Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 1, 1941, p. 7

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clujuno auction sale bmo and accredited bolstong pigs fud and the undendfned has been instructed dftvu badcuff to soil by public auction at lot 18 4th line ksquealng on tuesday 0ctobeh 7th 1941 at 1 ocwck standard time horses belgian mare 5 yra clyde mare a woand ptxlly aooreotied bquuhens holsteln heifer 2 yrs bed jan 15th holsteln cow 4 yrs wed jan 21st holsteln cow 6 ynt tared feb 36th holsteln cow 3 yra fresh july 1st holsteln cow 6 yra bred mar 3rd holsteln cow 3 yra teed april 10th holsteln cow 4 yra toredjapr 23ad holsteln cow 6 yrs tared june 19th holsteln heifer 23 months bred may 15th holsteln hd- 32 months not bred holsteln hel- 13 months 2 holsteln heifers 11 holsteln heifer 3 months fbolsteln bull 5 months jersey cow 0 yrs bred june 16th this is an a exceptionally high pro ducing herd the service dates are all to king bessie bull bloodtest pri vilege if desired pxqs young york sow with 6 pigs h weeks old young york sow due time of sale young york sow bred aug aoth 10 pigs 10 weeks old 13 fat hogs if not sold before sale feed quantity of alfalfa and tim othy hay quantity of oat and wheat straw about 800 bus of oats 2 kegs mmovlte 1 keg of hogmln implements mcoannlck-deer- jng under 7 ft cut used 4 seasons sain hay loader good as new frost wood mower good as new cock- shutt 13 disc drill good as new 14- plate disc sprtngtooth cultivator sloop sleighs nearly new tiger hay rake wagon and bay rack 31 verity plow 4secuon nh harrow 2000 sb chatham scales chatham fanning mill top buggy cutter set short slings new extension ladder vega cream separator used 1 year old mc- cormickdeerlng separator daisy churn harness etonset heavy team harness single set heavy harness horse collars nearly new pile of well- rotted manure whlmetrees forks shoyels chains and other small ar ticles no reserve as the proprietor is jug up farming terms cash- ourrie frank petoh clerk auctioneer box 413 georgetown telephone 391 gertrude cain school of dancing opens on sept 30th legion hall mill street georgetown private and class boys or girls 6 pm to 10 pm enroll now branch studio glen williams ont phone 5 r is your eyes sunglare unwi discomfort and head aches this can be reuered by tinted ibbm crotmd to suit yonr eye defect we ha a large stock of the better kind of sun goggles a demonstration will prove they are better for your eyes consult 0 t walker r 0 eyesight specialist who will be at his office over the ben telephone co- main street georgetown the second wednesday of each month or yon may consult o t walker at hht office in brampton phone georgetown 87 brampton w9 j cooke fudor contractor neasmawb prices ntw st fhoife i bub lihq to w vhhusgrwict chapter i the bright disc of flashlight moved over the rough pine paneling of the dpor found and illuminated the key hole under the latch gabriella gra ham fitting the key into the lock knew that her fingers were trem bling it works she said with forced composure then expectancy in her voice and oddly too a muted note of reluctance she added a little breathlessly kate were here so i presumed there was no expectancy in kate olivers pleas antly drawling voice only weari ness characteristic humor a casual acceptance of lifes little surprises i agree with you though she continued it does at the moment appear to be a notable achieve ment like scaling the alps for instance i feel as though i had scaled an alp im practically par alyzed all over poor kate gay said but the words absently spoken held more of personal preoccupation than sym pathy for her companion never mind she added still absently but in a tone of warm affection well have a fire and food pretty soon i can use both kate said feel ingly how are the beds kate was aware of her hesitancy give me the flashlight she said ill go ahead gays glance turned quickly re sentfully why should you she asked a trifle sharping no reason kate replied with unshaken good humpr just trying to be helpful it s an irritating hab it i didnt mean to imply that you might be frightened of course you did gays low clear laugh was a plea for forgive ntbs i m not though she added she would not admit misgivings not even to kate who during this tir ing trip to the cabin in maine had ben disarmingly incurious re sourceful amusing people got at jou if you let your defenses down she pushed the door wide open and stepped inside the temperature of the room was warmer than the air outside as though thered been a fire she thought fleetingly and dis missed the idea as absurd the cab in had been closed for three years since uncle john died not very securely closed though the pale rectangles in the wall were win dows shouldnt there have been something shutters boarding per haps a question starthng in im plication just touched the edge of her mind is that a wood range kate asked yes gay replied do you think we can manage it certainly kate said with confi dence on second thought though who cuts the wood well buy it cut or have a boy out from the village that relieves my mind im not so good with an ax kate pressed against gays shoul der to look into the room whats the apparatus for she asked in an interested voice the flashlight disclosed a table with a porcelain top on which were jars testtubes an object which might be an alcohol stove an as sortment of bottles the builtin bed was neatly spread with blan kets there were no other furnish ings except a straight wooden chair strange odor kate said sniff ing smells like a hospital or a chemist shop something uncle john left i sup pose gay said entirely at ran dom fluids for developing films perhaps she added slowly he was interested in photography he had a great many hobbies the explanation appeared to sat isfy kate she made no further comment it did not satisfy gay though on the surface it was plaus ible uncle john had been interest ed m photography but would the odor have remained tn the room for three years wouldn t the fluids in the botyes insecurely covered with circles of gauze have evaporated during thje time that the cabin had been closed and what had teat tubes to do with kodak films again and with greater insistence the question startling in intimation forced ilsijway into her mind these are the living quarters gay turned the light through a sec ond door opening from the kuchen at right angles to the first trfe no tion was absurd she told herself stead ingly the cabin wai hef per eonal property free frpm restric tions or reservations compact and onvenient no elevators n stairs ie cvmb lrviiigtouirr drawing- nom dining room all in one she included what no breakfast nook kata asked in mockdismay well have our meals on the porch if it isnt too cold do you supposed will be gays voice rip pled on not waiting for kfie to re ply the weather was beautiful in september i wasnt here this late in the month though that was the fall mother put me in school in switzerland while she was tn paris it was lovely here when 1 left the leaves were just beginning to turn and the air was like wine she bad thought her expectancy the strength of her desire to return seemed absurd now romantic in credibly naive gay stood con scious of fatigue acknowledging dis appointment in the frame of the open door uncle john was dead she was no longer fifteen a tall ardent child with dreams and half- glimpsed realities mingling to veil her perceptions in a roseate mist six years separated her from the summer she had spent at the cabin six crowded years filled with com plexities of which she had then been unaware the six important ears which had produced the ga briella she was at twentyone she should have known it was futile to attempt to recapture a lostjjmotion sad to go back are there lights kate asked of course the mist of intro spection cleared gay felt kate watching her knew that kate was aware of some preoccupation with held and unshared her fingers groped against the wall beside the door then she laughed a clear amused laugh of candid surprise theres no electricity she said kerosene lamps my friend will there be kerosene we should have gotten a supply at the store i forgot the light situation gay moved away from the door keep our fingers crossed und i 11 see there was oil in the lamp on the table a box of matches lay con- enientlj at hand gay placed the flashlight on the table so that its beam cut in a horizontal shaft across the room as she removed the shade from the lamp her eyes traveled along the bar of light saw in the clear circle against the hearth a pair of muddy boots theres oil she said when the sudden quick beating of her heart had quieted a little the clearing mist of abstraction vanished though her attention was fixed upon the dif ficult business of striking a match she still saw very clearly the boots upon the hearth good kate said from the dark ness near the door better luck than we deserve gay tipped the chimney applied the flame of the match to the wick they were high boots with lacings the sdyt that woodsmen wore and the mud that caked them was fresh it had been raining all day the lane had been soft with mud the wick is trimmed too she aid playing for tune in which to adjust her mind to this unexpected situation searching for an explana- ton not wanting just yet to share ler discovery with kate hmmml kate said with curious mphasis the bridegroom com eth i what the china shade strik ing the chimney made a clattering sound very loud in the quiet room gay set it securely in the thin branching prongs bridegroom she repeated theres something tn the bible about bridegrooms and wicks and oil kate said in casual explana tion never mind my rectpfy- past will pop up now and then tactless of me to have mentioned bridegrooms im sorry the circle of flame in the lamp steadied and brightened gay raised her head through the mellow light she saw kate walking toward her an amused expression in her eyes under the brim of er dark felt hat whichon kate looked both dis reputable and debonaire she turned sway puzzling over kates com ment not quue understanding the ikeptica expression deepening the mes around kates twinkling eyes did kate think f theres a fire laid ready aor lighting she knelt on the hearth deliberately ignoring both thecom ment and the ready explanation we wont need more wood tonight will you hand me the matches please sheet magic kate said dryly alice in wonderland and the arabi an nights oil in the lamps a fire laid or maybe wish fulfillment did it anyway i m not kicking gay took the box of matches wlth- iui meeting kate s glance the im pli nn inn pf i- r kate thougtit astonishment sharp ened info indignation she resented aving her motives questioned a denial sprang to her lips she forced back the words never deny or ex plain people got at yon it you tot your defenses down she reminded herself again in ftfrxonted sllenc she ignited the shavings beneath the pyramid of wood our guardian angel has slipped up though kate said atul in a tone of skeptical amusement these boots certainly wont fit ei ther you or me her voice altered who is it gay she asked with a directness which could no longer be evaded i dont know someone is living here obviously f who is it kate repeated i told you i didnt know gay watched small active flames licking up against the logs was she telling the truth kate watched gay rise swiftly grace fully from her kneeling position on the hearth she had no reason to doubt her she thought backing up to the warmth of the fire in the roster of gays shortcomings a dis regard for the truth was not listed still what are you going to do about if she asked more casjjujily than she felt gay paused in her progress across the room do about it she asked i just wondered kate rocked back and forth from her heels to her toes on the field stone hearth she was observing irrelevantly the un conscious air of assurance with which gay carried herself thinking how trim she looked in spite of two days and a night on the road in the dark tailored suit which empha sized the grace of her long slender legs the breadth of her shoulders the rounded slenderness of her body gays glance scorned so craven a suggestion ah youthl she herself probably looked like a scarecrow a particu larly attenuated and angular one not that it mattered the inward sigh which followed the thought was phil osophical rather than envious i don t necessarily insist that we get out of here pretty quick she con tinued still carefully casual its an idea though to quote your aunt flora it might be advisable perhaps gays glance scorned so craven a suggestion we will not she said with spirited emphasis this cabin belongs to me she pulled off her hat tossed it on the couch ran her fingers through the flattened redbrown waves of her hair ive no intention of being dispossessed if thats the phrase you might as well take off your bonnet and shawl we re going to stay thered be no accommodations in the village i suppose she said tentatively an inn or a tourist camp just for tonight in northfield gay laughed heavens nol and its a long way back to ma- chias twenty miles gay was light ing a second lamp on the table be hind the couch have you forgot ten she asked the condition of the road kate was a little abashed to feel a not unpleasant thrill of excitement tingling shamelessly up her spine ailelb summer at dunedin the graham estate onthe hudson any thing in the nature of an escapade was enlivening i shaugeyer forget kate re moved herhav when im eighty ill tell my grand nieces and neph ews the reason your old auntie is an invalid my dears is because once upon a time she drove twenty miles along a road in the state of maine no i couldnt she concluded id rather face unknown terrors than jounce over those twenty miles again tonight idiot gay was placing the fluted china shade on the lamp she was lovely- looking kate thought feeling as she frequently felt when she conseiottsly considered gay s features and color ing a slight shock of surprise and wonder the light from the lamp striking up into her face accented the high cheekbones the faint de pressions beneath them the line of her jaw and rounded chin the curve of her brows above her long very deep blue eyes certain endearing flaws redeemed her face from the ttthpcrfec o authentic beauty the straight thick lashes the dust ing of freckles across her nose her jvide sweetly curved mouth the way her eyes narrowed and crinklei when she smiled do you know what think kate said darkly im breathless gay said through a mouthful of apple those jars and the smell tn the room over there kate gestured i think hes a mad genius inventing a poison gas to annihilate the world can i depend on that gay moved away from the table it would be a letdown to discover that the smell was moonshine brewing she bit again into the apple our cabinmate reads she observed thats encouraging kate said as gay picked up a book which lay facedown upon the couch your home is known by the books you own what is it something about hormones gay stood looking quizzically down at the book in her hand hormones i kate repeated then lowering her voice dramatically gay i hes planning the perfect murder hes one of those educated criminals yosk read about with a keen analytical mind a doctor per haps who a doctor gays altered voice arrested kate s attention she glanced quickly toward the couch at the far side of the hearth gays eyes were lowered over the book she was turning pages with a quick fluttering motion of her fingers through the leaves kate heard a sound like a quickly drawn breath faint but authentic v no name she asked as gay lifted her eyes nothing the sound had been authentic kate thought gay had made a discovery gays eves were presently aware of kate they dropped selfcon sciously before kates questioning glance she placed the book on the couch tossed the remains of the apple into the fire lets investigate further she said after a moment her voice a as only a little shaken but the peachcolored flush deepened and hti eyes were very bright that s a sensible idea kate nd serenely leave no stone un- urned here ill carry that she nkkd as gay turned to take the jmp from the table giy did not demur she walked to one of the doors leading onto the mrcli opened it stepped out into i irkness kite followed with the i imp the screened porch which i nded across the front of the cab- i disclosed nothing of importance 1 here were built in bunks at either nd covered with blankets and tar- iulms there were fiber rugs a lile chain the glass windows imve the bunks were lowered but lu front of the porch stood open the night kate followed gays tcls clicking with a muffled sound m tht rugs more sharply on the hour between stopped when she tupped al the long table in the cen- icr of the porch the rain is over gay said nice weather tomorrow kate looked out through the t reening the yellow glow of lamp- ikht blurred her vision she placed lie lamp on the table and returned j stand beside gay moonlight lay n the clearing in front of the cabin mirked the path sloping down a ntle grade to the edge of the lake ond the water stretched silver- i ay motionless barely distinguish able from the land i m going to like this place she said breaking the silence of course you are gays voice vas hushed as though the serenity t the scene before her had stilled ier excitement ive never liked my place ive ever been as well kate did not question her sincert- it was curiousjthoughshe re- lected she would not hayel sup posed that gay would find pleasure n the silence of the woods gay had thought loved gaiety lights the theater supperclubs dancing moving from one scene of lestivity to another with her smart young intimates her visits at dunedin her brief stays at her father s town house were quite ob viously motivated by duty and en dured with boredom she had given eery indication of preferring to be with her mother and stepfather on long island at their apartment in tie city in florida or bermuda now hat cut dividends and deflated val- its had closed to them the play- rounds of europe she kate had carcely seen the child since her ngagement had been announced at dunedin late in june until three lays ago when she had turned up here and had proposed this trip to maine what had happened the summer he d spent here to make so lasting di impression upon gay why after six years should she have wanted to return just at this time kate s thought continued as gay standing beside her remained si lent she spoke frequently and with tittection of dr lawrence whom she called uncle john her godfather her fathers lifelong friend who nd at his death left the cabin to her kate remembered him very ell hed had a brilliant mind and ureat charm of manner she knew hut gays father had not under- tood why his friend should have been content to remain the dean of t small college in his native state il maine when wider and more re munerative opportunities were con blantly betng offered him that was explained at his death dr law- lence hod had a senoi dition which had restricted hie be rn ities it s the harvest moon isnt it u t stirred with a rousing motion at kate s side about half of it kale replied it should be lull toward the and sff the week i hadnt counted on that gay laughed and slipped her arm com- panionably through kates arm i wasnt thinking of moons its nic when the sun shines too im sure it is kate said feel ing as cool as i feel now was worth the torip i thought youd like it you un derstand now dont you why x wanted to come kate was silent for a moment then not entirely she said she knew that the meaning be hind the words was perfectly clear to gay the brief intimacy was shattered gay withdrew her arm she was not resentful now though as she had been when kate had first questioned her motives come along she said laugh ing that shaken nocfe of excitement trembling in her voice we hava things to do there are stones ws have left unturned gay walked directly to a closed door in the wall opposite the kitchen at the far end of the room this is the masterbedroora she said and opened the door kate followed her into the room it was considerably larger than the room off the kitchen and more com- fprtably furnished the lamplight bright where she stood fading into shadows at the rim of the cone of light disclosed a builtin bed at of the room the mattress ofsmenvas covered with newspapers and upon it lay paperwrapped bun dies which might contain bedding the other beneath windows which overlooked the porch was obviously prepared for use between the win dows in the side wall on a square of scenic linoleum stood a small stove with a length of jointed pipe that looks familiar kate said its called a chunkstove in case youre interested theres one in ijhe rectory study at home oaoff no eflaribof being interesfspn the stove she stood looking down at the top of a low chest of drawers kate approached with the lamp he shaves she said making note of a razorcase a shaving brush a wooden soap bowl do you suppose he dresses for dinner gay ignored the question she turned the brushes arranged with precision on the pine top of the chest there were no monograms theres the closet kate sug gested gay turned from the mirror walked quickly halfway across the room and opened a door kate fol low ing tipped the shade of the lamp i that trie light shone directly into ih closet a brown tweed suit a i p coat two pairs of khaki trousers t i pajamas stuped in winecolor tipped the shade of the lamp so that the light shone directly i into the closet a wool dressinggown which bad seen service a dark sweater with a letter stitched to the heavy rib bing hung in a row from the hooks a tan felt hat rested where it had been flung on the shelf above and un the floor below a pair of brown oxfords stood beside brown leather moccasins laced with thongs noth ing here surely kate thought and was about to voice the thought la words a sound held her silent a quickly drawn breath audibly and slowly exhaled gays hand touched the sweeter as kate watched her fore finger tipped with an almondpink nai traced the letter stitched t the ribbing she turned after a moment a completely anonymous per son she said and closed the door but kate was not deceived the gesture of the finger with the pink- tipped nail had been very revealing if she had not known before kata thought again both concerned and amused gaj knew now at least who was here

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