Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 3, 1941, p. 2

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jne georgetown herald wednesday evening december 3rd 1941 the georgetown herald mm el georgetown nerval glen wittiaias mmriwwa btownr baolnaf ad and terra ostu sobsoripnon rates canada and the united stales ww a year single copies fie advertising rates will be quoted on application walter c btjehn oartchlid l moqilvray regi broomhead phone no b member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec division of the owm the editors corner christmas shopping with the christmas shopping season now- in full swing we wish to call the at ention of our readers to- the buy at home policy which your local paper has always advocated your local merchants have been lay ing in good stocks of christmas merchandise and are deserving of yow patronage in christmas shopping as well as ordinary every day purchasing of course there will be a few presents that you cant find in town that is to be expected however before you go out of town to purchase these take a shopping trip through tfour local stores and see what is available you will find that quality and price com pare favourably with any of thecity stores and you will enjoy that intimate friendly atmosphere which only your local merchants can convey herald readers know that this year as in the past they will find the next three issues of the herald brimming with colorful ads placed by local merchants to draw your attention to their merchandise we urge you to follow our ads closely it will help you select the proper gifts and give you ideas for gifis you have not yet decided upon pep up your ads perhaps all our advertisers are not familiar with the free cut service which is vours for the asking at considerable expense to ourseues this office subscribes to the stanton junior servire from which we recene four cut books each 3 ear these books are brim full of attractive pictures and headings which give advertisements hat eye- appeal that gets results when planning your christ mas advertising look over our christmas cut books you will be sure to find something that will fit into your advertisemen that will give it sparkle and reader inter est hockey prospects in another column our intrepid sports column ist mac discusses the prospects of an intermediate hockey entry this year added to this we might say that the lions club has posted the necessary 5 00 for a juvenile entry now all that remains is to get the teams going players coaches managers etc on our part we hope that there will be a good season of hockey for georgetown fans this year last year was the first time that we had ever taken a real interest in hockey and attending three or four games a week during the winter made us a real fan george town has always had a reputation as a hockey town and we know that everyone is hoping that this winter as in the past we shall have some exciting hockey how about it georgetown auxiliary fund open till christmas christmas cheer for british children is the nanv of n auxiliary fund of the herald war victims fund which will remain open until christmas the new hrdld fund like its parent is in turn an auxiliary of trw fund sponsored by the toronto evening tele gram th- money will be sent overseas through the facilities of thejbritish war victims fund but will be earmarked for children only there will be no admini stration cos s in connection with the christmas fund any local expenses being absorbed by the herald and the rest by the telegram flying through hostile skies canadian editors reach england this la the third of a aeries of article about conditions in great britain and other coontrles visit ed daring mix gseeas in europe and over the atlantic written special ly for the weekly newspapers of canada by their own representa tive on the tour hugh tempun of the fergus news record th first close contacts with war came at bermuda because of bad weather at the azores the dixie clipper turned back during the night and the first six canadian editor icnt over a day on that island not only are there two naval bases on the islands one british and the other american but the big american tby flying boats catalinas the british call hum 1 took off regularly every two hours or so to patrol the nearby ocean it was obvious that the us navy was definitely in the war even then during my stay in bermuda i had a chance to see several shins of thai navy tile first lilnt of personal danjr came when w returned to the cus toms ofncp on one of bermudas lltutt islands the word went out that our luagl w as tu oc searched because litre was a dinger that someone in bermuda might have secreted a bomb among our clothing and if one of then exploded while the clipper was in the nr it would be just too bad one of im bags had been broken open dur- ng u t time i was in bermuda so i insisted on i thoro igh search of its conn 1 is tntre was no bomb aid lothli 1 seemed to be nlssmg first grim example or war ihe ftist grim cxunple of a world gese farmer must have spent hun dreds of years building stone walls along the roads and it was a foggy morning but this umo the taxi driver was cauuous and crawled along over greasy pavements in s europe at war olntrm airport ls surely a unique place out on the field stood three planes one dutch one portugese and one spanlab the spaplh one looked as if it would not lift off the ground the dutch plane was heavily camouflaged inside the ticket offices of the btufih overseas airways and the hlm which 15 the royal dutch air lines are on one side of the hallway and the lufthansa german and the italian lines on the other the past engcrs all go out to the field through the same doorway and are weighed on the same scales in kilograms a young portugese erved m lea and cakes he spoke english he lived 1 h rte years in new york and went ij school there but he still had tikcance against his teacher she did i or know that poitugal was a separ ate na t ion she insisted he was a apamard no wonder it rankled a lcep ditch separated the air field from a sheep pasture on one side w ere the planes backed by a group rl ultramodern buildings on the other side was an old shepherd with a star and long flowing robes as he walked he called to his sheep and they followed him he might have stepped right out of the old testa nent behind him the mountains of port igal were tipped with sunrise pink flying over portugal i was glid when the plane rose from bumpy runway of the cintra air- m nmrnrtohifl i y nind somehow the air seemed more more free and more safe though- really it wat a dangerous trip that lay ahead the dutch crew looked like mere boys but they said they would reach england at three o clock that after noon and they brought us down at one minute to three there is no wait ing for perfect wtathtr on that trip thi planes run on a time schedule grit ton olxary and i sat in the front seat of the douglas the ottawa editor slept much of the time but i was interested in the almost perfect ixrformaiu of that oung crew tak ing a land pluie on a long sea voy- aee i co ild se the altimeter and i kne with what skill thiy flew thelr dougus througn tht dangerous air t pjmxm t tin mfnendlj const of oc cupled prance butyii rur i lon btslda is ill 1 n tot l of por ugal tht plant stayed low and i could set tht i11u1 white louses with thtlr red tiled roofs tne white stone fences along the roads i tht churches on the jiills and an oc- at lisbon ftt carnt in costr touch t isional clt ntar oporto we come with hit intm portugal is neutral 111 oer the swampy coast and landed ii mi be that the warring nations on an ainrt which was little more find 1 to their adanugt to ketp the than a pasture field while the doug- toun i tin wiv lisbon u full of las was being refueled a train of tiny spies of all national ties refugees t draw up besldt a sugar refinery people who once had money and now hot far awaj along the borders ot hut non ganiriurs who would make j the airport was a stream at a broao money out of the war to that port pool portugese women were busy do- only in all europe american ships j in the family washing beating the ana planes have been allowed to go clothes on the stones and hanging the feeling of tension and intrigue 1 them to dry on the bushes growing soon becomes apparent to every visl- along the bank nd atri tched in mj comfortable liei h vnd thtn looked out the little wiido eigl t tl ousand feet below ilun i 1 great patch of oil upon the water with long streaks out te nds th wist iilarby two little life ittl moiled on tht great ccpa ise ol oct m from th it height thtj ap a ed to be empt but perhaps i 1 nil t ikcn i wondtred ihat to do no doubt tht citw wiuhm all hit turn had set i ti sump linn i had discovered wit wo ild lit do iboul if anx ioils1 i watcht i hie shadow of th motor on the wing to see if wt would a 1 ind oflt no tho ith just wha in f 1 p 1 tiew t ild da set me j 1 irr 1111 iit 1 i it uiiid tint th radio operator had sent word to in american destrojtr which waa al rt i iiu in bos till i never 11 w fn natnt or 1 ation dit j of lh tfam or uu fait of ihe tr w in touch with the enemy are you buying war savings stamps and certificates there is a saying that ger many doesn t even need to invade portugal hlutr can takt the country by telephone any time he likes that partly german propaganda but it doesn t make a stay in portugal any mort pleasant those who go to lis bon now are not on holidays our stay in lisbon while on the wa to england was brief it was mid night when our group cleared the portugese customs out in a tiny courtyard taxi drivers puslud and jostled and shouted in a strange lan guage the british embassy people got us placed in a big car supplied ua with portugese escudos and sent us away to the estorll palacla that 15mlle drive to the seaside resort or estorll was the most ex cilng of my life it was perhaps a taste of things to come most libon streets are narrow but two cam can pass with care but there ls an added complication when tht re li also a street car running down the centre in places an automobile could not nuis a street car that did not seem to worry the driver he would jo at 90 or 70 miles an hour until he saw a street car coming then he would jam on his brakes and turn into the nearest side street once he barely made the turn running up on to the lldcwalk after the street tir had pasrd he backed out again and oon- unued on his way to the hotel it is said that libon taxi drivers have junt one accident their last the porter at the hotel collooted our precious passport and assigned room numbers while sleepy waiters served our first european meal which was excellent b k sandrwell and i went up to our rooms in the elevator with a german and an italian an international airport i was away again long before day light to ointra airport the portu- ltetan to thi shadow rodlo mtar dmkhv a- dont find yourself on a spot th win change notr to blae coal enjoy all winter long the steady economical heating com fort of this trademarked anthrache the fuel thara coloured bin to guarantee the quality hfa awyjr thrifty to wmo to whkentner son over the ocean in a land plane the route after leaving the north west corner of spain is probably a secret and no doubt it varies some what with each trip we no longer flew low but so far above the clouds that they looked uk the prairies in wliti r an even glaring white the pilot chose a height of more than two miles above the water and after that the altimeter needle never varied for hours at a time it was a little too high for comfort looking down atl my finger nails i saw that they had turned a bright blue and there was a numbness in my hands and feet rhat wasn t important then far more important was the fact that an enemy plum coiild have been seen 25 miles or more away against that snowy background it is said that planes hiicbccn molested on uiat route but none has ever been lost at noon one of the dutch boys gave me a box lunch and a light tray hie lunch was huge but so was my appetite there was a large cut of some kind of fowl which intrigued most of the canadians one editor ventured the opinion that it was os trich possibly it was a portugese turkey all in the front line now before the british isles were siirhl ttw windows of the plane were covered with locked shutters and the passengers saw nothing of the land until the plane came down with scar cely a bump on british soil i stepped out into the sunlight and looked around curiously the low buildings were camouflaged walla of sandbags were built in front of the doom and windows a tug wellington bomber the first one i had ever seen was taking to the air and passed over my head the buildings of a city showed over a low hill and above the hill floated several barrage balloons they looked exactly like the photo graphs i had seen so often from that distance like silvery hotdogs in the sky with a piece of the sausage hang ing out one end of the bun this was our first sight of england in wartime 1 we were all in the front line now i rev c c cochrane speaks to lions club rev charles o cochrane pastor of knox presbyterian church was guest speaker at the regular dinner ineetrnf of the georgetown lions olufo in the mcolbbon house on monday evening introduced by lion a o welk mr cochrane rave a moat informative talk on the north country he came to georgetown from oeraldton where he had served for two years oeraldton in the heart of the min ing country north of port arthur and half way between winnipeg and sud bury ls built on muskeg swamp it ls not a beauts spot the- marshy 1 ground does not trltpport any vegetat ion other than a few hardy trees jackplne spruce etc it ls not ft heatlhy climate either with flies and mosquitoes abundant the town he explained was found ed by accident when he countrj began tuopen up as a mining 00m try there was a little village called hard rock situated a few miles form the present town of oeraldton most of tht property in the village wan owned by a pioneering frenohwoinui named maude aaaoon and when mi approached by mine mrv with a view to buying her property aha ask ed too high a price when negotia tions fell througn the company bunt the town on um present 1 aeraldton grew rapidly and in con sequence tbe town was not plarnrd out a few veaxs ago a forest are threatened tojwlpe out tho seulerneot and after this pie bush was cut down in a booyard swath around the town as protection against future fires mr cochrane described the surroun ding mining country little long lac jellico bankfleld hard rock moleod names known to every investor he earnestly challenged his listen ers to think over the responsibility of southern ontario to this great spraw ling new canada in the north it 1 his cont nllon that we have been too interested in exploiting the north tor ull wt can out of it paying little heed to what happens there seventy- flvt prrclnt of the population are new canadian cliiens of foreign birth and extraction and we owe it to them to teach them our democratic values and their duties as canadian citizens this l a losk which must be shared by thurch and state directory clifford a reid lds d d 5 dentist phone 410 main btreet george own leroy dale kc m sybil bennett ba barristers and solicitors mill street georgetown phone 19 radio r we specialize in this work 15 tears experience j sanf ord son kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary public first mortgage money to loan office oregory theatre bldg mill street pbene 88 georgetown t frank petch uoenskd auctioned ua classes of insohamcz prompt service ssi ou po box 413 jcooke cement and cinder local firms hear war savings speaker last friday morning mr wubert s west brampton barrister and solici tor visited several tooal firms speak ing to the employees on the employee payroll psn for war borings the firms visited included the brlb hosi ery mul meadowglen growers rich mond knitting balll and joseph beau mont hosiery chen wlxttssn mr west expsessedl himself as well pleased w u re accorded him and the local war savings com mittee are confident that bis talks will bring resoma- elmer c thompson inbubangb service fire auto windstorm cj kaltway steamship 8ummkk excumsu llftw or gray coach lines timetable now in effect eastern standard time leave georgetown easts swna te tsreato f 604 ajn tlaam 11 a pm sh pjn westboang to m pin jm pjn os pm landea bjoam s 11x0 pin x00 pjn ay40s pm l00 pjn tjw pun tjob pm dxlojs pxn ckus pjn d except bat sun and 1 t bat bun and hot f dally except bun x to kitchener j to btratford h long n ralph gordon lb tmmuli jtwtilhmr te mwtaitad fltwnlw ikw tobohto utaai norammm 1 1 i j

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