0 the georgetown herald wednesday evening november 26 1941 dr charles s hardy fiats native county yn the oountr erf halton haa just re- oanor been vuud by dr onrk fx hardy ot summit nj moldna ttre ol halton who u vldtlng hi brotbers and tasters in the dlabrtoti jrjfao ot milton william of treetsville george of srln bin r h mrtrftp norval mrs warn buddell ot georgetown and mrs t orosler of straetavlue who are all 0d8 and ajturhtera ot john hardy who onnulv owned and resided at hie willows the hardy homestead jn the scotch block a short distance feum here the wldovra the home and first establishment of the hardy fm in f to built at the be- hfpnifip of the eighteenth century when the two bard brothers oeonte and andrew oomhut from scotland with the british army acquired pro perty a short distance tram milton thti hardy family m scotland have a htatotnr dmunt back many ears to the time of kins david the second and his return from normandy in 1364 as a vdurur rpan to take the throne as klntr of scotland while residing in normandy temporarily presumably to be out of the way of ttie english who were at that time frequently rald- iar scotland he became friendly with the lehardle family of normandy prance and two lehjardle brothers who became boyhood mends of his returned with him to scotland m 13s4 and lived in kins davids scot tish stronrhoku which constated of chambers hewn out of the rock on which the present edlnfaoroujch castle the greatest landmark in all soot- land was afterward built tneee chambers eight of them un der the present castle now open to the public were some twenty years ago excavated and cleaned out but fcijawsthi remains other rooms a part of the stronghold which the brit ish government for some unknown permit to remain open arid which are at the present time sealed m this was the establishment of the bardie famllv in scotland where king david the second gave these two brothers icranta of land south west of the present city of edlnbox oiagh which was held in the hardy family for over three hundred and flf ty years there has been through jiese inter venlnx generations many members of the famllv who have wococded to po sitions of note in the british empire and this famllv have contributed men distinguished 1 the higher sphere of life in medicine literature and jie ministry rev dr thomas hard who was a minister and professor in the university of edlnboroukh thorn as hardy the english author and others who have been high ranking officers in the british army and navy such as sir thomas hardy a distin gulshed admiral who fought under nelson at the battle of tratalffer the last governor of new york state under the british was a sir thomas hardy and the second last governor bank of montreal established 1817 ka pi esentation in easily understandable form of the banks annual statement 31st october 1941 resources cash in its auks and mont on deposit with bdnk of caiiddi note of and cheques n other banks pay bl i j e monev on deposit with other banks at mia i j a j rji o u t government and other bonds ind debentures i i con hit of ti and municipal jj pro ncuritte uhl i t u j ly jji stocks injj nol a j other slocks sot txceeding marktt talue call loans in canada i m fv7 ca elsewhere 1 8 i 91 payable on de nartd and cured by bond t and other negotiable allaleraj of grtater value than the lojni bankers acceptances prime draft accepted by other banks total of quickly available resources equal to 73 of all liabilities to the public loans to provincial and municipal governments including school districts commercial and other loans in canada 254 427 218 03 elsewhere 2127175 114 to manufacturer farmers merchants and others on conditions consilient uitb sound banking bank premises two properties only art earned in the names of holding com panies the stock and bond of the e com pan e are entirely ou ned by thejiank and appear on its books at f 1 00 in j h cast ail other ufthe banks premises the value of uhich largely exceeds 1 900 0o0 00 are included under this beading real estate and mortgages on real estate sold by 92 755 884 45 38 972 993 05 54 960 697 77 498 740 536 76 183 364 86 20o41 722 55 705 662 010 59 28964 546 45 275698 972 17 the bank acqu red tn the course of tht banks business and i of being realized upon r customers liability under acceptances and letters of cjait profttt 809 110 875 52 119 277 013 99 letters of credit represents liabilities of customers om account of letters of credit issued md drafts accepted by tht bank for their oca other assets not included in the foregoing making total resources of liabilities due to the public deposits in canada elsewhere payable on demand ot after none notes of the bank in circulation payable on demand acceptances and letters of credit outstanding financial re ponsibtltuti undertaken ou behalf of customer tie off letting amount tn resources other liabilities a items uibicb do not coma under the foregoing beading total liabilities to the public to meet which the bant has resources as indicated above amounting to mg am excess of resources over liabilities tvbicb represents the shareholders interest over which liabilities to the publtc take precedence capital 36 000 000 00 reserve fund profit loss account and reserves for dividends 40 905 870 29 profit and loss account 947 199 39 18772 428 22 2 606 322 43 si 046 551 179 5 928 87 889 51 17 890 850 50 18772 428 22 4594 440 73 969 645 608 96 1046551 479 25 76 905 870 29 profits for the year ended j lj october 1941 after makinc appropriations to contingent reserve fund out of which fund full provinn for bid and doubtful debts has been nude nd after deduct ns dominion government taxes amounting to 2 242 90 10 dividends paid or payable to shareholders 2 flro ooo 00 appropriation for bank premises 100 oop 00 balance of profit axsd loss account 31st october 1940 1 j21 67 15 less adjustment of ptcnoia yean taxes 22j ooo 00 j 380 ooo no 57 026 60 of profit and loss canted forward dnixy l dbummond praitdm jaocson dodds g w spinney joimt gtmaral manage it tb strength of a bank ts determined by its htstorj tts polsty ti its mummgement and the extent of tts resources for 124 years tie bmk m h b tl fefrnmt f ad of new jersev joslah hardy was also a descendant of the le hardle family of normandy dr hhrdy has sweral times been sent abroad by the national dental society of the united states to gite clinics in europe he received an ap pointment from ttve national dental society as a clinician to the meeting of the international medical soclrty in moscow russia dental clinics on various subjects have been given abroad by dr hardy before the british dental society and before the american dental society of eu rope end also before the in tern at tonal dental society of the vorld in paris in 1931 he has repeatedly gtv en clinics before the national dental association at its annual meejngs held in the various cities of the united states and at different times b- fore the new lerscy slate dental society and the new york denial societies in addition to his other profession al affiliations dr hardy has been on active member of the new jersey state dental society for many oars he is one of the charter members of the lnion oountv dental society and was honoured recently wtti a compll mentary banquet and waa one time its president he was also active n the orftanlza ion of the summit den tal club of simmi nj and was for ten ears its president ho wis rlso at one time president of tne essex count dental society and at a com limcntarj dinner given bv his q clety was presented with n gold key tn honor of hls accomplishment dr hardv is now one of th senior members of the national dei tal so clety of the united stales and num erous times has ben sent is a dtle gate b tht new rsev slav dental society to the i nnjal meel i gs of the former amen an dcntul asncl atton nott renamtd auiil din tal associatlon of h- unit d states i result of i 1 1 in he new jersej state denial sc lety some twent five years ago dr hardy took an ictue part n i le re organ v ion of the socle tv and in order to strenj then the position of i rorvantza tion fa tion and typical of 1 is fight in reiourcc ab 1 t the new jersey state den il to rn u ahlch in ipoitsored and edl 1 for eiral ors and which was sed as u p ib ucit organ to omba the oppo i uon in the fight l ti j rnal is now the publicity organ f 1 c j jersev state dental soclec some y ears ago wnn i b 11 w s presentod to the legls itur unci was known as the dental hygt nis bill priseuted bj the new jer t state dental socl v to permit liten i of dental hysttiu s to practice m jew jersey dr hardy objecting to this bill sened lotlce that he woil i fight the sotiety t e pasige of this mea ure aid wl tn the legts a ture met atid uie bil wa piixned le waged ii fig it ul uu bl es mnally defeated n th now jersey state senate the establishment of dental clinics in the public schools of union county was a noteworthy event jf thirty five years ago and ts artrely to be credit ed to the efforts of dr hardy the first step in the establishment or school clinics was ok n by dr hardy in connection wih the board of edu cation in summit where he succeed ed in lnduclrkg the ucal school board to establish the first clinic in this city which was completely outfitted and financed bv the late james w cromwell then the president of the local board of education after this clinic had been establishea dr har dy turned his efforts wtui the co operation of col wi ltam b martin of elizabeth nj to the establish ing of similar ollnlcs ji the various municipalities throughout the oounty and every school m hi county was provided with a den al c inic dr hardy has contributed many things of importance to his proles slon probably one of the most significant is the first device for castbfggold inlays ever put on the market and another thing of out standiruz significance is his orthodontia appliance for rigulajlng teeth de vised in 1898 and which is today probably the most generally used and pcoular system employed by den tlsts for thfs purpose he has been president o4 the eas tern alumni association of the unl v ersity of indiana president of the adelburk club a dental organization ard at one time president of the central dental association of north efn new jersev and later president of the union countv dental society he h a member of the society tor the advancement of science of washing ton and an associate fellow of tho american medical association a member of the connaught club of london and a member of various oth er clubs and onranizations of lesser mportance as a result of all the above dr hardy has just recently been honoured by the presentation of a fellowship in the international college of dentists a world wide ortranizatton with a limit id membership of less than five nun dred follows fathered from all over the world in addition he has more rtcentlv been presented with a mem tx rsnlp n the academy of science all fellowships are presented as a fesu t of the acquired knowledge by he college itself covenne the entire profes lonal career of each individual onsld retl for membeship the in urnatio al colette of dentists is slmj lar n ts professional relationship and significance o dentistry as the french acadcmv and international collegt ol surgeons in medicine order vour personal greeting aids from the hera d see our samples look out for your liver buck it up rl now t ami feel ihw a million 1 yor tnj tha larfaat wgan m your turnf and raott vuftutuia to ymu heahk u pawn ct klr dtrwdjood f watte umnmm dahmtern albws prapv nounahrkcnl to raacfa rouruowl whan yma bw d ool al mtnut uod d as tn your rteatarwa 1m b cwne cmictuuted teanach and uhanttjt caat mk ld ym fmm twthrbuauthj backachjt dnrxj draff o 0 tfae baaa for omc ss jtin thauaand turn no anaaat rafixf froca tbcte narneaith fna afana saeanjon now try frtntatma jaah b snplr deugnted ddr ywll fed kk nmw penacv happy and wall afii 2sc 50c fruit wives fx wat ouutev kvsi0s foto album free u von ft -dn1qub- 8nto to ofyiwar savings buy at home and keep your money in georgetown patronize herald advertisers and you get value for your money you cant go wrong when you shop in georgetown brills dept store mens furnishings ladies ready to wear boots and shoes mam st phone 167 georgetown w j cain imltea tour patronac auto repairing anj hake tire batteries welding all work guaranteed phone 284w victoria st codcce view exchange hotel room and meals good bcxhmodanom phone georgetown 250 acton 148 georgetown lumber co everything in lumber sash doors and interior finish we aim handle hjdrated lime hardwal natter fibre beard cement and booetac of ah kfauu lillicos for beat service and claanmna we try to make an ad of overy our price an rioht too call 278j or w today hollywood hotel norval a home away from home ktkmt accommodation hugh lindsay radios refrigerators kelvinator plaflco stewartwarner main st phone 11 r licata fruit vegetable market a good place to shop phone 71 mcbean co dry goods genta fnnuabiiies shoet capa onrala house furniahmga phone 64 h c mcclure home furnishings why not make mcgibbons hotel your meeting saxe motors oju koad 8kktios dodje and desoto oaelph stmt pfaooe lbt printing of all kinds rfca georgetown herald