Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 3, 1941, p. 4

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the geovgctown hqrald wednesday evening december 3rd 1941 john got up as day 3 mother r jse from the love seal on which they sat bo i suppose- 11 nave to forivt you she said smiiint up at him uith gay s smile and gay trick of crinkling her eyes i was pre pared to dislike you intensely now kitty her husband sa d with indulgent fondness you ve never disliked anybody it s your all inclusive love for your fellow men which keeps getting you into trouble that s unkind of you robttt she linked her arm through her hus band s what will john think of me i think ou are very kind he said reiiiiig that the reply w s inadequate stein and resentine the amusement in her deep blue eyes o like gays kindness js an endearing trait in motherin law robert cameron aid cheerfully he consulted his watch my dear we must be on our way we xe going to the theater with the davenports she said in the way she had of seeming to share an intimate confidence they ve just become grandparents anh need cheering the japanese house boy came into the room she spoke to him about calling for the car john watched her pleasant manner with the serv ant she was prettier than say be thought but less beautiful small r softer more rounded her hair which had been dark was prema turely turning white cut short and curled it looked like a wig for fancy dress rather than a symbol of age her skin in the diffused light which filled the long highceilmged room had a honeycolored tint and her amall pretty mouth was painted the axact shade of the coral azalea against her shoulder she didn t jook like anybody s mother it was difficult to realize in spite of cer tain points of resemblance that she bore so close a relationship to gay she turned to him as the house- boy slid noiselessly out of the room we must get acquainted tomor tow she said laying a small je v jed hand oil his arm but no 1 you and gay will be leaving for dunedin fairly early christmas dinner there is always at two she glanced up at her husband smiling through narrowed eyes if were to see any of the first act at all her husband said a trifle hastily yes darling she turned again to john perhaps well see you later if not good night suki will take care of you you are very welcome here we want you to feel at home he would like to feel at home but how could he how could any body feel at home m this room it was as artificial as the silvered wreaths which hung n the windows as the christmas tree silvered too reflecting its fantastic 7l f blue lights and twisted glass ic clcs in a wall formed by mirrors cut into sections by strips of c romium well what do jou mike of it he turned guiltily cc c us of some possible rudeness m n re laxed gay was walking tow ard him so lovely in the dress of deep blue velvet she d worn at d nner that his breath caught in his throat she came up to whece he stood and lipped her hand through his arm what were you thinkir g she asked smiling up at him with amusement in her eyei you looked startled when i spoke to you i was afraid someone had caught me being critical of the decora tions he turned again to the panel above the fire what is it he asked flowers fruit it s a color note her smile deepened then it doesn t mean anything not to me don t pgzzle your head over it my sweet tf you do you 11 go quietly mad she led him to the davenport which stood facing the fire he sank down beside her into soft leather upholstery moth er had all this done to occupy her mind when she found she hadn t a wedding to arrange besides ced ric needed the money cednc the earnest joung man who had the brainstorm it has made him he has more commissions than he can handle he re girds kitty as a cross between lady bountiful and a 7 with a wand which is very flat taring of course how did you get on with her she asked the ques tion lightly but he felt her waiting a little apprehensively for his reply guardedly and very kind gay looked op a him bui t i wan u to tell me what you think of everything no re starvations they lend to rimun derstandings her face was grove be frank with mo john i 11 try to be frank jl sounds ridiculous i know but i think i d fie more comfortable if she hadn t received me so courteously why gay asked in surprise well after bracing myself to fine the opposition 1 expected it s a 111 tie disconcerting to have your moth er figuratively at least receive me with open arms she laughed in genuine amube ment did you want to fight drug ons darling i suppose 1 did he laughed with her well cheer up there s aunt flora hi the ofllng who is aunl flora is she a dragon she s my father s sister a wid ow she s livid with him ainct mother s defection no she isn t a dragon she s pathetic really she persists in observing the conven tions of a polite world of society which is past and gone and she expects other people to dbserve them she won t receive you with open arms not that she blames ou for tbe recent catastrophe th h she tells me that i am my mother s daughter you aren t like your mother ex cept in certain superficial points of physical resembl ince she looked at him consider rtf looked away have i offend d you he asked realizing th it he had spoken with more warmth th n th comment re quired i didn t meat your m th er is charn t f i i wain t offei ld si e to k his hand in hers i w is wondering now i could explain mother to yon no i m not like her i wish i were mother is really very logi cal when places or people bore her she sees no reason why she should pretend that they mi in any thing to her she was bored with dad and so she divorced him and married major summerneld you mean mr cameron is her third husband i heard her spenk of a major summerfield it dinner but i had no idea she s on friendly terms with both dad and the major gay said but her smile wavered a little she doesn t dislike them beciuse they bored her she was very sorry to have had to hurt them but she saw no reason in continuing a relation ship which was no longer igreeable you look horrified john she dropped his hand i don t sup- j pose you can understin 1 i was thinking how confusing it j must have been for you he said slowly it was until i was old enough to understand mother s point of view now it s all very simple mother has never cared deeply for any one it isn t in her nature to cling to things though she s loyal in her way and generous and kind that s flwhy she looks as she does she has no regrets for anything that has happened she gave dad a great deal of happiness while she was his wife the major too i suppose though i was with them very little robert adores her she changed her position and laughed how sol emn we re being we weren t sol emn today did you enjoy seeing new york in a snowstorm i enjoy being with you wherever ou are though enjoy is much too polite a word those first few days at the cabin we were so polite to each other i can barely remember i wish we were there now so do i thinking of the woods m a snow storm makes all this seem like a stage sett ng doesn t it do you remember when you asked me if i would love you when we ere together in new york yes he held her closer i js nfr d to come but you aren t afraid now no but i can t believe it s true dear dear she lifted her head fr m h s sh ulder and smiling drew n extgltrited sigh convincing ou is ccrtjinly up hill work you re the most obstinate person i know i guess you re right i loved you pretty stubborn for six years it his its advantages hasn t it she looked at him gracly her eyes s tf t and bright i love you she siid he drew her close to him i oe you he said his lips against her cheek at a repeated sound from behind them gay drew away somewhat hastily john loo turned the japanese house boy his face dls creetly expressionless stood just in side the room what is it suki gay asked comp ny come please gentle man ladies call up from below say send down elevator please good heavens she looked at him m dismay i might have known i should have told them we were going out to the country tell them now she shook her head who is it suki miss wales mrs howard lady not say gentleman s name send the elevator down the houseboy bowed himrfelf out of the room she turned 4o john her face cleared she laughed you look frightened 1 ro terrified if i refused to let them meet you they d think you weren t presents bte i want them to meet you i m proud of you you look grand in evening clothes you ought to wear k ax bc oax bx toax ck bx k oflax sggx wakw3mc3ar rmkkiktckacaecabomkm aye and old santa knows i gf the all- round satisfaction from goods chosen at xs brills iml your investigation is politely ujlv anticipated a storewide display awaits your approval brills dept store phone 167 georgetown tatv -me- as- -3- xw -at- v at m vje -at- localnews christmas three v eeks from to morrow do your shopping early tic wa of the lornt scot will meet at the homi of mrs john r barbei on thursday evening dec 4th at 8 pm arthur sham wil hold an auction sale of dair cow s and heifers on ihurbuaj dee 18th paitlculars ntxt week the dduthtti of the ch i ch- will nold a salt of home mide bilking- and aprons on sat irday die 6ih 3 pjn m uie mcgibbon block etk lire in the legion rooms wednesday dec 10th proctitis for the wa to the lesion soldiers fund good pri s evtijbody wilcomi admission joe rex fiost ca ilcade of europe film ind ire ir legion hall friday dec 5ih 8 30 lime house wi war workers admission 25c ind 15c also draw on hand made quilt ashgroe wa are holding a so cial and sale of aprons baking and candy in the basement of the church monday evening dec 8th program includes alka seltzer quiz lunch serv ed admission 25c and 10c with the local dairies going on af temoon delivery on monday a num ber of liouseholds were without milk on monday morning when they for got to lay in a supply on sunday how ever we are on to the new routine now the pupils of s s no 6 esques lng stewarttown will hold their an nual entertainment and christmas tree in the schoolhouse on thursday dec 11th proceeds in aid of bwv fund admission 25c and 15c the esqucsing federation of agri culture and lhc norval junior far mers will hold a social evening in norval parish hall on thursday even ing december 11th entertainment and music mr alex mcklnney of brampton will be the speaker ladies please provide the sandwiches evcrj one welcome admission free 8 pm est s p chapman draws our atten uon to the fact that the japanese press has commenced calling her neighbours the a b c d group per haps this could be intended to imply that the a b c d e double f combine american british chinese dutch emancipated free french i is proving a better risk thnn the n s f nazi shinlolst fascist bunch all children living in georgetown under the age of 11 ears whose fa thers axe overseas arc invited to the legion christmas tree in the legion rooms tuesday december 23rd 7 30 pm parents are requested to leave the children 6 names at chapman s drug store immediately if this has not already been done in order that everyone may be looked after re member the date tuesday december 23rd 730 pjn church news st georges church rei woo thompson rector second sunday in advent bible sun day sunday school 10 am holy com munion 11 ajn evensong 7 pm st alban s church glen williams second sunday in advent bible sui dayi s mdaj school 2 00 pjn evtnsont and litanj 3 00 pjn ri the i nlled church of canada georgetown r c todd b a minister m sunday school 11 njn worship is invited public bveryom to com two em ind hear xnanucl college stu dents mr arthur da j foot and mr norman mackenzle speak briefly on ex periences in practl cal christlanitj 7 pjn evening de volions sermon topic a monktys bus ness bapst church minister rev j e ostrom thursday dec 4th let us go up to his house of prayer at 8 pjn sun dec 7th 230 bible school hour 7 pjn evening worship sub ject the bible source book of true living welcome st johns church stewart town rev s r colebrook rector 9 jo ajn holy communion 10 30 am sundav school st pauls church norval 1 1 00 ajn holy communion 1 30 pjn sunday school st stephen church hornby 3 pjn evening prayet knox presbyterian cnsreb georgetown rev ohas o cochrane ba minister 10 00 ajn sunday school bible lass 1100 ajn- public worship 700 pjn public worship 8 00 pjn monday yjs presbyterian 130 cb8t sunday school claw 230 est public worship 8 00 est tuesday yjj3 new advertisements for rent bright heated apartment apply h c dayfoot f phone 17j coal a id lip for hle aood annix apply at herald office for sale one go cart in good condition very reasonable apply ltp herald office for sale quebec heater stle range with wa ter front hot water tank andittlngs for sale girls biccle in good conditio apply harry hale ltp phone 261 stove for sale souvenir range in good condition will sell cheap apply mrs r andrews ltp main st next baptist church for rent with cellar on ground immediately apply mrs k hunter main street north for sale several young pigs for sale apply j black t phone 48 j 21 georgetown help wanted girl for housework in toronto live n excellent wages apply f herald office for sale bedroom suite quebec heater al- m ost new apply mrs a r vannatter it phone 323 help wanted girl to do housework two adults and one child modern home salary s20 00 monthly apply mrs lott 4 riverside trail toronto it phone junction 4690 garage for rent garate for rent on queen street immediate xs6esslon entrance on al bert street 2 00 montiily apply w c blehn herald office wanted feathers feather beds of all des criptions highest pries paid send particulars to queen city feather co 41 23 baldwin 3t toronto for rent 3 roomed apartment with bath apply at lf herald office lost bluetick female foxhound lost in vicinity of speyside reward write a e lyons 2t erindale wanted live and dressed poultry highest market prices a barnett son huttonvule phone brampton 343 r 14 reverse charges id them 1 i he ca arhnt might get a job as a vvaiter caught her band i wont know what to say to them metals rags paper bones- 1 isfflhintitt ttbot what do say to me i teityou i love you her brows lifted you can omit that don t be frightened they re really quite harmless if you would conch me a little oh john she k ssed him but absently he- thought her expres sion was thoughtful a little appre- hensivje as she pulled him up from the davenport as they walked through soft glow of concealed light ing through the frosty glitter of t christmas tree townrh the door to kregfeber friends executors auction sale of household goods and furni ture and real estate the undersigned has been instructed b janet mcdougall and william o marshall executor of the estate of annie lane late of the town of georgetown in the county of halton widow deceased to sell by public auction on saturday the tiurteenth day of december 1m1 at the hour of two o clock dst in the afternoon at the late residence of the said deceased on queen street the following household ooods and fur niture l oak dining room table b oak dining room chairs 1 china cabi- lct 1 rocking chair 1 rocking chair leather 3 piece parlor suite maho gany 3 iron beds springs and mat tresses 3 dressers 3 waahtands sewing machine 1 happy thought range 1 grandfather clock kitchen table 4 snail tables rugte 2 congo e urn rugs stair car pet 1 lawn mower garden tools dishes and numerous other mlsceuan- eous articles real estatejart of lot three on the southeasterly side of queen street in the said town of george town more particularly described lr instrument number 3135 a for g terms household goods and fur niture cash the above real estate will be offered for sale free from en cumbrances and subject to a r bid ten per cent to be paid at the time of sale and the balance within fifteen days for further partloulan and cond- uons of sa apply to daub amd bbnnktt georgetown ontario so- ucltors fo the btecutora domihlob aylmli canned foods prank petob anottonmt aylmer pork beans 3 t 25c aylmer catsup b 2 for 25c aylmer peas 3 tins 29c aylmer golden corn 2 tins 21c aylmer tomato juice 3 20 tin 25c aylmer vegetable juice 10 m 10c meats cottage roll lb 31c lb 41c lb 45c 2 lb 23c 2 lb 27c raisins becxaned currants fresh pitted dates lb 22c freh cut mixed peel lb 29c p g soap 10 bars 49c palmolive and lux soap 4 bars 25c oranges 220 49c lemons 360 29c -r- dmn bananas 2 lb 19c bskt 29c cooking apples breakfast bacon feameal bacon devon weiners lb 24c dutch loaf lb 27c carrots 3 lb 13c fresh parsnips 3 lb 13c fresh spina 2 lb 13c white celery stajk 2 17c dominion stores ltd

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