Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 3, 1941, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 3rd 1941 timely topics for women by barbara baines youth 8 opportunity in tip world of tomorrow why is it uiat so many of our youngsters want to start their career sitting at a dosk they aren t wrnk for on the average thei are healthier than we were they arcn t soft or lazy for they will drive mtanw exhaustion on a football field why then their dread of manual labobnlf i were 21 i would try to gel work in a machine shop h that failed i wsuld try to becmne an apprentice to an electrician or a plumber or get a jdb in a scrvlcestation but id work with my hands so said william knudsen automobile magnate and now priorities dl rector tor the united suites in writing to the american magazine a couple of years ago yet during the latit couplt of decades young people went to co lege fio they wouldn t have to ftork with their hands and the height of every students ambition on leaving school was to get a whitecollar job no matter how small the pay because manual labour involved a loss ol prestige there may have been some justification lor this altitude in pioneer days when book learning was rare but more recently the higl value set on education was not for itself alone but because of a kind ol snobbishness which considered it more honourable to handle a teephone than a pen and more socially desirable to dictate to a stenographer than to direct a crew of skilled mechanics the war of course has changed all this the emphasis now is or skilfand the ability lo do things book learning is considered useful onij as a tool to make a job simpler the skilled mechanic electrician too maker designer draughtsman metallurgist chemist these are the men to demand today more joung people in this country are using theli hands than eer have before and lhey are enjoying the experience the boys in the arm and alrforce wre becoming txpcit technicians girls in war industries art doing skilled laboiu and both art finding an unexpected satisfaction in their work an outlet for their creative lm pulses but even before the war so abiuptlj turned the world tops turvy our leading educationalists were recommending that niori 1 and work be taught in the schools that it idents be truned to lit into a working world rather than on graduation find themsehus crammed with theory but no trade no practical skill no useful ait psychiatrists hac learned the value of occupational theraoy and maintain that if executives had learned a nade which could be turned into a hobby there would be fewer nervous breakdowns among them business men till us that the man who combines book learning with hand training who can transfer the science of formula into the science of things need never worrj about getting olomr in the world of tomorrow when the war is finished and the de pression years forgotten there will most probablj be launched i tremen dous industriil programme to supply us with all the things we want and now must do without an immense programme of modernizing and rebuilding of developing new products of adapting war inven tions in the chemical and technical world to domestic production a new industrial age will be born in which skilled and trained wor leers will play a dominant role and there is little doubt that it will be bom this class that the executives of the future will arise if i wete a parent with sons or daughters in their teens i would not encourage them to acquire a formal education with a false tradition of gentility as the motive rather were they ever so sllhtlj gifted with their hands or even remotely interested in science i would encourage them to fit them selves for a place in the industrial world the world of opportunity t t t appeals that merit yolr support the canadian red cross is appealing for 500000 for the purchase of more medical and relief supplies for the russian people who have suffered so heavily in the lost few months surgical instruments modern medicines and operating room supplies ore needed urgently your local red cross will be glad to forward your donation the health league of canada is making a drive for 150 000 to carry on ite educational and preventive work health attains a new importance in wartime and the need for improved health conditions in the dominion was called to public attention in a disquieting way when it was announced that 90 000 men had been rejected from military service because of physical unfitness and 40000 more discharged from service when disabilities came to light if you would like to fill a ditty bag for a sailor at christmas do so at once the navy league still needs quite a lot more to reach their objective of 30000 toronto opened the first blood clinic in november 1040 and now there is about a dozen in operation across the dominion two thousand donors a week are wanted all healthy men and women are eligible perhaps some of you would like to support these war chari ties but do not know just how to squeeze the money out of your budget here are a couple of suggestions that might help send token gifts only to your relatives and friends for christmas and enclose a note ex plaining that the money you would ordinarily have spent has been used to support your favourite war charity exception could be made in the case of children to whom a gift means so much extend christmas greet ings by telephone to friends who live in the same community or whom you see often and use the money you would have spent on christmas cards and postage for vour war work the book op the week eke hill of doves collins 637pp 3 00 by stuart cqjoetits the hill of doves is a vivid and robust story of africa in 1880 tfce time of the first boer war an even more engrossing novel than turning wheels which no doubt most of you have read and enjoyed for eighty years the english in their endless quest for gold and diamonds have gradually forced the boers back into the bad lands and now they want to tax them for roads and schools and police things no good boer needs an incident is enough to bring the smould ering defiance of the burghers to a head fathers and sons ride to join their commando with rifles loaded it is a sad parting for lena and dirk happy in their newfound love and a time of waiting for many lonely wives the first battle is at bronkersprult a little stream filled with watercress when the boers warning go no farther is not heeded many bronzed young lads wear ing red jackets fall from the ranks as rifles spit out from every stona and ant hill across the stream in the thick of the battle a boer mount ed on a great chestnut stallion gallops to meet the enemy firing as he goes he is oupa lenas great grandfather a might patriarch of 90 who has fought lions and elephants kafnrs and zulus as well as ultlanders a man whose rich philosophy you will admire and who now dies as he has lived in action there are many characters you will like tabankula oupas zulu henchman tanta martha renowned for her medicines and her wisdom the blind boetle dirks young brother who with his flute pipes his goat up into the hill of doves and who becomes a hero when in the dead night he leads the boer commando up the preclpltious crag to sur- urise the enemy here another bloody battle is rought a battle that prepares the way for the end of the war white fruit cake baking is part of the fun at christmas time and with that joyous day just three weeks away it is time you were getting your christmas cakes and puddings made this cake is rather expensive for its size but u is delicious so perhaps you would like to maite it and serve it in quite nail pieces to your family and friends as a special treat 2 cjips white sugar m pound butter 1 cup sweet milk scant 3 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder vi pound citron peel v teaspoon salt l pounds white raisins i pound blanched almonds 2 cups shredded cocoanut 1 cup candied cherries red 1 cup candied cherries green 3 slices candied pineapple red green and yellow 1 teaspoon ell of lemon cream butter add sugar gradually and beat thoroughly add bea en egg yolks and then beaten whites sift flow baking powder and alt add alternately with milk beat well add lemon ou flndt nuts and cocoanut stir until thoroughly mixed this amount make ooa itsga ice cake or two smaller cakes put in deep cake una lined with two thicknesses of wax paper bake two hours in slow oven 060376 degree f a small pan of water in the oven will help to keep it moist oawar wuh waxed paper for the last hour if ltset too brown ice or out m jou wish and keep in an airtight tin until ready to oae t t t the newest diet to lose weight ts the four food diet meat craaa vegetables fresh fruit and milk it contains the pr food whteb apply vitamins but is low in calories if you- k too add cereals to the list improved uniform international sunday i chool lesson by habolo l lundquibt d d drun of the mrty hlbla inntitute ot chltitfo iilelciibod by weateni nawapapar union lesson for december 14 ubjotla and scrlplur filed and copyrlihted by international o ticll of tteltaltjiia educauun used by christian stewardship lesson text ri cormuilana stb the christmas season when there is so much thought about gifts is a most appropriate time for a lesson m christian giving dr john willis baer was once asked how can m laise money or foreign mis s ions quick as a i ish he an swictd don t nisi it rive it if ijl biluvcrs ti u id ct mi to a true kn vlfdjl f wliil the nlw testa nt nt kulus iiirtinj bivinf ind v uki si rinuslj put this knuuliuv h spiutict tin chiistiin cluiidi m xt id tclvi i i- irs in its history wilbur m an lx tmnle of i iberalit l ii i tlnd t n if if s it i l b units i vis i hurt h p p ofllii tit editors note barbara balnea weloorna lettea team taaden who has a really good recipe for ahristmaa oooklaa they would late to bare with ua address all communications in care of ttda u may i ml skillfully in if the conn ll ii fillnv chris i tiny h id bf in n md win in v 2 but out i f i v int they gai ir ibcni pjiii s t xpi i uiiun v 5 i d bij nd thur pimt l and then i ided with paul tint he should 1 1 them ric more the ixplam i cm is found in crsi 5 whin wi irn tint thi hid first mn thur wn sihes v the lord and thin ii lovinf co opirntton with p iui lumsilf as the luid s agent in this matter of the offering is it not strange that those who uffir most for thi gospel and have hie least to mve ire the mist gen i rous in tin ir giv ing those to whom the gospel has come easily vho bear no special burdens for christ and who are well situated nancially are commonly the most tingy with their money could it be that they have not really given themselves to the lord one won ders ii an exhortation to faithful ness 8 6 9 apparently the corinthians had made a promise or pledge to give for the poor at jerusalem but had become a bit forgetful and negh gent it seems to be so easy to neglect to keep up a pledge for the lord s work some folk even feel that they cannot make a pledge they pledge to pay their rent 0 make payments on a car or a cashing machine but to the church hey just can t pledge or if they to the promise is often neglected uch things are dishonoring to the ame of christ as they abound in other graces v 7 paul exhorts the corinthians to bound in this grace also so giving is a christian grace and why not consider christ v 9 ho left the glory he had with the ither and came to the poverty of he one who had not where to lay lis hi ad that we through him night be eternallv rich christian friend when that truth lys hold of your heart and life your i urse strings will loosen your check i ok will open mon c isily you will 1 idly give for christ s sake iii a principle of christian giv or a 6 the harvest is always in propor i n lo the sow mf of thi seed the i in who is slni with his seed ot iwing limi will renp that kind of a irst the pt os u is also true it wfrks m tin field of business o tin mcnljnt v h gies tin illesl return f fines money and in most lihiril int ure of scrviee bound to pn sp r while ihe itirigy ne is lift to livmnl tl fact thit is ij ds rnt on his s h ives in i i spiritu il n il n it is even re trm bijt someone rrny i wi oujjit n t to do good thit i niij in fit hv it n r il chris m will eiw just tint he rrny pros ir hul mirk it well if he does ivi f ir christ s s iki ind his glory odd will pi spi i him you cint 1 eat g d givine iv the spirit of christian stewardship 7 our ri ine is t be done according to tin purpose f our heart not lrudgingly nor with grief nor yet by compulsion hi c iusc someone put on prissure god loves o chi rful or as it may he translated hil u i us giver when done in the right spirit giving for christ can be oik of the happiest experiences of the christian life lets make offt ring time in our church services the most joyful time in the meeting then we shall be liberal as well as cheerful in this grge of stewardship faith in christ martha said lord if thou hadit been here my brother had not died of all the true disciples of christ this may with pei feet confidence be aid tie is nire therefore they shall not die faith causes christ to be present ui thi hi art and where christ is eternal teath cannot be dean howson clarks sale potted meats curk yc clarks tomato juice 15 20oz tins clarks beans with pork 20oz tins 25j dessert pears 3 25c tomatoes ayi x xxc domestic shorten i pi 19c monarch flour 18c 29c 84c eggo raking powder i 29c milk borden evporttt 3 j 25c mother parkers tea lemon pie filling sh p 14c riscuits crous sujbl lb 19c fruit loaf am- a z5c coffee maxwell house 49 drip grind lb or reg a stuarts orange and grapefruit fc 1 marmalade 223 i pea 2 xlmer eas 1 ig01 7c s butter tarts ctri- 1 cut mixed peel pj red glace cherries chlpso n 9ht 24 sx ivory soap x 13 lo pineapple rings raisins with seeds i seeded raisins uk bleached raisins currants australian citron peel caps cashew nuts walnuts shdu dog biscuits m 2 or lb lb ik n klb klb mib 6c 29c x2c 13c 25c 15c loc 25c x2c 14c 19c 25c floor wax w iu kc 45c woodburys facial soap cakca 15c nescafe cok bi lie 59c new chop navel oranges doi 23c 33c tender crisp celery hearts bdl 10c texas seedless grapefruit 5for25c bc delicious apples for c fruit mid vegetable price until stnrday night only phone 3s7 free delivery main st georgetown morethan gallon o0 6 swe gasoline

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