Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 8, 1941, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 8lh 1941 ntmiits sitter- helm lane jejb continued irom page 1 tbe front of be plane is olomd off fcv a v nwu4be pilotl etoop down to get in their oompart- ment our lucgece is pecked amray into tbe under part of tnls compart ment the door is an vao outside of ttie plane for this tbe back or tall part is used by the stewardess ell tnall compartment for staring of food paper cups etc for serving of the meals the coffee and tea milk and corsage juice are kept in large thermos bottles there is also a small lavatory in the centre part of the back of the plane the color combination inside the plane was in sand and brown brown carpet on the floor small brown and yellow curtains pulled back on the windows there are in- dividual lights a bell to ring for the stewardess and an adjustable air con ditioning pipe over each window tbe celling is in sand the seat covers in brown with some red with white cov ers over jhe back of them there are two fire extinguish ers one at the front of the plane the other a the back these are not in sight also oxygen in cylinders if needed for passengers parachutes are also stored in com partments in the back part also first aid materials there is an emergency door opposite the one we entered through now the engine is starting we are locked in the plane my heart is beat lng faster scon we are running along on the ground for about three or four minutes turning a couple of comers by then in my excitement i had lost my direction then suddenly we stopped still but the engine was mek tog more noise bhan ever and we stay cd like this for a couple of minutes then a short run and off the ground no was really shaking my heart jga bee ting faster i started looking out the window watching the ground but this made me dizzy so i said now helen alt back and relax si i sat back in my seat for a few min utes with my eyes closed thinking all the time i would miss oooksvllle and port credit imagine my surprise when i looked out again to find w were not very far nor high first the plane doesnt seem to go fast at all now i was more like myself chewing gum as the stewardess gave us some shortly after we got in the plane now i wasn t dizzy could see the lights blinking away but for the life of me i couldn t decide which was oooksvllle port credit dixie and so on didn t drop my handkerchief down as i hated it not to land on the right spot toronto as a whole looked grand with lights in straight rows also a few other lights here and there many small lights sign boards etc dont seem to show up the lake that is lake ontario didn t look clear just black looking in that direction one long line of street lights i could see would that be yonge street then out from the city one could see more ones of lights a few squares and the odd single one when we started up the streets looked like light sand rib bons here and there but after we were up one couldn t see anything but lights we did seem much higher and to be going faster 50 i said goodbye to toronto and settled back in my seat and looked at the sky for a while yes the stars were there and the moon but we cudnt seem to be any closer to them just looked the same doris and i kept talking back and forth j now i was very fortunate being on the side of the plane that i was but i had the great responsibility of look lng for oshawa which we found al right as the other places such as pic kering whitby etc had om a few lights while oshawa had more also the lights of the airport could be seen to doris had a final look and then said goodbye to oshawa her home city the stewardess was busy making us comfortable first would we like a cup of coffee i knew er well my tf wag better just as it was with owens last cup of tea and sandwich sluing rather heavily i eaid no thanks i wasn t ready sick just a little funny feeling yes x would haie a pillow and my seat back so when i was settled the stew ardec went on to the next one the roar of the plane seemed terrific could hardly hear anyone speak but jt was riding along very smoothly now it was about 3 40 so settled down to try and have forty winks thought at first i was too excited but no both doris and i had a nap i wakened frequently and each time would look out and see light but no idea of course where they were some of them in row circle etc could never see anything else by looking down looking up i oould still see the same stars and radon the distance from toronto to ot tawa 1 about three hundred miles and for that instance the height would be about 7000 feet the speed is about 360 mile an hour but it is difficult to realize was awakened by a bump or bomethlng as now we were comi down at ottawa the descent u like a roller coaster feeling only not a severe as the big dip at sunnyslde or a slowly moving elevator at batons just a if one was falling only for a jiffy and then goes along again then another faiungeellng the plane starts to descend about to 60 mile from port tbe speed is some what increased to about three htm and miles by no my ears wen ringing in met i decided z was deaf touched dart and touched my eats she nodded consent so said to my self ousss this is to be espected tbe noise of toe plane seemed much von but by then i really eooldnt de- eld whether it was my earn or th plana the johowmt ham a webtr otbed i to tbe 1 n i by hisjiih two or three b is normal for all we as freaaanojr wttboot it how- she rats or swadosrixw in the case of a head ache tbe toner passage to the ear drum should bs kept open an in haler may be requested from tbe stewardess to imp overcome this diffi culty now we had another bump nothing else than tins ground c calls for an extra deep breath tbe plahe ran along for some distance kdrcung around the engine was not f making any noise the engine idling would we get off for air oh yes as we had plenty of time ten minutes we looked at our silver plane what heavy metal and the wings were cov ered with rubber like materialreally not covered but held together by this material to allow for expansion these are called deicers so that when tee forms on the wlnga 4hey wity expand and break the toe tkiris and x were getting cold so went inside shortly ail by ourselves now we went up to the pilots compartment and we never saw so many gadgets etc just hun dreds we looked at one another and said this is no place for us too bad harold bart or someone else who could really enjoy seeing these things weren t there there are we found out later gear shifts called joy sticks and we did see these also saw where the air and landing speed is register ed and about the gas and oil amount the pilots seat looked very comfort able there are always two both cap able of carrying out each others work but the one is officially a radio oper ator the other the driver the pilots were both young looking one fair the other one dark oh yes the stew ardess i would imagine would be i good friend of the pilots as they are the only employed people on the planes we lost three passengers and got two now we were all in readiness yes we were on our way again r enjoyed going up more as i wasnt oo excited very composed in fact had a fresh piece of gum luckily i had some of my own along so saved the tca s to send back to jou peo pie hope you enjoy it ottawa did look different to to ronto smaller not as many lights and coud see water a dark ribbon runn ing in and out the ottawa river i suppose and could see more lights as if an island said hello and goodbye to ev and the time was about 425 am settling back to another nap which was not very hard to do we had an uneventful tnp to montreal about two hundred miles and were nearly down at montreal before i wakened very short stoo so didn t get out nearly all the passengers lett us most of them i imagine were business men but we had four more passengers come on two army officers one force one civilian and with doris and mjself and another civilian we were ready and soon on our way at 5 am montreal didnt seem to look very at tractive but i imagine it was because we were so tired doris and i couldn t delete whether to have coffee or not but decided to wait just then the stewardess asked us about breakfast if we would like some early or late so we said rather early we were rather chilly by this tune so a blanket was given to us which along with he ph lows are kept in a rack above the win dows near the celling could still see stars on looking out and the only light was the green one on the end of the wing and on turn lng my head a red light was seen on the other wing these lights are the gulolng or running lights for the other planes to see and know which direc tion the plane is going by the situ atlon or the colored lights there are few more points about the plane that you might like to know the large wheels that are down on the ground when the plane is not flying are retracted and these when in that position help to give more speed there are air lines from the wings these can be seen from my window they are let down to no up and then pilled up to come down these help in some way with ascent and descent back to the point we are just lew ing montreal ver comfortable in a very sleepy state it is in the dis tance a little lighter as if daylight were near at hand i wakened hi about three quarters of an hour and noticed the sun was just coming up vot wrnting to miss the sunrise i struggled for a while trying to watch and keep awake but sleep won out until 630 and when i wakened then the sun was all there large in full vie- 1l was real daylight so moved quickly over to the window to have a better look the most thrilling part or most im presslve part of the whole trip was in view hope i can make it sound just as i saw it the sun was very dis tant and very golden shining on the wtnge of the plane making them look very silvery couldn t see any stars well no it was daytime now well where were the clouds the sky was a perfectly clear blue color except for the sun where are the clouds funny no clouds 60 on looking down to see what country i could see my breath was taken away as ive never seen anything so beautiful all blanket of snowy white very loose and light looking with a slight bluish tinge like high hill of snow one be hind the other for as far as i could doris describes them as fleecy like as if sheered off a sheep but the are more soft looking than that the sun shining on them made them even more beautiful dn sure i kept looking at them for five minutes just spell bound occasionally i thought the ground was in view naturally the ground was back in my mind a i did expect to contact it again but no we went along for roues and only clouds in view thought maybe i would ask tbe stewardess a few ques tion aa she was busy going back and forth getting breakfast servedcoffee omened good by this time how nigh are we 0000 feet and how high above the eloude about 2000 or 3000 feet was tins tiew typical oh yea but not always so beautiful would we see ground before we started to 01 down ob yea as tbe clouds would not likely be that heavy an tbe way moncton would x uke b well yes by now i was sure x could enjoy something to eat the tttne was 7 am audi breakfast was served on a small brown tsmy cov ered with a white paper lace cover in a small paper box there was a paver cup half filled with orange juice and two of cream about half fuuutno danger of spilling a small dbde cup of marmalade two lumps of sugar wrapped in paper marked t c a the coffee was in a paper cup inside another paper one suppose to make it more secure paper bowl of cornflakes and a bun with raisins sit ting prettily on a round paper dollle completed the breakfast with my serviette in place i started jlrst the orange juice delicious i must say very cold and frjki tbe cornflake with cream on seemed too much and heavy and also eating them with a tni wooden spoon wasn so good next the bun yes harold with raisins all buttered ready to eat with marmalade then coffee very hot and strong suit ed me oh i forgot to mention the two small packages of life saver i think about four in each didnt open them so i could send them back too maybe this breakfast doesnt aqund like a great deal but it was sufficient as i was still a little light headed the omy worry was keeping the tray on my knees had a pillow there but the vibration of the plane kept the tray wit the articles on it on the move had to keep ones eye on them on looking out the sun is still jinn lng and much to my surprise the clouds have scattered and there is the land now that was a little relief thank goodness now what could i seewell everything was on a very small scale the farms looked uke toy houses and barns painted in dif ferfint colors but could hardly make out all the detail such as windows etc the washing hanging on the lines blowing in the breezes was im sure all for the dolls looked ever so cute on the cleared land which looked very smooth i expected to see some dolls ut playing golf but no i didn t in stead on some there were black and hite specks like small baby kittens now what were they cattle i guess there were white ribbons some straight some winding all over and on these ribbons toy cars trucks and buses were speeding along now who was speeding someone down there would be pinched for speeding dont you tnink the rivers by daylight looked like rivers only very small al so could see water here and there as some had been spilt lakes or ponds imagine fences looked like a line of something dark running between ome of the clear places the trees look miniature and all the same height but one beautful thing was their col oring as some have already turned so among the green ones the red and vellow ones showed up very clearly this would have been a grand view for mamie to see and paint at times as far is one could see only woods could be seen no houses or cleared land this i would say is typical in the cente or new brunswick by now there were very few clouds in signt a few blue ones now and then the land from the plane looks level that is hills mountains etc don t seem to show up in the distance in some places one could almost lm agine they saw a few hills but not very distinct all this time i was feeling fine no difficulty in breathing at all they say at that height it would be dim cult to breathe outside of the plank bu you see the air in the plane is regulated and air conditioned after this i read some of the literature left in the packets below the ulri dows read about the t ca trip across canada time stopping piaces i only wished i had some cards to send when i got off the plane but lhe stewardess didn t have any on nand soon we were about 50 miles frorr moncton the time 8 10 am on coming down we came through the clouds just seems as if we were going through a fog and didn t seem to take any time to go through thera now the rivers looked very clear artd blue the sandy shore seemed to show up muddv like as if recently over flowed really expected to see a fish jump out to say hello the houses and barns soon seemed larger and looked as if for adults our landing was verj rough many air pockets the stewardess checked at this time o make sure our belts were fastened was i ever dizzy and ears were ring ing again started chewing that gum harder and harder soon after struggling with the air as if it were trying to keep us up we had another bump land moncton imagine in that short time the short run along on the ground gave us time jo get composed and rid of the gum yes audrey i remembered to remove my jrum so i didn t come off thfc plane chewing nor did doris if that is how one feels when it is rough im surely glad wc had such a clear night for flying maybe we are not so disappointed now that the plane was late be cause it gave us a chance to fly by night and day i wouldn t have had nearly so much to write about what do you people say about it a word about our stewardess a miss broad from royal victoria hot pltal london ontario she had been doing von work in north york to ronto until she joined the toa four months ago i imagine she is twenty three years of age dark about five fool six inches very attractive and charm ing and made our trip much more en joyable they have a special training in the tca work before starting their new work and are trained to take the plane over in any emergency we thanked her and said goodbye as we stepped off the plane on the ground again ears still ringing doris and x looked at one another just what we expected dull wet un der foot and cold yes we were in new brunswick alright we were very fortmate in finding a bus there a mall bus for tjca going to at john the station there is not so grand but very nice and clean look ing tbe bus was ours and lu a sh time ws were on our way to moncton wmch is only about fifty muse away here we bought our tickets in a little over an boor and a naif what a fseung our ears were fine now but a cop of tea sounded good which we bad at tbe bus terminal bbdckoftfl smrmxmt a large shipment of knitted foods and quuta la being shipped to the warehouse in toronto this week a new knitting quota has been received asking for even more knitted goods to cover tbe needs of tbe sailors dazing tbe winter wwvn seamans cemf sets 15 turtle neck sweaters 10 seamen scarves 23 ribbed helmets 38 pr plain mitts 1 pr twoway mitts 16 pr seaman s long boots 1 pr seaman s long stockings 41 pf seaman s socks army and ah- force comfarls army f- 4 pullover sweaters 4 ribbed helmets 1 pr twoway mitts 6 pr plain mitts 9 scarves 109 pr socks air force 1 pr plain dtts 3 pr twoway mitts 4 scarves 3 pullovers 4 aero helmets 3 pr sock 23 quilt 1 wool quilt l afghan stbeetsvmjb bun heads sxed trade association william oouse sr of stnetarlue was elected president of the rwn seed trade rtttrfntlon nual meeting of that which was bald recently to the award hotel toronto he e p grassland of the steele seed co who has been president the last two year operating under tbe oouse sons afr oouse 1 a of tbe wuaowa btreetawllle which beara ms name school books roofbkg new fall clothing fall car checkup stores chit- drens school outfits just some of the things you shoppers have to think about ss lummer draws to a close follow the ads in the herald and patronize her ald advertisers a sure way to get value for your money you cant go wrong when you shop in georgetown buyers guide brills dept store mens furnishings ladies ready to wear boots ml shoc8 main st phone 167 oioioii own w j cain invite tear ratranag auto repairing aay make tire batteries welding alt work qvarantbd phone 284w wetorle si csdete view exchange hotel room and meals good accommodation phone georgetown 360 acton 1j georgetown lumber co everything in lumber sub door and interior finish bjdrated lime hardwsu plaster fibre beard cement and boellpf ef ah kinds hollyw ood hotel norval a home away from home evkby accommodation r licata fruit vegetable market a good place to shop phone 71 georgetown lillicos for best servlee and cleanltneai we trj te make an sd of ever prri m or our prices are right too daix 278j or w h c mcclure home furnishings faneval mrater and atsbtsaaee berries pbonx w georgetown richardsons hardware phone 25 stzk electric fence 18 n hugh lindsay radios refrigerators kehrinator philco stewartwarner main st phone 11 why not make mcgibbons hotel your meeting place pleasant seou snrroandlags white rose service station and garage dry goods gents furriiahiriga shoe caps omnia house furaialiiiigs phone 64 why spen year i rachlins f btnolaib a a phone 26 a tkt wnx sansrr cleaning pressing tailoring ai work cmsranteed phone 233 saxe motors oju boad bptvlu dodge and desoto sub sad smmvhm street phone 181 pint we phoned the bbapusl orderly 4m room for a station vagon which we ai ware very pleate set tlkoosnt we m bad spent enobab money so dunt 1 want to take a taxl our cop ot tea taated good end when the drlrer ar- rlmdrhe had ecup ot oooes by 1040 we were back hi our oold dainp hutanother fanny feehrst we movta but took time for s duty by lmt as we anas m ihs duui se w eefls t th oe- loner offloe to recerraj this turn tyers milk products high grade dairy pho ifl2 oboqltowat prii

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