Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 24, 1941, p. 6

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ttwceorgetown herald wedneaday evening december 24 1941 p two j kysto a cabin by lida larrimore omacialuunt hawent on to speak of john s- un cle who had been his mend quietly appreciatively in a pleasant un hurried voice the anecdote he told was familiar to john though he gave the appearance of listening in tently his mind was occupied with the task of fitting together from what he had heard of him from what he had observed a clear un derstanding of gays father as he thought of her he heard her voice are you getting along you two splendidly her father said have you been telling john dis graceful episodes in my past she came toward them walking quickly and lightly through a shaft of sun light touched john s arm in pass ing went to sit on the arm of her father s chair the young are selfcentered david graham said no my dear jve been talking about the days when i was young and not so hand some i ve enjoyed it but john has probably been bored not at all sir i expected that you d either bo leading john through the art gallery or that you d be sitting here in utter silence you underestimate the privilege it is to me to be permitted to talk without being interrupted i suppose so she was silent for a moment then asked have you told john dad john saw david graham s expres sion alter the diffdence he had lost while he had talked of john s uncle returned he glanced at john almost he thought watching in apology then up at gay consider ingly no he said i haven t it s about getting a place for you in the research department at johns hopkins gay said eagerly that is what you want john beard the hesitancy in david gra ham s voice saw the considering expression in his eyes i d hoped that i might work and study there he said slowly it a seemed pretty far in the future to make definite plans there will be an opening for you the first of the year i ve been in communication with the authorities your training and ability will be investigated of course but that s largely a matter of course grandfather had an operation there gay s voice was excited and happy considerate of him wasn t it john looked directly at david gra bam i appreciate what vou ve done fae said but i couldn t accept a place there the first of the year gay has told me david gra ham s embarrassment visibly in creased but i we she seemed to think that some arrangement rfight bfe made isnt it possible john um afraid not he saw a little cf the brightness go out of her face but continued t ve given dr sar geant my promise to remain in port- land until october vou see mr graham i m discharging an obliga tkm dr sargeant madefit possible for me to complete my medical course and that was the stipulation but if it s only a question of money gay s color deepened and her eyes were very br rht couldn t you she paused at a warning glance from her father looked down at her hand it isn t entirely i ve been work lng with dr sargeant since october fiea leaving for a cruise the first of the year there wouldn t be time to break in another assistant even if even if you could swallow your she broke oh her eyes blaz- ing her chin held high gently gay divid grahams face was very troubled this is a decision which john must make they were staring at each other like strangers john thought antag onisrn humming between them in vibrations acros the dim richly furnished room but he could not he would not yield it was not he told himself entirely pride not only stubbornness there was a deeper reason something he was unable to analyze fully it had to do with all the other pressures being ex erted upon him by this ufe into which he had been ptungm i m sorry he said conscious ui david grahams ayes fixed upon him in compassion i cant break that promise gay dr sargeant is depending oo me i cant let him 1 down them was sotnca for a moment then oars expression softened she jm a low shakta tough bad as aunt flora she her usesh very- kindly offers to jour life for you im doing htr breath caught on a ma pin sorry she tba arm ofber fa trier s chair and cum towuro ilrr 1 u be patient i tan wait he looked down at her tic tood beside him lovely in i cnunged and softened moud you do understand uuyt 1 i hkcd wanting to luke her in n arms to heal the hurt he hud t bilged to give htr in tht nl u it his command diffident e hi him motionless self ti nsciou in the prtsenoe of her hither her eyes fell away from his pit ad n glance of course i un i i stand she laughed too quickh i brightly its just thot grunrift thers offspring have alwovf had i t much of everything i suppose w don t accept disappointments gr it e fully fxcept you dad you r tht we don t accept disappoint merits gracefully r k ant ul u s hi 1 psn t sn itth d trab she linhid her 7 i r 11 john htt you finished th john 1 h 1 1 not d v d dr i in r lid but hs tes in grjve i i 1 1 to hae tht pt sure of j pr g d icqudini ince ai the m merit i n can tl s jst buarmn j with relatives nt v citi we re all on edge will c u uie us dad john and i are ung out ind wjlk five miles chapter ix the sun dropping toward the ho rtzon laid a dazzling sheen on tht n 5w which covered the wide lawn ping away from the gray stont wtrs and turrets and victorian em itishments of the house but whet hey entered the grove the g low was immed by the foliage of ever rtens striped and filigreed by tl 1 runks and bare branches of trees tabbit tracks printed the path be ore them whorls scalloped indenta ons like waves on sand where tht now had been blown by the wind hey ploughed through kicking up a ine white mist that sprayed then aces with stinging cold it s like a maine snow john aid as gay became silent yes isn t it she said brightly dry and like powder we don t ften have them like this do you ski near here why wouldn t she look at htm her arm inked through his was unrespon ive beneath the thick fur coil leeve when he glanced sidewtse ind down he saw only tendrils of ed brown hair curling out under her ap the curving line of her cheek alf buried in fur he had thought hat here alone out of door he mild find her again but she had ignored or deliberately misinterpret d his diffident attempts to eftect a conciliation so that he no longer r ide an effort to brenk lhr ugh 1 r nttle ra ety of i er mood we hove she ropl e i qfl the lopt just beyond tht trr ve be wien the janeway pltuje ind ours 1 sn t very exciting though coast nt there is more fun the janeway place is beyond i grove john asked why should ip apologue again nc aked him if gay had known that he was hhgated to dr sarg ant until the ming october she si ouldn t have 1 ide plans for him which she knew w uld be unable to endorse sht d iwtys been able to b iy what she vanted well in this inst ince there vas something more important thin noney it was his services jhe i t r needed besides yes highcliff ciy said in eply to his question it was a how place until dunedin was milt originally i don t ntmomhei ut i ve seen photograph pi oplt poke of it as an ital in villa it ked like a steel 1 1 ravinn w 11 e traces descending in sere u take and balustrades and urns ind epjng conifers our fnmily are irvenus in comparison with th a eways the land was granlt 1 ne of todd s ancestors in ifiili hat s why they can live simplv tow without observing all the sffly conventions that aunt flora airug gles to maintain a hemlock branch weighted with snow cut across the path duck he cried and reached for vard too late t thrust it aside he caught hev h she stumbled heavens s r gasped and ktd up at ji m sn w covering itt face rrkea rmsk stif blinked ihen laughed a g y laugh free from constraint you look like a snow man she said ha blinked to clear his vision you look ikf i ri ow maiden ho lauihti a t t 1 no thats too poem v ti k as though youd fallen it i nrsi n a barrel of soap llukts i ui t mi un thing but the tip of ynur iiust h re walt his arm held htr while with the other hand he brushed the snow from her fan aa ht bent toward her he saw tin luihtr dim in her eys a half smile trtmblod across her iipa i ve been can yo 1 tor rive me oh datling- yts his arms held her but did not draw rur to ward him but he said steadi iy vou rrusi undt rstn d 1 do i vt bun dtspising my self for j m hut ful ti you bt 1 ause i love you thut long ituptd din ner and then aunl mm i told you thai wt grnli 11 d in t incept disappiimmtiis nt h fullv it was a d sappn mnttnt bit you mitt i us ibligated she smile 1 rut fully her eyes weie shv 1 w r ud t so much she tia d win 11 i vns tway from you i thought hat wl t n we were lo tt her dfain 00d want it as much at i did thai tting logelher would ititun im re to you than keep ing a promise 1 do wdnt it you know that gay yes j know but i could not love you dear so well loved i not fionor more as we see it i br j a strang continued on page 8 5k hajlton plowmensissoc be elect ross segswortfe as president the annual meeting of the halton plowmen was held inthe partners bfilding milton on saturday after noon last njth the largest and most enthusiastic group in a number of years j a carroll secretary 01 the ontario plowmtn association and superintendent of ontario agricultural societies wa the guest jpeakir and as usual brought his audience a sound and timely message the programme also included pictures of the 1940 international match at st thomas and of the victory loan cavalcade on its journey through halton county which was hon through the courtesy of the niagara brand spraj company of burlington the election of officers resulted as follows past president john mbcormack presi den t ross sesa ortii 1st vice president j a elliott 2nd vice president victor hall secietary treasurer j e white lock directors esquejinb j c cunningham wni h robinson malcolm mcnabb cltbert mcdowell nassagan eya geo finney a 8 mahon l w chisholm nelson w j robertson wm dales m readhead i trafalgar j a dixon john lister harold picket county directors gordon chisholm claude picket stanley hall honorary directors j h wilson pred robinson p d salter john coulson wm a robinson peter peddle f h oilroy auditor john irivlng bubber goods eapeclauy ne tires is another flass of article that war has affected and this re gulation will bring the war home to most of us in one way or another new cars will be equipped with just the four tires lnsteadiof including a spare as has been the usual equipment for some titntf another product that is four urw inateaxf of including a spare dally delivery we may be- asked to do with a delivery three times each week at the moment it is dimcultlo see where the advantage of thls rangeraent comes in ine bread sales man would have twice as much to do each dayaa he would have under the daily delivery system it would take him longer to make his rounds and then he would have nothing at all to do the other three days it would be the same with the baker he would likely be idle three days each week also the delivery of bread has been overdone during these last few ywap anyway due to competition and per haps a slowing up in this service was coming to us the person that was brought up on homemade bread that was baked once a week is the one that wants bakers bread featr ayery day no doubt the idea is mat they think that they have eaten their share of stale bread less fresh bread should be an advantage as it is much easier digested when older as though re strictions regarding delivery wasn t enough we understand that fewer kinds of bread and fewer shaped loaves will likely be the rule before long when the slicing of bread was prohibited that ruling- was received without any kicks at all and no doubt these later rulingswill go over just as easily at the moment it looks as though there may be a good many more restrictions made before thla world war is won as we wkite these lines the weather is not at all chxlstmasy we associate snow and cold weather with christmas and yet lately lhe holiday reason seems to be milder than it us cd to be last year the weather was especially mild at christmas time christmas turns ones thoughts to tne chris unasce or other vears and we ecall the precar dajs when the team and sleigh was the usual meansof go ng ojt for dinner the sleigh box was filled with straw and the rjobes tuck ed in around us- nawirwere off for the vearl vu1 1 of course we haft ijtigh bells on the horses and alto gtther it uas a hnjup ride the trip that 00k a couple of hours in those davs can be made in a fun minutes in the car tocay while this does seem eviky man every tool always ovr ffafl hosstood for freedom of thought spleen jushcw religion and association our freedom c to win this war for freedom sailors soldiers and airmen must have the tool to fight more tools better tools than our enemies ships tanks planes guns maintenance men maintenance tool of the pulp and paper industry of canada speed the flow of tools of war to our comrades at arms by making parts of machines of war men we hove a job to dolfts do it work carefully work accurately work swiftly to be an improvement yet we don t think that we enjoy the dinner any more today and we very much doubt if we are any happier one advan tage those old days was that the whole world wasn t engaged in war at least the word war seems to be the exact opposte of the word christmas per haps by the time that another christ mas has rolled around tis war may be over- we sincerely hope that this may be so icobac 1 7irocco mb ebeb don t be excessive about christmas spirits j ooke floor contractor fxoob latino bsscbfacikg we sfecuuzb ht old fioobs good workmauatup s kew bt p o bl i n o t o n buy at home and keep your money in georgetown patronize herald advertisers and you get value for your money you cant go wrong when you shop in georgetown terra cotta last week mr miller has moved into mr oeorge duncans house ort main st mr and mrs a dawon have moved to the cnr station- mr oljde edge of toronto spent sunday with terra cotta friends mr b messenger has secured a lucuratlve situation at port credit we ore pleased to learn that mi james marchment who has been seri ously 111 for some time is now on the mend we hope to hear of his complete recovery our enterprising merchant mrs k icam reoorts trade brisk at present mr walttr hayward of gueiph was a pleasant caller in the hamlet recently mr w p hunter purchased a fine span of horses recently mr and mrs leslie young have moved to their new home on the 5u i line we kindly welcome than to our i midst mr and mrs a mcdonald have moved to thtlr new home on the town line we kindly welcome them to our midst we ar pleased to learn that mrs a dawson who has been in the hospi uu for some tunc has returned home somewhat improved in health we hope soon to hear of her complete re covery mrs r j stringerspent the week end with friends in town your correspondent wishes the edl tor and staff of the herald a very merry christmas and a very happy and prosperous new year leave leave your car at home brills dept 1 store mens furnishings ladies ready to wear boots and shoks main st phone 167 giokgitown w j cain larkta tan tali mil auto repairing aaj malta tne batbrim webfing au work ouarahtikd phone 284w tletarta st oaoaaa tww exchange hotel room and meats oood phoni osorgttoan m acton 1 georgetown lumber co everything in lumber sash doors and interior finish wa alaa hanala brdtatad lima hantwah fmatar ibra baard cbaaaat as4 baattdf af all 4unda hollywood hotel norval a home away from home mtl aooommodatuisi r licata fruit 4 vegetable market a good place to shop phone 71 georgetown ullicos far baal sarvlee and flunhm we try to aaaka as a4 af arary immanent maefcrna r our prides an rxoht too gall 278j or w today hugh lindsay radios refrigerators kerrinator phhco stewartwarner main st phone 11 mcbean co dry goods gents funiisbings shoes caps oraraaw house fornislmigb phone 64 h c mcclure home furnishings co by bus roblondolf 9jg ajil 1j06 pjsl dftjoo pl 7j0 pm fob tobxktto atm sjd- 0j8 ajn llaj ul ul pm 408 pm sos pm os put a dan arson b sun and bol cbutara btandml tana why not make mcgibbons hotel your meeting place saxe motors dodge and desoto aaiaa awl naanbbbaai a w h umo nma s richardsons hardware phone is ssl electric fence 18 tyers milk products lann high grade dairy phone 162 oioioiioii mdah ska phone 183 printing of all kinds georgetown herald saabssbmatli r

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