Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 22, 1941, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wedneaday evening october 22nd 1941 timely topics for women by barbara baines fashion favoulutes women everywhere want to look their loveliest for their menfolk ni the army navy and air force or working hard in ourwar in dustries bui elaborate fashions luxuriant materials t5vc5 fur trtznmings are not in keeping with the times today it is just as import ant for an outfit to be practical as it is for it to be becoming and so wise women are choosing sktiple feminine styles and dependable fabrics that will be good for vents of wear all our suk and much of our wool rayon leather goods and metals axe needed for war but in spite of this fact canadian manufacturers are will producing plenty of wearable and nattering clothes though the time when they are rationed may not be far distant oay colours greens reds blues purples and tans look well with the dull khaki and blue of the mens uniforms and help keep spirits up and sd black except for more formal wear is fast losing its popularity never nave sport and casual lottifc been worn so much first introduced by college gira they are now being adopted wholeheartedly by business women and young matrons who have exchanged a round of teas and bridge parties for volunteer war work tcp honours goes to the wool skirt tailored blouse or bright pull over and wool jacket in a contrasting stripe or plaid for a truly prac ucal outfit in all weather wear with it a reversible coat gabardine on one side and tweed on the other almost equal in popularity and perhaps more becomng to matrons is the twopiece light weight wool suit in soft colours the lines are free shoulders- more rounded jackets a little longer and looser skirts made for easy action and just covering the break in the knee they are grand for sunny fall days and are equally good for wearing under a top coat or fur coat for colder weather but be sure that the are of british wool uany daytime dresses are also in the twopiece mode 91th light weight wools and rayons vleing with each other n popularity frequent 1y one piece dresses have peplums or tunics lower waistlines deep bod ices deeper arm holes elaborate sleeve trimming are some of the high lights of the season braids yarns and trapunto stitching are the newest trimmings accessories are as individual as the wearer but on the whol tend to be more tailored than formerly earrings are quite the rage bags are larger than ever hats just as surprising snoods and wimples are being worn and profile brims are esjoecially good gloves are long and plain shoes smartly designed in leather and suede and with lower heels to give comfort now that we are ail walking more stockings well do the best you can uttle emphasis is placed on evening clothes which will be worn less frequently than usual except to insist they be- cover up styles with long fud skirts with taxes and restrictions gradually increasing it may not be ion before we too adopt the slogan of london women it is smart to be poor but unpardonable to be shabby castle fortress on an exotic west in a riiirr tr wftw dlan island ms cwef cnm ta fa a challenge to women damon genial unfrocked priest army cooks are urgently needed whose philosophy of life is rather un m by the canadian women s army us corps arrangements have been the c entertained lavishly and made to enroll them at once without once holy week party fell preliminary red tape ii you are be through father damon undertook to tween 21 and 40 medically fit and ei unknowns to substitute lor without dependents you are eligible the expected guesta they were an and may enhst at district headquar- ftr assorted group wuh but one ters at 32 adelaide st e toronto as thln ln common a feeling that life soon as a group of 30 to 40 have been let the dow registered they will be sent along with j j mclain a stranded improved uniform international sunday i chool lesson bv harold l lundquibt d o tn of the moody blbte institute lesson for october 26 council the campbell sisters male cooks to the army cooking aviator who has seen action ln china school at the central technical and s and ihe unhappily married school toronto amantha with vhom he has long been during the training period recruits ln tove there is elgen ruric the will be on probation and will be gien artlst a h cannot seem the basic army pay of 95 cents a day to harness rosa savoy ex actress to plus clothing and sustinence allow wno love meant more than her car ances when fully qaulltled they are r taber a deserting seaman just as eligible for officer rank as daisy a middle aged school mann any other branch of the c wjlc the and lad mw wno has becn around scale of pay differs according to tech but who nas n lost ner sens nlcal qualifications as well as rank humour and there ts the mysteri cooking for the army camps is one ous resale a sinister figure and of the most vital services women can would be black mailer renoer canada s war effort so if you l around the life stories of these have been wanting to do something men and women that the author has really worth while maybe this is woven his engrossing tale a story that your chance iuu wit and humour and wis dom also you will find school for eternity a highly readable book green tomato mincemeat food may yet be a decisive factor in the war and canadian hometnakers hae been asked to see that no gar nov 12th is the deadline for ontario for parcels going overseas for christ mas so it is time to think about what gifts from home will be most appre ciated by the boys over there who won t be getting home this year atony requests have come tor cig j oarabs tooth brushes nail lura a mwsm rssfssg fruit juices and tomato juice canned dlr mincemeat 3 quarts green tomatoes 1 quart apples chopped m pound suet chopped 2 i pounds brown sugar 1 pound raisins 1 cup vinegar mi cup mixed peel salt to taste 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon cloves 1 tablespoon nutmeg chop tomatoes and drain add 4 meats salmon sardines peanut but ter cheese pickled onions pork and beans canned coffee tea bags and lump sugar are especially acceptable flashlight batteries films to fit his camera a cigarette lighter flints and fluid will be greatly appreciated by any of our boys and of course knitted goods socks sweaters and gloves parcels to canadians serving over seas must not weigh more than 11 pounds when packed charges are 12 cents a pound parcels to civilians must not weigh more than 5 pounds quarts water simmer for one hour nor contain more than 2 pounds of let stand over night and then drain any given foodstuff all parcels must thoroughly add apples suet sugar be well packed and wrapped to with raisins and vinegar mix well and stand rough usage only non perish simmer two hours stirring often to able foods should be included la the keq ttam b add seasonings boxes are quite apt to be dumped into and gt boji a few minutes longer the bold next the engines and m sterilized jars it will keep for several weeks yield 5 quarts df von like a moist mince meat i fob our scbap book huggest you add a little apple m economizing for the purpose of juice or cider or little of the luice being independent is one of the off preserved peaches or otter frut soundest indications of manly charac to above when making piesi samuel smiles the book op the week school for eternity mrs t j s writes in to say 1 wonder how many have ever tried add little sour cream to chicicen onion stuffed with loves lng gravy to their pot roast sugar when cooking turnip a tablespoon of little by harry hervey cnamon to chocolate icing p m horae radish to beet salad ahen 340pp 3 00 n0r8e tvbai h you enjoy the unexpected the editors note barfrara barnes m surprising read school tor eter welcomes letters from rtwiei w nity by harry hervey author of heps yoo have some pfj gg bhaasiai express timesaving or mntt count gtoghls fabulously rich and you would like to yj h just as eocentrtct has receooy come to address all communications n care of uv in the citadel a luxurious old this newspaper dont miss georgetowns uptoyou sale for war charities on friday oct 24 civic responsibility be- gard1ng beverage alcohol lesson text deuteronomy 3 u 2s28 itiuh 28 16 habakkuk x ix g olden text rlghteouaneu exalteit nation but tin ts a reproach to u people provortw it 84 legal approval pi the sale of alco holic beverages has largely taken the matter out of the hands of the home and the church and has made liquor a civic problem that of course does not provide us with a convenient excuse for evading our personal responsibility for the na uon is made up of you and me of your home anb mine of your church and mine we must share the na uon s responsibility gladly and ac tively if we are to be worthy of our citizenship especially is that true of the christian for he sees the spiritual and moral implications of the matter and he also knows what to do about it i righteousness exalteth a na uon but sin is a reproach to any people deut 5 3233 11 2628 that may sound a bit old fashioned and it may appear that men have abrogated that principle but if we wait a bit we shall see that it still works 1 righteousness brings blessing deut 5 32 33 al 26 27 in this callous and infiifterenl generation we need to repen with emphasis the fact that there is laid down m the very constitution of the universe a moral distinction between right and wrong right is always right and wrong is always wrong the book of deuteronomy presents the fundamental laws of god in this fifth chapter there is a rev ew of many of these laws and a practi cal appeal for obedience it is point ed out that the way of liberty n the walk of life is to turn ne ther to the extreme of legal bondage nor to the opposite extremi of human license but to walk in all the ways which the lord your god hath commanded you walking in his ways brings all the blessings of deuteronomy 5 33 a promise which is repeated in ii 27 2 unrighteousness brings judg ment deut 11 28 turning aside from god s ways must bring upon man his curse it is no light mat ter to be under god s disapproval we who know how much the approv al or disapproval of frail human be ings around us may mean should consider what it means in the life of a man or of a nation to have the eternal omnipresent and omnipo tent god aga nst him thei what about a people which countenances the manufacture and the sale of intoxicants which thev well know bring about wickedness and vice which can only call for the udgmcnt of god many believe that the great war in vh ch the world embroiled s s mply g d s judgmen upon the nations ncluding eni nd and america because they hove turned asidi from h s holy ways that means that the most effect way to stop the conflict is not onal penitence and prayer why not bt lieve and practice ii chronicles 7 14 ii civic greatness cannot be built on sin and oppression isa 28 1 6 hab 2 12 yes that wounds old fashioned too the theory of today seems to be that the road to greatness is by way of disregard of god s laws and by the application of the mailed fist of cruel conquest but let us remem ber that others have tried the same violation of god s law and let us recall what happened to them did you ever hear of napoleon of al exander the great of the glory that was greece and the world conquering power of ancjent rome modern military leaders could well afford to spend less time on their books of strategy and their war maps and more time reading the bi ble and the pages of history 1 drunkenness and national de cay go together isa 28 16 the leaders of israel ephraim lingered long over their wine bowls as they spoke with pride of their nation and especially of samaria its crown it was a city beautifully situated on a hillside surrounded by a fertile terraced hillside does not that all have a vaguely familiar sound a great nation of our day which now lies tn bondage to its neighbor dictator not long ago spoke with pride of its attainments and its security while according to the testimony of its own leaders the use of intoxicants went on apace even in the army 2 permanent power cannot be built on oppression hab 2 12 here again history reveals the cor rectness of scripture many a na uon has sought to nnd its place in the sun by building with the blood of its vanquished enemies it has never worked and it will tail now just as it has in the past whm nhmil thf citv state or ma the campbell slaters above are featured on the new all star variety show blended rhythm heard from 830 to s5 tuesday evenings on the cbc eastern net work already familiar to cbc listen era for its smooth handling of popular songs the campbell sis ten trio is accompanied by a 20 piece orchestra under the direction of eric wild young canadian maestro who recently made a sen sauonal hit with the bbc as lead er and arranger for the worlds first television orchestra local readers will remember the campbell sisters as members of a family orchestra which played at eldorado park a tew years back pledge for war savings tea tion thai attempts to promote its own growth out of the taxes on liq uor and is sale forstersoper wedding at ingteaood on saturday afternoon october 11 at xnglewood parsonage the marriage was solemnized of norma iaabetpsoper only daughter of mr antttbifs thomas soper and richard a forster second youngest son of mr and mrs b j porater of georgetown rev john hurst officiated the bride wore a pale blue gown with royal blue accessories and a cordage of red carnations sle wore a neckline a family heirloom given her as a g it by her greataunt mrs rachel avann of hamilton the bridesmaid miss margaret bovalrd of weston was gowned ln a turquoise wool crepe dress with navy blue ac cessorles and wearing a corsage of pal pink carnations mr albert hill of georgetown attended the groom the gift to th bridesmaid was a love the home of the brides parents for he immediate families the couplo left ror a trip to burlington the bride trajellln ln a blue and wine wool dress and grey tweed coat with blue accessories beady to play and sing son q hit selected by glenn miller every week in the detroit sun day times starting with this com lng sundays issue you 11 find a newsong hit with words and music selected by a famous band master the first song dear ara bella has been chosen by glenn mil ler a new song hit every week be sure to get the detroit sunday times tim week and every week we print everything yes just phone no 8 and our representative ly necklace and to the groomsman a wtu cmj and ne you with your re- tic pin a reception was afterwards held at carrolls romar coffee chriatws date and not loaf isc christie angel cake ad 2c kotow la fulfcfamm ui ol tka wohji hhdm coffa al prio tm flbro to par nry pound u frahlr ftduad a sold drip or rasuu aa you naad h otow a pound- of rotnar today youll bo da- libbtad wltb lla fraatabo toikhh aad lib bag ontag juice xsc cron maple syrup 7c c or shredded wheat pk 33c swift premium prem u 33c energy chocolate melted milk t 7c clarks peanut butter 23c kipper snacks old hickory soda biscuits box of 100 25c aytmar golden kernel corn b lfcox tm xoc curke aaaorted soups 3 20c heiloweee kisses sweetened grapefruit juicc sj sc 15oz tm 19c choice aybacr apricots lobby green tomato pickle p jewel sa1ad dressing 39c aylmer tatty cut asparagus x lynn valley lima beans 3250 medium sued 6070 prunes a 19c choice aylmer tomatoes 2 1501 15c shirmffs good morning marmalade tr 23c 35c 32os je hawes floor wax z5c 45e handy ammonia x p- lie chipso f 9e x3c e kirks castile soap 5c old dutch cleanser io champion dog pood s ice large okxen cabbage 2 heads 15c freh bulk choice wiu1 e moon eua cauliflower 2 heads 15c carrots 6 lb 15c fresh spinach 3lbl3 fruit and vegetable prices until saturday night pnty carrolls limited- phone 357 ftceelfcei main tst geo

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