Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 21, 1942, p. 7

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the geoftfeto hfcraltj wednexlay eveaiag jaaaayy 21 1942 as we sec it tti r j a v jo bur trait dal ikta tfa mttrtttj of atari usaa bm t to ru of ut auaauon b4 to parch new- trt of far th au th other 47 rt w j food u w u i osau ta tbtr had tan ttan oar of nd had beta tec lliui tad w would thlak tw luud ui for mui jrt i bat ta sit ei mt and do kxo- ta salad ta araxrttr of rtwj of i that mart ar mad nbid ta a arm ut- u iiiini cjju of rnetaj it 1 txu that old win ba aarracrd but thr a salt an ntni to tat pro- llln nw outrn tor hit itt 7a on art could aa3y ta lift of anr cr w vould r w acarorrr hat our nv mcaertaxd recti jx briar tt to discard uirra and tawwt 99 ut of numbrrad maitrr 1 or lmpu raoucti to un cr yrar ratarr than tares altagrthrr ta flfurr ta tvar could b aomraaat aad thm could b rrorvad rt i auacaad to ta ortftaal aar- or axain ta bona card could aad tn ordrr to caret op tal earn would har to b to ordrr to purobaj fw rarti ta drrnr who couldan bw card tor that rar crrfdoadm to m car mararr b lit- to purrhaa cat moat b aomaway to rrt around btta varu of mrtal rtrry rr t tvt be touch for manf uwr ef atari tar dar lajt fall a cbotarttttr of mklu bundj u hradruarlm to a tf h dtirlt permit for mouth tal low him to carry on tdj via a faxtcrr ta fart b only vantad dancing ivnr wnar odafruav rab brampton lof obciitnnta clnf 0 pm to 1 am dot reouuul aiuossion o llocklry uaaarrr jcooke ifloor contractor sb lavtmo pjloino 8anddjo mnshino wi srrciauze in old floobj oood wortmanahlp raaaonabl prtca st raonb tn diiinoton ceer taaaaaad rw f bad tal joabattr scdd taat hta far a smv bat a eat of lack aad ni ast ai tint tay cram t fill i a tar mrttl at fa atood ra ta dttcoiud at hit lack of mrr a i iiiii oseul pand op to tat curb vita a brand a9 car b bf urd tau tao u tfcaut tar ihmtnrwl four hundred pound of ttl ta tali aw ear tad tatt worild a almou caoata for hi mad boad factory ta tor t hla arv eoar- a aad cotnc back to aaadooarun a wxs aalr to put oa ta taiaiuii aad tooomdrd ta tuln hi tour ihnuund pouadr wr vh b turpru- rd tf uut fntlrata decant haw a mjti urgrr factory aoaw day hr brrmi to harr what tt taka v v v the pmicv ctjldio lav awma to br rtttioj plenty of pjbudty tan cara howwr tt la arvwya ta prtrr that u bttnr torrttlcatad ra- hrr than ta quality and prtoa oom btard tarr ar aora artielra to vtlch la quality vould aot ary try mjch from tla to um hovnr tn otarr coodj ta quality dor vary and it vould b vrry rajy to art any vttrt lovrr quality food aad to ft th brttrr quality food prtc for thra llott mocomu will atrrr with u that jw a w ft rtitit now unt a fnod a qjtuty at it wa vorcr um ajo ft m to br tmpoulblr to rt tar mllrat cut of it triat wr uard to fc jourr commodity that dornt an to br up to it utual quality u ooal it iimu to lack bra u of qualltlr thl wtnlrr a comparvd to othr wlnura ourtnf th lut war ta quality of ta coal that vaa offrrrd for aal vat vrry poor it acnaad to b moatb latr it would bum but vouldnsi thrrw any arat anotarr arud that mm to hair drrrawratad la ladlr uxalnc tbry uu u that tn quail y u avay below par hovrrrr la pner rrmalna tar aamr w irrnftn that tmriaaratlnf prior vould b hrdacnr roouch for taoa in author i mardlnc uur arv lav but com btnr tar prtc with quality aad thy would havr thrlr troublra v v v racn nhw rrrlctlon inlroducod by the wartlm prlcra and trad hoard mutt havr cautrd tnat booi a gmit deal ol ttudy ixeorntly thry har bnn lnratlrtun th tntroduc- lien ol irttrtctloru of ui dellttry of untd and an ukrly to tntroduc rompulmjry brrad drllwry throughout canada of a ihrre day par week de- lurry in pac of a dally dcllrery thlt rullnc la hot in effect aa yet and now w understand that ale with that rullni vhrn it dot become rffectltr wlu be on prohibiting the alr of bread tn crootry atoraa tali lut mentioned idra vlll of court b tntiooucrd to prrrent unfair competi tion v v v wim tin recynt lmprotfmaot in oaodluont tn thr far catt wr can only conclude that grrcn mouth of that uanlla rope thoar jap mar yet hanc thrmtclrr tn that part of the pacific ii might b a food idra to leave the altuatlon over there to that tn command and tn whom wa can hae every conlldenor th odd toc- cca or failure u dat tn tal war u sotng to hare very little effect on ia ultimata outran read th herald every week and keep abreait of the newt in oeonretovn and the aurroundlnf district the world new seen through the christian science monitor am inttnuliontl duly ntwtptpn to tratmn cu u uablaaad fr frost senaarkaul- irat bdilortab ar tiraaly and burructiv aad let daily feature toaylkrr wilh th waaklr mafaria smtiaa haa th monitor aa idtal npabr far th haau thr ointnan scwrtca publitlunc sodmy onr norway srrrac botton mattachuialta pric i2 00 yrarlr or f i 00 a moruh saturday luua includmii mtgann stcrion 92 60 a year inlroductory offer 6 luurt 29 crnu nama addn sample copy on request lorx fiajbiiteg yerwitdup comimhout uibsmrtl mcctibf suvarttova jan ota 1j- ta eatracu tjact for th towruhlp of bsroaalat far th yaaj- ims met at ii odocfe and taavtac tueaen to ta oath of obot took tattr araii- c howard kay baate o weairy uurray 0uryat oaorf k cseow oaorf oum aad wte a wuaon ceaynetdora ta tslnuu or th lata tsaetlnc vr raad aad adopt ed onmmimtrallnnt wrr read from dr- partmect of health dcparunmt of icgtrvaja ontario oood ffioad auo- ctuvm th aahallon army depart- caent of laualclpal affair and dr- partmrnt of acrtculturr uoved aad aecondrd by wuton and uurray taat thlt oouncil do now ad journ to mt at 3 oclork po car- rled tar council retumed uoved and laoondad b ctretr and wllaon that tar following account bi paid board of jtydro caanmltalonrrt oeorgrtovn itmt hgtiu at olm wu- uamt to dec hat vii ii c p c llxampton llgtit at council chambrr to ore jut 134 brll tphonr co coo corporauon of acton dltulon cbun frrw and rrnt of hall idio ororg uacxonald di coenpany tup- ullra ii0 ixttrr ffnop bupply corn- pany gttlio un viola ullrritm to clranlnv council chambrr pno john iwtndlth to carrtaalnc of hill lor nomlnauon t3u i u brnnru itampt ii tj paid oum trantport iv vntlnf otd arr prruioru in i4i 1100 total mot oarrlrd uoved aad aecondrd by wlun and currlr that th trraturrr of county of italton b paid fifty prr crnt or luapltal acoounu for lhr rar 1mi mi oarrtrd uovrd and rcondrd by curilr ano uurray taat thr rlrctlon nprntr b paid th uunlf ipal world ltd up- pllra iu0 no ia flobrrt datum oao 114 40 no io thomai robb djio lsd no ia lome clravr oho it 00 no 3d cufford llobln- wn djio 11440 no j k c und uly djio 14 00 no 4 j j uuwart duo iiaoo no a uanauah campbru djto 14 no 611 j- ihur w brnlon duo 11400 no 15 llarold whrrlrr dj o 113 00 -carrl- cd uomd and rcondrd b wuton and cirar that thr rrllrf account br tiald te77 at carrird uovrd and rrcondrd b wilton and clravr that thr road account br imld gdt7j7 carrird movrd and rrcondrd by clrair and wuaon that thlt council do hereto tipy for tubrld on trie amount of 1130060 under thr provision of thr hlghaav improvrnvrnl act carrird moved and xrcondrd by ourrlr and furra that lravr br granted to in troduce a bylaw to appoint a tnrmbrr of thr local hoard of health for the rtr 1841 and that itald bylaw br not read a first llmr carrird uoved and teconded by wilvoo and clravr that by lav no 040 to appoint a member of the local board of health for the year l42 having been read a flnvt tune be now read a tec- and and third timet and peued and thr blank filled in with the name of j h bingham and the rrel of the corporation be attached ihrrrto carried uoved and aeoonded by murray and wilton that leave be crantrd to in troduce a bylav to appoint a weed tntpector for the tovruhlp of roquet ing and that aald bylaw be now read a rirvt time oarrted uovrxt and teconded by cleave and currlr that bylaw no dm to ap point a weed tntpector for the town- thlp of ftrmquaaliur havtnf been read a flnvt time be now read a second and third tlmea and patted and the blank filled in with the name or wlulam campbell and the teal of the cor poration be attached thereto oarrted uoved and teconded by murray and ourrlr that leave be granted to intro duce a bylav to grant permlttlon to the reeve and treaaurer to borrow money to meat the current expenditure of the townahlp and that aald byav be nov read a flrtt time carried uoved and teconded by wilton and cleave that bylav no 041 to grant permlttlon to the reeve and treaiurer to borrow morfey to meet the current expenditure of the townalup having two keys to a cabin by lida larrimore mmjjcujismm imktl k x kill c mfiffi lifted fv i ryrh from j n fine u u ii 1 1 r nt it tlfir of mrr drrnsink rt in ll ho fr nuld havr oo u in turn d m ft t jcjj ii if jit ditw him furwurd vs wi vr jubi ri lurrvrd hftui john cjmr in tltrir b u i i n tru4i uf lr gubrrlla in tn itrnl ctmjntr gty tudd lio tuld it in tin mrrrill huh hr guy kihsrd hrr mulh t i w i w it hoi in hrrr hoy i lj u uirduv lt i in jotin liftrd a iuh be fiifd tit it i lu curium iriung a tn in uf air inln thr uiflly hi fru rtint r m lihlt blnomrd thruuijh tt flu a fru turn ihonr at ii mil h flft tt ftfititrr moving ivvl on lhr durk burfucc uf i hi nvrr kflow ir ui nu u brlfihlrr vuh if rhurnlnft foam llr r rv kilty cameron but up und uumd fiirvviird o rructi lhr fur m rt t mriid ut iik ft if ii i i m i mm vou i miiii in h n n uu i 1 i mi tn in limit rn ui d i m i t ii rut nut mj ii it in 0 drupimil ill i 11 l h ii i im ii ui nu i- i i ml tinuvi llliir ml k ll ui i s hut i if ll iviiik l md h 11 it lli tlub iv ii olht r li hu k it nnl uslt n ui dt i ii fur iii ilt i 11 i livlnsd lmit hir viiil hni sit 1 mi ji tint not in thil t hnr 1 in- is tl t nl mtit ih i riilly truali m uftd in i i olortd itutti n in iu m t p ili f ii hit k r- n in r m ut hl inn hir hinjt d j blui s moved from john to tn u must kxivc t njn d i hi uuiitr i e pre ted uu i mi rd i wlm ti iw nudon to iiuhi iirm if itruk v bluviy iiv vnui fi it i nd a a lo- niuto onildn i iu hii snd us red it christmus ri vtm hir no po etry in uuf ajiul mn looki at though ahi would hove dm fin i the john look at her p uch blossoms und hpun uluss und an practical as u harden rukr huki in r mother queried laughing don t demand a ureal drul of filial respect but arent you currying muttern u little too fur much too fur john said hi luughter minkttd with tin feminine luurhtit chimin in thi duintv lux ebwtle of the atlantic soline u at hqfile i r ijj oad cojt 00o fa ab low round triit nation t ji m gray coach iines been read a flrtt time be now read aeoond and third umci and puaad and uie blanla filled in with th sum of fifty thousand dollars and th mai of th oorporauon be attached there to carried moved and mcondrd by ourrle and wllbon that leave be trranted to in troduce a bylaw to appoint suouors for the year 1s43 and that aald bylaw be now read a first um carried moved and teconded by murray and cleave that bytaw no 063 to appoint auvfnivorb for the year 1043 hairing been read a first time bo now read a iec- ond and third times and passed and the blanks ruled in with the name of cecil chlaholm for wards 1 3 and 1 and a w benton for wards 4 b and 6 and the seal of the corporauon be attached thereto carried uoved and seconded by cleave and cur tie that leave be granted to intro duce a bylaw to provide for road ex penditure for the year 1043 and that said bylaw be now read a first time carried moved and seconded by wuson and murray that bylaw no 063 to pro vide for road expenditure for the year 1043 havtaff been read a first uma be now read a second and third times and passed and the seal or the corpora tion be attached thereto carried moved and seconded by wuson and cleave that this council do now ad journ to meet monday february 2nd at 1 jo pm or at the call of the reeve carried mabjorie oaitlt heads daughtcss op the chuftgb etoetiat af obeera at annaal meet- taj iast week hie annual meeting of the daugh ters of the church a ladies orgmnnv atlon in st geoivea church of eng land was held on tuesday evening january 13th at the home of the re tiring president mm t eason jr new officers elected for 1043 were mr w o o thompson and ura t boson jr honorary presidents marjorle oault president mrs pred mcnoliy vlceirflldent mm prod harrison secretary mrs t eoson jr treasurer at the conclusion of the business moetlnflr refreshments wore served by the hostess rtou room h rlasri is thw chair which looked fraglw but waa comfortable and bt cjgartta thank heaven theres a little chivalry left to the world kitty cameroo sparkling glaiv rested upon john for a moment then turned to gay but you hevcfit an my question a s parent 1 demand to know what yoa v bro up to johns sere are purple we drove in wtth th top down or rather john drove and we couldnt find eartabs or s tipph kitty cameron shuddered have nt you any arnse it wss marvelous except thst john has a mania for speed which i ve rvever suspected st certain ved spend hi lart mint her m a magistrates office are ou iravuig tomorrow tonight mrs carnrrtxi must you jcji guy ees clouded the brightness dimmid out of her face mutt gay i ve oviratuyed my rove of sbarrvre by one doy al reudy ttve late sleeper th n yes he id and va aittnt oh that t r ul tm lw 1 k tty cumrroni eaprtsiion uui dit tfeivtked i rbprtted you to alay over the weekend at iruat if id hud arty idra what huv you been up to moth er gey utiied youve no idra how guilty you lmk ha robert e kiihed tjtn mi ted i learned long ago ihut surprises are ususuy not apprtriat ed has robert planned a surprise for us he has msir orrungrmrnts to tuke us for dinner and dancing til hi heron club that was drjr of him guy jitd slowly but i told him he ahould coniult you well dont think of it again rob- i rt will be duuippolntid nnd whst hell ssy to the others hut ihut a his p red lea mi nt the othcrn is it u purty ten i belirve tory vyulen md her flunce und ptl r und con mi li irnont and c i mi i john n in disfiiu t shuuld hive ntuyid in the munu hht id kuih rt winttd to do vnmi ihinj lr iu iiy kitty cumtron b torn t t id ii faint r hukr i uppikiuti thut hut john s i st nikht a pirty ynu vi nevi r hhovvn any dislike i r pur tn ih r mi tin r md mild l on the enntrury but you m i dn t robert wit ttinff it ilejm hi wub mj innniid inter i i w hi n your aunt k nri m u hi re stit huii the abitily to htir up unlug mihm in even hob rt iniul wul thr lauxntir tie jjuic l hud kone out of her vmu john mi v that her conlrntmrnt vui rth ittt n d she lunced at him kuurlidl wonder ng he knew what iffict furthtr tthcubhion uf tin ir i tuaftuin would iivt upon him he smiled but iudirifi her i ipn minn ht knew tut hi hud foiled to reaniure her umplelely 1 know how it irritutim you to be umioned bim bo id obviously i nosing her approach with cure hut under tht iinumstuni iy we have no d finite plonn then you wont be married this inter no gay said and wus silent bji i thought you told me that dad was wangling a place r john in the reseurch department it johns hopkins gay said evenly wusnl he huccessful i should hink that considering what hi fa her did for the ho nital there uiutd be no qucstloi i a refusal there will be an opening at the irat of the year but i am not free to accept it mm cameronv john said im obligated until october couldnt some arrangement be mude im afraid not he knew that tun voice expressed the resentment he felt he had no reason to feel resentful he told himself gays mother had every right to make in quiries but he had come to fear the effect upon gay upon himself of further useless discussion it was only by nnidina any reference to the future that they had maintained thchc pnst two days in the country a close and intimnte companionship it was his fault the sense of in- ndequuev he felt was deeply humili ating how could he make gays mother understand the nature of hie obligation the impossibility of buy tng hi release buy his release he thought bitterly permit gay to buy it for him in the silence which followed his reply he sow kitty cameron turn with n baffled expression to her daughter but gay she began does it matter mother except to john and to me gay sat forward in her chair her color heightened her attitude defensive other peo ple have had to wolt john knows best what his obligations are if im willing to she dropped back into the chair with a short mirthless lough after nil the fuss theres been i cant understand why you try to rush us into marriage im not trying to rush you into anything im merely trying to find out if i can what you expect to do whatever i do neednt interfere with your plans mother youve accepted the davenports invitation huvenl you tentatively but- you wouldnt enjoy it darling a six weekti criise no young people and the dtiaenportt arent stimulating com pany steidm which i tttvssvt bewv mvited go of course uothsr thf davenports are dull but yoo awst robert enjoy yourselves you ar but whst ww you dot dtsjf camerons glance a uttto srinest rassed he thought turned to joist 1 dont auppoae ab of this wr nt ruining to john why not gsy folded her arnsj beneath her bead i can go t deytona with aunt flora you couldnt gsy no i guess youre right wast 1 could go to italy wtth dad thong he doesnt really want m whasl i m v ith him he trunks be should d things to rfiuruuo me res muew hpper pofcsg around tn art rause umi and book chops and cauadrsii lone david was born a bachelor d vid grahams former wlf said wttte out runcor in indulgent erttui tiun hes always happier elan tikuih when i made that pomibls tl e teavrn fell her attention re turned to the subject under discuav bion 1 want to know that yosj ure provided for before 1 accept ue davenports invitation definite ly you always have invitations ill viait tory in palm beach it uually amuking there ah jj with e forced gaiety whlca airuik through john heart tn tab of quivering pain i in palm ikaich john in main you and hubert cnuung with the daveav portk may wr all survive i kitty cameron regarded has daughter thoughtrully hr brow be realh lhr soft wsvts of her am axing hair puckered in lines of doubt a fe opened her lip to speak the ttleprvore rsng she took the lnstm nifnt from the table beside the ihoibricngu hello yet darling jobs hiard her rjy yes theyre hers john is iravuig tonight no t had no idea of course lew told thrm wait a minute its robert she said what shall i tell him do you want to go if ihe heron club bhull we john gaya eyes m4 hii glancingly clouded at what she it ud in his face if you would tike to gay the constraint in his voice ended i i r indecision it was his fault hg ii outcht micrably he had d vtroyid their plum for the evening l hi plans they hod mode driving in from ihe country this uftcrnooa in mii nee he saw her ruise her head well go shi sold too lightly toe ouickiy trll robert wed lov to kitty kitty cumeronn lips parted se though nhe mi mt to speak then hi r brow cleared her shoulder undi r the pi i h colored negligee made u faint hrurfilnk motion she spoke into the tinnhmitter the orrhosiri made preliminary sounds then f ung smoothly uv grutiatingly int i wullr the blond burly young 1 nshhmon leaned orrom the lnru tible toward gay this is mv iincc i think he smd with a nit- i formal inclina tion of hi hrnh the sundv ha red young man whom john hud not met before this evening tntervened my dance guy you promirtcd gay saves hei waltzes for me robert cameron said from the end of the table she doesnt trust my footwork in any thing more mod ern what it la to be popular tory wale sighed in laughing derision youre in fine form tonight ga- briello connie belmont fluttered her long lashes st them n cross the table if pete wasnt your cousin id be a wallflower too john turned to gay will you dance with me he uhkcd quietly her eyes brilliant with animation for the others clouded as her quick upward glance mcl his id like to she said and rose in he got up to pull back her chair excuse me nhe said directly to tnbert cameron and silently at forms side walked to the edge of he dnnce floor she wns light in his arms he arcely felt her hnnds on his shoul- ier in hl hand she held herself it a little distance from him hs i ould not see her face only her red- brown hnir brushed smooth tonight bound with a narrow bandeau of dull gold leave they circled the floor in silence then john sold its a nice party ye isnt it she aald and was silent again he had thought that dancing hs might find her again during this interminable evening nhe had held him off as now phya enlly she kept a distance between thrm her ani mation for the other excluded him though he had sat hridc her si lently miserably unnhlp to respond to her mood he hud wulched the ef fect of her high spirits upon the party now with him alone she vas silent arc you having a good time he asked when again and more slowly as the number of dancers increased they hud circled the floor oh yes she mild are you no you know im not she drew buck und looked up ut him why not hiip linked lightly untiling her eyct- spurklmo in dark blue glints between the thick straight labias its u bountiful party robert atwuvs iloch things nicely her expie un clumped oh john mil slu nave n little despairing cry im u isiiihle ive never pent smh n wietch eve ning- why riulnm we do s wed planned robei i w uuldnt hovo minded woounstsd 0b fftftw j

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