Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 5, 1941, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening november 5 th 1941 i timely topics for women by barbara baines r womens place in civilian defence with war knocking none too gently at our back door and maybe our front door too is it not time canadian women were prepar ing themselves in earnest to meei whatever eventualities the fu ture may hold should a shooting ar come to our shores we will share with our men all its horrors and hardiips and any prepara tions we make against that dav may thenvseem all too meagre when bombs are falling if it doesn t those same preparations may 6tand us lh good stead in rebuilding- the world or tomorrow and in any case we shall be so thankful for what we have been spared that we shall not re gret any effort we have made i have heard a number of speakers from britain recently and i have been greatly impressed bv one fact their common admiration for the british women whom they hold up as an example to the woman hood of the world they tell us that it was the women who first demand ed nationwide preparation for defence in event of war that it was large ly due to the supert work of the members of the women s voluntary services that panic was averted when the crisis did come last september and that it is because of the stout hearts of its women that the morale of the british peoole has stood uu as it has since 9 the united states ft recognizing the fact that this is a woman s war as well as a mans and the national committee for defence has outlined a colossal program for the training of women for civilian de fence already 3 000 defence councils are in operation and others are being added at the rate of 500 a month ji women are to drive ambulances harvest crops or man assembly unesthey must be strong and so the first objective is improved health to make america strong by making americans stronger and then to train women for the thousand and one jobs for which they may be needed nutrition courses are being made available to all homenmkers and a defence dlet has been worked out by leading home economists to keep the nation fit but to miss alice marble former worlds tennis champion and now director of national physical training for women has been given the job of getting 50 million american women in topnotch physical shape she savs physical fitness is fun and women who join our pro gram will discover a greater capacity for happj living as well as a greater usefulness she has already worked out a set of 8 exercises that win strengthen the muscles improve posture and prevent fatigue these setting up exercises will be given free to the women of every community groups of a thousand may drill together in armouries in large cities and other groups of a dozen or so will go through their paces with equal en thusiasm in some small town hall miss marble hopes to work chiefly through existing organizations already the women s voluntary services are training instructors who in turn are training leaders of local groups miss marble believes however that physical fitness can be acquired equally well through games and so hopes to organize sports clubs in every comrounitvl sports suitable to everj age group hiking bicycling tennis badnynton skiing bowling roller skating swimming softball basketball tabic tennis and anv other games for which provision mav be found in an emptv hall or vacant lot i would like very much to see a similar program of physical fitness started for canadian women manv middle aged women have become soft with ease orjhroiurh lack or opportunity for group activity their joints creak at unwonted exercise and thej are tired out after a six hour stretch at a canteen or salvage centre many young girls have narrow chests and weak muscles and hai nver known the jos of sports be cause they couldn t afford club fees there are thousands of women in our country whose wellbeing and health would be improved through regular exercise under competent supervision we mid strong workers for our war industries and will need more in the future we need strong workers on our farms strong women for voluntary war services and strong healthy homemakers women everywhere are willing and indeed anxious to do what ever they can for victory but as individuals they are greatly handicapped it is to be hoped though that in the near future some dominion wide organization with government backing will give the intelligent leader ship that is so badly needed in training and directing women to meet the present emergencv t t t women ote in qlebec history was made in quebec when 10 000 women went to the pro vincial polls for the first time in the recent by elections at st johns and huntingdon according to repbrts if the fervour the new born politicians showed as speakers hecklers and agitators means anything they well deserved the vote they apparently do not fall for good looks however for the handsome 32 year old w j stewart national union candidate in huntingdon was snowed under many german women married to jews are taking affidavits that their grown sons and daughters are illegitimate the children of aryan lovers in order to protect them from being persecuted because of their jewish taint this is the story told by dr t u h elllnger a graduate of john hopkins and of harvard who has just returned to the ujsa before the statement of the desperate mother is accepted the person in whose favour it is made must undergo a searching physical and tnental examination by scientists who maintain they can tell a jew any where if he is a person of value to the state his aryan ancestry is more apt to be accepted and indeed sometimes the mother is forced to appear and declare that her child is an aryan such was the case of j germany of 1939 a blond beauty held up as the type from which true nazis should choose their wives and later found to have a jewish father t t t for olr scrap book the world is a looking felass and gives back to every man the reflection of his own face frown at it and it in turn will look sourly upon you laugh at it and with it and it is a joily kind companion wiliiam makepicce thackeray tiif book of the week the new hope b loseoh c lincoln and frcman lincoln longmans grten 49fftp 43 00 you 11 like the new ho a story of i group of typical cape cod o seafaring folks during the exciting days of 1814 when the british were blockading th new england coast capt dole and young jonathan bangs his protege take turns in telling the tale in their own words they decide to outfit the swirt sailing vessel the new hope as a privateer and to try and run the blockade they are able to get the financial backing of almost every influential person in the village and all goes well for a while but the success of the adventure depends upon getting powder from tamset village mysterious things begin to happen somehow hope allen with whom jonathan is in love is involved she has been secretly meeting an enemy officer from one of the blockade ships suspicion turns on jonathan as being both an informer and a murderer capt dole is loyal to him and as a result finds hlmtelf very unpopular in town he makes a thorough hunt for the real criminal but the time is short if the new hope is not to bring disaster to the whoto community atki so unfolds this gripping tale against a background of action andnijsxery prejudice and humour youl enjoy its salty flavour and 1u fine characterization t t t cocoanut oatmeal cookies these are the days when children come in hungry from school and 0 go straight to the cookie jar what would they like any bettor than these simple cocoanut oatmeal cookie 1 cud brown sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 cud shortening i teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon soda 2 itrps flour m cup boiling water scan i a cups rolled oate 1v4 cups shredded cocoanut cream shortening and sugar add water salt and vanilla but flour and soda add to batter and beat well add oatmeal and coeoanot and mix well roll in small balls arrange on cookie sheet and jam flat with the tongs of a fork dipped in cold water oocfc for about 1 minutes in a moderate oven 375 degrees p makes from 6 tq 8 mrs c b w n 1 1l7i t fliltl inliiiji i li in i ij ilil yvmm t inn them for gardening dusting and cleaning polishing brass and stiver and lately i have been using one on my right hand when i have had a lot of ironing to do it protects my hand from the beat and keeps it from getting blistered t t t editors note barbara baines invites letters from readers if you have any suggestions comments or requests send them along ad- dreas all communications in care of ttus newspaper improved uniform international sunday i chool lesson by harold l lundcjuist d d dan of the moody bible institute of chicago released by weitern newspaper union i lesson for november 9 uuon subjects ind scripture texts se lected and copyrirhtcd by interim 11 on ul council of religious education used by permission repentance and faith lesson text luko 13 11 24 golden text repent ye and believe the gospel mark 1 15 sin with its devastating conse quences has its only remedy in the salvation which is in christ jesus hi died to set us free from the pen ally the power and ultimately the very presence of sin however hi d ath which was for all mankind ib effective only for those who in it pentancc arid faith accept his re dt emmg grace and turning from their sin i worldly pleasure brings sor row vv 1 116 selfishness is at the heart of sin which is essentia lly self will over d gainst god s will the younger son who represents the sinner wanted his own way he suffered from 1 restlessness under restraint vv 11 12 the father loved hib son and sought his valfarc by prop er parent il control but the boy wanted to be tree to live as he pleased god loves alt men and seeki by loving and gvaeiuus re straint to lead them in w tys of righteousness and pt lee but thtv while they want his blessings are often eager to get may from his guiding hand 2 a request hesultirtk in respon sibility vv 12 13 when the prodi l il usked for his inheritance he took upon himself full nspi n- ilit ft r its use the man who r fusts u t ivc christ rule over his life s mies a lravo ind in iv burden which lie is not ible to hear it is in awful tiling to rule gi i out of ont s lift to it nipt to stt i r a sjco svful ciursc i i iul1i tlu s onnv spt of life i do if it v ii alu is result en ss ind f i lure i riotous living l idini to re pioatli vv li lfil in the far coun 1r he found it r t ti e what t ii fun bin it icti bitter sc r v to the dish tin i ire ji is es tf sin hib llii but thev e only for i st in th it is cry short livtd ind thtv come th the devil is n t such a fool to go fishing withoit bait the easures of sin are tin d v il s bait id lh if iu ij ti at t u will soon hive ll n your gills and be in e devil s boat j n brad irv tlu end of s it in fun ro ic v is i pieptn in f r in ti v th i i not alwivs 1 1 lilt r i njli it tnppcn- i fti r true sj i i ilsbi 1 s hi c ti ue al ih but ti are in i il collapse and cj have rcjt cu d t i s v iv bi lit is n vv ly ut ii godly sorrow brings jov v 24 ul tt 1 s us th it iv sorro ik th repentanet t il ilii r l tlus differs fr i th si i r tl wt- rtcl will w rk th ii c r 7 10 ii r die a id his w iv b ick ti t t f ill ii i si p jrst there t t him 1 ilcnumbririk hi ill itii hi bet i tint k ind i 1 we win d but st in husj ti thii it he i id ust hi id b hvt th it record he c line to himst i sin is re illy unl ihiu il not himself spir in hi n he came to h k is in tlu wav of tl i w th it in perish inf 2 rtpentt and hi v r turn epent me ins tt change ur mind to turn vonr life in in ibotit fact from sin to god re i nlance c ills for more than think g or talking or pnj int one must t the younj rrnn irose and t ime to his father that was his i irt and then came the fathers i irt j rt stontion and rijoicing vv 2 1 24 the son cxpectid to return is a hired serv int ut his father rt stored him to full f irmly fellow ship god is gncious and the re pentant sinner finds himself clad n the spotless robe of christ s right c ousness weiring the ring of son sup with shoes on his feet so that he may go on the errands of his f ather god s plan of salvation brings no h ilf way redemption there are no stepsons or distant relatives in his family it is a full salvation which brings glorious fellowship in life and service you who are still eating the husks of this world who ire in the far country tending swine we invite you too to cortie to god and share in the m the fath ho lire a struggle life is a struggle but not a war fore it is a dav s labi r but labor on god s earth under the sun and stars with other laborers where vv may think and s ng ind rejoice as we work john burroughs thirty one are confirmed by bishop ryan bishop f j ryan of hamilton confirmed thirty one acton and georgetown candidates orr wednesday evening october 29th at st joseph s church acton the pastor father v j morgan gave the welcoming address and father o bricn was master dt ceremonies the bishop in his address to thjrt congregation urged that all shoiuxl carry out the exhortations of our holy father and be unceasing in their prayers for peace among all people of the world he explained how no one knew better the conditions of every nation of the world than the father of christendom and how godless dic tators wer trying to exterminate re ligion from the hearts of men the bishop also questioned the children as to the knowledge of their catechism and religion and the an swers received showed that they had been given careful prepaiation for the reception of the sacrament the pastor in welcoming his excel lency snade mention of some or the things that his lordsh had ac complished not only for the materlil progress o the d ocese but also for its spiritual good the altar and sinctuary were beau lifully decorated with cut flowers for the occasion the bishon who also eive benedic tion wi asm ted in the confirmation seniccs by se father t mccibe brampton ev fi f m huth freelton re fi j o dehler milton rev fr t b tnvnpr hamilton ruv fr f kel o rockwooa rev fr h o brien hamilton md fr moiin of aeon aid cioretovii the follow n t lb it ii ii wen eon finned joseph gilievit ro s bovle james golden don im milton john ivirs repledge for war savings sa1ada tea william muir kenneth hulme ger ard wilcox lome artoic kenneth marchment james mogllloway wil ham beeney martin mocrlstall joan coles elaine arolc dena braida meave breen june dunn joan white patricia duval helen mclaughlin frances chew joyce pa pi lion dena francescato margaret muir margaret connely elsie hulme alice murphy margaret beeney l no communicable diseases in in georgetown last month thi report of communicable diseases for october as given by the moh shiws that the town was free of this type of disease last month chickenpox 0 scirlet fever 0 slcs german measles a lysis mumps infantile pin tjphold feve whooping cough cerbro spinal meningitis i epidemic i the annual meeting of the haltoa countj ma 1 couriers assoctation wm held recently at the home of mr and mrs george greer nebon village mr hughes cleaver mp was onoe igain present at the jmeeting this year and presided forprtoe election of officers charles parkoryresident tat the past uo years retired from this position and the voting resulted in ihe election of vice president w d britton 10 111 the office mr george greer was cnosen vice president and miss noia kranstz was reelected se cretarytreasurer by acclamation dia you hear about jones and bis car salt brown to his rieighbor over 1 1 back fence no whdt about if weil you know its a very old car and odd b is are always falling off when he goes for a ride so he got the idea o tying a magnet behind to pick up the parts which dropped smart idea anywaj yes but in the end jones found mmstlf jlding on the magnet carrolls save you money monarch flour 87c pea soup hbut 2j 1 9c vegetable soup z s 3c quick or regular rolled oats 4 1 mallow layer chni- 15c fruit loaf cbu zs dux pickles iid 21c shredded wheat 2 23c pot barley pi 5c peanut butter 15c blueberries i6- u 20c pie cherries m 16c currants 2 n 25c cut peel lb- 29c corn starch cnd p 10c tomato juice 3 2 25 dog biscuits mi z it- 25c lemon oil hwe- bii i5c z5c old dutch cteanter tin xoc surprise soap 3 b 14c ivory soap cu 5e6c ioc 8090 kelloees rice tiwbt kelloees rick jt krispies f butter prunes 3 25 i butt rounds ib 17 syrup f beehive corn 53c romar toffee aylmer tomato jb catsup sr 12 snd 15c bos i ml- at aaa top from i catelli cooked spaghetti 2 t 27 lo toro- i suvr ribbon lux i tomatoes 4 141 2c so 6g i llmn valiey peaches 2sr21 juil out iu42 lw knitting book p g soap 3 br 14c new chop texas grapefruit 4 a 25c red emperor grapes 2 21c firm green cabbage htad 7c no i ontario potatoes peck 26 fruit and vegetable rtice until sa wight onl phone 357 free delivery main st georgetown

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