Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 26, 1941, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening november 26 1941 bill armstrong writes of trip ottawa to victoria bc frqm we reprint below a letter from ac1 bui armstrotic to tal family he wu recently transferred with the rcaf from rockellffe st lion at ottawa to patrkla bay vancouver island at 8 is vour ume today the day al ter thanksgiving we landed here at patricia bay vancouver island weve had a most marvellous trip imaginable taking in our journey across the continent arickclimaxing it with a wonderful boat ride from the maintatfiffavancouver island may be i coiatbetter describe it if i start ed from the beginning on friday we left rockcliffe by bus for the union station at 5 15 at the station we were allowed to scatter around and talk to any friends pres ent we left ottawa at 6 00 crossed interprovlncial bridge to hull and recrossed on chaudiere bridge our first meal on the train was excellent saturday morning i woke up to find the train steaming along about 100 miles west of sudbury there had been a heavy frost during the night and the country we were passing through seemed to have the winter touch there were myriad mirror like lakes from which nocks of ducks rose as the train dassed our first stop was a northern on tario town called chapleau and vc were here 20 minutes again we start ed out the scenery changed very little belntr very rugged and northern like we passed many indian homes cheap frame houses with tarpaper roofs in some cases bear skins were stretched alone the outside wall the second slop was at white river presumably the coldest spot in ontario the tern derature has been known to drop as low as 72 degrees p here we ojd really see how the people lived the little children swarmed around us asking for souvenirs and pennies they were very poorly clad and the girls almost wlthoucnkfeption wore boys pants and boottvyygirls i mean ones about 8 to 15 years of age the scenerv in lhat part of ontario at this time of the year is as i said verv desolate there are manj ever green forests and amongst these art liberal iv scattered many yellow lama rack trees striking in contrast in the afternoon we approached the nor them shore of lake superior the scenery was grand the autumnal col ours of trees and the muluhued rocks of the shore were quite pretty the line icprj winds in and out along the bays and inlets of the lake there were several tunnels right in the rock through which we passed we had a route march at a town called schne- ber our next major stop was at port william where we passed a hur ned halfhour it was late in evening when we left here port arthur and fort william although we saw very little of either seemed quite nice street cars a bit out of date but stores quite modern and clean sunday morning the scenery had chanced overnight to flat country with trees in scattered but numerous groups here there were no beautiful colors but rneerty stalks and bare trees at 930 your time or there abouts we came to winnipeg dropped a couple of hurried cards and took as lonk a look at the city as i could of course there was no life there and it was pretty quiet but h was verv nice just the same between wlnnlnek and brandon the country was full of scrub and grassland past brandon we came upon the prairies proper endless stretches of vast brown fields if you think the prairies are a vast waving mass of grass you are mistaken it has its hills though few but there are fences trees bams here and there and above all it its reat emptiness ail day long we tra velled through this country at due we paused at reglna later came upon moose f aw a very lively little place rn deed brilliantly lighted mondav morning into calgary at 5 45 mountain tune 3 hours behbu davltecht saving time bad a brisk walk in thechlliy dawn in this far western city of the prairies after leavtne calgary the country roue from prairies into large hills these hills were very rounckon top showing widenccs of a great plaoier when oje sun came uo we were in the din- bracar eating marmalade ham ind oggs when our first glimpse of the rockies appeared they formed a sharp contrast with their snowy peaks stretchlne above the clouds to the brown rolling foothills of alberta the i 1wm lllw a a events therewas no mistak looked like white angers of anj our squaw winter when we woke on sunday morning to find an inch of snow on the ground but as it fell on unfrozen ground accompanied by a maximum temperature of 41 degrees during the day it had all melted and jisppeared by night it has ince turned much colder tnd then was ft hard crust on the ground tuesdav morning but the probs say e are to have another spell of mild weather soon following arc the local records lor the week octopus stretcljing over a huge rock the rockies when we came into trlem were inspiring to say the least it was a spectacular sight impossible to describe the air was clear and cold we passed castle mountain where there was an internment camp during the first world war the three sisters three formations of rock stretching a way way up into the clouds mt cathedral banff banff springs hotel were gorgeous the climax of it all came when we came to the great divide this is the divide between bc smd alberta and is over 5380 ft above sea level from here the train descends we passed into the most gorgeous and wonderful scener 1 have ever seen in all my life the spiral tunnels in yoho vallj through ink black tuirels out on two precipitous cliffs overlook m- a vallej surrounded by famous peaks down whose sides rushed rag ine mountain torrents words cannot de cnbe tin beautv of it all you 11 lust have to wait till we get the pit aires of our journey and see in a jnall oari the grandeur of the rockies lter in the daj we passed through kicking horse canvon along the gor les of the columbia and beaver rivers all these gorges several hun- drtds of feet deep are densely wooded b vergieen at night we were pass iru tbrouirh tht fraser canyons tuesdav morning today we awak ened to find ourselves out of the roc kics followine the fraser river to its mouth and vancouver there was a steady drizzle of rain and on ap proachiru vancouver we came into a dense fog this rbv e us a rather d earv outlook of this city and when we disembarked from our train it was pouring but we were given 2 hours before boat time and determined to see as much as we could we set oit in the citv it appears it has been raining off and on for two months here the people seem almost like ducks here but believe me there sorie prettv ducks woo w oo our boat nulled out at 1050 our time four hours later than jour lime it was orizzling when we pull ed out of the harbour and passed un- dei lvons gate bridge into the pa cific it was after dinner on the boat when the sun decided to shine and we passed along between the mainland and the island trulj it was like an emerald isle no changing colours here but everything a beamlful spring lijce green the air was as warm as summer and as we lounged on the deck in the sun we considered ourselves in a paradise victoria the capital of the island we came uoon fdur and onehalf hours after leaving vancouver it was reallv beautiful coming into the har bour we left for our station by bus immedlatelv on arrival it is 18 mil from victoria nestled between t i mountains and the sea 111 be able mjm watch our window for weekly jot cream specials and oonfbctionxrt pineapple sundae 13c 2 for 25c longs contecfioneryz imii gmzmy the a tr e friday november 28 invisible woman a gorreons ghost goes to town with virginia bmee john barrymore robin hood of the pecos r7 borers fox news saturday november 29 the shepherd of the hills bj harold beu wright with john warne buj cartoon hap hap happy day chapter 5 drums of fu manchu hmtonm j uk tuesday and wednesday december 2 and 3 time out for rhythm jqwlcal romance rudy vallee fauwmny imom lone wolf meets a lady adrentore with jean mnlr warren william to tell vou more about it in my jiext letter well here lam at the end of mj tourney feeling topnotch and iiavfng gained a lbs i weigh 174 now iii have to close for now folks as im getting dreadfully tired and can hardiy hold my eyes open we have a big parade to morrow and 1 11 have to be suit and polished will write lots more about bo and the island in next letter the weather by h l hutt the delightful warm sunny weather we enloyed the fore part of last week looked so much like indian summer there mav be some doubt if we may look for more this fall durlnar the week an all time record was broken when the mercury eachea a maximum of 66 degrees on wednes day said to be the warmest day af ter midnovember in one hundred vears i thus nov if wed nov 19 itiurs nov i fri nov 21 mon nov 24 h and l precipl temp tat ion church news scridlnre text thoujeh he slay me yet will trust in him job 13 15 rev st georee s church j g o thompson reel or first sundav in advent hok com munlon 8 am sun dav school 10 ira matins 11 am preacher rev l douirlas brow n of st james church gueloh evensont 7 pjn preacher rev s r colebrook of norval this is a special sunday devoted to the church s work and responsibility outside the parish pulpit exchanges are belntr made throughout the who diocese st albans church glen williams first sunday in advent sundav school 2 pjn evensong 3 om preacher rev l douglas brown rector of st james church guelph the lnited church of canada georgetown rev r c todd b a mlnistrr 10 am sundn school 11 i ni pi b ic wor shin bible sunday subjtct fvciyman tt xilxx k 7 d st evei inir oi h u sublcct your re liirion is it like ih fifth whul of n carf glimpses of parliament contained itt reports one two of enbeommiuee no 1 of which hurbea cleaver alp for i fa ton la chairman 1 that new federal charter should be taken out by all flying clibe spoa soring elementary flying training schools containing provisions prohibi ting any privat individual from re ceiving any payment by way of dl cc- tor s fees dividends or otherwise and that in the event pf the winding ups of the club all its assets should escheat to the crown and that the companies act should be amended to authorise this type of charter 2 that the contracts with elemen tary flying training schools should be amended to implement the offer of the schools to a reduction of 50 in their flvintr hour profits 3 that the contracts with air observer schools should be amended to implement the offer of the ac tools to a reduction of 65 in their flying hour profits that secondary sources or oup- ol aeroplane parts should be ex- uajideil bv the use of machine shops located at the training schools and by uie use of the many small maihini shoos already in existence across canada 5 that a supervisory engjieer sliould be appointed t have general supervision of all civilian opttdeti schools to secure a proper wxlin of air encrineerink experience among the liffertn schools- and to further im prove the problem of shortage of spare parts 6 that all air observer schools should bt equipped for the continuous overhaul of jts planes by the school staff 7 that transportation at cost nd not in excess oi five cents per mil should be furnished to all civilian tmpovces at training schools located more than five miles from the nearest u ban centre 8 that tht dominion of canada should assume its own insurab e lsks with respect to civilian emplojees at civilian operated schools past txptri tnce wou d indicate that this propos d hamtc should fleet an annual sa nu or at least a charter million lol 9 tli at a trasohne and oil viad bv min ni ehoo t should be pur i istci b tin department of muni bactbt church minister rev j l qstrom thursdav nov 27th an hour o fellowship come to sing praj uid studv the word of ood at 8 pjn sundav nov 30th 2 30 pm tht sundav school 7 pm evening er vice subject he was not there monday dec lstkegular meeting of the b ypu st john s church stewarttown 2 pjn sunday school 3 pjn evening prayer st stephens church hornby 11 ajn morning prayer sl pauls church norval u0 djn sunday school 730 pjn evening prayer preacher rev woo thompson rural dean of halton holy croaa rc church rev ft v j morgan 1st 3rd and 5th sundays mass mt 11 jn 2nd and 4th- sundays ma at j00 am glra wouatna united chvrcb r k lemlcay ba 2 00 pjn sunday school 7 00 pm public worship oome to the church in the oien knox preabyterlan chorea georgetown rev cbm j cochrane bjl leave your car at home co by bus fob london 935 ajn 3 05 pjn bfloo pjn 750 pjn fob toronto a6 08 ajn 918 ajn 11 i8 ajn 223 pjn 4 08 pm 6 08 pjn 913 pjn dally ex sun b sun and hol eastern standard time tickets and information at w h- long phone 89 m rkesnapshot guild picture opportunities keeping the camera ready for- the unexpected resulted in this unusual snapshot picture opportunities are abundant so have your camera with you wherever you go it is t very often that you ii find i d k looking 1 nu in si lively around it but if you do it ill b in ore ision veil orth il hi ng uve prob ibly ti i il ir otlelil i and often i d the deslr to take plc- s wlii h ically ijituie such sit s m nv opjinrtiiniti s like il is o ii r but ind mil by h iving v ur i iii i i with jou at all times v u in nk a iv mt ife of lliete m 1 i to in ik i number of intei i iit 4ii ip hots iti mill s the unusual there are itiiv n r rhwits tli it afford excel nt ilij t m ik riil for llie earn n hi bhv 1st ror example actlvi h of muiil lnien st offer an i hum utt source of picture oppor unit us hiking motorlnr ssvim i in biiatinj in fact iny sport 111 yi id a number of good sn in shott or wherever you go to lu mouiu linn tt ashoro or inland 1 ikp vim ii have the ctuik e to pie iri tin si i iik hnniii as w oil is li inn it sniif hnppt nlns on a t inor itilo vacation a we k pud mp or just a hv s jaunt tin rt s no sinulp foriiiuli tn f 1 will j t ill t til are characteristic of the plice voa are visiting whether you itl out for just a short drive or a trip to some distant settion of the country second try to ors inie jour shooting bo that the pi tuna tell a reisonahly well onlfrrd slory t just a lot of shots of one thing but a rtipbv tip i mint of what yon did and what went on third ilw be on the look out itdi for unusual or dif- fiitnl pit tin u li is the one ii lust rated ilivt they idd a great deal of interest and variety to your album in scenic shooting dont let broad breath ttvni views misleid you the re tocid subjects but in elude a foreground object or frame when possible to give thpm depth and creative feeling of distance in picturing the things you do always trv to include some action not ueeessinly rapid motion but people doing something in brief make each pii ture tell a story inn is to gi t excellent bnan- sb th irr i verv where ind it a easy to build i llm tnlleition keep your inn n wiili miu constantly and 1 rine bin k i p rmanent record of xnen john in guilder tlons and supply direct from the oil companies which would effect a sav ins of approximately 125 000 an- nuallv 100 that all plying training scnools equipped with more than two hangars should have additional shop annexes built to one hangar only ml thls hangar should be used excluatro- lv for maintenance and repair dar- poses and that the remaining hangmra should be used for storage only and should have a consequent reduction in their work shop facilities 1000 ajn sunday achool ana 11x10 ajn public worship 7joo pjn public worship 840 pjn monday yjpb umeboott ftaabjterun ft nti 1 jo bd sunday achool mti i ost publlc worship six est tuesday xps personalized christmas cards order early and avoid disappointment choose your own christmas message topped off with your name and address beautifully printed old english park avenue antique shaded just a few of our distinctive types you may choose d rop in and see our sam pies georgetown herald phone 8 main street

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