Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 24, 1941, p. 3

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the georgetown frjernld wednesday evening september 24 v94i- t timely topics for women by barbara baines hands off your ciiildrenh mail mothers worry about their daughter and their sons too thsy are curious about thpiriandships uiey make and ii tom or mary is at the susceptibly age ffisoat how serious those friendships have be- cojnc jut no matter what the motive or the excuse no mother has any right to rwid her childrens mall tf thout their permission priyacy is something young people value very highly even little children too young to read themselves look on a letter addressed to them as their own personal possession and get a kick out of opening it and looking it all over carefully before asking mummy or sis to read it lor them older boys and tflrls with anv spirit acmvelv resent having any one tamper with their mall they feel it is an injustice and an infringement on their liberty to have their parents or any member of the family for that matter read their letters uninvited and the older they get the mbre it rankles actually i believe mothers are worse offenders in thlsjespect than are fathers but parents must expect their children to grcrfcp in tact they would be terribly disappointed if when the right time comes they did not how a normal development and discard their childish ways just the same it is a bit of a shock to and young joan s return from a vacation at the lake fpllowed by an avalanche or letters all in the y same handwriting but surely if there is mutual trust and confidence joan will tell you all you need to know about the affair if not there are less dishonourable ways of onding oat than snooping through her letters then there is another side to consider most young people in their first approach to liking for the opposite sex are very sensitive crfti cal comment or teasing remarks about a letteivmeflnt for their eyes alone can quite easily spoil a budding friendship or cause a bad case of self consciousness so if joan does show you her letters be sure you use a little tact in commenting on them telephone drlvacv if another home right which should be granted to children as well as older members of the family haven t you ever noticed how unnatural and evasive a youngster becomes the moment he thinks a grown ud is listening in on his conversation similarly every young person should be able to rely on having a desk or dresser draw that is their own private possession a spot in which they can bide away the birthdav present that is to be a surprise for dad their diary the poem they are working on and all their little souvenirs and keepsakes without being afraid that someone will start poking through them until next summer each season brings its own particular chores when fall comes there t is trickling and preserving and house cleaning of course but there is usuafiy a score or more of other odd jobs that need looking after as well closing the cottage for the winter ilf you are lucky enough to own one is one job tha requires a lot more effort than just turning the key in the lock if it is equipped wifcta modem conveniences it is important to see that the main water valve isclosed ahd alt nines are drained and that the main electric switch or gasmae is turned off if you use a cook- stove the pipes should be cleaned and both pipes and stove oiled to pre vent rust all papers oily clothes and rubbish should be burnt and matches put in a metal container as a protecton against fire blankets and summer bedding should be washed with luke warm water and mild toan thoroughly rinsed and quickly dried on a sunny breezy day then stored in a metal lined chest or cupboard as a protec tion against moths and mice one resourceful family i know use a large metal ashcan with good results rugs should be thoroughly cleaned and clothing to be left behind packed in moth balls special precautions must be taken to prevent squirrels birds and especially field mice from making themselves at nome in vour absence they can be very destructive all foods and even soap and candles should be kept in tins or glass jars all knot holes and cracks should be closed up and the chimney covered with a stout aire netting mattresses should be covered only with washable slips couch covers small rugs cushions pillows raincoats etc should be hung over a wire and kept more than a foot from walls and ceiling mice apparently will not walk a tight rope storing garden and porch furniture is a problem at home as well as at the cottaee canvass deck chairs respond beautifully to a scrubbing with soap and water and a garden hoss is grand for ringing wicker furnl ture and metal turniture can be wiped with a damp cloth and other sturdy types scrubbed with soap and water and then rubbed with linseed oil all should be thoroughly dried and if wrapped with brown pajptr or a newspaper before storing will be iresh to bring out in the spring awnings too should be cleanea and window sere ns brushtd or if greasy wiped with benzine before beiru put away for the winter a light coat of oil will help to preserve veranda and porch floors from weathering tightlv fastened shutters and doors will ducourage the curi ous or pilferers for olr scrap n marriage the happy ebtate which resemb cs a pair of sheirs each m part incomplete and useless without the other so joined tliev can not be separated otfen moving in opposite directions md jet alwajs punishing anyone that comes between them g a posner book rfvibw by john mye the harp and the blade ismithers ind bonnelltc 34jpp s3 00 the harp and the blade is a lojtiekin swoshbuck ing storj tint 4 will hold jour interest to the last exciting chapter ius hero is a moat caotivating character finnian a sinking fighting insn min strel with a luty appetite for life tenthcentury frince is the scene of nis adventures but the story is told in the language of today during his traels finnian met up with conan a joung breton who was trying to rid the land or the wicked chilbert and his powerful bard o pillairing danes they swore blood brotherhood md together laced danger suspense treachery capture and almost certain death they were involved in some mighty fights and were able to outwit their foes by but a breathtaking margin it was while a captive that finnian met the beautif j blond marie he helped her to escape and together they found refuge with the friendly monks of the abbey of st charles and it is here that the last titanic battle is fousli- chilbert destroyed and conan at last becomes master of the land the harp and the blade is a fascinating story one which trans ports the reader to a world of the imagination a world of chivalry and daring of romance and adventure a world far removed from the dis turbing conflicts of the present t t t peach iiumpty dumtty here is one of the most interesting recipes demonstrated by mrs h m altken at the canadian national exhibition cooking school it was supplied by pierre lebrun and his wire marie of the golden dog inn on the gaspe coast who say it is a great favourite with their guests 3 tablespoons butter 1 pint jar peaches i cup brown sugar or an 18 ounce can a cup corn syrup 14 cup chopped walnuts melt butter in upside down cake pan 9 by 2 deep add brown sugar and com syrup cook over low heat until blended drain peaches re- rving juice for sauce arrange peach halves in syrup and lightly dust nuts around the ede batter 13 cup shortening vi cup white sugar cup corn syrup 4 teaspoon almond flavouring 2 eggs well beaten lj cups pastry flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 3 teaspoon salt cup milk cream shortening add sugar and com syrup gradually add flav ouring and blend well add wellbeaten eggs add sifted dry ingredients alternately with milk beat till smooth pour over peaches bake in a moderate oven 350 degrees f f or 46 minutes or until done invert on flat serving dish and serve hot with peach sauce sauoe 1 cup peacb juice 1 tablespoon corn starch 1 tablespoon butter cup white sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice teaspoon salt mix corn starch sugar and salt with v4 cup cold peach juice beat remalnqer of juice to boiling stir in the com starch mixture cook and until smoo and slig ihlrjt s over direct heat for 10 minutes remove from heat add butter and lemon juice beat tm smooth with dorerbeater t 1 t- editors note barbara barnes welcomes letters from readers have you a good recipe for an economical meat dish that you would like to pass along addren all communications in care of tills newspaper the fulfillment of history the new jerusalem hunda1 september 28 1m1 qoldentext he that overcometh shall inherit all things and i will be his god and he shall be my son revelation 21 7 10 passage 12 22 revelation 21 24 fishers of joy and pain grey words are we who sift mans dream and drift whose net under the moon is set to drag the tidal secret of the vptld up from the shadowy sea deoffivy scott r from garden to city 1 2 the bible begins with a garden and ends wilh a c v genesis tells of the tall andjteelation of the redemption of mankind i is the story of pro gress from a simple to a complet life a modern city i a triumph of or igan zatlon and each new invention adds to tie intricacies of human so cietj the bible story also oitomics the moral history of man there are many dark passages in th arrativ but they lead to light the author of the book of revelation had abun dant raon to be pcssimlstl- he was a quarrv slave under the roman mili tary power and he was writing to per seculed christians who deflantlv re fused to worship the roman emperor ye john gives a vision of hop- and e entual triumph he could do this because of his faith in god his book has nved because it is a subl im mani festo of belief the kevnot is tha god is reigning and thai is cause mist finally tr iimph john ift1 rea son to fear that all christians wvie aoomtd to suffer martyrdom jtt h never doubted that the church would emerge victorious heaven within 3 4 in his on way john teaches tn truth of jesus that the kingdom of god is within you the book oi revelation teaches the jlivlnt im minence btiiold tin tffovrnacle of god is with men and hi will jv 11 a th thtm ind thev shall be 1 is pto i pie and god himself shall be wth tin m and they shall bt hi jwoplc ind god himself shall be with them ind be their god with thai fuih md epern nee life is full of meaning and purpose instmci of friction hurt ls inner harmony and peace two women sat chatting on a summer beach one had love in her heart it joicing in the beaut of nature the friendship of her neighbours md forung nitrcv of god the otlui raked up scandal twentv veils o 1 pirtiuland evtrv persons fiiulu i implanted suspicions and sow d th seeds of community discord looking i out on the ame world one 1 mini and the other saw stars the san contrast between the expiessions on th two counttnintis shontd phink thnt tli i were living m dill nt world thought worlds as different as i n and hell which christian men have kept always before their eyes there la a king dom of qod in heaven but at least something or it may be realised on earth i will build jerusalem in kng lands men and pleasant land that ls how the poet interprets the closing vision or revelat on question for ducttaslan 1 du i really believe that god is leading mankind 2 in mv mental attitudes and pergonal relationships am i experiencing heaven 3 do vo i think concretely or abstract ly 4 how far docs the luture life in fluence your present life 5 the heavenly city satanic mills why the contradlctlpn foto album free tfu you reujajnlque- berrtoa m xcbrretoim kt s p chapman pharmacist l i on nea the ideal order 5 tie book of revclnlion ls i ihllosophtcil brlitf simplv si u is that there is t blue print of b nldnik before the re is build mi ind the first reality the building in the irrhltect s mliu md will the thought ls akin plitos tc idling that the ideil is u n il the lower world not onlv d pt ikls on t lit hielu r but ists t u hit sakt of it man s life is bound up with in invi lbk world john i- seikin to ciiv the truth which i it the lu irt oe ill relielon ov irilnst this visible order t lere is i 1 ithei one or ulicli v spiritinl be nu- w tre mmnt to livi fo john it is the kingdom of god the stite of btnik ip whieh wi hall nut direct fellow liip with god john wis mult copse otis in a moment of ecs t- hit il ere is a hidier pintuu worlt tp iratt from this one ind yti rt 1 ufd to it 1 1 a as impresstd on him that every i ung in mans life must be re hted to thus higher order of thmes which is the real one the heavenly home 10 12 whnlcv er may have been the thought of john in describing tht hea venly city in both mas c and art it has inspired faith in immortality and a future life the details ibout gol den streets and jewels and measure ments need not mislead us they are attempts to describe the unseen it is far more important to see that the twenty first and twentysecond chap ters of the book of revelation hold the faith taught by christ himself in the fourteenth chapter of johns gospel life does not end with a heartbeat the body may die and be burled but the soul goes marching on this hope of eternal reward was held out to cheer persecuted christians in tne first cen tury and this faith can be as wonder working in the twentieth century we live so differently when we dare to hope that we arc going to live for ever man is not merely a crqature or this earth but has part in ajlitghcr order in the service of which he will and his true life heaven on earth 21 24 we may begin this heavenly life here and now in our own attitudes and by creating a new world order with good will and right purposes the hea venly city could be built on earth john believed that imperial rome would yield place to another city which will have christ as its kins this is more than dramatic justice christian men have felt in all ages that the hope of redress in a heaven- ly world is not sufflaent o it not to be possible to secure even in this world some fruition for the la bour and suffering of christs people may we not look forward to a city of god on earth in which the will of god will be done this is the hope 9thf i i buses leave to toronto 9 18 am 11 46 p jos pm 6 43 pm 9 1j pm a 6 0s tun b 2 23 pjn a daily except sunday b saturday only to london 9 i5 o m x 12 oa pjn 2 uo pm 6 00 pm i 7 oo p m x to kitchener only a sundays and holidays bus travel information at ii lung phone 89 coach lines sir cedric and lady hardwicke ti- pictured at the cbc microphone are britains famous actor knight and his delightful and gifted wife professionally known as helena plekard the study was made last winter when sir cedric and lady hardwlftke i- to take part in cbc a theatre of freedom lady ilardwlcle will return to canada soon again to render yet another service to the empire at war she will enact the role of the courageom mother in a new british war drama mrs brown had five sons and is making this trip to canada at her own suggestion the cbc will present lady hardwlcke and th play over the national network on friday sep tember 26 at 10 00 to 1100 pjn edst the worlds news seen through the christian science monitor an international daily newtpmfm m truthful conitructtvc- unbiased pre frcwa snsiaoal- mbo editorial arc timely and inmructnw and if da1 pasture together with the weekly mtgnmt section mk l itfeal nowftpavai- lor tbe horn the chrmrn science publishing society one norway street bo hon mem husctt price 12 00 yearly or 00 a month sacuidav uiue including magazine section z 60 introductory offer 6 luue 2 ccnn sampie copy on request carrolls herring snow 1 ii i1c christie creamy chocolate roll 25c chnabaa ravuia cup cakes 6- 10 mccormicks butter soda biscuits iib pkgs 25 green giant peas 16 un gl0c0at ss59 johnsons wax kl 59t norria sliced pineapple x t 29c aylmer choice tomatoes 3 23c cunpbcum tomato soup ir 17c libbya homemade style pickles 18c robmiller puppy midgets 25c k carroll sliced side bacon lib package 39j 8090 prunes 3 25c libbys milk 8c frys cocoa 31c 1 19c dessert pears 3 25c junket powder lie romar coffee i 39c tea time biscuits 18c old dutch r 10c sunlight so 2 lie jfjjhnjdliiiiliij 5n0w i 24 ivory flakes 1 k 24c for lunches aylmer i irish stew 11 icl medium tti oranges cooking apples ontario potatoes ill uptons tea 3 doz o3 5 lb 19c 15 lb peckjj j c 10 lb ba 3 jif 22c choice celery hearts bdl 10c fhnl and nfetama prices mtn sabvday nitbt only ikrispies pkjs 234 phone 357 free delivery jmain street georgetown

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