Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 24, 1941, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednetday evening september z4 1941 4 mortgage sale under and by virtue of the power of sale oontalned in a cer tain mortgage which rtll be produc ed at the time of sale there vfjm be offered for sale by tom cbjahohn auctioneer public auction oa wednesday the first day or octo ber aj 1941 at the hour of one 0 clock standard time in the after noon at the farm or john a bloom at norval ontario the following pro perty namely west half of lot number six 6 in the eleventh 11 concession of the township of ebquesing county of halton x at the time and place under tbfl authority of a chattel mortgage there will be offered for ale the following chattels horses 1 baj mare aged 1 bay honse aged 1 bay horse 8 years 1 bay horse 7 years 1 bay mare 7 years implements 1 binder- 8 feet frost a wood 1 mower 5 feet frost wood r rake 8 feet frost ss wood 1 drill 10hoe 1 cultivator 13 tooth 1 set drag harrows 3 sections 1 twofurrow cockshutt plow 1 walk ing plow 1 steel roller 1 disc 12 plate 1 fanning mill 1 set scales 2000 lbs 1 farm wagon 2 in tire 1 buggy 1 wagon box and rack 2 cutters 1 set harness single 1 set double harness 1 hay fork and pulleys 1 rack lifter oh the said land there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings the lands will be sold subject to a reserve bid terms of sale of land 28 per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of the sale and the balance to be secured by a mor tgage with interest at 4 per annu terms of sale of chattels cash for further particulars and condi tions pf sale apply to commissioner of agricultural loans east block parliament buildings toronto ontario at toronto this eighth day of swfember ad 1941 they are giving their all canada at war thi la the first of a series of five articles written by bruce m pearce editor of the sbneoe befonner for member papers of the ca weekly newspaper association ln connection with the recent tour of eastern canada military camps munitions plants kcaf schools and naval yards made by a group of prominent weekly daily and trade newspaper editors and publishers the first article is general in nature summarising impressions of the trip and outlining the various highlights encountered en route subsequent articles will deal with the army the war industries the rc af and the navy treasurers sale land for taxes township of esquesing county of halton to wit by virtue of a warrant issued by the reeve of the township of esques ing bearing date the fifth day of may 1941 a sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the township of esquesing will be held at the council chamber in the vhage of stewarttown at the hour of ten o clock in the forenoon on the eleventh day of october 1941 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale in arrears of taxes has been prepared that copies of the said list may be had at my office that the list of all lands for sate for arrears of taxes is being pub- ashed in the ontario gazette on july 5th august 2nd and september 6th 1941 and that in default of payment of taxes and costs the lands will be sold for the said taxes and costs treasurers office this 2nd day of july 1941 norman r thompson 23t treasurer treasurers sale land for taxes town of georgetown county of halton to wit by virtue of a warrant issue by the mayor of the town of georgetown bearing date of the 14th day of july 1941 a sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the town of georgetown will be held at the municipal office in the town of georgetown at the hour of ten o clock in the forenoon on the 8th day of december 1941 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid notice is hereby oiven that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been prepared and toe said list may be seen at the munici pal office georgetown and the said list is being published in the ontario gazette on september 6th 1941 one insertion only notice is also given that it is the intention of the council of the town or georgetown to purchase any or the said lands for which the amount or dered does not cover the taxes and costs thereon dated this 3rd day of september 1941 p b harrison 13t treasurer your mother and mine from cradle to college its mother for twenty four hour each day no matter where she may be going she never cm tet far away from the calls that she hears in the morning from the alls that she hears in the night from the calls that she hears in be t veen times she cannot bq out of their sltht but pat ence is one of her virtues and love is another one too and kindness she gives so unstinted no matter what tiling we may do theres some t hint about beinfe mother we younger folks don t understated how is it shes olwav so lovely so wonderful always so grand while we who are young are ungrate ful thinking little of how she may live our hands alwivs out for receiving but seldom to her do we give yo i ask me who is tills dear woman this mother so lovely and fine how strange you do not lecotmze her why she is your mother and mine ralph gordon o 8 crawford st toronto grace at mtals the hopskip and jump ttmpo of ur life todiy is probably ten prime i ise of ilu growing neglect of grtce it meals the taking of food has de enerited into a rush job in which e ln rudimentary conversation 1ms meals is largelv imagincry and grows been displaced by speed grace has iwen dropped as a time taking episode which is all right if you happen to think or it and have more minutes to pare than usual actually the need for a rush at out of the acceleration in things gen arlly there a c few people who can not afford the time for grace and these are days when a little additional thought or the deity would be good for men s minds niagara falls review fighting with everything englishmen are leading the way in patriotic endeavor in these strenuous war d iv listen to the word of lord ixiiv rton or bristol every single p m v i have to invest i have lent to t l government and i have bought only one new uit of clothes srnce the wa broke out englishmen are tuning with their money as well i 1 r m nd and bodies chatham news- i ilwivs wondered what my hus band dd witli his evenings until i tad home one evening and found him there we print ev cry thing train in harvards success pf the british commonwethh air training scheme which is now turning oat hundreds of trained airmen engineers navigators and observers each month has surpassed even the dreams of those who advocated ms inception the pilots undergo advanced fighter training in the speedy harvard craft pictured above photo public information j cooke floor contractor nxkb laying bbgrjswacxkg sanding klnishsfo wb specialize in old floors good workmanship reasonable prices 1 new t phone cm b tj b l i n o t o m branlford roofing for 36 years famous for quality products brantford roofing products bring added safety snd comfort to thousands of canadian homes today brantford roofs constructed many years ago arc still resisting the elements ai dependably as the day they were built vital protective fcaturea ate combined with distinctive beauty to give you outstanding value in brantford roofing whenvou build or repair ensure yean of satis faction with brantford roofing sold by ruabie dealer eiwrywnere brantford roofs bybmh on the morning or august 23rd last a group or nearly firty representative canadian newspapermen assembled jn hamilton to commence a journey that is probablywlthout preccdentrin can adian journalism on the night ol august 31st eight days later they arrived ln montrea to complete the last leg or a trip which had taken them to the atlantic coast and given them a complete panorama of he great war giant which is rapid ly taking form in canada sponsored- the department of national defence the tour was initi ated primarily to give the editors an insight into canada s military and in dustrial activity and to provide them with an enlightened conception of what is actually taking place in this country with the thought that they would then be able to discuss more intelligently in their columns the various phases ot canada s war enter prise that the editors gladly embraced this unique opportunity may be taken tor granted heretofore they had known all too little or the inside story or the huge machine which constitutes canada s contribution to the fight against hitlerlsm not being in a posi tion to inform their readers the ma jorilv were inclined to give voice to tht growing impatience on the part or canvllnns at the appirent lick or all out itort until ihe tall of france in june 1940 jt is probibly true that car tli hid done all too little that is no 1 ng r tr le today the truth is hit cu ida is ra dly snap nj a for midab w ir machine that will have a i ot ibl part in 1 eking hitkr in the lion pace of eifl i days the cana diaii etiitor were treated to a spec tacl thit not only literally ojened tl e r i bit ins ii red pride and tren lthned faith in the part that can di is playine ai d will play on an erjrowint seal in i d ng the mo her country everything wid open eh try thing was thrown wide open to ihe prying eyes of insatiably curious dltor nothing was held back we had with us brigadier kennefh stuart dso mc vicechief of the general staff together with distinguished rep resentatives or everv branch of the service including the department of munitions and supply as well as g herbert lash director or public in formation and j w g clark direc tor of public relations for army and rcaf and members of their staffs their policy was that every bit of available information should be forth coming and it was nor did they place any restrictions on the corn- tents or our stories aside from the wel known rules of censorship not only did these men utilize every waking moment to answer the mil lion questions levelled at them by their guests but they muje sure that every camp commandant every factory head and every officer revealed the whole show and held nothing back at ot tawa the editors were entertained at a dinner at which hon j l ralston hon c d howe and hon c g pow er were principal speakers the gen eral impression was that these men were sincerely trying to do a job they were frank in admitting their mistakes and hon mr ralston de clared that one chief mistake was in having railed heretofore in letting the light flood into editorial minds that their readers the canadian public might know the true story of this country s war achievement a real achievement it is an achievement too as tnese articles aim to tell not just an effort a word hat falls to give the true em phasis we would also add that not once throughout the entire eighty day pilgrimage was the word politics heard the men who were our hosts were rar too intensely absorbed in the vital task of sharpening canada s tools of war to worry for a moment about politics it was one of the lasting lm presslons or the trip that these men many of them dollar a year public servants were out to do a job for canada that they were sparing nei ther strength nor talent to perform that service and that lhey were ad mirably fitted for the key posts which they occupied the same applies to the industrial leaders the military camp commandants the chiefs of the na j and ah- force with whom we came in contact they gave the im pression of being on top of their job and they inspired confidence by their brisk alert and confident bearing manj canadian editors are resting mo easily as a result of those con tacts not a joy ride where did we go what did we see what did we jearn ln those eight days if anv reader has the impression that it was simply a joy ride at govern ment experts we can only say that it was the jnost strenuous joy ride that most or those editors had ever ex perienced from 8 ajn until late at form the mechanized and armoured army of 1941 we saw not a slngs horse except on a back street in hall- fax and we learned that only nine horses remain ln the canadian army and they are headed for the glue fac tory we were driven about in open army trucks in weather that pene trated to the marrow we were em- bussed and dehussed until we loathed the sight of a bus we were thumped by depth charges tossed from a des troyer on the broad atlantic we tra velled some 3 000 miles by train and were finally disembarked in montreal on a sunday night in the midst of a downpour of rain we forgave all ex cept the sharp nudge of a hearties porler every morning at 6 30 yes a joy riae indeed highlights of the tour in concluding this initial article jiuj an outline of a few unforgettable hlffff- ligrts there was the astonishing de monstration of tracked or armoured righting vehicles and wheeled passen ger or load carrying vehicles at the general motors proving ground near oshawa featuling movement over the roughest ground which put the mac hines to the sternest test and which proved onvlncingly tnat canadian industrial genius is prepared to meet the challenge of mechanized warfare there was the nocturnal visit to the national steel car plant at hamilton where several thousand men are turn ing out artillery and antl aircraft shells with the largest output of any similar factory in the british empire there was a sunday morning preview of that remarkable exhibit by the de partment of munitigns and supply at the canadian national exhibition giving a vivid portrayal of the achieve ment of canada s war industries at the inglu plant in toronto apart from viewing yte production of bren mac hine guns in full swing we were ad dressed by major hahn who earlier in the war was severely maligned by ome sections or the press but whose brentford roofing company limited brantford ontario for sale by the georgetown lumber coltd eiprie and ingenuity have created le of thi most in elal units fn can- d i s war machine tanks planes guns on we travelled to camp borden and nw iwa names inseparably linked 1th tl great war but which have ndcroi e tremendous expansion in e pa t year whe e impressive dis- 1 1 of cimda s amed might were i rovided in montreal a procession of cinidas new tanks roared up and down the street in front of the all- canad an factory in which they were produced while it the fairchild air- iaft plant we watched huge bombers being constructed and assembled from tart to finish then there was the memorable morning at sorel where the magnificent new 25 pounder artillery tun are being forged and where cor vettes are coming off the stocks at a rapid elip all under direction of the now famous simard brothers whom we had the privilege of meeting on to valcartier another name lmperish- ably associated with tjjie days of 1914- 18 w here w e met frenchcanadian officers and men and gained new in sight into the military situation in quebec then to debert that great new military camp hewed from the backwoods of nova scotia final train ing point for canadian troops bound tor england lastly halifax a story in itself where the great pulse of can ada s war activity beats at an acceler ating pace and where we rode one of the fifty american destroyers to sea and dined at admiralty house with the commodore and his staff to many other places we journeyed many new acquaintances made and stirring stor ies heard here a man from dunkirk another from the sunken fraser one who had just flown from englana or another about to board a bomber for he old land heroes of the battle of britain and men from london who luid lived and worked through the blitz in succeeding articles we will try to tell the story of canada s army navy and air force or the turning wheels and spinning lathes that are writing a new and glorious chapter ln canada a history and which may revolutionise tne dominions entire fulure certain it is that since the fall of france a little more than ore year ago a m r- acle has been wrought while cana dians fumed impatiently the keen brains of canada s military and indus trial leaders were working night and day to draft the blueprint of canada a magnified war machine and to set ln motion the wheels that would make her contribution to the empire cause one or which every canadian may rightly be proud article no 2 next week win deal with canada s army nigh w w walking mil uu military camps in and out of barracks machineshops and airdromes through huge munitions factories luvvatliock vards and arsenals we were bounced over hill and dale ln trucks tractors carriers blitz buggies and many other of thosp frightening vehicles which 4iundnniidiiiiiim i your eyes sunglare g causes discomfort and head h aches this can be relieved by tinted lenses ground to salt your eyo defect v9 h a large stock of the better kind or sun goggles a demonstration will prove they are better for your eye i consult 0 t walker r 0 eyesight specialist who will be at his office over th dell t co tested street georgetown the second wednesday of each month or you may consult o t walker at his office ln brampton phone georgetown 81 brmmptonsse

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