Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 20, 1941, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wedneaday evening auguat 20th 1941 timely topics for women barbati felines familiar paces the nicest tribute you can pay your guests canadas answer the 03rd oonaolan national exhibition which is opening on frdfty f will present one of the most dramatic spectacles ever offered a thrilling informative close up picture of a country at war the theme of which will be canada e answer martial music marching men lighting machines and industry gear ed for battle are just a few of the highlights you will see the newest tricks in naval gunnery as a mosquitoe fleet goes into action and how the men live eat and sleep aboard s modern canadianbuilt warship you will see artillery tractors and guncarriers ngnt their way through trenches muck and shell holes and divebombers and fighting forma tions in thrilling alfc manoeuvres you will see large munition plant covering 17 000 feet of floor spifce in full wartime operation ships tanks guns and planes and all the other tools of war from the mightiest bomber to the smallest tracer bullet will be on display nor will the soldiers of the soil be overlooked fanners will par ade their finest livestock and demonstrate the newest and most improved methods of scientific rarmlng in an effort to encourage production of a plentiful supply of the food which is so vital to britain but readers of ths column will be perhaps most keenly interested in the women s section of the ex in spite of war and other distrac tions the entries for handcraft and cooking are exactly double what they were last year and have come from as far away as halifax and vancouver i always look forward to spending a couple of very enjoyable hours examining the fine sewing pottery weaving and other handwork and 1 hope to be able to get some new recipes for you from the prlk- winning entrants in the cooking section the canadian homes beautiful offer new ideas in homeplanning and home decoration and will have the very latest spacesaving and laboursaving devices on display and of course none of us will want to miss the new war wing in which 1700 women representing 30 national organizations will knit cut sew and press garments for the bombedout cities of britain it is a huge undertaking for which mrs h m- aitken director of women s activities deserves much credit another new feature this jear is the womens forum in which 1 000 women may hear problems of health food ttomemaking training for public life and other topics discussed in fifteen minute talks by well known speakers there are many things of which i could tll you the cooking school the flower show the grandstand pageant sports on the water front dancing to americas big name bands and frolexland as well as otiier attractions which are being featured at the ex this ear for the first time but space does not permit so if you want to see canada at work at war and at play all aboard for the pair where there is something new doing every minute of every dav t t t t grass on the menu grass properly processed and put up in appetizing form is so rich 0 in vitamins that according to an article in popular mechanics well all be eating it and liking it before long we are told on the menus of tomorrow you 11 likely find breakfast foods pancakes bread and cookies and even icecream and candy- con taining quantities of grass and that low income families will be pro vided with diets more abundant in vitamins than are now enjoyed by the veal thy young cereal grasses oats wheat barley and rye are most suit able and should be cut just before jointing usually when they are about ten days old several cuttings can then be made before the field is allowed to stem out and produce a grain crop the grass is run through an ensilage cutter dehydrated powdered and bleached to a neutral color which is not offensive in bread or other products for our scrap book if you have built castles in the air your work need not be lost that is where they should be now put foundations under them thoreau book review by mary roberts rinehart oxford press 3l0pp 3 00 mary roberts rineharts new bookof short stories deals for the 0 most pari with love and marriage a theme which she handles with discernment and sympathy each story is complete in itself and whether the chief characters are adolescent or mature their prob lems are treated with wit sparkle and understanding it is difficult to choose among them but i particularly liked the young visitor the story of a temperamental author whose wife was sensible enough to not be alarmed by the idiocyncracies during the period of suspense while he was waiting to hear from his publishers an ocean trip in wartime brings things to a climax in dorothy dresses for dinner the story of an ambitious young man who is forced into the bitter realization that the wife he fell in love with because of her childish charm will never grow up one night in spring and the door that would not stay closed are mystery stories handled with the authors usual skill lily comes home at last tells of a woman who felt the world well lost for love but found on her return from france to america that all was not smooth sailing one of the best is mi caswell looks out the window a story of fifth columnist activities that is very timely t t t t corn on the cob about the middle of july each year my husband begins remarking f well it shouldn t be long now until we get com on the cob i guess he is just one of many though for corn on the cob is a topranking favourite among vegetables with most canadians it is a pity the season is so short we can never get enough of it it seems the usual way of cooking it is to boll it just long enough for the kernels to become tender and how tempting the golden cobs do look when the heaping platter is brought to the table but have you ever tried steaming it ten to fifteen minutes in a tightly covered kettle should be enough the flavour is better and it retains all the vitamins some cooks tell us it should be steamed in the husks to be truly delect able remove the coarse outer ones and the silk then when it is steamed remove he inner ones before serving ask the young folks what the prize way of cooking corn is and no doubt they will say roasting the usual technique is to leave the ears in the husks wet them with salted water and then bury them deep in the embers of a slowburning fire they will need about half an hour when done they will be charred black but the corn underneath cannot be equalled better still if you find a sandy bank bury the corn two inches under the sand and build a ore above it serve it with lota of butter and salt and paper napkins and see if it isn t extra sweet some of you can corn for winter use but it is not always satis factory here is a recipe for corn relish however that will be a welcome addition to winter menus 8 cobs cam large cup mustard 2 cups chopped onion 13 cup flour 1 cup diced celery cups sugar 2 sweet red peppers ounce tumeric 1 quart vinegar h ounce celery seed cut corn off cob add chopped onion celery and peppers soak in brine over night drain pour boiling water over and drain well mix dry ingredients add 1 cup vinegar and stir until dissolved heat remainder of vinegar add first mixture gradually stirring con stantly as soon as it is cooked add drained vegetables let come to a boil bottle and seal editors note letters are welcome from interested readers how bout sending us your favourite quotation for our scrap book address all letters to barbara balnes in care of this paper is to have them mentioned in the heralds social column or if youve been a uhoryouraetf phone 8 and tell us about it nraaumtgonal uniform sunday school lesson the writer of hebrews ex plains the new covenant sunday august 24th 1041 golden text beihgjmade perfect he became the author of eternal sal vatlon unto all them hat obey him hebrews 5 pa6sa lesson passage hebrews 9 ii 23 and wilt thou break the bread for me for me pour out the sacred wine and as we eat and drink wilt thou renew in me the holy vows and fill me withew love for thee since i am thine john oxenham the sacrificial system 11 12 there were deep meanings in the hebrew sacrificial system for people who could not read the act of sacri flee gave visibility to religious truths there was the public recognition of god and aojlectlve confession of sin the slaying of unblemished cattle called for financial sacrifice they gave their best the ritual was linked up with the law and was an agency of education the shedding of blood was impressive it indicated that sin was no surface fault primitive people have always seen solemn significance blood long before the circulation of the blood was discovered and ex plained the hebrews said that the blood was tlil life its use in sacrifice is one of the basic facts in rellgii let us not discount the practice but try to see the meaning back of it hunters saw wounded beasts die and soldiers saw their comrades become unconscious from loss of blood what more na ural than for sacred mean ings to become associated with blood the comic ion grew that without the shedding of blood there could be no remission 6islhs a christ s sacrifice among the psalmists and prophets of israel however there were some who craved for something better than anl mal sacrifices in the fiftj first psalm we find hese words for thou desir t not sacrifice else would i give jt thou delightest not in burnt offering the sacrifices of god are a broken spirit a broken and contrite heart god thou wilt not despise prophets stressed he fact lhat to obey was bet ter than to sacrifice a hithtr sacr flee was offered bj christ he gave himself his sacrifice wai concicis peional voluntary and eternal i is th s sacrifice that we commemorate in tht sacrament of the lord s supper christ took bread and blessed it and javc it to his disciples saving this is my body which is given for jou in like manner he took the cup saving this is my blood of the covenant whiih is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins do this in re membrance of me all that earnest hebrews sought through animal sacrt flee is nude real and accessible through the cross through the atone ment of christ we art offtred for triveness freely that is the good news of the christian gospel the new testament 15 here let us think of the old and new testaments not as printed books in the bible but in the original sense of covenants the distinctive thing in the rellgic of israel was tint the relation between jehovah and israel wasbased on and dependent on covenant made with abraham and renewed with moses the reason why atonement was necessiry was beca this covenant had been broken the old testament or covenant wis made with the ch ireh the belltvers ii christ it is an individual and pe- soi al relationship between the belitv ers and their lord the symbol of it is a stcramtnt instcid of a sacrifice the new rela ionship te e tabllshed by the nodding of tht precious blood or ci rist not the b ood of bulls and oals tills sacrifice re ills in an in ner q lickening of conscience and is not an extern il rite alone those who enter into it do not live under the bondage of law but in the free dom of grace the material sacrifice of the old testament foreshadowed the spiritual experience of the new the old testament ig 21 the new covenant grew out or the old the old covenant was a fore taste of better things to come the right attitude in which to study them ls to see the way in which the new covenant fulfilled the old the old covenant was national but christ s kingdom ls universal the new cove nant give to us the fellowship of the christian church we may stiu think or it as a covenant relationship in stead or an altar where animal blood is spilt there ls the leading of the holy spirit even under the old or der there was a yearning for a religion of truth character and life the most spiritual of all the old testament anticipations of the kingdom was that of jeremiah i will make a new cove nant with the house of jacob and the house of israel i will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and will be their god and they shall be my people for i will forgive their iniquity and i will remember their sin no more this verse may have been in the mind of christ at the last supper as he was impressing on his disciples the sign flcance of his death the inner meaning 22 the sensible thing to do is to dis cover the truth a metaphor keeks to teach when christ says that he ls the bread or the poor or the road we see the spiritual meaning and do not take the words with crude literal- we limit the meaning of the sc rtaphor i limit its significance to a physical fluid here the bible la its own in terpreter the blood symtoobaea the life mind and heart soul and spirit cbrlst sacrifice had to do with bis personality his win and bis loving heart his sacrifice wms tfeat of an carrolls green ciant fancy peas atxmer catsup ik campbells tomato soup 7c quaker potted wheat z i5c smiths marmalade 19c cherry de luxe cake 1 5c brazil fruit cake xoc silver cow milk j 25c kkovah jelly maker 2 25c whole pickling spice 23c champion dog food 2 19c norru sliced or cubed pineapple 2 i 29c cktelli cooked spaghetti 2 o 29c hemz baby foods 3 25c keens mustard 14c 24c 48c allens apple juice 2 st 17 canada corn starch 2t- i9 2 in 1 white polish m i4c kleenex loc 25c 29c oxydol 9c 23c 63c camay soap 2 lie ivory soap 2 i3c 19c lux soap flakes p 10c 23c pearl white soap 5 22c nugget shoe polish 2 23c aylmer or blights 20 oz 25 oz tomato juice 4j tin all4ka9 y h o powdered ammonia 2 po 9c liptons tea queenland sweet mixed pickles 27oz jar 23c new pure clover honey 29 53 red malaga grapes i crisp white a fw win a 2 lb 29 i celery hearts bdl w no 1 ontario 6 qt bskt 23c domestic duchess 6 qt bakt 21o potatoes 15 lb peck 25 apples 5 lb 15 v tomaton cabbage carrots bwls lears oranges bananas x fruit and vegetable prices until saturday night only phone 357 free delivery main street georgetown eternal spirit there iced be no revul slon of good taste from such a hymn is there ls a fountain filled with blood when we understand the spirl 1 1 1 meaning of the words it is when wc lhink of what it cat christ to die that our own console ices are quicken id thus he mikes atonement brldg ing the gulf between the oe of ood and our wajward p inoes through christ we enter into a covemnt rela uonshlp with god hi hos become tht ttitlior of eternal salvation into all i hem that obey him questions for discussion 1 what associations does the word altar call to jour mind i religion makes great use of sym bols why 3 is the war increasing or decreasing my faith in god 4 why did chris attach such great importance to his death 5 when conscience is troubled how may we find forgiveness for our sins rrrrrri fniooooooo the worlds news seen through the christian science monitor an international daily newspaper truthful cotiitructive uabiaaed pre from tinisrlunai mn editorial are timely and innructm and its daftly feature together with he weekly miginnt sectioa mala th hbaa lfaj m tl dathomat the cjihwrfan selene publishing sodaty one norway scraet bomon nfasmchuaatti pnc 12 00 yearly or fl 00 a month saafty luue including magazine secuon 2tf0 a ya introductory offer 6 luue 25 cent name addram sample copy on request alan hale left and george tebfaw rifbt imtj war sattnga stamps ram the steward of the canadii natiattal railways diner an rente an the fttn special to ottawa when abaettof lakes nave en captains ef the ch to he prodaoe by warner brothers in eooperauen with th be- yal canadian air puree bale and tobu ptay leadtnc ralea m thfe war aim the baeksrawjid whleh win monstrate what canada hi damg to the training ef llimiii far baaptra pe- fense

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