Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 24, 1941, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 24 1941 timely topics for women r by barbara baines christmas ood rest you merry innocents let nothing you dismay let nothing wound an eager heart upon this christmas day yours be the genial holly wraths j the stocking and the tree an aged world to you bequeaths its own forgotten glee god rest you merry innocents while innocence endures a sweeter christmas than we to oursvj may you bequeath to yours fvom a carol for children by ogden nash f t r christmas snapshots this vear many an adored hiisband and father or tall young son or brother will be missing from the family circle at christinas fr some it will be tor the first time bto others it will be their second or erven third christmas away from home but of one thing you may be sure our men in kl0 and blue wherever they are in their deepest hearts are lonely for the sight of familiar scenes and faces and so how about getting out your camera and taking some snap jrflkk christn holidays if you have a real camera fan in the family it will be simple to get some good indoor shots q the xmas tree and santa handing out the first gift or of the family group gathered around the gaylydecorated dinner table and raising high their glasses to toast the absent member of course as a rule for the amateur outdoor shots turn out the best and u you have some fresh snow to add glamour to the background some fine pictures are yours for the taking it is the simple familiar things your soldier boy win want to see the graphic shadow of the picket fence on the snow fresh foot prints leading to the snowcapped pump his favourite ninetree heavyladen with snow or a new snap of your home or church or shop or factory pictures of persons usually look the most natural when the subject is caught unawares at a favourable moment unposed group pictures in which the subjects are looking at some object of interest to one side of the camera usually turn out well action shots especially of children always have an extra appeal winter sports are an excellent field for the snapshooter so when during the holidays you go skating on the river or skiing or tobogganing or hiking be sure and take along your camera then when your snaps have been developed choose the best prints and have lhem made up in the new little booklets of ten each for your soldier or sailor or airman oeibeas i am sure no gift you could send him from home will be so much appreciated t t t the spices ou use i your christmabcoqkjbry there is glamour in the very thought of spices with each dash of cinnamon clove or finger you add to jour christmas food a dash of the romantic east the land which for centuries have been associated with beautiful jewels silks and riches the goal of generations of adventurers who journeyed over unknown seas into un known lands food without seasoning is like talk without reasoning it is flat and savourless but the judicious addition of spices will add to the plain est food a subtle deliclousness there are thirty or moie different varieties of spices and herbs they may be the roots buds or bowers fruits bark or seeds of plants each depends upon delicate volatie oils for its pungent aroma and ability to impart flavour it is a thrilling sight to see a spice cargo unloaded from the hold of a modern liner but that is only the end of its journey yesterday thp waterways of india were- thick with pepperladen patimars tmtve boats shaped like a cradle and along the roads ambled ox carts and lazy mules with their precious loads of cardamom and tumeric and perilous ly fragilelooking sailboats manned by turbanned natives plied between the islands of the east carrying fragrant bales of cinnamon and cloves to the chief harbour of export but that was yesterday today those peaceful islands are the scene of shrieking guns and diving planes and exploding bombs and the picturesque names of those tropical spice lands are prominent on our war maps and in our war communiques and so you had better use sparingly the supply of spices now in your cupboards the dutch east indies are perhaps the richest in spices the molucca islands the spice islands java borneo celebes sumatra ball these are the garden spots of the world the native home of our cloves nutmeg mace and cinnamon in the malay states and southern china there are great planatlons of cassia ginger sesame seed mustard seed and pepper india too produces many valuable spices tumeric ginger pepper cardamom poppy seeds and dill seeds japan grows chill peppers and ginger in europe many herbs are grown poppy seed and mustard seed in holland paprika in hungary celery seed in prance coriander seed and sesame seed in turkey the only spice native to the western hemisphere is allspice which grows in the west indies ginger is grown in jamaica cardamom in ouatemala chill peppers in mexico and mustard seed in the tjjsa when an american- spice mill receives a shipment of sploes they are first thoroughly cleaned those that are ground are sifted through fine fftlfc to insure a smooth fine powder and all are packaged by machinery ekjlces lose their potency as the delicate oils evaporate so they should be fresh and kept airtight the best rule as to the amount to use is still no taste it is upon their skill with spices and seasonings that the great cooks of the world have always depended for their reputation but with a little experimenting and study the ordinary housewife can soon learn to prepare dishes for her family that are a gastronomic delight improved uniform internatioi ttlona the book of the week inside latin america by john gunther musson 4b8pp 4 00 most of us know so very little about our southern neighbours but never have the latin american countries been so much in the public eye so for this reason john gunthers latin america is particularly timely it is informative and educational but full of interesting anecdote that make it entertaining reading mr gunther discusses the economic geography of the republics but also politics and personalities and en deavours to interpret how the people live and how they are reacting to the major problems of the world todav and to the war he travelled 18938 miles by air alone to write this book visited all twenty republics and took notes on conversations with 338 people he dis cusses everything from schools fire equipment exports and minority problems to hoof and mouth disease he says the traveller is first impressed by the insufferable poverty illiteracy bad transport and social backwardness on one hand and ultra modern buildings and great wealth on the other he found a german fifth column almost everywhere german airlines covering the country h a web and german agents most active in argentine and mexico he reports the dictatorships in latin america have strong democratic leanings and discusses at length the urgencies of hemisphere defense and i ocoperation in interamerican trade spaghetti a l astra just to prove how much taste enjoyment spices can add to an ordln ary dish try serving spaghetti a 1 astra when the crowd come in after skating or skiing or even after a game of rummy royal 1 clove garlic 2tt cups canned tomatoes 3 teaspoons celery salt 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon cloves teaspoon wiyme dash of cayenne and salt 1 large onion 1 cup beef consomme canned 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup giblets chicken or turkey 1 tablespoons sour 1 cup mushrooms spaghetti parmesan cheese bub cut garlic around large saucepan add tomatoes sugar spice nd anion simmer one half hour then add beef consome while thta 1 cooking saute giblets cut up in melted butter cover and slmmerunui tarter then add the flour and mushrooms and stir well add gjbleta to fir mixture and simmer 15 minutes longer oook one amau package axkuhettt in 4 quarts of water to which salt has been added when ten- ovbrdraln and add to sauce and mix well serve with parmesan or any grated cheese a green salad and hot crusty rolls editors note barbara baines would like to take this oppor tunity to wish readers of the column one and all a happy and joyou christmas sunday i chgol lesson fly harold l lojnuquist d o oi the moody bible institute at chicaio illnr by weatcrn ncwapnprr union lesson for december 28 ecta nnd scripture lelttm a fy righted by internuuonnl kloua education used y i bop the christians i esson text john 14 16 avelatlon hope is something this world des rately needs and which it has all iut abandoned little wonder when ne recalls that the usual meaning f hope is hardly more than wish ul thinking wjthout any real confi knee and that such hope as men ive has been only in their fellow ltn who have so often grievously iiled them the christian s hope ah that is mething quite different to him npe is certain expectation resting n the assured word of god such i light only shims brighter as the icirkness deepens as the lights of icn s promises and purposes flick er and die out the hope of god s jlople shines like a beacon in a dark and stormy night how appropriate that we should ie the last sunday of this year to imind one another of that hope to inn the lamp as it were for even rtfhter shining as we jst its jms out into the inknow year just ahead there are three great md helpful things in this lesson i a sure promise of heaven john 14 13 we are not forgetting that for us sh love uu lrtrd then is the bless d hope of his return he is com nf again v 3 but whether wt uu the joy of being caught up to with him or go bv waj of death i have a sure promisi of the ettr il dwelling plicc which he has rcparcd for us let not jour lu art bi troubled tlil wrj ttordh tomt hkt tht b iln 1 gilt id upon our restless tr ubk i ts futh in god and in chnst- i rt ivt luvc tlu sun ant ho r of t t soul he h is promistd we v count on his fulfillment wt h v our faith in our ftuowmen by i islmg their word even though i ty often fail us shall e nol il m fully trust the omnipotent nev r failing god ii a safe way to heaven john m 4 6 our saviour has not just gone be un us and bode us follow as best e may but he is himself the way living christ we have the way jbserve that he does nol say that ile is the way shower as one re ligious system names him he is lot just an example or the master acher or a martyr to a holy cause it is the way the truth and the ifc note too that no man comes to he father but by christ dr wil i ur m smith points out that the ipostle paul in his epistles constant y emphasizes the truth that we have ccess to the father only through in lord jesus christ rom 5 2 ph 2 13 18 3 15 heb 7 25 10 i 21 jesus is not one- way to god le is the only way to god men innot come to god through any ne but only through christ someone may say that s very i rue and wonderful 1 am a chris lan and i have christ who is the vay but what is heaven like iii a symbolic picture of heaven rtv 22 1 5 first of all there is life tht river of life the water of life in maven there is no death but only tcrnal life blessing peace and joy in this world man lives under the nstant shadow of death as the en my which hurts destroys and re- ninds him of sin but in heaven m is life through eti rnity v hrn we ve been there ten thousand year n hi bhlnlntt ns the sun wme no less da to ni cod dralse in when we flrsl bee in then we hive whit dr a c i lebelein calls the ecn glories f hit redtemtd vv 15 let us numerate thim 1 no curse rftel smlcssncss 2 the throne i god and of the lamb shall be c rein giving perfect and bless d government fori ur 3 his rvants shall serve him in per tt unhindered untiring service it aven will not be idleness perish ie thought but bltsstd and hap y service for god 4 they shall re his face in eternal undimmed ision of god 5 his name shall i c on their foreheads speaking of tcrnal ownership and possession fit there shall be night no more god is the light throughout eter ty no more darkness to fear 7 they shall reign forever and ever w of us would care to reign in tfts world for that brings only sor ow and trouble but to reign with him that indeed will be eternal blessedness so then we have a sure promsie of s heaven to which we have a safe way and concerning which tivr ave such blessed knowledge but vhat good is the promise if we do ot accept it whal ood is th w iy we do not receive him w it d is there in knowing ah it t ivtn unless we afp go in ih eitybrdy talks abntii i n t going there sn il i k or ur v u i y how freedom works isabel thomas placing emphasis on the need fo discussion persuasion and toleration as the means of making democracy effec tive the obc is to present six talis on citizenship under the title ho freedom works the speaker will be isabel thomas torontohigh school teacher and student of public affairs the broadcasts will begin early in the new rear the introductory pro gramme being scheduled for tuesday january 6 at 500 pra edst are lou going home for christmas are jou going home this christmas time to dad and mother too to share the dear days happiness juit like you used to do it seems oh such a little time slntc jou were just a child a running playing round that place with happ children wild yoiid hang jour stocking christmas ee out by the clumnt side and in tht morn befoit twis light ihen out of bed joud slide you d up toe to iruit chnney then with wide tt s ou would stop for aou would set thit stocking filled fioni tot nht to the lop in i o full it would not hold another small thin more i and bifctjit lojs jour ma would lay i byieath it on the floor you n ember how jour ma would have j a chicken roasted through and dressing sagtd so tastilj and thick brown gra too and bin plum pudding carmel sauce and lovclj christmas cake so nicely iced and filled with fruit made speciallj for your sake but now your parents aren t so young they may not be here long so go home christmas fill the place with laughter ixn e and song ralph gordon 628 crawford st toronto stewarttown last week the w i meeting was held last week in the council chamber another quilt was quilted for the british bomb victims christmas remembrances for the sick were planned for and an other quilt arranged for lunch was served after a busy afternoon the christmas concert for the pub lie school was held in the school thujreday evening ejvery seat wan taken and some of the visitors had to stand under the direction of miss white the teacher and miss mc phail the music teacher the child ren put on a splendid concert prom the oldest to the youngest each took their part in songs dialogues reclta lions vocal and piano solos tap dano ing and drill every number was ex eel lent and gae a great deal of pleas ure to the audience mr harry law son was chairman during the en tertainment tickets were sold on a quilt which was donated by frs wal tcr hodge the porceeds to be used for the british war victims fund little betty humphrey was the lucky win ner of the quilt oh yes santa claua came and gave every one something nice off the christmas tree the wi gave back the amount they had been paid to quilt the quilt and the christ mas tree was sold putting it all to gelher the fund wid be richer by over 26 00 saturday afternoon the little hel pers held their annual meeting in the school rev s r colebrook took charge jesus loves me was the opening hymn evelyn smith jeanene and betty humphrey and betty bar ron sang away in a manger miss jenkinsoii playing for them mr cole brook told them ft story of how we get our christmas tree then the children made the offering of the contents of their little boxes the hymn when he cometh was sung after half an hour of games mrs hodge the little helpers secretary assisted by christina dickinson and eleanor smith served lunch to all although it was a snowy slippery af temoon there were twenty present at the meeting th ct ttniqck tavte tv s p chapman tttaftngto qwaywwfe oukkswvtn foto album free jt- vv welchs p grape juice smyrna cooking figs pj 18c jewel saled dressing 32 r 39c california prunes mediam pound lngaraoll majtd cheese maple leaf mincemeat aylmer tomato catsup smarts cut beets applesauce try thia food rice a a 27c 12oi ul isc 2 16oz tuu 1c 2 15oz bai xc 2 n isc vegetable juice z 19c succotash 2 is tm 25c plain onjodwed afp sifto salt mib pk 6c evaporated muxk 3 i6o tuu 25c jelly deaaert jello btacuita chocolate puffs dont forget romar coffee quick cooking quaker oats sliced side bacon for cat and doga pard carrolls own soap flakes 2 p- 13c p4 i9c ln u 39c ii pi axe ub pk 39c 19c pk j5c oranges doz 27c lb 7c choloe pink yams crankenle k 29c beuia at celery 2 bdl 25c main st georgetown free delivery phone 3s7

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