jtfae georgetown herald wednesday evening january 21 1942 the georgetown herald etnacbomon ratsb tkute sad us umud stsiss m yssr atafto qeemt ts 1rmlmn aalwai w uu iiii- taltot c 80001 ojuhbo i- ufiooarxat rsone no s uxxba f tbr pansi tn weatty kevapastr s ud ta obuhojuik dtvtatcn of ihr owxjc fire editors corner why 7 mr cleaver under national or union govrrnmrnt in the crrat war wealth escaped taxation and prod a mode out of the wor wrrc disgraceful tins statement uppeurs in a letter from mr cleaver m p which is printed in another section of the herald hor tins reason we are led to heliee b our members letter the same state of affairs would exist if national government were introduced toda frankly we think mr cleaver is wa off the track in his deductions it mav be quite true that there was profiteering in the last war and that this profiteering occurred under a national government ii it is tru it would lead the layman to believe that canadian poll tics and canadian politicians were rotten to thr core in 191718 if mr cleaver honestly believes that if no tlonal governinnt came into being odav the same state of affairs would exist we can only deduce thit canadian politics and politicians arr still corrupt and that only the restraining influence of an oppoai ion party in the house which might bare any skulduggery the party in power is tempted to indulge in keeps our war effort from sinking to the old level of profiteering and graft we are not tin exponent of nutionul govern rncnt in peacetime or in war time e think an in elli gent criticism of the government o actiotin is ntrwsir in order to run the affuirs of the coun rv prop rl v i should like to ask mr clravrr however whv li think national government would mean lhit wiiltli would escape taxation and profited ring would i tin ord r of the day he has made this s atemi nt in tin hilton county pr s and we think it onl filling thai lie ixu k it up with an intelligent reason for ln ix li i directory service we might remind our readi rs that our in r di rec ory service is still available when planning coming events we have a little black book in the office in which we record all coming events that we know of and it wiu pay any organization to check and see if they will be conflicting with a previously arranged affair before setting the da e only yesterday we had a call from limehousc asking for information about a certain date and that is only one of many that we have received since we in augurated this service second victory loan as this paper rolls off the press a group of dis trie citizens are gathered in the legion rooms laying plans for the second victory loan on which the drive is scheduled for next month mr l c amys is once more unit organizer for halton county and we antici pate that the georgetown committee which so success fully aided in the drive last june will be substantially the same this year we shall we hope have compete information next week as to georgetown districts ob jective in the new loan whatever it is we know that we shall keep up the enviable record of over subscrib ed that has been set in every campaign this last year salvage campaign still on the local salvage campaign sponsored by the georgetown lions club has had its ups and downs but it is still in progress and we are glad to see the public school chipping in with some real support salvage is u job that is suited for their contribution to the war ef fort the average grownup is too busy nowadays to give as much of his time as he would like to helping in salvage work and a successful campaign is not a spora dic effort now and then but a continued one which de mands seady effort the lions club has not received the coopera tion of householders either in having their salvage in the proper containers or in bringing what they can to the salvage shed there is no saving if a truck has to be sent to each house for a little bundle of paper worth a few cents which could easily be brought to the shed by the citizen time and again when the salvage truck made ita call the collectors were met with basements or beds full of assorted waste paper thrown helterskelter around and the householder seemed to expect a free cleanup job things like this are discouraging but are to be expected we suppose and as time goes on we hope that more and more people will begin to realize that salvaging is a community job in which everyone must play their part if it is to succeed you want printing of distinction phone 8 when winston churchill greeted canadians in his parliamentary office this b tk gipgalh stefy tlia c to gs willi sw tmijww tmmtoksm writs fcr uk r- it ii m inn a bafa tttatmm etf u th- irrm ic br oo doofcl uixt pnm ualurf winston ctunrhlll u thr greatest wmrusa leader britain i a had ihrourtwrt her lona history hr took odcr ai a uxor when tha lortanra of britain ted lb ttnplre rt at a iov lnvmjoo of tm- nc cmod orrteic and th anility to mot uociul- a dcxjjuj in itsr mnttwig mociu cburcfclu has ptj lur ptocr n hmsx and na anixj aach raumautud that fgni i tut ood up under bumbln and tiuti uh unparald coaragr ttm- daugrr ol uoceafu imasio an tral to hr passed pvmttl al ne lot ruch frax4 thai britain coud itx hod ou lit uu- late taonui ol jwj ajr ivjm tirr slur in lthj wiipn churtiul tuu tefti vulung oi- out tustrut llr vmr tu uia un it uniriuatiuii ot piano la win in r axtua1 hu vri sf xrt c- j0 i k tltniljvt tfintu tuftw klor rn id lu till ui lr uuilrd tlua aiafl cujiad as thr tiad pnwvja itrrt rtird ur pruvr o ilia ou csjuiiu a itamjrr u csjudui lirttrr mm txrt vumi cliuxcuil vulr he i t cuii hjsirtyis o ojirr cvtiadiaru uiai dfitm ll twirl ivrlla i mjh add u ut j rij ij tjkr k vruar mui vr n hi yr ju i lscksdof atut hrru rum i oiir o tiu larr ninr ddrrm- ji it r lltasr jl i om mfr uktu rsuiud lit 11 ll c lcji v kill j j iiusu j jt a vjp u cji jd 4 i rdi oa lit u aii nijt i trtjf t ii oar ttrr wilt 11 1 jis0 u il uu tht r uan iwiruii brlurr urr vt0 but th aii 4j it- wuhiia it dl rt ii o f u ijdi u t4 ij j j tt ifo sunt iu ui fu h ljvl th nanamtn prc ripr who horn la tn arthur oaurlo ts all lha other flkrtea lhara vtxoid hot ba iort then ob huodrad tpsre- utor probajbly u u hard to can t in ihm day oor soubl wpooit lhniibarid tnorr aoud to haax otxurchlu iaj ajroo that lumdrtd th coid pooiud out acoa nuahvr prruotu ouacuj wtt1 sr chutchllt tat onr o hi dachura unrcu otpotj- aj llr uaitxr tn ruw an amhatiadvtf that a in thr aji hro ftoa part tn thr coriluc at on certain tjl ux siala- try had ju lod thr irmrr war cah- uik uta lvtrarkj sakl br auji tn kui ii hand ty chrutma thai it r orrmuu oud i rtct ujie una 1 jj l i i 1 i iax uvui ou nu ir-t- r i i u al ulflj cj la u11uj i ujnii ti tjuntiu prfijd 1 had umr u tmjt ajvujks chrrtwd stji ornatr tsruui likr that u ur urn at clnaatfxr at otuva aroanr3 tha all wtrtr- lilt- via- tlun 1 tir r itfu kjiliti immrdljtlstl brluisd m uavxk tuud st jusrtnrr liar us q uunitcr ati aprar ajd ihlr d chanadu hkmii u pajtlatt uliri iirtr- lzji luf cj uju1j iuw to anakc tit- tu almost durcuy br ju dtr otrf ur rajukk i coiid luck dvran on tua irtjild head ith want of hau bruiiird vcjuu u llr v j at thr iviiiri v thr uim qo ut h thr marr 1 orfutr hun arr f u uu a in a bruad booa hr dd txk t t r tti bat krpl tiu o rt- qlhl u ui hla iuu m choittilll drrfo u jtr n t rlu hr oi r u so t of lhu usrapll tit 1 tut fcarv l i u tsif- sv c u n u tvl tin rr ul rr 11 lujirr llr i j u 4i b is h f tat iui i itc lit it i i j i ut kroal i u t i h r lpvkrt lh sun it linuj txr ur m th u r i f jid sirtac t vlji hm nma n k ii u iiij fsttt and iirvd aj a uriklit roi mtik i jjsird dul at j cltm rangr tim onj cvticujaj udmmrnt mov j liav ld vat i t kluk ti oiuau trvt i it t s itu intnj tv quo c iiucn that i mi i i j lsull jt rsfro th pldturr hoa ur e o burton of toronto diacutsid prtoa adffilfilftra tioo with ur ilaroid uihloita of lixwiaa ux uijtiimna la opnifif a reona offlc of lb wartlna prtoaa and trad board in tondnr aa prtoa and btrpcjjr lucmaaciauva ha if al known u praodant of tha baemat brmnch of th rauu daalara lamrt auoo of odlarlo ux butiod u 8a tail trad admlnibtrator far an til directory f r watson os hja oses hours s lo bi tbumu jliininii sasasjmaabbbismiibiississi9b or j burns mjlne rvrvtai sfjaobon xasr omiilim ra ss kjioa jult jw i d ii u d i son i i h u 9lj 1 r it lull at hti u t pca of hi coat i d l tju k j il a 1st d 11 u t t d r 11 i h i j i t d i s i a i tj mj lit l 1 orll n thr rrttw mtnturr ottk a -j- i m chjruull had t sd mi r l 1 hutid out it aairr ajid inr t jt coxi- mi haca o jtuif lor mo t k u- oui il it- stli and aluittf tvrr d it lam thr- clifford a red ldju dj8 dcnttst inioar ia um bfw oorsavo a m nielsen gbsvopftctsv xray dracbs tharmpiil tr r ooa on iioujs i s tjo i js i cuss tksnisr aveari50ar i ii rlu u a uoaim or iouf murr puhcrnr oju dr the rw 0th itrn miir orti a ui ol thr 0 ul thr i and nt h m t rut iu di joa i hj kmd u r l and ntf ctknir ui u i r utr aiird 1jo in j i tr an i m h m j jittiit4j o u isuhoua mril tint d mil m i t ai d j k lmllrd ia ltu h room i i hough l jum cajxtikr liiti rt tut ana aitd a f wrrr introduced b the quju- human mr brack fij cojtip arojnd tn ntt da with a msak- tnlv n h mr cliurx til 1 b jiii o hrar mm ii tk ti uir moms of commons first ii ould tm n tlrm sprrch brtvjrr par ham nt in mow tluin thrr- inonthv arranffm nta acre urirut made to find tu kmk in h rallrrles afrpnrard mr brirkfti hinsclf would tar us t uip pr rat minuteta sfflc and wr ooud afc him any qufrttiorv mt ilkrd a fr momlnr irlier our httl trroup had brn grrr rd wfstmin itrr b tne ofrorrt of thr parhamrn tar union and thrr had btm dm oalj i ot tl pwtr ere mini trr ot itiformation hr ahook vaiui iuch out tvjuiu thr nam aril tu of th man llr is an od nrispbjmt man himielf tlir room ls largr uiul lhprd a huge omat flxeplaoe u ooaipicu- ou on onr wall and on rithrr id of it war etching of famous prim min- atara ot the paat in front of th fir i ar l mr ctmrciulu dnak but h did not alt down lzutad h waukad up iuid down all uir timr h vma u uu lo ui llr ikb bubburmf over ith nrnry tuid avparantl plaad with thr aprcch h had jusi drlucrad hr began with a ioke you hat had plrnt of time to the cit of london you hav ducted thorousthly uirouah thr hauw vulutl thr damaged arr a and th of parliament by two utlrd irutdeft onr a rnemhrr of the hou of lords and the other from uir housi of com mona they had been horough in formative and amustiitf wt had vm an iucii njacsbft a the room where ou fawko iad ttorfd uir uun- ixmdtr intended to blow up on eoruei parliament we had traxm i egret fully at uir few piles of rubble and tainted tfirdcrv which were a 1 that remained of th house of oommona room w had vr the wm in the same bulldlntr where hr common now meets at leaat one of uie can adtaru look time out to alt in the red irathtr mmi where the prime minuter vita jiwt near the corner of tne ureal tabe the mothvr of paxhamrou the place looked very different on our oeoond vnt crowds were luny- itig through the hajli aitli mill com rn in oonpjcuoua numbers i omeituira wondered u uie liondon police were dh viae an they looked with brendan brackm ua guide it did not matter tnay all knew him aa ur qrocken shepherded it iuut uie guaidb he told us that he could secure ueau for tiome la the prcf ohllery and others would be distri buted in ouier galleries i woa one of th five or six fortunate enough to go to the prejw qallery we went lo the rooma of the serjeant at arms the spelling b tu 11 amwara on the documents and were enrolled aa duly constituted members of the pro oallery we signed our names in a liuyc volume which uiuloiihudly on tains many interoaurm signatures and received pasuti to prove that w utrt rnembers mine was no 34 lo tnu now sofifllon there were some surprises i had always heard thut thtre weie not sufqclrnt beats in the house toulcom modate all the members at oucl yol on this day with uie prime mlnitlt r reviewing tin war for the ti t time in month there were heath to tiuut among the mtmbort were seven wo men throe wth hats mid fom with out no tuo wit together lh y weio widely scattered each in a isarotu row of heiits tlie prthh qallery wnsnt filled in uie row aheatl i uiw harold pali house of common no 1 sup- imm ou hae come herr to that ou cxiuld a you had aecn all the ruins uut thrrr was nothing uint looked ilkt a luin about him it vu amas- ing that a man could carry the carta of an etniure at war and aliow the effects so little w told him how glad ut aere to br there and how highly he was regarded in canada we said that when hla voice comas over tha air people slop work lo listen we juiid w were aorry he had not been able to oorae to qinada after the mtetlihi vfctth president kotevelt on ihr atlantic lit mtmrd to uki uiat and recipro cated by pralatng what canada and cuiuuhun- htul dom he would like to visit canada again but 11 was hard to ure tht turn awu from london now hit uiltmtrs to quenuorus about the u aere off uie record but that did not mutter he told us utile that he had not already said in the house he joked over his use of american slang- and asked ua if it liad been cor rectly done iht had said the for eign office iii deserves the treatment it lias received from natural and pro- fohttlonal crabs berfoie he shook hands again in bidding us farewell he promised to hive ui each a written message to bring back to canada two days later copies arrived at uie hotel for each or us they read prom visits such as yours we in britain gain fresh and heart ening assurance of the unremit ting effort and unconquerahle hplrlt or the dominion overseas now you u rr going back to tell the people of otonada what you have seen and heard tell them titsri that never before have we at home felt more sure of our selves and of our cause winston churchlll- le roy dale icc m sybil bennett b jl murium a4 ftaatrttar uxu btrt o phase lt radio r we specialize in this work u ymn cissrlsi j sanfordson oiosuirrowm u kenaath m langtlaa awttatar ssatmar nurrrvbs flnrt uartcsas tlcosjr to lasn oratory thastn bias soil btrtm frank petch utmhmmd aooroniaa alldtosaas or drvubanoa ml oss po bos 1s jcooke cement and cinder blocks brick and the iumuiauiubb wus sa ts fcls pamm auskt a stsss angqouatr auaunotosr u f sweet caporal i aayipsfjttotti elumr c ibtmofmon dtacaantk natus piss aula windstorm cir aasy ssa abssj uasauf uiatra bxcoaatom pksasi uw m i monuments msianti and pollock a ingham gait oat umpaca onr work id gray coach lines timetable sow tn aussm atsndsrd 11su lkatk oaoaairowm to iiss pjb sjj fxbs iksa shimtuu sxhpjs cn r timetable bcsadsm tmss ottmt 1 us i pisssnsw sad kill css ass psatnur aondsr ear an tus nsmiiatr ainr tuia toronto sad bsrond nsmbjsr bstunlst 0dt7 lm ms astarasy ait bun and hol t daily sxsscit ana biitokroohsiisr j to atrstfam psshocsr oundsys sdtr ossssthsrlk oertbvde cain school of dancing tuhdsys s 10 pra tlsn ball aeorfstssm boys and airls prlvoto at olau brandi btudlo olen wullams phone s r 15