the georgetown herald jwednesday evening september 3rd 1941 j timely topics for women by barbara baines a 6 pounds rloe tomatoes 1 pound green apples 2 pounds ripe peaches 1 pound onions u pound dates h pound raisins 3 sweet red peppers 1 hot red pepper 1m quarts vinegar 3 pounds brown sugar 3 tablespoons salt 1 ounce ground cloves 2 tshlffipfkitht allspice 2 tablespoons cinnamon highlights of the ex n what a grand tune evervone is having at canada s national ex- hlbltlon this year id just like hitler to see the throngs of happy folk some a bit footsore and weary maybe but all anxious not to miss anv or the varied and wonderful displays depleting canadas answer to nazi tyranny by impressions are terribly jumbled but i did enjoy seeing the crowds crowds everywhere in chic fall styles and in faded summer dresses and comfortable shoes m too hats and in wlndbieakers the hundreds of american cars oil the street and parked around the grounds the bands dlaying the thousands of marching men wear mg the trim uniforms of the navy army and alrforce the veterans of another war n their berets but the biggest thrill of all was to see the duke of kent looking tanned and very handsome as he walked from the executive offices across the grounds to the band shell for the formal opening of the fair cheering ihousands lined the way and packed about the platform to hear him speak later he visited a number of exhibits and imagine my surprise while examining the royal children s dresses in the women s building to suddenly hear a tumult of cheering and look up and see the smiling duke and his party making an announced visit to the war work wing he was very interested in the sewing bee the manufacturer s building always a very popular spot a constant stream of people making their wav up and down the crowded aisles strangers rubbing shoulders in lmfidlv fashion as thev endeavoured to a see the newest in fabrics and fashions and household furnishings a queue lined ud to see elsie the cow gracefully reclining on her canopied bed an old fashioned cradle with rope springs and toddlers wearing styles of long ago in the pioneer exhibit arthur who can certain ly play a dlano entertaining the big crowd at mrs altkens cooking school these are among the things i recall most vividly and two americans pn a hiking trip through canada with their baby carried indian stvle in a pack on his fathers back and looking very pleased about the whole thing too the bolingbroke bomber so huge you had to climb up a stairwav to see it thes iron duke a bomb- scarred tea wagon that has seen six months active service in britain and the air raid shelters and a demonstration of the art of camouflage yes and the spacious automobile building once used to show pleasure cars and no exhibiting wartime equipment everything from tanks and jeeps to mobile repair shops women in uniform looking very smart and munition workers in overalls looking equally attractive stvles for canadians at the fashion show gav fibre handbags from haiti crowd listening with rapt attention to the u s navy band the beautiful gardens in full bloom tommy dorseys orchestra arriving late by bus after being held up at the border the bright lights of the midway the crowds around the water bug the odour of hotdogs and po tato chips and hamburgers with onions all a part oft the fair a cross sect on of our canadian wav of life there is none better new uses for food products new uses for food products may soon provide farmers with valuable untapped revenue sources among crops recently utilized for non culinary purposes are raisins the long discarded raisin seed contains an oil rich in vitamin f the skin vitamin which is expected to be used in cosmetics bananas the japanese are manufacturing the banana skin into hemp this former waste product is now being utilized to the extent of 4000 000 pound annually oopraabxazluan coffee recently a drug on the market is now being made into cafelite a plastic the bean is processed to form a powder which is then molded under pressure cranberries from the skin of this holiday favourite comes ursolic add an emulsifying product which is valued because of its aw llty to make oil and water mix molasses in the united states molasses is being made into industrial alcohol at the rate of 200 000 gallons annually it is also being turned into gasoline by breaking down its water soluble carbohydrates into oil hydrocarbons butter an acid found in rancid butter is the basis of a newly patented salve to protect the skin against poison gases t t t for our scrap book oliver wendell holmes asked to express briefly his idea of hap nlness said four feet nn a fire place fender book review the keys of the kingdom by a j cronin mcclellahd and stewart 344pp 2 75 the keys of the kingdom the book of tne month clubs choice for august is a novel that will be read with satisfaction and discussed for a long time to come in it as in the citadel dr cronln tells the story of a man who though not without human weakness is strong enough to face life squarely and be guided by che promptings of his heart and his conscience in the service of his fellowmen rather than by self interest francis grew up in an atmosphere of bigotry his father and mother lost their lives when he was ten because of the persecution of the catholics in tweedslde scotland where he was born at twelve he be came rivet boy in the shipyards and his spirit was almost broken by the parsimonious old grandmother with whom he was forced to live then along came aunt polly who fed him and made it possible for him to go to holywell college where he came under the influence of the kindly and understanding bishop mcnabb but he also became friends with nora and it was only after her untimely and tragic death that he became passionately anxious to serve god and was sure of his vocation as a priest tolerance and humility were the keynotes of his creed he was an individualist who disdained gushing piety and as a result he found that on manv occasions service to god ran counter o the rules and convenience of his superiors then bishop mcnabb sent him to a mission station in the interior of china his life there was full of adventure and drama he fought the plague he rebuilt his church ruined by floods he outwltted the war lords to save his mission he was captured by bandits but escaped but bv worldly standards be was a failure at the end of ttolrty- flve years work he counted his converts by hundreds not thousands but how far from failure how near to glorious triumph his mission really was you will have to read the book to understand in sharp contrast to the kindly devout life of francis is that of his boyhood schoolmate who later became bishop mealy a plump hearty man who never crossed a superior and knew well on which side his bread was buttered dr cronin is himself a catholic but he has written a book that has no limitations of creed or faith a great book with a stirring message for these troubled times when faith 1b such a vital force t t t fruit chutney sauce a friend whose chutney sauce has always been in high favour passes on this old family recipe i hope you will like it as much as i do all ingredients should be chopped flne or put through a coarse meat chopper add the tinegar sugar and spices simmer until thick ened about three hours stir frequently to prevent stlcldng seal in sterile jars editors note barbara baines welcomes peraonal letter from in teracted readers who has some good suggestions to make fo things to end in the boxes to the boys overseasf addresa an r m care of this newspaper hoe report for august fallowing is the report of co atbie diseases as given by the ltojb ttwj anymt german measles infantile panlyiu typhoid r wlibuiaub txngn z certbrospmal uenmckta epldflcrie did you take a laxative today do you realty know why consti pation ia so harmful you probably know that consti pation seta up poisons in toe large intestine or colon but do you know that these poisons awp through the walls of the colon and infect the bloodstream they set up toxio accumulations in kidneys and liver trod are contributing causes of rheumatic pains acfaoca and back- most laxatives only act in the colon kruadtea does more it is the laxauvewithadoubleacbon besides ridding the colon of stagnating waste matter kruschena mineral salts have a diuretic action they flush the kidneys help to clear the bloodstream of all poisonous matter and so protect your whole system from that form of infection you can get kruschen from all drug stores prices 76c and 26c inteknational untfobm sunday school lesson a message to persecuted churches sunday september 7th 1941 golden text be thou faithful unto death and i will give thee a crown of life revelation 2 10 lesson passage revelation 2 1 11 with hue like that when some great painter dips his pencil in the gloom of earthquake and eclipse the book of revelation the book of revelation has been described as a tract for bad times it is an apocalypse or an unveiling and it is written in the literary form com mon to such writings it is a series of visions and full play is given to the imagination there is little attempt at logic one vision blends into an other because of religious persecu tion the book is written in code and is intelligible only to those who and the key to the cipher we may un derstand the aim at secrecy from the modem use of the morse code for the letter v to symbolize victory revelation nero caesar is referred to as 666 the numerical value of the let ters of his name the chinese have a saying that the dictators are fight lug against the abcs of democracy meaning america britain and china in like manner the roman authorities would not understand this book but the christians to whom it was written understood it readily the author was a prisoner on the isle of patmos in the aegean sea writing to encourage christians undergoing cruel persecu tion he wrote for his own day prim arily but his principles are true for all tune his book has been greatly misused but poets and artists and musicians have recognized its great ness two of the greatest of modem poems dante s divine comedy and milton s paradise lost owe their in spiratlon to the book of revelation michelangelo found in it the source of his picture t the last judgment and handel took the words for his hallelujah chorus from its pages genius has readily acclaimed its power and grandeur contregatianal characteristics 13 congregations differ in temperament much like children in a family one congregation is especially interested n missions another in religious educa uon another in social service one congregation may stress beautiful lit ual while another seeks to be known as a friendly church what deter mines the character of a congrega tion very often the standards of the founders live on for generations or a forceful minister may put his stamp upon the life cf the congregation cer tain congregations are made up of olq people while others are known as young people s churches in writing to the seven asian churches john had something different to say to each one both their virtues and their faults were different the church at ephe sus was distinguished for its patience the church members there worked hard and did not faint in the midst of his imaginative writings john was very realistic about the inner life of the christian groups to whom be was writing in the modern church every church member is responsible in some degree for maintaining the christian spirit of the congregation cooling off 4 9 whether they liked it or not john spoke plainly to the epheslan chris tians having commended them foi their patience he rebuked them foi waning ardour they had been very enthusiastic at the start but were cooling off they had been devoted to christ but were leaving their first love christ recalled them to thejr good works and warned them that otherwise their candlestick would be removed that is that they might lose their very existence he urged them to listen to the holy spirit the peril of modern congreg ations is very f to that of the epheslan group it is easy to be sat isfied with conventional christian wor ship and activities missing the deeper truths lifechanglng experiences and collective power that are normal in the hew testament church hot may such spiritual life be attained and maintained only by seeking to do the win of god waiting for the lead- ins of the holy spirit and holding one another to the highest when christ dwells in the hearts of individual church members the collective life of the whole con wffl quickened a bleb ctawch 8 9 the congregation at smyrna faced a different set of circumstances they w auf ggsauy s t makata were at work on the inside they were poor in outward things yet carrolls natkfc evaporated milk as 9- 21t kdloraa cornflakes ayhner tasfj cat asparagus aylmer choice tomatoes ubby cooked spaghetti jewel salad dressing light bulbs zoc australian seedless raisins 2 19 aytmer tomato catsup xv ayfauer tomato soup rcaf cream sandwich biscuits 18 floor wax hun u zsc 45c mayonnaise heqimniib 8c 2c surprise soap 2 r 9c infants delight soap ck 5c kleenex ji pk tec 25c 29c woodburys soapu sj4ckc24c oxydol pk 9c 23c 63c a for com camay soap 2i lie i seal jelly with melbaseal p 10c stiffen it with certo bo 25c or kkovajh jelly maker iizhc wkole mixed plcklinr spice it 23c red or white jar rubbers do 5c blended or spirit vinegar ci 41c ask for silk stocking coupon puffed wheat x p f 5c puffed rice pht 9c quaker c flakee 3 pr- vitone fro x4c 43c pard 6 for ioc donuts doe joc no 1 wealthy apples 6 qt bslc25 golden ripe bananas 9lb 2540 crisp white celery hearts 2 fodl 19 no 1 ontabio potatoes peck 29 frmband vegetable prices until saturday night only in the eyes of christ they were rich what makes a congregation rich la tt architecture endowments furnish ings these things have their own place but a congregation may have them all and yet be spiritually poor the unsearchable riches of christ are utter faith in the love of god the father loyalty to christ the saviour dally experience of the direction of the holy spirit joyous fellowship with other christiana a desire to leam more truth hearty worship active ser vice high moral standards and a con taglous spiritual enthusiasm the early christians in the catacombs in rome or the covenanters in the hills of scotland or faithful christians in the forests of russia had spiritual riches though they were bereft of all that they had held dear in fact some people whose churches have been des troyed in the old land say that there is a gain m no longer having their building to venerate they now know the reality of god in whose honor the temples had been built striving persecution it 11 the counsel given to the church at smyrna is very- similar to the saying of jesus in the gospels be not afraid of them thatklu the body and after that have no more than they f- do christ wurned rather against those who are able to destroy both soul and body through sin a martyrs death may be glorious so the risen christ told the persecuted christians not to be afraid they might be put in pris on but if faithful unto death they would be given a crown of life to us enjoying the christian liberty of can adlans it seems that the christians in europe have yielded too easily to threats and force there are notable exceptions many christians have gone to concentration camps for their faith yet the state has been able to dominate the churches all too easily if we had been there perhaps we would have shown no greater courage we are none too resolute resist ing the encroachments of commercial ized evils even when are have the right to vote and freedom of speech our clear duty is to live the chris tlan life in such a vital and effective way that religious persecution may never arlsa questions for discussion 1 why should the book of revelaoac be especially helpful now 2 what is the outstanding i tuimlat istlc of your congregation 3 what expectation have you for job denomination 4 when is a church rich 5 what win the war do to cfcxiattal- ty and christianity to wart yon get unique serrle hi georgetown at s p chapman phabaucist aflfesusfoto album fke