Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 8, 1941, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 8th i 1941 timely topics for women by barbara baines how much we rave to be thankful fob have we said thanks thanks for the weighted bough the swollen rick ttte mellowing gourd and the fattening beasts thanks for our rich inheritance our valuable forests lucrative mines and fer tile fields thanks for the good things of this earth warmth and food and shelter which we on this continent possess in greater abundance than any other people have we said thanks for our bright lights the symbol of our safety thanks for our blrttirlght of liberty liberty to do and jay and be what we want liberty to spend the fruit of our toll as we will have we aald a grateful thanks that our casualty lists scanned by so many anxious eyes are stul so comparatively light and ffcat we nave been spared the horrors the terror frustration despair and vant of so many other unfortunate peoples have we expressed the gratitude in our hearts ttrthe gallant men and women of the motherland who met the greatest crisis in their long island history with such stalwart heroism and to our own young sallow and soldiers and airmen for their daring and courage xt is only right that we give thanks for our good fortune and u the good things we enjoy but we must do more than give thanks tub magnitude of the conflict in which we are engaged is increasing as the months go by the future of the world is still in the balance the future of all those things which from earliest times men have valued most and we who love liberty can only be assured of ultimate victory h every manv woman and child who is still free unites in a supreme effort to crush forever the lords of tyranny attd their powerful war machine t t t in womans sphere the first american army nurses have arrived in iceland they have volunteered for two years service abroad and will take up their new duties in hospitals already bull on this islnd base these young american girls may also have to give the women of iceland a few tins on the use of make up it is only since the foreign troops arrived that they began using lipstick creams and powders but they are catch lng on quickly and shipments of cosmetics are now arriving regularly from britain canadian nurses have been servlrg since the early dajs of the war with the rcamc in britain and now they are going to south africa it is expected that forty will arrive early this month for work in military hospitals there altogether south africa has asked for 300 volunteers from canada they must be registered nurses without dependents physl cally fit and between the ages of 25 and 45 there has been a shortage of nurses in south africa for some time and many canadian nurses are already staffing private hospitals there t t t did you know that the men of the mine sweepers like to get old silk stockings they treat them with oil and line their coat sleeves with them to prevent the rough materials from chaffing their arms which are continually wet with salt water bundles of stockings may jbe sent to social service headquarters room 81 civic centre southampton eng land ottawa may have to build hostels for girl civil sen ants who are swarming to the capital from all oer the dominion housing is very scarce and room rentals higher than many can afford to pay women of 37 are being registered in england now lor war work the seventh group to be called up since compulsory registration began last april these women have freed men for acthe service in many lines of work some are even engaged as carpenters and joiners to repair homes that haie been bombed windsor was the first city in which women taxi drivers were em ployed but owing to the lack of men for the job other cities are now fol lowing windsors lead the women say they find the work quite con genial and not too tiring but the long hours leae them little free time t t t october you need three things lor burning leaes a rake a match and by your side to make the ceremony true a child to watch you all wide eyed by barbara a jones the book of the week my new order by adolph hitler edited bj raoul de roussy de sales mcclelland stewart loospp 2 75 all hitlers diabolical cleverness his fanatical singleness of purpose and belief in his mission as the redeemer of his country and the world his great conceit his hypnotic influence over the german people is best exemplified by his speeches for this reason my new order is perhaps an even more important book than meln kampf and it is very much easier to read it contains the most significant speeches ol hitler ir all he has given more than 1500 from the beginning of the national socialist party in 1922 up to hs declaraton or war on russia in june of this year it has been ably edited by raoul de roussy de sales and contains an ex planatlon of the historical developments of the times and comments at the time each speech was given hitler does not speak he orates he bristles with arrogance in one speech ne sa grateful to providence that this struggle hav lng become inevitable broke out in my lifetime and at a time when i still feel young and vigorous just now i feel particularly vigorous he is often crude and illogical he repeats himself and contradicts himself tunes without number he shrieks fortn lies and insults but he is a past master of the art of convincing the masses of his sincerity and of throwing smoke screens in the eyes of his enemies no one should miss reading my new order in it you will find his programme for world conquest set forth and the new order which he is seeking to impose upon the world here too you will get an in sight nto the character of the man who has plunged humanity lite the most disastrous war of all time t t 7 special cream pie yum yum does ihat ever look like a scrummy piel and a scrummy pie it turned out to be when we served it at a small dinner party the other evening here is the recipe maybe youd like to try it for thanksgiving dinner ivt cups whole milk 2 tablespoons sugar 2 egg yolks a teaspoon vanilla 1 3 cup sugar pinch of salt 1 teaspoon vanilla cup raspberry or strawberry 2 teaspoons gelatine jam teaspoon salt 1 baked pie cms 2 egg whites soak the gelajne in cup milk for 5 minutes then dissolve over hot water beat egg yolks very light add sugar salt and vanilla add rest of milk stir into gelatine mixture gradually and beat with rotary beater spread jam over the bottom of a baked pie crust cover with cream mix ture and top with meringue made as follows beat egg whites add sugar gradually and vanilla and salt continue beating until stiff and drop on pie in peaks put in moderate oven 350 degrees f for 15 minutes to brown let cool and place in refrigerator for two hours or until cream mixture sets if whipped cream is used for the topping it does not take so long for the pie to set here are some good tips for our readers from mrs c h she says did you ever try basting a baked ham or a roast with the juices off spiced and pickled fruits or a turkey with a mixture of honey and mefted but ter and an equal amount of water or have you ever tried roasting a duoken with the breast down instead of up so the juices win run into it and keep it deudously moist editors note barbara baines invites you to write to her to care of this newspaper send along your questions on homemaunff problems and any hints or criticisms you have to offer keep up to date byfteading yoi home town paper improved uniform international sunday i chool lesson lesson for october 12 uuon aubjecu and scrtptur imxi eud and copyrighted by international nincll of relufloua education uacd by ivctrd council twrralaalott christ our saviour golden text for god o loved ttw world that he gav him only begotten son that whosoever believe th in him should not perish but have everlasuns w john 3 is i believe in god the father al mighty and in jesus christ his only son our lord i be ueve in the holy ghost how often we have solemnly repeated these words in the apostles creed and how appropriate it is that our pres ent three month series of lessons on great christian teachings should be gin last sunday with a study of god the creator and heavenly father and continue today with christ the saviour and present next sunday the holy spirit the comforter these are profound christian truths but at the same time they are so simple as to be grasped by the youngest child today we have the great privilege of presenting in our classes our saviour the lord jesus christ he was i the self denying servant matt 20 25 28 scripture clearly teaches that god s standards are not the same as the world s standards and that his methods of operation are just the opposite of those of the world ml too often christians and churches imitate the world both n principle and practice with d sastrous re sults consider 1 the false greatness of the world v 25 rulers great ncss exerc se authority how altogether uptodate these words sound they are the big ana swell ng words of the small hearts and minds which rule after the manner of this world they epitomize the ambitions of the great majority of mankind but they are definitely nonchrist an we see that as we go on to consider 2 the humil ty of true great ness vv 26 27 service in the sp rit of humility and self sacrifice this is the standard of christ yes and it is his command to his fol lowers to be great for christ one must become the servant of others this teaching appears all through scripture for example see luke 4 11 john 13 13 17 i pet 5 5 6 how often service in the church is rendered in a spirit of pride self glory and for the commendation and reward of men when that re ward is not forthcoming or some real humbling sacrifice is required the work is not desired or the work er becomes offended here is one of the roots of trouble n the church let us put it away as we look upon 3 christ our example v 28 he paid the price of our redemption going to the death of calvary for us from the highest glory which he had with the father john 17 5 he graciously stooped to deepest ig nominy as he became sin for us ii cor 5 21 throughout both his i fe and h s death he perfectly rep resented that selfdenying self hum bling service which he expects of h s followers ii the seeking saviour luke 19 1 10 there is much that is prec ous and beautiful to be said about our lord but perhaps nothing which br ngs him so close to needy hu manity as the fact that he had come to seek and to save that which was lost v 10 he was 1 ever interested in sinners vv 1 7 jesus was on this occasion coning up to jerusalem for the last time the cross was ahead he was much taken up with his coming death and greatly straitened in spirit see mark 10 32 and luke 12 50 he was passing through the great and wicked city of jericho yet in the midst of his deep sorrow and out of the vast multitude of that city he reached out to touch one sinner zacchaeus was a man despised for his calling of tax collector and hated for his dishonesty he was an outcast from his own people and a stranger to god s grace but jesus was interested tn him axe we ready thus to go to seek and save the lost are we better or busier than our lord 2 always able to save sinners w 810 zacchaeus was a rich man but he wa a sinner it is not easy for a rich man to be saved but it can be done see matt 19 2326 read the preceding verses of that chapter vv 1622 and you learn of another rich man who was not saved the rich yo ng ruler he was a far belter man than zac chaeus honest upright honored in his community how was it that the wicked and despised rich man was saved and the good and respect ed rich man was lost the answer is that the former ad mitted that he was a sinner and 4luuujnsdeltdos8ible for christ to sa ve hsntwhleh4atterjovedl bim self and his gold more thanchrii and shut the dor against his r deeming love limehouse the communion services conducted by rev o c cochrane at llmehouse on sunday afternoon were well at tended a few llmehouse ladies finished an otho quilt at mrs beaton s on wed nesday and afterwards packed a car ton containing seventy two articles of used and made over clothing and quilts this was shipped to the sal vatlon army on saturday the september meeting of llmei- boue women s institute was held at the home of mrs aeorge henderson on thursday the meeting carried out the thanksgiving spirit opening witn the hymn come ye thankful people come followed by a special thanksgiving prayer the roll call was answered by each member nam ing a canadian prime minister and telling why he was important in 1 too mrs dowdy ana mrs euerby were tpponted to attend the leader- training school in milton wnat is new in nutrition mrs oowdv was named to look after the collecting of salvage in llmehouse this month any one who has anything for this work klrdly get in touch with mrs dowdy books oter than newspapers and ma gazlnes may be left at the local po6t office to be sent to the armed forces free of charge it was decided to hold a euohre ana dance at the home of mr and mrs klrlcpa trick this month to raise funds for filling christmas boxes for the lo cal boys overseas a letter from the salvation army who were asking for knitted garments ana ditty bags for thejiavy vas read but there was so much other work be ing done at present it was not thought advisable to try this as well mrs wright read currei everts and a paper on origin of thanksgiving mrs oowdy read an appropriate thanksgivli g poem mr a benton gave part of her report of the chesley convention held in september part of o god our help in ages past followed by a reconsecratlon prayer and god save the king were used in closing the hostess then ser ved lunch the november meeting is to be held at the home of mrs a benton the september meeting of he girls lookout ojub was held at the home of the misses smith at sllvercreek quality counts most salam lost saturday the president miss iveno was in the chair but lnformea the girls that she would be tumble ip be with them during the rest of the year all felt this would be a great i loss as she has bean such a splendid helper and leader and they look for ward to her return in the spring the roll call was answered by an article made from factory cotton these are to be put in the bazaar which is planned for early december at the home of mrs h norton mrs benton read the scripture les son and led in prayer mrs benton also read a paper dealing with bulb growing in british columbia where it is done on a large scale so overcom ing to some extent the shortage of imported bulbs principally coming from europe previous to the war miss doris smith won the word forming contest from the letters in new testament within a given tune alter the closing hymn mrs smith served a very tasty lunch the october meeting is to be held at the home of mrs a c patterson silver creek mr and mrs ken hamilton and family have recently moved into mrs cooneys house recent visitors in the community in eluded mr and mrs d m gowdy and chil dren on september 28th with mr and mrs w gowdy mr and mrs earl tarzwell of ac ton and mr and mrs thomas haines and children of olen williams with the scott s mrs t a ivens with mrs gale for the past two weeks mr w j mckechnie of toledo ohio mith miss margaret swack hamer within the past two weeks the con venor of knitting has taken the flul- lowlng to the georgetown red cros rooms from wool supplied 11 pain mitts 1 pair seaman s socks 1 pair army socks 2 pairs seaman s stock ings yam is on hand for more bacttr needed garments now enlarged more interesting than etbb the pictorial review with the detroit sunday times is now enlarged more appealing than ever its michigan own home ma gazine packed with action pic tures and stories of the world today a human interest magazine for all the family be sure to get the de troit sunday times thl week and every week that you may enjoy the pictorial review and many otbar exclusive features fjjmflwi qnarwot qmck ssrvlct af0t0album free su too get unique s am georgetown at s p chapman pharmacist carrolls z3c niblets 23c alr soup tomato or vfstblo 1 15c corn flakes t isc aero wax no rub put 10 floor wi m m i v 27ox j 23c queenland sweet mixed pickles spaghetti or ready cut macaroni 3 lb 13c catedis cooked spaghetti 2 beehive golden corn syrup z3c catarac dry ginger ale 2 21c dapont extra maple leaf mincemeat 2 25 aylmer pumpkin no 2 tb madeira cocoanut cake silver pride cake jewel shortening masters doc food ha wes floor wax rtnso soap powder r pearl naphtha soap lux soap flakes 25c isc infants delight soap xoc ioc sc t 2sc 45c oc z3c46c 3 bu x3c pk xoc 23c j sc magic m bakms powder 4 i k cash and carry m fkesh cranberries waxes turnips lb 25 2 lb 5c celery hearts mi13c potatoes 4lb25c fruit and vefetabk price until srtnrday night only temtmy ihadrstket georgetown

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