Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 10, 1941, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 10 19j two keys to a cabin by lida larrimore arrimc ohacrai 1wtm remiitntd uninfluenced toy the thought und behavior of his or her uimpnninns you never entirely es cupid the environment in which you tind btcn tenrtd you were bound to ihe pum b n thousand tenuous ties of habit prejudice affection hot of which vou were unaware pi rhiips until when confronted by sunn opt mtr idea you felt them kr ng hut k into the safety of u mimr id c- ulues hnbils he d ft h thtm luj nq when 1 l in pardon he sold by i mainid upward fit that p ai kei i flicked pas where tht uis iiaptt viii the last record in the electric victrola whirred to a stop john led the small vivacious brunette with whom he had been dancing to the davenport facing the fire where he had sat with gay youre a wonderful dancer she said settling herself m a swirl of scarlet chiffon you sound surprised john smiled we aborigines who live in maine dont confine our amusement to war dances by any means she glanced at him doubtfully then laughed the mystery is clearing up she said mystery well we have wondered you know she went on with an air of artless frankness too deiberate to bt entirely sincere i mean gay goes ddbhing oft into he wilds and then comes hmtte and breaks her engagement and won t tell us an thing about you except that aoti re a doctor and her god f a theietiephi yuu can t imagine how evi been to meet you dere it was again john had been obliged to respond to that approach many times during the coning ai gays friends had armed and dp parted in restless animated fjn uns you must find me erv cl ip pointing he said making no o u to re phrase a repk which s f ir bad appeared to be adequate not at all her bright brown eyes sparkled at him hrounh cur ing lashes of course most of u met you at gays debutante partv but we didnt pay any attention to me he felt that hts smile was becctftfuig fixed id meant to say that we didn t dream all this romance was brew ing it is romantic you know i mean you never expect such a thing to happen to one of your friends on the surface at least it was all very friendly perhaps he only imagined that under their apparent ly casual acceptance of him these friends of gays were deliberately making him feel an outsider in sub tie ways of which he was conscious hut which he could not define that was natural he told hiraself todd janeway was one of em his name had been mentioned during the evening in connection with christmas eve of last year with ref erence to the armynavy football game in casual reminiscence todds sister ellen was here the slight graceful girl in the tailored hat who coming in with the good looking redhaired boy in tweeds iieslion itti he thought little bored her him toward the girl with auburn apparently for her since the group i to t rued tr k in sth ti hints which carried acitvs lit mom i disked vuu if you and g wiie spending lomor r w he re or at her father place in tlx country in the country i think he wanted to add something to that hi w iued to ipolngie more fully or his malum on what a dull lout she must thin him not that he scared except for gay he was as relieved as he felt his companion must be when he saw a group of of four people come in from the hall and cross the room toward the dev- enport we ve been out on the terrace looking at the- view tory wales said as she camt up to them she dropped down on the davenport and a white fur coat so soft that it crum pled like velvet ns it fell slid down over her bare hrown shoulders and back your slippers are wet im afraid her companion the burly but well groomed oung englishman who was hci fimce said don t fuss hal you can t kill an indian with a little snow she leaned back if ainst the apricot leather of the ij holsttry and held aip two fingers hci fiance put a cttaictte bttwetti them the girl in red laughed dont vmi two talk the same language she asked well jou must admit that my english is a little different from hals torv wales snd her light ejes startling m contract with her skin twinkling with derisive humor which reminded him of kate when his fnmilj was here in october we pncticallv hrrti to use deaf and dumb signals im learning though she glanced up at her flan ce w homiled as though he found her versftm using relaxed against the upholstery graceful legs rossed and made a half turn inrf tfifyticontfih hfti7pfn hr improved uniform international sunday i chool lesson by harold l lundquist d d dean of thn mood bible irmtltuu of chicago leuon for december j 4- 1 pubon lubjtcu and briplur text m ircted and copyrighted by intcmuuonal council ot rclllloua education uaed by on the surface at least it was all verv friendly had explained that they were on their wav out to the janeway coun trj pc for chr stmas don t voit adore this apart merit sht wa asking when he gae he i his att ntmn it s vcrj uri iial i i a ut it i ve been trvtng t enrsii munn and dads to ike o p n ivmw hut they say trc c 1 id tr s 1 the family mc sole m i f im d could be per to hu n ve re prac tically paupers she aaded cheer fully dais is oadtd with foreign bonds end 1- in what they re worth unv john wanted juerj smr erelv to undersrid if h conk thr po nt of view of these sleek voung people for though she was more intelli gent than the gir v ho chattered beside him it must of necessity be gays it was a raie person who ward jdhivseated between her and the girl in red who now that rein forcements had arrived showed no inclination to leave when are you planning to locate in new york dr houghton i don t expect to locate in new york john said a little startled at the question oh arent you going to practice here the girl in red asked we naturally assumed that you were why naturally john asked smiling but with the uncomfortable feeling that he was being deliberate ly quizzed well gays connections are here we thought thats very disappoint ing the girl in red gave a ripple of laughter which held john thought some confusion i w as planning to develop a chronic ail ment after all one must be loyal to ones friends i appreciate your interest john sajd but i shouldnt have a private practice in any event dr houghton is a scientist dar ling tory wales said speaking across him to the girl in red thats very interesting the englishman lowered his glass to look at john are you working with a founda lion the boy in the tweed suit asked nothing so impressive john laughed briefly j now im as sisttng a physician in portland gen eral practice im hoping the girl m red interrupted with a request for a cigarette john fell both irritated and relieved he duln t want to talk of his work especially but that was preferable to more personal references in the flurry of providing the girl at his right with a t igaretle he glanced toward the jroup at the piano gay turned us ho watched started across the room with janice howard the others fol lov cd jan and rickey think they must lo ga said coming up to the avenport you neednt tory janice how ard said w can call a cab but if we re to join the family festivi tics tomorrow steps must be taken it once wemust go too tommy ellen janeway rose were meeting the midnight train in from chicago rfrancie and ned are arriving gay maybe we 11 see you in the country tomorrow i want to see francie and ned are they bringing the babies oh yes were driving them out to the country tonight the roads are fairly clear todd phoned she stopped and her soft cftlor deep ened were hovmgoff hal tory wales christian stewardship lesson text n corinthian 8 18 the christmas season when there is so much thought about gifts is a most appropriate time for a lesson in christian giving dr john willis baer was once asked how can wt raise money for foreign mis- sons quick as a flash he an- swtred don t raise t give it if all believers could come to a true knowledge of what the new testa ment teaches regarding giving and ould st riously put this knowledge nto practice the christian church mild advance more in the next 10 ars than it has advanced in any i0 years in us history wilbur m smith 1 an hx ample of liberality a l 5 for some re o i people are over ly sensitive wlun one spc iks of i mnt j tht subject mum be ap i iclnd taetfuik so p ml skillfully irtcts the attrition of the conn ihian e lurch lo their fellow chris tiins in macedonia they ind been i trt it alllic tion uid were in deep poveity v 2 but out of the ir sorrow and want they gat ir ahow pauls cxprctation v 5 ml hond their powtr and tht n iltd with paul that he should u hum giw mm iht t plana i s found in eist 5 ulurt wt tin ui it tin li nl lum iiv i tht ir wri st ivt s to tl i 1 id i d then n i mng o t i i i with paul t in st if the i ids gent in this of 111 oftt i it i o str iril ill it those who uilii most fur tht gospel ind havt uu uast to nive are tht most gen t u us m th i ij hl those lo v in l hi losh 1 o is iiimi easily ho im ir ho i il hurdt ns for clirisi and who ue well situatt d nmcially are commonly the most lingv with tht ir money could it it that tht have not really given ihtmselves to tht lord one won it rs ii an exhortation to faithful ness 8 6 0 appartntlj the coi mthians had made a promise or pledge to give for the poor at jerusalem but had become a bit forgt tful and negli gent it seems to be so easy to negtet to keep up a pledge for the lord s work some fnk even feel ihai they cannot make a pledge i hey pledge to pav thur rent io make payments on a car of a washing machine but to the church hey just cant pledge or if they in the promise is often neglected buch things art dishonoring to the name of christ js they abound in other graces v 7 paul exhorts the corinthians to ibound in this grace also so iving is a christian grace and v hy nof consider christ v 9 who left the glory he had with the i athcr and came to the poverty of he one who had not where to lay his head that we through him might be eternally ru h christian friend when that truth lys hold of your heart and life your purse strings will loost n vour check 1 ook will open mnrt t asilv you will gladly give for christ s sake iii a principle of christian git- ng o 6 the harvest is alwavs m propor- t on to the sow mj of ihc seed the man who is stingv with his seed at mowing time will reap th it kind of a harvest the opposite is also true it works in the field of business oo the mcrch ml who gives the fullest return for one s money and ibe most liberal i r isure of service s bound to prospt r while the stingy one is left to inmtnt the fact that us goods rot on his shelves in the spiritual realm it is even more true but someone may say we ought not to do good that we may profit by it no real chris tan will give just that he may pros ocr but mark it well if he does hive for christ s sake and his glory god will prospt r him you cant beat god giving iv the spirit or christian stewardship 7 our giving is to be done according to the purpose of our heart not grudgingly nor with grief nor yet by compulsion because someone put on pressure god loves a chct rful or as it may bytranslated hilarious giver when done in the right spirit giving fof christcan be one of the happiest experiences of tl c christian life lets make offci ing time in our church services the most joyful time in the meetirg then we snail be liberal as wel as cheerful in tbj grace of stewardship h rugged into the white fur coa we re going home and hang up our stockings maybe youlll get a bale of oats in yours if you re jkk1 she added linking her arm throueh the arm of her fiance faith in christ martha sajd lord if thouiiadst been here my brotherha not died all the true disciples of christ this may with perfect confidence be said he is here therefore they shall not die faith causes christ to be present mthe art and where christ is etcrivel death cannot be dean howson christmas baking sale 693 24lb bag cut mixed peel red glace cherries pineapple rings wd cut peel j cherries u-n- raisins with seeds seeded raisins l- bleached raisins currants atii citron peel caps cashew nuts smw ponod 29c i kiv 12c fearmari pure 2 i3c 3 pif 25c 2 xsc n isc lard ib i9c s 2 25c mlb 12c in 4 oc p lf 4lb 19c 4 seedless australian i raisins ib romar toffee llb buz 39 w lard maple leaf pure 2- 25c shelled walnuts k n 19c cinnamon or cloves 4c vanilla extract aii 201 i5c almond extract ahu 2- bu 10c almond paste iw kib2ic icing sugar th st ib loc mincemeat m jelly powders 2 lb 3pki- 27c 23c carrolls own baking powder 17 eagle brand milk isc chocolate puffs n 19c uptons tea at popular prices toddy kib t x5c iib u- 45c ovaltine 39c u 98c kleenex pi 10c 25c 29c champion dog food 2 19c shinola floor wax ib 23c touet tissue bto 6 n- i9c aylmer or allens apple juice imatches sagj stoc up now wo pr delivery on this item potatoes ontario no 1 sunklnt nakl per dosen oranges doz 20c 25c 30c tender crisp celery hearts bdl 10c seedless larre size grapefruit 5 for 25c carrots or parsnips 3 ib 13 c bc delicious eating apples fi for 17c and 6 lor 21c fruit mnd vegetable prices until saturday night only phone 357 free delivery mairst st georgetown the weather by h l hutt ttie first week of december ha passed- and we nre still cnjomiic fine opep- fall weather lth cr utile sttni ofointer unul the last couple of days tlic avcrare dauy tomptrnturc for the week was 384 degrees which was hlgh- mantortwo of the weeks in nov ember sunday morning the temperature had tallin to 16 decrees the lowest so tar this winter and the ground was frozen hard alt ilny for the flrt time an inch of snow mondaj afternoon made thinirs look more hke winter following arc the local records lor the week date h and l precipita- temp tlon 1 pr 11 r 41 pi tues dec wed dec 3 thurs dec prl dec 5 sat dec 6 sun dec 1 mon dec 31 large red cross shipment the georgetown branch ca red cross are shipping to the ware- jiouse in toronto this week the fol- lowing large shtpmcttt f toattea mmfnrta nnrt qiillte 8 scarves 1 balaclava helmet 3 pr socks navy blue 1 pr stockings navy blue bot is stklnr rm and air force 1 ir p nin mitts 10 pr ptvts i intlr nrik swentpis 1 pullover 1 ribbed helmet 2 mres 40 prjocks 6 ifflwven air force 3 senrves air force 1 pr goic air force 2 pr plain mitts air force miscellaneous 32 large quills 4 large blankels 1 small afghan bnamrmt comf arts 5 ribbed hehnets 39 pr plain mitts 1 32 aero capa 1 pullover 13 turtle neck t i1alton garage operators elect officers on thursday evening december 4th another year in the life of halton branch of the ontario oarslge oper ators association came to a close with ther regular meeting held in milton it was with great pride the officers were able to report to the members the best year in all departments of the branch sine its inception a very large number of members and visitors turned put lor the meeting and a keerf interest was shown during the discus- tion ot the many lions of iiusiiheb mr j l mckindley of burlington the president of thebranch wno has successfully and harmonloiufly r0fl4hl the altairs of the branch for the pmat rc wars declined to stand for an- 11 um and retires from uiat of- l mils itned wel and faithfully flic- following were elected to bold olllce lor 1942 pivsldcnt mr a c pattenoo oeorpetown v icepi esldent mr f sinclair cieoretowti secutarj mr e r macklln bar- 1 ing ton treisurer mr a dolby r r ft i lion bon rd ol directors m r q u- dufte milton mr j l mcklnd3b bjilington mr h oulllnghaxn tra falgar mr vem dines oakvwe mt k johnston bronte mr j qatd georgetown don t forget santa will be in town on saturday dec 30th at the lion community chrlstznas tree oandlai for every boy and girl j cooke floor contractor floor latino befiurtadna wentworth branch were welcomed vlsltore mr w bill bailey the provincial prnddent gave a short fyxt interesting adonea and was the choloe of the meeting to conduct the election of officers for 1043 j-

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