Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 5, 1941, p. 6

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the georgetown herald w 1 5a 1941 two keyrto a cabin by lida larrimore aactal smith then i shall be obliged to tay as ytiur guest she said and walked toward the closed door into the room she was to share with kate you win again gay strange that it was lees difficult to renew his resolution now that he realized he d been a presumptuous fool odd that now when her manner expressednn difference he was impatient to go t won t be here i m leaving but flinging off at this hour was un necessarily dramatic and so he add ed tomorrow you re being pretty stuffy about this aren t you she asked possibly the knowledge of what he had seen in her face was yon re being pretty stuffy aboat this area t yon she asked ustauiing he felt himself relaxing as though by some agency a strain bad been reliev ed worse than that he continued responding to the humor and the friendliness m her smile i m being i ve been unpardonably rude you have she agreed cheer fully i understand though the shock was is mutual we ve nei ther of us behaved very well let s not make decisions tonight but my decision is made he knew that his voice lacked con viction he saw her smile widen and deepen irrevocably she asked what big words you use gabri til a she appeared to be satisfied shocks are wearing she sa id i rh going to get some sleep you d better you look all in thank you aren t you ifraid you 11 turn my head she stood miling back over her shoulder her hand on the knob of the door good night good night pleasant dreams i know i shall have them re member no decisions we ii draw kate s straws tomorrow gay lay on the float in front of the cabin her face buried in the hollow between her crossed arms the sun hone warmly on her back and legs and the wind ruffling her hair was refreshingly cool the float moved gently rocked by waves which scur tied before the wind across the sur face of the lake the warmth the gentle motion the whispering sound of the water induced a state of drowsy contentment she found it increasingly difficult to concentrate upon problems and eventualities though that was what she had gone there to do not that problems were pressing they seemed to retreat farther into the hazy distance with each day that she spent at the lake she was active from the hour of their early breakfast until the inevitable moment when her eyes dropped over a magazine the parchesi board or the word tsmp which kate insti gat d k vh lc imj the after supper intei il jarkness fell over the a at lc like she slept gousu i t dining it wa i f maine she sup posed and the sin pie i fe she d been living for how long fie days she calculated surprised that it had been that long equally surprised that time had passed so swiftly she hadnt realized how tired she d been tmto she began to rest it was for this she had come to the cabin she thought the contentment she felt her pleasure hours of activity the long nights of restful sleep but would she have stayed if john had would she be so contented now lying warm and drowsy in the sun on the rocking float if he were not there in the cabin potter ing with his test tues and micro scope in the room that had been mrs dills but he wasnt there at a cheer ful hail from the shore gay rolled over and then sat up he stood on the boatlanding in swimming trunks and jersey an arm raised in salute is the water cold he called frigid i have icicles in my ears think ill paddle over sissyl she taunted i swam you were showing off he dipped his toes into the water and withdrew them with a grimace pure exhibitionism superior stamina oh yes thank heavens they d gotten over being so terribly polite she thought watching him take a shallow dive from the end of the landing tin first day after shtkand kate h i arrived it had been pretty dreadfu theyd watched eath other wanl suspicious of the meaning behin every gesture all defenses stout l guarded it was different n6w e k i day that passed brought them clt se together in an impersonal cornp in ionship based on expenenct shared household cht res squabl i over and gaily performed a grc deal of laughter katt s presei i was a safeguard her wry humi i her resourcefulness her energy an enthusiasm kept them occupied n amused gay sitting on the don her arms hugging her knees vi dered what would hive happeiu if kate hadn t been there she i i glad really glad that kate v is perishing she i ktd as j 1 head bobbed alon tl t s de of i float practically ht pulled 1 i body up on the ph k i h k i self scattering tr sh t i h hey gay sul in sorry he it i opened the pocket i el i f trunks produced m rettes will ou i l i e asked my ij i it t she lit a cifiirvtu i tueen his lips 1 i i was closer to intin been during the p im n i 1 an instant their l l r d i then gay glanced are your germs i nt tl she asked when the i j t ing of her heart had kd bominably hi hit i 1 on the float beside i r his t 1 porting his head i i just i m the whole lot under j nt tr i 1 odor of the cabin b i v proved oh what a shame sit si l sympathy surprised tl it e sti i so cheerful that s the way it tots 1 1 you ve got to have t itietut job aren t you t an altered t i in his voice caught hi r sirajmj ai tention mmm she hun n ed n a ing inflection i asked you if you v ere b te l certainly not you weren t listening i was don t be polite he s t ij i light a cigarette tl i re s i r son why you should be inttit i it must seem ver dull i id said unrewarding i can think f l or si l j she said wanting t i i rt i cause he had hurl h r such as well aquaplininj f r n all right talk iu i ii i as a penance i shan t be i lc i 1 i to the conversat n i l 1 ther the time nor th n f r luxury sports skiing then you re good nt that nc 1 fairly it wis i i ded r curriculum of the scl 1 ii 1 tan i add mud ti th it i j cl he said 1 i u r ii nng on the hills at i t ensatioml you d c r ic i ti i its amateurish i i it i there was no hum i u n ice his obvious mlc t m i i ply that an nt rest n sp it ivial in compnr son v it i n t nous aspirations g i tun td i i ad and looked out icr ss ihe u i r toward the she re if it wis d nse she c uld breik through t l ought but was it a defense idn t he hodn t he always c n dered her interests trivnl ht v n knew she thought tl ej were if n justification she eould talk to m tell him why she d returned t e cabin i can t talk about polo either e said breaking a lengthening luse or horse sh us or yatht ices or the costume ball at soutl impton well she said presently i ppose we can talk aboul tl eather always she turned her head tc id him smiling at her not tht iron al smile which fostered hosltlitt- i a sm le which w dened into hi k ur gr n i un lerstand there e i j heat ive in new york idiot gay lsughed they liughed together amused friendly i lighter which narrowed the dis- ince between them laughter which u a trembling vibration more con- r hating than words that s better he offered her a c garette i suspect your motives hen you re polite when youre polite i know very well what your motives are what his eyes met hers above the match that he held to her ciga rette you re filled with disapproval i m not his smile softened the contradiction im filled with ressed curiosity scientific curiosity she back on the float her her knees no purely human he besttat td then asked your experiment is it working out or have you bur led it under a pine tree- his question caught her off-guard- he r eyes turned again to the canoe tied to the landing it isn t so easily disposed of she said are you working at it hi jjoice was very persuasive not seriously i never seem t find time i m always sleepy or hungry or interested or contented a shout hailed them from the shore gay turned u see kate ges turing from the landing hello she called in reply to the hail kate eased herself down into the canoe unfastened the tierope and picked up a paddle the marines are coming gay looked at john not knowing whether she felt more relieved ok- annoyed by the interruption what he felt was obvious tell tiem tpfepshfsot an indian he said john caught the side of the it wabbled then steadied against the float kate dropped the paddle are you landing he asked no thank you something had disturbed her he thought her plain leier face usually serene looked l oth irritited and concerned she 1 inecd up at him as though he i le cause af her concern and irnta- t on i m going back in a min ute she said then w hj had she come kuijit- he wa sure that gay uld i ie answ red h s question if i i ii remaned undisturbed he ked k ite he i been tlad at first at she was ht re latelj though us ni mint have ou robbed ic m til n in aeam he asked oul land in jail ah those pa- ers tw york paiwrs gay scram ltd tc the cdfje of the float where id u get them i stnt for them kate said is there gay asked quickly then mc re deliberately what tht nitts y ur fither sailed three days fo kate said in reply to gay s juestion but he wasn t to hae returned until f xactly his ees turned to kate she sat with compressed hps 1 king up at gi through slightly narrowed ees he missed the auc on in london she said that s bad that s really very id gav gate an exclamation ilf dismay half exasperated rage aunt floradrobabir cabled him le said your mother has not bten idle ale reminded hergriml not to lentu n a xaried ass riment of rel- tives the re such an articulate fam y yes kali si d drl ind un rtu ittl ci ir ntc in no de nier t but h tr ul in t ll r hae wait p tie h in r thii id bright ltd i er voice was t e though e siw her nl in urt fi e john n w thit her eves were dirk and it n us h mtit the jump to ni lusii ns aunt f ra would of ur but i tlcuelt m ther had it sense its bcin licdns kate point i ut the pn t il 1 think ou ve n kidn iped iti nn t wonder t tle rt inx ous si e added m t ne f intrcis ng ex isperat on i been iwi longer than tl but r t at i un c 1 vi this when nil ni his heer rr ined for u pr tu ill eer ur think of excuses the quest ns the eva u think of them 1 haven t t strength y u h en t omnmnicited with inyone no why sh uld p todd erstood i told b ih mother and unt flori in the nc tc- i wrote them lat i would return at the end of the week and will you she remembered him then johns heart leapt as his es for a mo ment met her shadtwtd glance it sink again as she replied with un conscious arrogance i usually keep m promises ion t i in that case katt siid and he ought she sounded nsjderabhj elwed we ii be bl ed to start n the morning and i think we ould both apologize t j hn he in t hae enjood h i ne this dis- iv td in his sr and he i in t isnp i t fl humor tired b rebel bri l n through trn and irr t i h hold n i sn i u us of t f h icobac 7o4xzcco mild cool svcke 5fe savings account reinforces your countrys i victory rt to pay for the war and a savings account ai tbat because h enables you to accumulate r taxes for victory bonds and for war savings it also provides for emergencies for yourself open a savings account f mt only wise to be thrifty its urgent buy at home and keep your money in georgetown 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