Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 26, 1941, p. 8

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lt the georgetown herald wednesday evening november 26 1941 bigger better sprvaqig from bucks 7 fresh pork legs nu front quarters of lamb rib or loin lamb chops round steak roasts porterhouse roasts blade roasts thrifty grocery prices tender tjeaf tea 7 oz pkg jello pudding powders magic baking soda 1 lb box cowans cocoa i lb tin heinz tomaiojjuice 1 5 oz tm texun grapefruit juice 20 oz tin quaker muffets honey butter 1 2 oz 25c 3 oz 10c johnsons glocoat pint size 59c qt 98c odex soap 4 for 25c mother packers tea v 43c aunt dinah molasses 10c monarch pastry flour 24 lb 84c7 lb 29c lb 29c lb 21c lb 35c lb 33c lb 32c lb 23c 39c 2 for 15c 10c 25c 3 for 25c 2 for 23c 2 for 19c 1st grade fruit and vegetables raldmin cooking apples 6 qt bskt 35c mce size grapefruit 6 for 25c carrots 4 lb 15c no 1 cooking onions 5 lb 25c juicy oranges 39c 49c doxcn extra large lemons 3 for 10c bc eating apples 3 for 10c tomatoes celery hearts iceberg lettuce bananas grapes at market price c j buck phone 28w georgetown notice on and after monday december 1st milk will be delivered in the afternoons during the winter months please have your bottles out tyers milk products maple leaf dairy the norval junior institute ana junior palmers will hold their an nual church service in norval united church on sunday nov 30ui at 7 30 pjn st rev t v hart of wood- bridge wil be guest speaker miss jov ruddell and mr hartley ander son will be the soloists collection in mid o he british war victims fund to the people of erin eramosa anclesquesing townships i take this opportunity to thank you for patronizing me during the past years it oas been a pleasure to serve you and trust that my successor wilfred k r n l glen will receive yoor con tinued mvort and patronage carl e weitzel tawleigh dealer local news the women s institute will ne on wednesday december 3rd at 3 o c ock at the home of mrs wal t peck queen street a modern and old lime danu will be held in hornbj orange hall on tuesday dec 2nd under the auspi- of s stephens church aypa pro oct in aid of evening telegram b w v fund bennett s orchestra lunch sened admission 75c a coipn i ijc trcnls 40c twenh ui c christmas gift boxes we e sent last week to member and adherent of georgetown tlnitd church on active service overseas the boxes which were sent by the con ire rati on and packed by the women s association of the church contained candv turn razor blades cigarettes cheese deanuts and fruit cake the glen community club has asxed that we print the following list of ghen soldiers overseas to whom cigarettes were sent recently bj the olub ptes j bucfc c clarke j crawford j oamoec r bdwards ed hill r bludd t williams j wll hams h momenemy el mcmencmy j dickenson w marchtnent c eslts j w davidson c wlnfleld a press- wood d appleyard j macdonald d bell j b and b poole ebould anyooe have been left out by get intobch fanme- dlatelv with mrs r ouyot or any ui of tie club and cigarettes will be sent immediately two keys to a cabin continued from pave 7 i shouldnt have kate heard me i know though she pretended to be asleep and todd feels so badly i nn t think of them i cant think of anything except being with you her eyes lifted above his shoulder the moon she cried softly breathlessly it s so peaceful she sighed i can t imagine being in the city will you be i don t know mother and rob ert my stepfather are still in southampton i suppose theyll be moving into the city though now that there isn t to be a wedding dad and aunt flora may not open the town house this winter theyre thinking of staying on at dunedin 1 want to be where time will pass quickly i dont know when you talk of your family john paused what she asked quickly you soi nd l lose you he said diffidently here we are so close when you go away i can t even imagine what jour life is there if i could say every hour during the day now gay is waiting for the post man now she s playing tennis now she s hav in lunch now she s walking down town to get a soda at the drug store i would feel closer to you but i can t imagine your life it wouldn t be more difficult if you wire a chinese princess it s just i ve nothing to go by he finished timely you still recent me don t you she asked not you as you are here with me my life then 1 saw it tonight when todd and i talked of mutual acquaintances of things that were happening in new york bui i was afraid- seeing him here with you he s known you al wajs you have things in common and he is attractive i was jealous and i despised mjself f r being jeal ous hi gave a sh rt mirthless laufh 1 ms stuft wasn t i you were and it was silly of ou 1 know i m s rry ind ashamed i can t disc ird tht jears be fort now all al onci as a snake sheds its skin of course you can t i m un reis n iblc but when i ve nothing to bv i 11 gie u son thing fvcry h ur of evcrv d i wi re apirt jou cansav wlcrcirgivis she s ov inu mc ind i inking of me and w ntmltimt t piss quick y swift his voice trembled i love u so and i love j u rimemler that and n thins an spoil it nollung chaptfr ml gay roused it a l tic h on her shoulder she neri lor eves and blinked up into the plf nsani placid face of mathilde her ni ilher s mid die aged maid for xo nstant she lay drowsily smiling not fully awake then her eyes widened she sat erect what time is if she asked half past seven miss gay the woman said smiling you asked to be wakened there d have been murder done if i hadn t been gay tossed bak the covers and swung herself into a sitting position on the side of the bed it s snowing mathilde i eld a blue silk negligee embroidered with daisies knelt with blue satin mules for gay s feet grand a white christmas gay drew the negligee around her wrtg gled her feet into the mules that makes everything practically per feci your bath is ready mathilde smiled at gays excitement villi vmi have a breakfast tray orange juice and coffee gay disappeared into the bithroom i won i have time fqr anything else on the walls of the bathroom wild rchids grew lush among tropical tnis the alcove in which the ub was set was paneled with mirrors g iv splashing vigorously made none of her customary mental b servations upon the results achieved by the young interior decorator who was her mother s latest protegee ah of her attention wis centered upon the fact incredible bul excil ingly true thai john was arriving in new york on this the morning of christmas evev for a holiday visit noel noel she sang rubbing herself with a soft warmed towel or an instant the song recalled the chr stmas fve she d spent al school in s itzerland she d like to go mtt a catholic church this evening at tw light a french catholic huril where candle light would him n br i1 u i a r ted figures in tht it ingi i seen and a choir boy n it tin voiti f an angel would ding the carol running now through her mind that symbolized christ mas for her had as far back as she could remember before the school in switzerland since made moiselle dupm the governess of whom she d been fondest had taken her as a child to her church on succeeding christmas eves back into the bedroom again ma thttde had laid out her underthings noel noel v noel noel she sang dealing hurriedly with chif fon and silk she stood before the row of hangers in the wardrobe so the keynote is simplicity how long ago that seemed she selected a wool dress the silver gray of a kit- tens fur the darker gray fur coat this year as in the past silvers will be headquarters for smart practical xmfcs gifts yes folks only 24 shopping days until xmas and its tune to get busy on that gift list we are glad to announce that many shipments of lovely new gift suggestions have now arrived come in and look around a small deposit will hold any purchase for you untd desired silvers dept store phone 375 where good clothes cost less georgetown irtiir mm i hi ne n with i the tray wi uld juu iu in i hi f for i ljrp she isk pi nj tl l tray i a low t blc rii lit windows kio ul vti ihi i m i no i 11 use j ux sle didn t jnt her first n incuts with john be spi nl un er tht discreet but r icresied scnttiy of cirl s lively hie ees htlnnt carl s attentive i ip i rd 1 a i- 1 he er ants both i ere ind ul dui dm w rt curi is about join nn wonder after hit they d he nd and seen when he ind kile hi rn d trim maine not that sin t uid specially but f it could be avoidi d its eifcht o clock miss gay m itlulde hoerinf said it is good heavens 1 must my she slipped into the coal ma thilde held tilted the fur cap oei ne eye caught up purse and gloves paused for an instant to admirt nn rejection in the mirror and went hurring out of the room lights glowed in the hall of the apartment her stepfather called to her through the open door of the dintng room good morning she said stand ing poised for flight in the door way it s the early bird that catches the worm robert cameron in a silk dressing gown with a scarf knot ted under his chin twinkled at her somewhat sleepily over a section of melon worm she exclaimed 1 hale you aren i you up rather early yourself i didn t heed the ads he said mock tragically i failed to do my christmas shopping early poor robert gay smiled though lo her father s family it was a mystery she understood very well why her mother had married rob trl he had as her mother had an ingenuous zest for living he was no longer the handsome figure of a man about town he had been when he became her step falhcr he was setting stoul and somewhat florid and his blond hair was receding al the temples but his spirit was buoy ant his nature restfully uncomph cited and his enjoyment of good fo d good sport and gay compan remained undiminished he was kind and fond of het his expres sion now as he looked bt her across lace and silver and ciystal flower which splintered the light into gilt tering sparkles was admiring and inle rested go to it kid he said i m all for romance myself if you need mora support you can count on un cle robert he was a dear or maybe in her blissful state she felt tender to ward all the world she blew him a kiss and went on along the hail in the drawing room suki was hanging wreaths made of silvered leaves and bunches of blue glass berries she knew it was suki be cause togo province was the kitch en it occurred to her that it was a little incongruous that small heathen suki with his flat lemon colored face and black bead eyes should be dec orating the apartment for a chris tian festival the fur cap to match it which made her look like a russian princess as she sat at the dressing table pin ning redbrown bu at the nape what w jo make of i all xrf suki and togo who had been with robert for years of mathilde whom her mother bad brought backtrain france of her n r ol robert of christmas eve al the apartment what would he make of the vic tonan elegance of dunedin when they went tomorrow could he as the did ignore aunt flora s disap proval the curious but premeditat i d coolness of the relatives who would be there panic seized her igain her spirits sank with the descent of the elevator she regret ted for an instant that john was coming now at this moment while their meeting was still in the fu ture the feeling they had for each other was secure now but that was absurd she shook off frightening fancies her spirits lifted when the negro doorman opened the door for her merry christmas william white christmas miss graham it s nice isn t it luck fo certain the negro s face was slit by an ivory grin good times comin pretty soon the train from boston unless it was late was already in gay made her way through the concourse of the station toward the gate where john would be waiting expectancy gave wings to her feet she hur ned on jostling and being jostled heedless of admiring glances cast at her impatient of any delay then through people passing she saw him and reluctance checked her eager ness her flying pace slackened she advanced slow ly caught fn pan ic again walking mechanically all feeling suspended he did not see her he stood be side the gate his eyes searching cnrougri the groups that eddied pati him but vfes that john she hadn t remembered it was the overcoat he wore which made him look so tall she d never seen him in the winter before the new hat he wore was not becoming she didn t know him it wasn t that tall young man obviously ill at ease whom she had come to meet she couldn t move or speak to him she felt paralyzed frozen inside he saw her and smiled she start ed toward him as he started to ward her hello he removed his hat smiling diffidently hello her voice sounded thin and unnatural she felt her mouth stretch in a mechanical smile he bent to kiss her she hfled her face a redcap carrying luggage bumped into them so that his lips filanemgly touched her cheek we must and a taxi she did not look at him i didn 1 bring a i ar his hand cupped her elbow but she led the way a porter followed with his luggage did you have a good trip she asked after an interval of silence not bad we were on time i m sorry i was delayed l left the apartment in time but traffic was heavy that s all right i haven t wait ed long they stood waiting for the porter to call a taxi how are you he asked she glanced up at him then quick ly away if it keeps on like this the trains wont be coming in on time no probably not have you had breakfast no it doesn t matter though im not hungry a taxi slid in beside them tht porter opened the door john put her in supervised the stowing of his luggage sat beside her the cab moved out into traffic she glanced up at him he was looking at her the hurt bewilderment in his eyes the difficult smile that moved across his lips restored warmth and a feeling of tenderness hello she said softly hello his arms went around her their lips met and held pres- ntly she drew away is this scandalous behavior for new york his voice sounded hap py relieved who cares she winked to clear her vision oh why are we always such idiots i didn t know you you looked i was terrified so was i darling that hat don t you like it either he turned to open the window we u throw it out idiot she pressed close to him her face against the rough cloth of his coat it s all right isn t it the hat you change your mind so us i mean your being here we re goint to ha e fun of course we are breakfast lirsi though i wasn i hungry when you aked me but i m btarving now are jou si i laughed so am i let s send vour luggage out to mother i apartu nl aim stay down town all da we 11 hue breakfast n child s and walk in the snow and drop quarters in all the sanla claus kettles and sinj carols on street cor ners and you darling i m so happy so tlad to be here are you darling john continued next week subscribe now for the herald splendiot thank you isn t it nice to have snow

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