our commission is of the opinion that this will be accomplished at the be ginning of next year at the present time the georgetown commission have a reserve fund in cash and securities of 16 09355 and hydro statistics show and prove that the local financial situation is second to none in any municipality in the province of ontario and it is the un animous opinion of the ontario and georgetown conimiaslons that regard less of the personnel of the munlcl pal council or the hydro commission in the future when conditions permit there should be constructed on this property a combination municipal and hydro building that will be a credit to the citizens of georgetown it is due mr editor to a consider able number of inquiries about the proposed building that this letter is very truly submitted joseph gibbons chairman georgetown hydro commission wvfundnears 1600 mark a substantial donation of 100 which represented the proceeds from a gar den party at the home of mr unriy beaumont sponsored by the glen oomjnunlty club on august 1st brpoght the herald war victims fund close to the 1600 mark this week continuing the fine work which lo cal young people are doing to raise money for the fund david w uiams bill emmerson and george farmer operated a refreshment booth on the hydro property at the corner of main and church streets last saturday af temoon apples fudge and taffy chocolate milk and lemonade were sold to passing customers besides this lead soldiers cast by the boys in davids casting box were sold aito gebher some 1334 was raised to be turned over to the fund baptist sunday school picnic at miles park the annual picnic of georgetown baptist church sunday school was held last saturday afternoon at milt park erindale some sixty children teachers and parents attended and he donkeys elephant and monkeys ce lighted the children with their antics refreshments were served by the wo mens association of the church with mrs james blair as convenor in the program of games and racs the following were prizewinners small children s race a prize for everyone boys peanut race emery thompson binie thompson mixed shoe race ingeborg hauptmann marv woods 50 yard dash billle hewitt dean thompson rolling pin conet ethel kemsbead mrs omar wilson balloon race mrs clair mrs j tut hemphill clothes pin race mrs 1 tracy mrs e holmes a happy family gathering on sunday afternoon august 17ji the six sons and two daught rs of the late william and mary fisher of es queslng township had a very happy gathertngatthe home of theyoungest daugnter mrs hume currie john fisher their grandfather took oli a crown deed for lot 9 con i esques ing township in the year 1822 ind it was on this farm that their father and mother spent their married life it is now the home of george fisher the gathering was an exceptionally happy onesowing to the fact that all the sons and daughters were present as john the eldest son of brandon man is at present visiting his bro thers and sisters and renewing old acquaintances in this community occasions such as this are rath r rare as all the brothers and sisters are llv ing and four of them are ovtr seven y years of age the members of the family are dr john f of brand n ma dr peter m of toronto mrs walter lawson sr of stcwai ttoan william w of esquesing township dr robert o of toronto oeotge a thomas j and mrs hume curr p of esquesing township the family gathered around the tea table which was effectively decorated with pink gladioli misses reta jean and irene fisher their nieces were in charge of the tea table before leav ing for their respective homes all present joined hands and sang auld lang syne funeral services held ifesterday for accident victim a large number of friends were pres ent at funeral services yesterday morning for james boyle who was tragically killed in an auto accident near norval station on saturday night james who was a son of mr and mrs james boyle was 17 years of age he was born in new toronto and moved to georgetown with his family about twelve years ago he at tended georgetown public and high schools at ths time of his death he was employed at the whlteley porrltt co knitting mills always ready with a joke he was popular and had a host of friends among the boys in town he was interested in hockey and had been a member of the juvenile hookey team he is survived by a brother wil liam boyle of malton and a sister kathleen the funeral service was held from his home on main street north tuesday morning to holy cross roman catholic church for requiem mass at 10 am high mass was sung by rev fr v j morgan assisted by- the children 5 choir and rev fr j l mcbride of hamilton former pas tor of the church preached the ser mon r the jjfth beaters were two cousns george stewart and frank connely and his chums bill clark bill murphy lome hunter and tom golden inter ment was in st marys cemetcv port credit there were many lovely- floral ti butes received among them being onrs from murphy children mr and mrs h silver mrs j murphy bill jess ind toots the armstrong family joe barney and dick mrs j carter mr and mrs b wright mr and mrs r licata the neighbours employees smiji stone ronald mendham and douglas thompson leslie and billy management and empioees of whlteley porritt textile co em ployees alliance paper mills the gang of john street jack and albert kemshead bill clark biu latimer bill murphy lome cross frank con nely john collier dav woodi bob goldham jim louth dave saxei mr and mrs jack armstrong and mr and mrs fred luce peggy walter ind annie bill and hazel ken weston ernie hyde mrs kenneth huntir and family mrs edwards and danny atf john baby joan and allien mr and mrs a w keffer in loving remembrance father and mother among those from out of town who attended the funeral were ray mc bride and miss mcbride of hamil ton pte o stewart and mrs stewart and family of new toronto rev fr j l mcbride rev fr v j morgan and rev fr sheridan were at the cemetery for the interment former resident dies in california mary duncan uns worth lived here 25 years ago word has been received of the death at ner home in hollywood california on saturday august 16th of mrs w b tinsworth widow of the late william bromley unsworth and one time resident of georgetown she was born in rochester ny 85 years ago and was mary e punoan before her marriage f she lived in georgetown and acton and later moved to toronto going to california with her husband in 1913 surviving are two sons aid two daughters j bromley unsworth of toron m a member of the liquor control board w prestoh unsworth or victoria bc mrs monroe e mer rlh helen glen dole california and alice j unsworth hcttywood call fornia interment was on monday august 18th in forest lawn memorial park glendale california the weather the expecjjpd cold wave arrived last week but l was not really cold the mean temperature for the week was 9 degrees 17 3 degrees cooler than that of the heat wave week wrich made it delightful for a good nights s enp with an extra blanket we had one nice shower during the week but will need several more like it if we are to get the normal rain fall for the month following are the local record for the week date ti a ig 12 wed a 18 13 tl r alio 14 fr a ig 15 5a a in 6 sun a ig 17 mon a 18 h and l rain the georgetown herald brttsh war victims fund former cnr operator here drowned in muskoka forwardtd to toronto fven teltg am 1423 2 c sh on hai d acki ow lecjgfd 33 85 ok comm in ij c ub proceeds of irardti partv on august 1st 100 00 a friend 1 00 da id williams bill em mtrson and george farmer proceeds of booth on aug 16th wh tand ltd soldiers etc ere sold 1j54 b no a t le i ome of mr i a mrs art ur r w 1 t glen road tuesday aug ib h 10 55 1 66 tragedy strikes georgetown home as j boyle killed in auto accident jessiecrossfand gordon martin married at knox church knox presbyterian church was the scene of a lovely wedding last satur day evening august 16th when jessie alexandria gross younger daughter of mr and mrs cedrlc cross becaine th bride of gordon leslie martin son of mr qeorge martin and the late mrs martin the church was decorated with mixed gladioli and fern rev d d davidson of smiths palls for mer pastor of the church performed the ceremony miss june frank play ed the wedding music and during the signing of the register mr richard e packer brotnerln law of the bride sang mrs thomas s hore of brampton wa matron of honour and the grooms sister miss jean martin was bridesmaid mr harold ooulson of milton brother in law of the groom was groomsman and the ushers were mr robert lane and mr thomas s hore the bride given in marriage by her father wore an ankle length gown of white silk net over satin a finger tip vet falling from a sweetheart halo hat and carried a bouquet of white gladioli ind bouvardia she wore a gold bracelet the gift of the groom mrs hore wore a blue chiffon dress and shoulder length veil caught up with a flower halo headdress and carried or chid gladioli miss martin wore pink chiffor and similar headdress and i er bouquet was of pink gladiol and ftrn a reception was held at the brides 1 ome htr mother receiving in rose lieer and white accessories and a cor igt of br arcllffe rosebuds she was i ted by mrs martin stepmother of tlu groom who wore alioe blue white ice ator e and a eormge also of rose bids follow ng the reception the couple left for a motor trip to points in westtrn ontario thr bride travelling n a bri tlsh tan redi ngo te dress villi brown accessories on their re rn thej will reside in georgetown william clark also injured in accident at norval station edward greensward first to arrive at scene james boyle 17 yearold son af mr and mrs james beyle was almost instantly killed when the car which he was driving overturned near nor val station late saturday night ths accident occurred about 830 pm r in company with william plaric son of mr and mrs mark clark john st the youth was driving south on the county road in some manner the car got out of control and rolled over several times pinning him in the wreckage clark was thrown clear of the car when it overturned it wao not until some time later that edward greensward district far mer drove up he drove the two in jured lads to his home in his car and called dr r t paul boyle whose chest was crushed died shortly after the doctors arrival death was attri buted to a hemorrhage of the lung clark who received a severe shaking- up and minor injuries was able to return to his home following treat ment coroner dr j a mcniven of ac ton was called to the scene of the accident which was investigated by provincial constables william herman of brampton and j reavley of mil ton assisted by chief of police w g marshall of georgetown dr mc- niven announced that no inquest would be held the investigation threw little light on the accident there was no loose gravel or other dangerous material on the oad the car was so badly wreck ed that it could not be ascertained if ome mechanical defect was the cause card of thanks mr and mrs james boyle wish to thank dr r t paul rev fr j l mcbride rev fr v j morgan atii- nce paper mills smith stone ltd whlteley porrltt and the neighbours and friends for their many floral tri butes mass cards and kind expres- ons of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement the thoughtfulness of those who offered cars for the fun eral was also deeply appreciated active service notes charles shultis at one time cub telegraph operator in georgetown was drowned on sunday august 10th while spending a week end with eight other members of his hunting club in the parry sound district near polnte au baril the victim of the tragedy was swimming across a 500 yard chan nel and when about 300 yards from shore he got into difficulty and sank in the water his companions hurried to the spot in a motor boat and dived for the body but were unable to lo cate it in the murky water and it was not until monday evening when drag ging equipment was procured that the body was recovered mr shultis had been telegraph oper ator in tara for the past four years after leaving georgetown he was operator at brampton fergus and alma before being transferred to tara while employed in brampton he married irene gibson who survives with three small children elaine marilyn and bruce also surviving are three brothers and three sisters one brother irwin lives near norval and another brother walter is in the air force mr shultis who was 44 years of age was a native of the rockwood district he was a member of the united church and actively associated with the tara rotary club the funeral service was held from his home on thursdaj august 14th and aaother service was held in brampton at the mckillop funeral parlors interment was in brampton cemetery august meeting of lions club on monday night the august meeting of the george town lions club was held on monday evening at 615 pjn in the mcgibbon house a report on the salvage campaign being sponsored 5 uw club srawt njt of n 5 irom oamp nor good progress made to date and the club felt that the campaign was gath erlng speed as it went along in one section of the town a number of child ren are cooperating by gathering sal vage in the neighborhood and storing it in a central location where it u picked up at intervals by the salvage truck and the club is hoping that children in other sections of the town will take an example from this and inr h gip a n fa- al was recently received and these brought 15 00 when sold in toronto by the club salvage instructions have been printed and win be distributed by lo- contlnued on page 8 heres how says canadian pte h n morris stationed at a i the 2nd canadian division pauses cross roads post as his central on mom i tr shoo an english young tario infantry battalion takes up a r how a tommy gun operates position during practice manoeuvres photo public information an active service lltst of men from georgetown and district now nerving with the army air force and navy will be published in next weeks edition or the georgetown herald relatives and friends of these men are re quested to get tn touch immediately with this office and supply m with the correct names and addresses q order that the list may be complete and accurate phone 8 drop a tine in the mall or come into onr office on main street he need yonr help ac2 j b moody who recently join ed the roaf is now at no 15 sjf ts cjaresholme alberta pilot officer james f evans who has been home on leave for the past two weeks left today to resume h duties with the rcajf at debert nova scotia pte bill tennant who is expecting to leave for overseas shortly was home on last leave over the week end with his fam ly as was bill hlllier of the lome scots hamilton men in uniform noted in town dur lng the week onr a e colman petawawa ac2 leslie clark toron to pte harold marshall ottawa ac1 wllbert bradley branword ac2 leslie clark who left his em ployment at the herald to join the r cajf is included in a picked squad of alrforoemen who will take part in ihe grandstand performance at the canadian national exhibition which opens this friday ken mackenzie son of mr and mrs j b mackenzie recently received word of jils promotion to the rank of pilot officer with the rcap he is at present on furlough at his home in town and leaves this weekend for penfield ridge nb where he will take further training at no 2 air navigators school some 96 young men from the dls trict embarked by bus for oamp nla gara on sunday morning where they will spend two weeks in army traxi lng they are members of th tad battalion lome scots p d 6c h regiment canadian army reserve accompanying them was lieut haroltt c mcclure acting oc the lome scots band under joseph carter al so accompanied the boys on the trip we hope to publish a list of men on active service in next weeks issue parents wives and friends are urged to get in touch with the herald and supply correct addresses of their men in uniform this weeks mall brought two more letters from overseas both written on july 24th pte cyril clarke write his thanks for sending him the herald there is one great rush when the herald comes in he says as we are always anxious to read the news from home all the georgetown boys send their kindest regards to all their friends another letter was received from pte steve emmerson who aays dont know whether you have re ceived any letters from our boys in the lome scots so here goes a little note anyway we are in a very nice camp and have a wonderful parade square which we pound up and down on quite fre quently we were given our shore leave ave days some time ago and i had a very nice time riding around the country on these small trains over here i visited with relatives that i never thought i would see the peo ple over here gave us a fine recep tion we were in several large cities contlnued on page 8 excellent results among high school students georgetown high school students were successful in passing 96 of all subjects tried in the june departmen tal examinations one of the best re cords yet enjoyed by the school one member of the class ac2 douglas bar gent who is now in training with the rcaf had an excellent report passing in his ten subjects which he tried and other students enjoyed cor responding success the compkte results follow allinoham john f eng oomp c eng lit 3rd alg 1st oeom 2nd trig 1st phys c ohem 2nd fr auth 2nd fr oomp 2nd cummins mary a p mod hist 2nd trig c lat auth 3rd lal nrwnp f ft allth 9na vr fwnp mcltntock verna mod hist 1st alg c trig 2nd lat auth 1st lat camp 3rd fr auth 2nd fr comp 1st rxjddell joy o mod hist 3rd trg lr williams hkilbn mod hist 3rd geom c trig 3rd ohem 3rd fr auth 3rd fr comp 1st campbell margaret eng lit c alg 1st phys 3rd ohem 2nd lat auth c lat comp c hancock rvyfr comp c harris marjorie sb mod hist c geom c trig c zoo c phys c chem c fr auth 2nd ft oomp 3rd lambert george eng comp eng lit 3rd alg 3rd geom 2nd trig 1st phys 2nd chem 3rd lat aiith 1st lat comp 2nd fr auth c pr comp c tiuddell james eng lit 3rd alg 3rd geom 2nd trig 1st phys 2nd chem c ft auth srd pr comp 3rd sargent douolasmod hist c alg c geom c trig c phys 2nd ohem c lat auth 3rd lat oomp 3rd pr auth 1st pr comp c shortill joanna mod hist 3rd geom 2nd zoo 2nd phys 2nd chem 3rd

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