Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 3, 1941, p. 1

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the seventyfourth year of publication wednesday evening september 3rd 1941 5c a copy 200 a year less than two weeks away eas fall fair well planned 95th annual event to parade products of soldiers of the farm fair this year on friday and saturday september 12th and 13th features lower admission price grand fair night dance friday september 12th just one week from friday and sat urday and georgetowns third war time fair will swing into action the esqueslng agricultural society have this year been- fortunate in having a wideawake group of directors who have been meeting almost weekly dur ing the past few months in order to plan an event worthy of the 95th an nual affair with the fair being once again held on a saturday it is anticipated a re cord crowd will welcome the change es pecially since the admission price has been lowered to the popular 25c for adults children 15c and parked cars in grounds 25c excellent exhibits georgetown fair has always been reckoned one of the best in the dis trict from the point of field exhibits races etc in fact it exceeded by far any of the local fairs last year while the hall exhibits were disappointing jast year special effort has been made to bring these up to par this fine display is left more or less to the women of the district who are being appealed to to show more fancy work baking and other domestic science articles a meeting place not only has georgetown fair been outstanding from the point of exhibits and exhibitors but it has long been re garded as a meeting place where friends meet friends and renew old friendships this is borne out in the societys advertising in the slogan meet your friends at georgetown fair horse races t then again georgetown fair has al- wavs been noted for its harness rac- ng plenty of horses plenty of races plenty of thrills the only fair that caters to the racing public on a large extent fair dance the fall dancing season will be open ed here by the pair dance on friday evening sept 12th russ creighton and his canadian mountaineers are filling their third consecutive engage ment for the fair dance the popu larity of this dance band with fair nigh dancers assures another record crowd at the arena and youll want to be there what the prize list offers many special donations to the fair offers horses cattle and sheep exhibi tors something worthwhile in these classes while in the swine class the t eaton oo ltd are offering prizes valu ed at 4500 in the market hog division this is an added attraction this year and will no doubt bring out many competitors last year the poultry show was one of the finest held in some years af ter being given plenty of publicity through the poultry breeders maga zine by the judge of the day mr j e cooney of orangevllle it is expected an even larger group of bird fanci ers will be on hand and it will do your heart good just to see this ex hibit grain roots and vegetables fruits and flower classes remain much the same as last year with extra special prizes being added by the horticultural society special awards are being offered to womens institutes throughout halton and peel counties for the best display of work being done in connection with the war effort or red cross workt it is hoped that the wj will respond to this section provided for them pour pages are devoted to the list ing of special prizes in all classes do nated by generous citizens who believe the fair should be supported and must be supported one of the outstand ing is the baby show for which war certificates will be the prizes and a boys stockjudging contest will be held and for the boys and girts excel lent prizes are being awarded for the best baby or doll carriage wagon or bicycle in keeping with the war there will be a model airplane com petition now doesnt it look like a big day for georgetown pair it is a big day and we hope to see you there now that the toronto ex has shattered ell attendance records and with our fair following so close on its-heelfe- lefs boost our attendance record over the top prizewinners at cnje sunset farms poultry exhibit at the canadian national exhibition now on made their usual good win their exhibit included such varie ties as white partridge silver ply mouth rocks buff cochins buff or pingtons white cornish light sussex black australorps houdans ham- burgs black mtnorcas brown and buff leghorns light brahma bants clive bailey dies after lengthy illness after a lengthy mhessborne with great patience albert cuve bailey only son of mr and mrs harry bailey passed away saturday jug 30th in his 24th year at the hojffle of his par ents charles st georgetown he was popular and well loved by his friends young- and old he attended georgetown high school and was member of the united church the funeral was held from his home yesterday afternoon at 3 pm the officiating clergymen were rev p c overend of drayton former pastor of georgetown united church and his minister rev r c todd the members or verdun rebekah lodge acted as flowerbearers and the pall bearers were messrs william bona- thon frank petch vernon cole del- mer wallace james emmerson and james valentine burial was greenwood cemetery georgetown the large number of floral offerings testified to his popularity the sym pathy jjf the community is extended to his parents in their sad bereave ment 4 recent acton w of interest here a quiet and pretty wedding took place on saturday august 2nd when ina lorraine daughter of mr and mrs joseph jocque of acton became the bride of john lee ridley of george town son of mr john lee ridley of erin and the late mrs ridley the bride was dressed in white sheer crepe with all white accessories wearing a corsage of american beauty and yel low rosebuds she was attended by her sister jean eleanor wearing hea venly blue with matching accessories her corsage was pale pink rosebuds the groom was attended by gor don tbud johnstone of toronto re verend w g o thompson of george town officiated after the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the brides par ents the couple then left on a motor trip to valleyfleld and montreal que bec they will reside in acton out of a total of 59 entries they won 19 firsts 18 seconds 14 thirds fourths and 1 fifth umehouse the girls lookout club held a peach social in the presbyterian church on friday evening although the crowd was not large a fair sum was realized for the clubs funds mr a c patterson acted as chairman for the program consisting of violin num bers by mr john nlckell accompani ed by mlss helen meredith vocal solos by miss alma mcenery accompanied by mrs gowdy ventriloquist numbers by miss june mcquillan and little annie and piano solos by mrs wil liam gowdy during the program miss w tvena conducted a quiz con test of thirtyfive questions this was both amusing and educational mrs a j smethurst received the ladys prize and mr bill newton was win ner for the men the girls served peaches and cream bread and but ter cake and coffee at the close a number of the young folk of the neighbourhood are going dally to pick fruit at mr hartleys south of milton mrs s m wright and miss shirley spent the week end in toronto mr and mrs morrow spen the week end with her mother mrs r lane mrs pokinghorne and miss wini fred pokinghorne of toronto spent the holiday week end with mrs gale and miss ivens also the griegs of brantford on sunday mr and mrs dan dorle and miss gladys mllliere of hamilton spent the holiday week end with the mlllieres miss kathleen james a former tea cher in georgetown high school now of toronto and port credit visited mrs j r o sutherland the end of last week miss marie lyne spent the week end at herhome at hepworth ontario mr and mrs garnham mr wilfrid garnham miss malsy jackson and norman brown all of toronto spent the week end with mr and mrs shelboume visitors with mr and mrs john nlckell during the week end included hs two sisters mrs weatherau of toronto and mrs qranam of wlnni- and his nephew and wife mr and jack nlckell jr also misses jean and vivian nlckell and mr jar- vis of detroit mr glenn klnnear spent the week and at sparrow lake mr and- mrs chris swackhamer of acton visited her parents on sunday mr and mrs bratex his parents and harold and johnnybrlster visit- the weather in a study- of weather conditions it is interesting to compare the weather st the present tune with that of other years or the average of a great ibany years hot only because of the effect on living conditions but on the growta of farm and garden crops the month of august just past was nearly two degrees below normal in average daily temperature and not withstanding the fine rain oh sun day nearly half an inch below normal in rahfau j with the return of autumn weathel we are getting cool nights but so fa no records of frost although a llgbj ground frost was seen on low ground one morning last week i following are the local records for the week date h and i rain temp fall tubs aug 26 65 63 wed aug 27 67 51 thurs aug 26 69 48 fri aug 29 79 44 sat aug 30 86 t2 sun aug 31 76 64 85 j0hn nickell wins another fiddling prize at che john nickell a lifelong resident of the sixth line near umehouse will share his seventythinr birthday next january with his twin brother james who farms next to turn mr nickell this year won third in the oldtime fiddlers contest at the canadian na tional exhibition this was his sixth prize to bring from that fair having won two- silver medals two bronze medals anrlln 1926 the flwt gold medal ever jrbepresented for an old- time fiddlers contest there he comes of a family of violinists his father brother son and grandson all playing hat instrument among other prizes at local fall fairs he once brought home a bag of sugar from milton fair and 800 from george town fair a few months ago carried off third in an oldrtime fidd lers contest held in guelph for the benefit of the canadian red cross for many years mr and mrs nlc kell were popular musicians at coun try dances as she accompanied him on the piano both mrs nlckell and her daughter luella now mrs stan ley wilson of eden mills were for mer organists in umehouse presby terian church l0rne scots overseas a snapshot of no 4 platoon lome scots detachment canadian army overseas sent to us by pte d bowman is reproduced above like the one of no 5 platoon which we ran last week we were unable to identify all the faces we have placed a question mark for those we dont know and wi would be pleased if friends could jive as their names left to tifht standing lieut roaf barber lancecpl james gam bell pte gordon harley pte jim sargent pte j crawford pte roy wiggins pte c mills pte bill young middle pte w brandford pte e hill pte brace harley pte d mcfhau seated t pte a tuck pte jack watson pte bob martin pte j bliek pte tom warnes pte nick brown pte a j williams missing sgt w collier smith stone annual golf tournament last wednesday guests enjoy- golf and dinner at cedar crest 110 collec tion for war victims fund r a large number of guests were pres ent at the golf tournament given by smith stone ltd which was held last wednesday at cedar crest golf club the affair an annual party given by the company for friends and business associates is something which is eagerly looked forward to and many of those present came from long dis tances to enjoy a day at georgetowns beautiful golf club the event got under way with a buffet luncheon served at nocd after which golf and lawn bowling were enjoyed during th afternoon dinner was served at 7 pm in a large tent erected nearthe clubhouse girls from the smith jk stone office staff assisted in serving the gather ing was ravoured with brief remarks by fltlt r f leavitt recently re turned from overseas where he has seen active duty with the raf mr ross clark of toronto mayor joseph gibbons of georgetown and mr w h smith and mr b stone offi cials of the firm mr a e wilson smith stones toronto representative presented golf prizes to the successful winners in the tournament these included mr p j bell guelph mr fred taylor mr ross clark jr mr walter drinkwater mr edward longfellow mr arnold emslle mr don marr mr goldle scoon mr r rodaway and f0 weiss all of toronto mr fred tree- trail hamilton and mr fardo mon treal during the dinner favours were giv en to each of the guests these were small metal shields on which a was stamped in blue and the familiar in red underneath as a fitting conclusion to the day collection was taken up for the her ald war victims fund and the sum of 11000 was turned over to the local fund for british war relief ed with the hills on sunday may we wish miss mary beeney success in her chosen profession she is going in training in st josephs hospital london this week miss helen meredith was the lucky holder of the winning ticket on i draw for a quilt at green bay mini- toulln island recently the proceeds were for the british war victims fund the georgetown herald british war victims fand forwarded to toronto evening telegram 142372 cash on hand acknow ledged 173 47 smith stone collection at golf tournament august 27th 110 66 bingo at home of mr and mrs w j h knight sept 2nd kr total sept 3rd 1171639 funeral services at hariston for mrs frank anthony funeral services were held last sun day for mrs frank anthony the for mer eliza j cleave who died on friday august 29th at her home in harrlston after an illness of several months her husband was at one time a resident of georgetown j where he wns employed at the cnr station she was in her 48th year interment was in harrlston cemetery for those who noticed our error in last weeks buyers guide we may say that bruce mackenile is stul the pro prietor of mackenzies service sta tion and not the mcgflbbon hotel and that while pleasant social surround ings may prevail at the service sta tion that line was really intended for the mcoibbon establishment letter in herald draws councils attention to care of cenotaph social and personal mrs j w adams of buffalo ny is visiting in town with mr and mrs j w kennedy mrs e colman returned home on friday from toronto where she has been visiting with relatives mr and mrs w h wlllsori have returned to town to take up resi dence after spending the winter i mlmico mrs j b mackenzie attended the directors luncheon in the womens building at the cne last thursday- music and art day mr douglas bracken spent the labor day weekend in gananoque with his parents dr and mrs e j bracken miss susie coknan returned home last weekend from cobourg where she spent several weeks with mrs norman henderson week end visitors with mrs james buck included mr and mis jack buck of owen sound mrs james young of toronto and mr and mrs melford jones of london rev wray l davidson and bs davidson of tulsonburg visited dur ing the week endwith mrs w tyn- dall mr davidson was minister at the united church then the metho dist church here about twenty years ago donald davidson a son is with the rcap in training at guelph mr and mrs w r s douglas and children jack and mary elaine of to ronto visited last week with her mo ther mrs j m moore mrs j r smethurst and son robert of van couver bc are at present making a visit with mrs moore and the misses claridge at their home on charles street announcement miss margaret dickie atcjj will resume her classes in piano and theory the week commencing septem ber 8th children taught individually or in classes miss thelma capps atcm lit sm teacher of pianoforte singing and theory will resume her classes in georgetown on tuesday september 9th pupus prepared for examination at toronto conservatory of music and royal school of music london eng land for particulars phone mrs r t paul 58 ashgrove dr charles hardy of summit nj spent a short holiday at the home of mr and mrs thomas glffin other relatives in the vicinity mrs home of port credit is visit ing with mr and mrs c b dick miss lula graham of toronto is holidaying at her home here mr and mrs r j graham and lula enjoyed a motor trip through eastern ontario last week mrs george nurse mrs walter thompson and mr harvey nurse mo tored to montreal last friday harvey competed in the dominion shooting match on saturday mr and mrs kenneth stroud of chatham spent sunday with mr and mrs ward ruddell and family rcna christian of laurel spent a few days with her cousin gladys rud dell last week alvera bames is holidaying with her grandparents mr and mrs james barnes there will be no church service on sunday morning sept 7th on ac count of bethel church anniversary services sunday school will ceet at ten oclock mr l laird miss bessie summers mr and mrs summers of toronto spent sunday at the laird home the school bell rang again on tues day morning and miss e shore has resumed her duties as teacher we wish her another successful year the annual baby band and mission band picnic was held at the home of mrs hector bird on friday afternoon august 29th with a good attendance mrs c b dick read an interesting story describing school life of the children in trinidad and mrs hector bird spoke a few words on baby band work two baby band members ber- nlce wilson and jean bird sang sweet solos mrs cecil wilson took charge of the races and social entertainment after which lunch was served the rd cross doll being raffled for the herald war victims fund la on display at chapmans drug store have you got your tickets yet glen williams k miss eva wlnfleld daughter of mr and mrs g wlnfleld and niece of mrs e y barraclough has resigned her position in the xray department or the toronto western hospital to go to north bay where she has been appointed superintendent of the civic hospital mr and mrs matthew beaumont clarence and delmore motored to renfrew on saturday to attend the beaumontneil wedding mr elrwood smythe of sheoburne commenced his duties as principal of our school on tuesday morning mrs j w hill who has been a patient in st michaels hospital to ronto for several week was able to return to her home on saturday mr and mrs frank momenemy nh rhllrfrw nf florida am mmndtng the regular meeting of georgetown council was held last night in jar council chambers on main street with mayor gibbons reeve cleave and councillors brown firn jm bradley crippsand macdonald pre- ent it was the first urns in tw months that a meeting was held as the august meeting was cancelled- fl when the required number of member to form a quorum were not present mayor gibbons drew the attention- of members to a letter from a citizen which appeared in a recent edition of the herald drawing attention to the lack of care of the monument to sol diets who lost their lives in the great war it was the opinion of the council that it would be a difficult job to keep the name plate cleaned and that unless it was polished ever day it would look worse than if it was not touched councillor macken zie believed that such a name plate was not meant to be kept shiny hut- was intended to assume a weathered look which lent beaut to the monu ment all were in agreement however that more care should be taken of the plot of ground surrounding the momimenv and it was decided to interview the georgetown horticultural society with a view to appointing a committee to see that the work is carried opt mr thomas young interviewed council concerning the ditch overflow ing in front of his home on main st south several times he has been troubled with water in the cellar af- ler heavy rains councillor macdon ald head of the roads committee told him that a ditch was to be dug on the other side of the road and it was noped that this would put an end to the trouble the soldiers comforts committee was given permission to hold a tag day on saturday september 13th some discussion took place about a plugged drain on the east side of main street and the road committee are investigating to see what will have to be done about this xt was decided to purchase a uni form for the acting night constable mr r marchment a letter was read from the hydro commission informing council that a rebate from the hydro surplus of 76667 had been allowed to the town this was composed of 1660 for water works and 74917 or street lighting and represents an unexpected source of revenue for the town this year council was informed by the county clerk that an amount of 718670 was owing for the county rate for jum1 councillor brown brought up the question of some system of garbage collection and asked the other cocn- cillors to try and get the views of the ratepayers in their wards so that fur ther discussion might take place at a later meeting the following accounts were passed for payment w spence ww sts 1840 w spence ww sts 154dt w spence sts 1685 bell telephone co 1379 hydro electric lofrf f c whitmee sts 56js0 w spence ww sts 1540 w spence ww sts 12j99 w spence sts 1296 w spence wjw sts 1549 w spence ww sts 1280 snyders cartage sts 2875 richardsons hardware sts 9js0 scotts garage fire truck 125 lloyd davison sts 1360 bell telephone co 1292 canadian brass co ww 3445 city of guelph welfare 2j6t esquesing township welfare as9 halton county sts 199 e c thompson court costs 1049 c e smith sts 2789 m bruyns sts 4945 georgetown herald printing and advertising 3749 m langdon legal fees 3515 ontario gazette advt tax sale 1409 hydro electric 11629 p sinclair town truck 1333 f c whitmee sts 4007 brantford spent the week end at home miss phyllis blyth of toronto spent the week end with her parents mr and mrs robert blyth terra cotta we understand that mr and mrs j g stringer intend moving to their new home in terra ootta shortly mr and mrs clifford harris of the 5th line intend moving to brampton in the near future where mr harris has secured a lucrative position as manager with mr bull we are sorry also to lose such kind and estimable neighbors from our midst but our loss will be bramptons gain quite a number of our citizens at tended the cnjb and au report a very enjoyable and interesting time com cutting wiuoon be the order of the day miss lyons of georgetown has been engaged as teacher at the 10th line school we wish her every suc cess in her new school the georgetown lumber co wbjoh has the contract for erecting mr a- mcdonalds new residence on the town line are rushing it to comnte tlnn mna t iwahn an uptodate a holiday here guests at the home of job when completed it win be 1 mr and mrs j mcuenemy sr our moat uptodate reesdenoee m ttrir ac2 william schenk stationed at section success to you andy -fe- gyi

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