Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 10, 1941, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 1 0 1 94 1 ballinafad the white oift service was observed sunday morning members- of the sunday school and oongregatlaq pre- entod gifts which wlu be aent to ail peoples mission in hamilton ills trustees ot the community hall held their annual meeting wednesday evening trustees elected for 1m3 were mr j allan mr a mfckay mr j p kirtowood and harry aboruu with mr d j sinclair as treasurer the club treasurer is norman sinclair mr lloyd mcboery left thursday for kitchener where he will complete his four months training in the army glen williams miss panny weaver reported for duty at thw waaj training depot jarvls btreet toronto on saturday morning shitafc among the 148 young canadian women who form the first trades unit and will go to the rjo af uplands school ottawa shortly ac1 john hooper returned to moun tain view on tuesday after spending two weeks furlough at his home m alfred allen who has been a patient in guelph general hospital for the- past three weeks is now pro gressing favourably and hopes to re turn home today miss eileen mcquarrie lett oh thursday for waldemar where she will spend a couple of weeks miss marjorle wagstaffe who re cently underwent an appendix oper ation in guelph general hospital was able to return home today ruddell mrs gerald graham gam a very interesting outline of the sec ond days course on what la new in nutrition much fun was enjoyed when the christmas pudding was serv ed as each one pulled a string small gift with a verse attached came from the pudding miss joy ruddell favored in her usual pleasing manner with a lovely solo the lunch com mittee assisted by the hostess served lunch at the close f aflhgrove school concert dec 17th in the church basement ashgrove the wa social on monday even lng was a decided success the alka seltzer bid i say that was the first feature of the evening mrs sinclair hornby miss florence laid- law nonai mrs frank wilson gil bertwrtggleaworth ward brownrldge leslie guten ashgrove were the six whose names were draw n for the quiz we congratulate them all on their success although we regret that the contestant for the large sum of money was unable to answer the ques tlon a short but very fine program follow ed including guitar duet by murray sinclair and keith merry of horruj vocal duets b misses flor ence laldlii and joy ruddell hum orous readings by mrs john bellboddy and a piano duet by mrs frank wtl son and miss isabel wrigglesworth a sale of aprons baking and candy followed after which eerone enjov ed a social half hour when the ladies served lunch a well attended meeting of the wj was held at the home of mrs clayton wilson on tuesday dec 9 with mr prank wilson presiding in the ab sence of the secretary mrs francis thompson acted pro tern a christ mas verse was the roll call and mrs wilfred bird gave thoughts on the motto a man that hath friends must show himself friendly a lovely christmas paper was prepared and given by mrs f thompson followed by carol singing led by mrs a j stewarttown the women s auxiliary annual meeting was held at mn joseph standishs home rev s r cole- brook presided at the meeting the reports showed that in 1041 there were 10 members 37 meetings held average attendance 6 all fin ancial obligations were met and a bal anoe on band of 336 a bale was shipped with new articles valued at 34 00 also 37 articles of used cloth ing the work of the wa section of stewarttown red cross was reportea to date 386 articles have been made and returned to red cross rooms in georgetown this work was done at home by the members and friends the junior wa reported b members jl meetings a bale or 3 layettes was sent to the missionary centre for shipment also cot quilts the little helpers are holding their meeting shortly oflicen for 1942 are honorary president mrs w d jolinaton honorary secretary for all time mrs j a tracy president mrs marys bally vice presidentsmrs s r oole brook secretary mrs joseph blandish treasurer mrs j h smith educational secretary mrs cole brook united iliank offering secietary mrs johnston j extia cent ada secretary mrs smith junior superintendent mrs bally ldtue hdptrs aecreltirj mrs w hodge a auditors mn batty mrs hodge delegates to annual mmms mia johnston mrs colebrook the ay pa metling last week was m the form of a iocial emitting tht mutiny opt in d with o cdiuda fol lowed bi con munu singing with miss jenkinaon at the piano mr cole brook then showed pictures from van ctuvir to carcnxs md oni ruuiz i 1 that canada u not oiilj a big tou ltrj but a ver beautiful countrj as will lunch was stred with misses france jtnkinson may hicken and bett cudden in charge etryone en jojed a ery pleasant evening the collection was for the evening tele trams war victims fund with christmas just two weeko away georgetown stores are display ing gifts that are attracting numerous shoppers to town read the ads and prepare your shopping list today umehouse mttsw a lane passed away november 29tta limehouse lost one of her most highly esteemed cltlceru on saturday november 2pth 1941 in the passing of margaret ahn miller beloved wife of william a lane the ibte mrs lane was of scottish and united empire loyalist descent being the daughter ot john and delia miller and the last member of the family to go to her reward she was a lifelong member of limehouse pres byterian congregation where she taught the infant class in the sun day school for a number of years william a lane and margaret mu- lcp were united in marriage on janu ary 3 1900 and until coming to lime- house eleven years asp had fanned in esqueslng and erin townships she is survived by tne bereaved husband to whom we extend sympathy on be half w the entire community where she was- so well known the largely attended funeral held at the home on tuesday december 2 was conducted by rev c c coch rane her pastor during the service mrs a w norton sdng softly and tenderly jesus is calling pallbear- rs were five nephews messrs ernest stuart bernard robert and frank miller and a great nephew by marri age james lowry interment was in greenwood cemetery georgetown the heartfelt floral tributes were re ceived from mr lane bernard ro bert and stuart miller ernie muriel and russell miller jessie wilfrid doi is and prir pbinon mr iri mis brunk mnlei and family mr and mrs james murr elsie and clark crritie evehn aftd walter caord wumtns missionary society and girls lookout plub of the presbyter j m churui a limthotise these nere timed b messrs harding price vic tor watson aid son walter calford and room calford those from a distance who attend ee tlie fimut1 ncluded mr frank mil ir of swastika mr and mrs ro t on of streetsvtlle mr and mrs ed lane of glen huron mr and mrs wilur cillord son uid duiifchtcr and mr ciirk ghflmje of oshawa mr an i mia wilfrid robinson and son tr nk mi n suep mrs calvin mill i md oi 1 of guelph mr and mrs janiii lowry of mimosa mr uid mi j i ik gil ispl mr and mis wiiultsworth mr and mrs aiiilstiont mls armstiong mrs c ki mr id mrs binfchani and mr md mrs oruhum all of erin as will t friend rm ashtroe ciorfeiiown nd otlui nr hmotiring conunuiiiliis lim hotl t womtn insututt met it tin lumi of mrs b m wrifcht on di ember 4th with thirteen ladies in dttmdance tin roll call was an ertd b each member naming her first nmlmbered girt carols were nut in honour of tin season 0er ten dollars was realized for war w ork from the recent salvage collection during november llmenouse deliv- tied to the georgetown red cross the following from yarn provided by the red cross 5 pr sea mans socks 12 pr army socks 6 pr mitts 2 pk seaman s stockings 4 sleeveless sweaters 2 turtle neck sweaters from material purchased by w i 8 hand quilted quilts also three girls dresses and one pair dhllds oxfords donated a large carton of used clothing and 1 quilt was packed at the home of mrs a w benton last wednesday the ladles wre asked to bring old slfk stocking legs to be used by men on minesweepers as a protection for the arms under heavy woollen sweat er a jrd was received from piper mc- vey acknowledging receipt of cigaret- ets fromthe w i donations of 95 00 eachnpere sent the evening telegram s christmas cheer for british children fund and the daily star santa olaus fund mrs f shetbourne contributed a christmas poem and mrs klrkpatrick won mrs ellerbys words from christmas contest following the national anthem a sociaiwtf hour was spent mr bill shelbourne was the holder of chfc lucky ticket no 110 which won him the quilt recently raffled limehouse women s institute to their war work their i the e limehouse young peoples so- clty held a socialevening at the home of doris harding on tuesday evening of last week the girls lookout club held a ba zaar and afternoon tea at the home nf mro h finorton on saturday last they were well pleased with the re suits mr rtx frost presented his caval cade of europe in the legion hall on friday evening on behalf of lime house wi war fund it was certain ly a very educational and interesting aenlngs entertainment it was wor thy of a better attmdance from the aistrict mr w a line and mrs roe visit ed mr and mrs james lowry at mimosa on sunday miss iens spent the week end with mrs gait and he newton s mr and mis c a grant of toronto spiit sunday with her pnrtnts mr and mrs morrow of toronto sjunt tin weik tnd wi h her mo her truth the truth le were up against the biggest rush of long distance christmas calls weve ever bad even with hundreds f extra people on duty christmas eve and christmas day we wont be able to meet all demands jjwmcf ftzt caww j ouotlty wort quick serrvlc afyas foto album free jt- you get unique service t georgetown at s p chapman pharmacist and consequences the consequences are bound to be delays and disappointments were stirry we hope youll understand ff and accept them in the spirit of christmas thank you very 1s mugh are you buying war savings stamps and certificates pulp and paper for freedom you have a right to be proud tf you work m the pulp and paper industry these days you have a right to be proud your industry is doing a good job for canada and for freedom first many of your industry s products are directly used for war needs pulps for explo sives wrappings and contain ers for munitions and food boards for army buildings paper to do the nations busi ncss newsprint to sustain a free press you axe keeping this supply flowing without a break here in canada to the united states across the seas second die products your in dustry is selling m the united state and other countries are the largest single industrial source of the money canada must have to pay for muni tions pulp and paper exports last year gave canada nearly 250 million dollars of vital foreign exchange every ex- port shipment that leaves your mill is a body blow to nazi slavery whether you work in the woods or in a mill or in an office you are parr of the war job your industry is doing you can take pride in the job keep it rolling for freedom the pulp and paper industry of canada m sdh life bumuno mohtbeaj buy at home and keep your money in georgetown- patronize herald advertisers and you get value for your money you cant go wrong when you shop in georgetown brills dept store mens furnishings ladies ready to wear boots and shocs main st phone 167 oeokoxtown w j cain inrttw tamr pfttrasmt auto repairing any make tires batteries welding alj work gttabantexd phone 284w victoria sl ceucee tlaw exchange hotel room and meals good aoomm omxloff georgetown lumber co everything in lumber sash doors and interior finish we also handle hvdratod lime hardwau ftautar fibre board cement and boofmg of ao kmda hollywood hotel norval a home away from home itot accommodation liiucos for beat service anfl cleenmne we try to make an ad of erery permanent mxthtno er wlenlilinliaw our prices mn right ioo caix 278j or w hugh lindsay radios refrigerators kelvinator pfatico stewart warner main st phone 11 r licata fruit vegetable market a good place to shop phone 71 georgetown mcbean co dry goods gents furnishings shoe caps overall house furnishings phone 64 oju boad httki dodge and desoto saus aaat sxslticb ow sm phone is2 richardsons hardware phone 28 sm electric fence 18 tyers milk products high grade defer vuducts phone 152 aioioiion

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