Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 24, 1941, p. 1

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the georgetown herald f seventyfourth year of publication wednesday evening september 24th 1941 5c a copy 2 00 a year war savings stamps in new dress zxxsssrt khz issksfl wawonl de af- iitiuu eight new war savin gb stamps have been designed that feature the armed services and war weapons a the satins or the canadian people have enabled the dominion lo go full speed ahead in every department of war 1 fare these new stamps reflect canida i war effort rictures illustrate the work of the navy on dut in coastal defence and on the high sea the jjurforce the mechanized rtny the first canadian made tank artillery coastal defence and anti aircraft guns and the anxlliary nursing service it is anticipated thai large numbers of citizens mil be buying the new stamps not only for war savings but for stamp collections they are available at each of canada s 13 000 odd lost offices and approximately 12 000 other out lets for war savings stamps installment plan eases burden of income tax many georgetown friends saddened by death of kathleen kirk after an illness of three months kathleen mary uwlns died 19th sep tember 1941 daughter of the late walter and edith uwlns of george town and beloved adopted niece of samuel and margaret kirk 2845 bloor stret west toronto the funeral took place at the wm speers chapel and was conducted by the rev sextus styles rector of st olaves church of england swansea interment took place in park lawn cemetery bloor street west toronto kathleen was born in oeorgetown twenty one years ago attended the georgetown public school and the eastern high school of commerce to ronlo she was interested in music member of st olaves church and especially active in the aypa the many beautiful floral tributes were art expiesslon of the high esteem in which kathleen was held by all who knew her the funeral was largely attend ed by friends from georgetown and toronto six of kathleens young friends acted as pallbearers three of whom are ir active service they were rhomas irwin rcnvjr jack ay ling rcaf douglas dewer eoaj robert benson russell jollifle and robert l young the chief mourners were mr and mn samuel kirk charles e kirk mr and mrs thomas irwin mrs l f denison miss jane denison master billy denlson miss margaret cook and mr albert wil hams of georgetown ontario 1941 tax may be paid in interest free installments beginning this month for many years people have been paying income tax in a lump sum an nually or by installments with inter est now with the number of in come taxpayers as well as income tax rates substantially increased the do minion government has provided a method of payment out of income which will enable anyone to shoulder the extra burden without embarrass ment to gain the benefits of the new in stallment plan the first installment of the 1941 tax must be paid before the end of tins month those who paid the tax for 1940 will pay one- twelfth of the 1940 total during each of the last four months of this year and in january they will estimate their total tax payable at the new rates by subtracting from this the imount already paid and dividing the remainder by eight they will know how much to pay each month during the eight months of 19942 january to august inclusive it must be remem bered that the first payment must be made by the end of this month in order to take advantage ef this new plan there has been no change this year in the basic exemptions for income tax 750 for single persons and 1500 for married with the allowance for children and dependents still at s400 each the increase in national defence tax rates from 2 and 3 to 5o and 7 will however have a marked effect on the total tax paid this year for example last year a single man earning 1000 paid 130 de fence tax and 15 income tax mak ing a total payment of 35 00 this ear he pays o0 defence tax and 37 50 income tax to total 8750 mort than double his 1940 payment the weather by h l hutt according to the canadian almanac summer ends at 6 ajn this morning sept 23rd and autumn follows we cndor tne sentiments expressed in an editorial in the hrald last week that this is one of the most delightful sen sons of the year the most outstanding phenomenon of the week was hit brilliant aurora be r lis or displaj of noithern lights last thursday night said to be tl t most wonderful display in manj jears the strtamers were not confined to the hath but extended from hie north and west to south fantastic lines of idlow and red lifcht reaching frohi the horizon to the zenith this elec rical disturbance upset radio com murtication all oer tht continent and e got no bbc broadcast that night the weather has continued fine and warm with but one light shower dur ing the week following are the local records date h and l rain temp fall tues sept 16 86 68 10 wed sept 17 75 60 thur sept 18 74 51 frl sept 19 69 45 sat sept z0 78 41 sun sep 21 82 4a mon sept 22 87 4 lairdsummers wedding in toronto last saturday a very pretty wedding took place at boon ave baptist church toronto which was beautifully decorated with gladioli on saturday sept 20th at 730 ptn when elizabeth jean eldest daughter of mr and mrs thomas summers toronto became the bride of mr lewis a laird son of the late mr and mrs j laird of georgetown as the bride entered the vestibule of the church miss ruth simpson- solo ist sang thanks be to god she was accompanied by mrs h halloway ind mrs iver hamilton sister of the bride with the violin arter which the wedding party proceeded down the aisle to the strains of the wedding march the bride given in marriage by her father looked lovely in a dressmaker suit of rosewood wool crepe with tur ban and veil to match and corsage of sweetheart roses she was attended by her cousin miss eileen jeftery at tired in a dressmaker suit of soldier blue wool crepe and matching turban and corsage of yellow roses mr alex stalker was best man and the ushers were mess s norman bell and wil 11am scott brothers in law of the bride during the signing of the re gister miss ruth simpson again sang oh perfect love the recptlon was held in the sun day school hall where mrs summers received dressed in ravy sheer with nat to match and corsage of red roses she was assisted by miss myrtle laird sister of the groom dressed in black crepe with hat to match and irsage of roses the happy couple left amid showers of confetti and good wishes for a honeymoon in eastern ontario on heir retjrn they will reside in to ronto the georgetown herald bnttsh war victims fupd fo warded to toronto evenin tekgnm 184i 11 cash on hand icknow led la 18 draw on tffhan madi by mrs j farmer 21 j0 lome scots band ilver collection at band con cert n c ear get own park s indnv sept 2w 16 77 sunday afternoon band concert in georgetown park here are sprite of the big ones andy speaks op when andy clarke ten t gathering neighbourly news from the week lies he ukes to sneak away to rivers and streams thnragtuint on tarlo and produce results like this andy gets to know the bcit spots for fishing which are often re commended by friendly editors neighbourly news may be heard sundays at 10 00 am edst total sept 24th 189836 st john ambulance assoc first aid course six week s course to commence monda oct 6th at 7 o clock in the legion hall pee of 3 00 includes book bandage and award please give names at once to mrs t grieve phone 29w active service notes several changes of address are not ed among tur local men in uniform among them lance cpl sam rachltn moved from halifax to debert ns with the irish reeiment ac2 stuart jtoung from ottawa to trenton pte r4bert reeve who has arrived safely 6verseas with the canadian scottish regiment gdsm alex tajlor u taking a six week course in cookerj at port os borne barracks winnipeg he is with the veterans guard of canada v lex schrag former telegram hep resentatlve in this distrlc has been promoted to lance corporal at de bert nb where he is stationed with the rcoc noted in town last week ac 1 wil bert bradlej brantford pte e gmfly camp borden ac3 leslie clark to ronto ac2 bill schenk brantford pte 3 w hemphill camp borden lac john wilson montreal nursing sister irene mulholland of the rcaf hospital st thomas jp t w e h pa mr and mrs james mulholland an nco school of instruction will commence at the georgetown arm ouriea the middle o october it is announced lieut harold c mcclure acting oc will be in charge of lee tures the lome scots band and the men of c coy will parade at erin pair on thanksgiving da col l h bertram oc will take the salute in the march past this story comes from the chesley enterprise and concerns a travelling evangelist w ho appeared at camp borden and asked permission to speak to the men the officer granted this and then thoukht he trould listen in to see what the fellow had to say in the course of his address the evan gtlut said how he had just come from petawawa and at the close of his ap peal there ten men had come forward and professed a change in their mode 0 life on hearing this the camp borden officer nudged the sergeant next to hlra and said get 15 of our men to step up to the platform and be converted i ii be darned if petawawa 1 as more christians than we have in our mall bag this week was a letter from sgt bruce zimmerman elling of his arrival in england re- centlj with the highland light infan trv he says we had a very calm crossing in all respects landing some where is scotland we are now only a short distance from the lome scots regiment i have met quite a num ber of the georgetown boys during the past week the first one being jerry watson another dominion store man ager george riddall on road to fine ring career by garfield l mcgllvray a communication received from overseas a few weeks ago told in an interesting way of the success being attained by one of our own boys george riddall in a new career since joining the 11th canadian field am bulance corps rcamc at london ontario back in 1838 the writer is a e steve brodle formerly of toronto and now educa tional officers assistant to the con adlan field ambulance somewhere in england mr brodle tells how since enlistment george riddall has made a name for himself in the ting both in canada and in england and hopes when the war is over to see george headlined at maple leaf gardens it is hard tot the folks back home to think or george riddall as a boxer hard because we have never actually seen him in the ring we knew he us ed to span- with jimmy sargent and jack kemshead in their improvised club rooms but for the most part we knew oeorge as a hockey star and al so as a clever rightflelder on the georgetown baseball team oeorge riddall played hockey with georgetown for a number of seasons and was an outstanding athlete be it at centre ice on the wing or even a place on defense if necessary the games we like to remember best in which george riddall plajed were those with bolton when four games were found necessary to decide a group winner and although the george town team were nosed out by a one goal margin they were a credit to the town and george played brilliantly through this series always giving his best tor the team and was popu lar with the tans and his teammates alike and we know by the way he played his hockey here that he will give a good account of himself over there when they come to grips with the enemy but we can also remember a few moments i georges hockey career that we bet he wuuld like t f it was the game in kitchener about 1936 when the local junior aggrega tlon were playing a semi final with the waterloo siskins aeorgetown- had a lead on the series but when the stepped on that artificial ice they were beaten from the start oeorge riddall was counted on to give arthur hamilton mckane weds margaret viola macdonald lrfcmonl perfoilmed in lnion ikesr1terian church an interesting wedding took place in union presbjtenan ci rch on satur- lay afternoon in a se ting of white ladloli when margaret viola younger dauohter of mr and mrs t f mac donald became the bride of arthur hamilton mckane jounger son of mr d mrs j a mckane rev a leg e t officiated and miss gertrude an derson plajed tne wedaing music during the signing or the register mlsa ida mckane sang i love you trilj the bride given in marriage by her rather was gowned in white taffeta cut on princess lines with a sweetheart neckline and wtore a fingertip veil caught cith orange blossoms she carried a shower bouquet of briar cliff roses bouvardla baby mums and maiden hair fern the bride was at tended by her sister miss eleanor macdonald who wore pale blue taf feta lth a blue shoulder length veil and by miss marjory mckane sister of the groom who was dressed in pink taffeta with pink shoulder length veil the bridesmaids carred bouquets of roses baby mums and blue corn flower mr jack macdonald was best man and mr owens macdonald and mr james mckane were the ushers at a reception held at the brides home the mother of the bride re ceived in soldier blue crepe wearing a corsage of johanna hill roses she was assisted by the grooms mother ittired in navy blue crepe with cor sage of talisman roses for a wedding trip to the eastern provinces the bride chose a soldier bluerrabwt hair wool suit wrtth match lng hat and wine accessories upon their return the couple will reside near georgetown collection taken for sebau war victims fund good crowd on hand to bear lonw scots music by permission of the commandlns officer major l h bertram the lome scots bandnjqve a concert last sunday afternoon in georgetown park a good crowd attended th concert to hear georgetown famous band which has been much in demand this year at garden parties and patrio tic rallies and parades in the district and it is to be hoped that another sunaay afternoon concert will soon be arranged the band was led by joseph carter assistant bandmaster harry knlgnt bob mulr and harry watklns mem bers of branch 120 canadian legion held banners bearing the words there 11 always bnan england and god bless america during the play ing of thee two selections and as slsted in taking up a silver collec tion which was turned over to tne herald war victims fund tnto amounted to 16 77 lieut harold c mcclure acting oc of c coy lome scots px at h regiment cait made a cap able master of ceremonies for the program a welcome visitor who con ducted the band in one number and played cornet in another number was cpl albert simson a former member of the band now stationed at camp borden with the governor general 8 horse guards bpe lal numbers included roses of picardy a cornet solo by bdsm charles lansborough and a quartette composed of bdsmen lansborough raj agnew rudolph spielvogel and arlh ir herbert little doreen mul holland gae a recitation which was m ich enjoyed by the audience pie george riddall a good account of himself in annex lng the series for georgetown for he was a fast skater clever stick handler and was big and husky and could match the huskier waterloo players but alas george was stage struck baffled or something from the start and as we watched him from th b au over trte ice anywhere but where he should have been we felt sorry forhim ad knew just how he must have felt but maybe we should let by gones be bygones as a baseball player he made a fine addition to the local nine and continued on page 4 fltlt r f leavitt missing on ocean flight a lockheed hudson bomber and its crew of three are missing somewhere oer the atlantic the ferry command of the royal air force announced on monday the plane was last heard from when t rea hed a point about half way across the ocean from newfoundland7 after it took off from that country cm saturday at that time radio com munication with the aircraft was lost and nothing has been heard of it since aboard the plane was flight-lieut- enant r f leavitt of reglna seat son of the western head of canadian industries ltd and nephew of fred leavitt montreal representative of smith stone ltd flight lieuten ant leavitt holder of the distinguish ed flying cross for service with the raj was in georgetown only a few weeks ago at the smith stone an nual golf tournament and his friends were shocked to hear of his disap pearance on the flight the other two members of the crew were sergeantobserver elwood mcfab of ottawa a former outside wing with the ottawa roughriders football team and r d anderson the radio oper ator of benjamin river n3 held successful corn boast the young peoples union of georgetown united church held a wei- ner roast on monday evening on mrs w a mcclure s property below the iron bridge misses marion ostrander millye daudson and madeleine erwin were the soda committee in charge of arrangements and mr jack mac laren was in charge of the games pro gram for the evening w v fund close to 2000 as it enters ninth month two substantial donations to the herald war victims fund last week brought to 189836 the amount of money donated by people of this dls trict to the fund which acts as an auxiliary to the fund sponsored by the toronto evening telegram 21 30 was turned in by mrs j far mer who made an afghan and raffled it off for the fund the draw wai made at the herald office last satur by miriam grace and the winning ticket number 40 was hefd by jack hunter the other donation was 16 77 pro ceeds of a silver collection at the lome scots band concert in the park on sunday the georgetown herald soldiers comforts fund sponsored by the oeorgetown herald with all proceeds to be turned over to the oeorgetown soldiers comforts committee the georgetown herald 2 00 total sept 24th coo infant buried in glen williams cemetery vjola maria sheppard infant daugh ter of mr and mrs cbarlesqheppard of terra ootta was buried in glen williams cemetery on monday sep tember 22nd r k lemkay student minister of glen williams united c lurch conducted the service be sides her parents the baby who bed on saturday september 20th is sur vived b two brothers gordon and harold the sympathy of he oommunity is etxended to the famuy in their be- reav ement watch next weeks herald for complete fall fair prize list installme of ou new mystery serial another lome scots pic ture from oyersetfb

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