the georgetown herald seventyfourth year of publieatioa wedoeuuy evening january 28th 1942 5e copy 200 year georgetown public school makes outstanding contribution tti in january ib4j the pupil of th public school began their mtyipatyn for tii wuy purrhsilrvg of war bsrlno stamp and tn the pout year th total of stamp purr hated ha amounted to hmo in the past three ta the tale have averaged ho 00 according to a letter received froo the chairman of the national war savings oommltle at ottawa this l termed an outstanding contribution od the part of a tcbcolor this tlr th school la tadebced to the oeorf town llou club who generously de bated rnough money to maze it pos sible for every child to be gtrn the la ttamp on onr certificate fire t betides thli effort the junior fled croat ha been helping tn a until way toward the collection of talvage up- to date at lea a ton and a half of paper and a ceruldrrabie amount ol amp iron ate i rubber aluminum etc hat bn collected and brought to the achool the large number of msga- sines oljeetrd are to be turned over to th4 local chapter of the i ode for th t recreation of the army navy an al pore the money received ihrouaj the ale of salvage will be u ed for i he junior fled crab war vera mo donations to hefald fund ust week dr4w on calf fotfovrd till late date there were no donation to either the nvv pund or thr soldier comfortr fund last wrek and the to tal remain t 2m 12 mil 40om rc- rpctlcl a 1 cfcy dn on a rertstered ifol- ote cvlf denoted b mr bn young whlh vas to have takrn place at thr halt on rural mall couriers uchre on january 10th was potpcnrd till u later date in order that more ticket might br sold thr proceeda of th wtil rt o the dwv pund ticket may he procured at 11 heruld office ot frm one of the many ticket m1- ler aa an added inducement to lo cal purchasers mr young hw offer ed to buy back the calf lor m0 00 if the winner dor not th to keep it the georgetown herald i british war victim t fund forwarded to toronto evening telegram s2233 csjh on hand acknow ledges 18 fit total january wth um4 12 the weather by h u huu whatever may be to store for u tn the neat two month th winter o far ha been rrtnantahjjr mild and the past meek ha been the mlldril ince the tlrs week of decrmber the mean temperature for the week bring 39 j degree and still mr have utile or no anow the normal no all lor the month ot januaiy it about j laches and an far we have had very little over three quarwr of an inch therr 1ia been no uioi or run ourng thr week following arc thr local recordt of temperature date if and l tvmperajiinra tuca jan 30 33 2 wj jin jl 31 23 thurs jan 23 vt 20 irl jan j 31 iv t jan 24 3a 30 hun jan 25 28 23 mon jjn 30 33 the georgetown herald solcfim comforts fund forwarded to oeorgctown sold lens comforts committee 206 m mail tt rub ihlt lnjovablc el cure party bpomored b the ciorvrton orotip of thr hat ion rural mjii courier u very rnjojablc ruclirr kirty wat inld in thr puruh hall olrn william ou tuesday evening nine loblr were in pljy and when thr mtoi curuv cr tlukej up the hkh turd for thr ud- ut vaa held b mfa ijikhmi alth thr consol ltlon kuliw lo mr- b ii wrbttr of acton our hpuur prln- cliul jf thr olrn mhuol mr llvvood smyth hrld uic tinu hiuh dttd with it nvuu- ot 106 mr j i li rh uiklim it toiwvitthm to umt hotl t mi it imiinm ol ih ti it vwit in ttinntr ol in lux than p ii after it- rmh uiu in il ai rrfrrhmrnt huh um kliki d nttt b lrniil ul th ami it un tn rd b tin i d s t s tit in- qulrlrv r linn mule il to whin thr nt it tiiflirc ojld tiki purt w ldt ntl ill it id u vi iv i i fviniiii tltt local count r wovild ikt to i xt nd tin ir th nib in 1 tn 1- aljon to all uiov hft hrld ih pnu- and it irrshmt nts tin- toal proc td 111 b turntxl orr lo thr drltlsit wur victims fund the guriu included mr and mrs b h wtbnur acton mr nul mr lumkl campbell mr qvvood smythr mta dennrtt karom 13niirtt mrhln beaumont stanley dickenson clif ford davuon aitnd chntrnsen alue bruc 0en wullanuv mr and mr bob mcmrnrmv mr o preston mrs enjlith mm dlckrnon mr- dalson mr and mrs godfrey chris- tensrn jim clarkr victor orrygooft air wm bracken acton john fl- lerb limrhous mr and mrs kre tom j hill mr e bludd mr w britton acton mlsr nora kraiimr mr j comuh mr joe watson l-iw- rence wobater acton mr and mr j r wllllams petty officer koraaa herbert and margaret otiverwcdsatiwby ihuncton lnttlo chttcii th hcxvt 07 lovely wkddihq ccmchony ulinjicn united church aa the letting tor a lovely evining aedjlng uvt saturday attrn mararrt kathlero oliver oaughtrr of air and air david it olitrr of 8t uary be- am the brtdr of letty ofncer nor man aflhur l ifrrbrft kcnvjt ron of ur and mn arthir c llrr- urt of otrgrton tltr church aa lrcoratrd aith tprlnj float- it and kuvht urutenant drue muur ofli- tuted at th crrrmony thr bridr slvro ln marriage by hrr fauiri aorr a ahltr and black en- mmble alth corvaur ol n 1 1 uhr aa atunded b hrr rlitu mary ifrlrne ollvtr ararln turquo rrrpe with l- jrirtorirj ind a cofiugr or tnlljran ruj iml oftlcrr hld- ur pinr kcjjvh a uroomntun tlir rdcif muvlf uai iiurd by mlw morhoui at thr trtn md mut nit a tlnan a olobt a itirplon fuilor1 al ihr lrt kiuhtn torono altri a idiiik tp thr bridrtftoom uiu rrsuni ac- thi ilrt mith hw unit ceorfetown orsaaizes for second victory lean w v grul hi dtatrtrt fnwltln l t- rbrti cmmif ttllnni qm uh yet tit iwrightfrappier wedjing j 05 recent interest toapt martini in hi rfr harrh i mill llir in thmlo a uttlitil of lii il iiil i i too i j ki in hi oiij cti in h i n j land on hiturdi jtinnn 17 li a total january 28th land elects officers for 1942 last night k r mmrdonald president ah anxvm mectino held last night k r macdonald wo rcclectcd preldcnt of the lome 800u hand a c annual meeting ot the organiza tion held lau nlsht in the new rooms in the former hydro office mayor joeph olbbon and h o mcclure acting oc of the band addreueu the mcetliis which was followed by a toclai the officers are president k r macdonald vicepresident c landaborough becretarytreaaurer d maploden executive j carter r spleleovoete ian emsllc illbrottans tom herbert bui long honorary executive col- jom ballantlne u e fleck w barber j o mackenzie mayor jaeph qlbbont h c mcclure b stone ltcol oor- dosl cousens and o o h wright balton deanery clergy meet the olersy of halton deanery church of england met on monday ln the parish of palermo the holy communion was celebrated in the church of the epiphany bronte at 1100 ajn by the rural dean rev w o o thompson and the rector of the parish rev e rlgby preached the meeting ot the deanery chapter was held at the roctory palermo where mrs rlgby entertained the clergy for dinner canon d russell smith welcomed the rev 8 a kirk newlyappointed rector or milton in to halton deanery the business of the session was concluded and the meeting adjourned at halfnast four st georges vestry the annual vestry meet in of st george a church oa held in tht church bumtnmt on monduv rvciiinn jji 19th the rectoi ret woo thompson prvmdlntf after the signing of thr vestryman- declaration the rector opened the meet in with the creed lords pruer und prayers the acting vestry clerk mrs j wallace thompson read the mlnutci ol last vestry meeting the rector presented a report ot vltul statistics us follow baptisms 3j churchliiks 1 confirmed 23 mar- rlutrrs 10 burials 13 he thanked wardens offlclals and organisations for their ijood work roporu ert received from the churchuardens uie auditor sjjnduy school woman s auxiliary dauuhters of the church babies branch tcnni club and choir the rector re appointed mr elmer c thompson rectors warden and the people reelected mr thomas ea- hon jr peoples warden the aldsmen were reelected with mr ctvtl uavldson convenor mr and mn wallace thomiuon were elected audi torn thanks waa expreued to the peo ple a warden and the auditors a committee was appointed to in stitute a method of giving among the men am logout to or bcrvlng a slml- ii r purpose with the penny ada ayatem carried on by the women the vestry then adjourned a congregational meeting waj then declared open by the cnfllrman for the purpofle of electing a lay delegate and a substitute mr p d mcnally was reelected lay delegate for a period of three years and mr joseph hall jr wus elected substitute or one year the meeting then adjourned the benediction toeing pronounced by the rector refreshments were served by the womans auxiliary 31 pin uh n juii n h hi i iijh i i ol mi ud mr- liapimi f lornpaiit lm i imi tin b tdi ot william mars wiihl or mis alic mulliolaiid ul luroiit 1 mir lili wil lun john wrik it it i o nio in i ihifktmiil un -r- iioil tin bil 1 mon i p nk mill nh iris or t lit mitt h mil tirii l n bnigum ul pink ru i mi i uminoin j mr- muni i ikiui nh imi r mtrr lln w in kix wlhi i 11 tiir ltn bick ir isj v mt nniui i kim iui t nf i lia ic t mi v i rt hi n wrbtht tin tttoom s bromnr ua brst iuii a nxti ion u i- in d itfi ird jt huntir- inn un uidoiiii in- thtr rtcdvtd mi uin i bluk shrt r drev ind matching ccrnorit- vvt tra unit lh bud t iium a tx lic irown i llll bla k utx t orl v ai- lt r u hotimxjii jt niiini pilk the couple u ill tuk iii n- llmiir in toronto whtrt he groom i inpl ihi with the hom3n lontrncuiig irm lit ijs iornnr rmpluid ton vlth j u murkinrir a son tlic bride lf a irruduatc of harm iktne mill school w v grant was choaen chairman for oeorgelovn dutrkrt at an crganj satlon meetln for the second victory loan held lau wednesday evening tu th lsrglon room- us orant a chairman of the victory loan com- ml tier uu june and will br aullrd thk time by the tame executive alth a fr charuirn and addluoru alto lirlimxl to boost the loun in lhl dis trict ut time ofdcers chdmn arrr chairman w v orant vlcecluvlrmrn le roy dale kc w a wuaon t l lrjic and llo- aid ala pujbllrit w p ilradjry chalrmsn pred ucnll and w c rirhn canaaa w if long chairman prank prtch j d krlly k al lang- don a beaumont and ralph rots bijwuj nrarftl e pleck chair man w v orant lrroy dalr emplovri- r b pouuft chairman w b pord k mxwhirtrr lt coj cou4ry and a btaumont oimt town und district cluixnt cummittr j b kfackrnilr jofin llingturn maor jossrtlt olbtion ivvvvi iltiuld clravr col jamra bal- untjm joaeph beaumonu oeurge currtt c b dafoot b utone w h krntner a if prlltr r ltcau prr4- dint of oroructoan ltocu club th incoming prealdent of the i o d e pred mccartney ipnsldrnt branch lo curudluii lcylom rev woo i ihomron lt j f osirooi rrv c c ctmhrjix h- it c todd luv ri v j mo i an mlv annlt ratt mrs i 1 cufhn vlti pn ldi nt of jfcr toan red crasi iud d r m lmlilii l- c anivs district uianiivr of the li t luii uho lv miiiik in tin mimr ikih ili 1 1 mi t prisnt ut tin rntitm and oimimd initnl p ins for mh cainpairtn tin oow riinn nt li i klti lon ml ion und a hili ihr ijinlii lm un distnrt h ts not it ttn i it i txintid thit it ill tx hili r thin list timi whin llilton s quota o l ijihk vis i hum doublixl in i to iit reeve harold cleave appointed to county road committee leal council of women etert ofkttn i the anuuj meeting of the oeorrfe- toan local counrll ot women a held on frldiy jan 73ro at the home of mrz a u meln lit j p uacarnxlr thr pzrudrnt arlcoxnrd all ihr rrpreentativi of the different affiliated mxirtir nxmbrrt and vuj- to tlie mlnjte of uie lt rar annual mertins ne trad and con- finnrd the ticajufrr rrportrd a nice bal ance alter thr reports from the affi liated hoclrtlrs which all thosro rpjmdid and gritjfvlng aork tte no minating committee rt ported thru ere accepted a fouo6 honorary prrjdent un j b sfackrnxlr pirtidrnt mrs c ht 11 vlceprrldrnt wra a if pwf tid vkepxtvjdrnl ur it row coirtondlntf brcrrtary uu llrttie laarson recordlntf hecrrtao id treasurer mrs ft paul the greatest effuru of the rar eie ixirrhjjvlnir a jo 00 war javlngj crrtlflcatr and cancelling umr tlic tiociety bougnt v0 victory bond and lnfed fnanctauy three children alio rad their lorudla and adenoids msov- led t the clinic in toronto tlic new prealdent mrs ho made a few remarks und in rjajng maid a crealer ffort u ritdrd on the hm front we muit uccrpt rtspon mblllty hrn rrikrulblllty tmrts us lit was ttved and un nititinc idjourntd am ja ksv f war4 fsv l m h ufw u rm vmrtfar tens w est d d daeusas a hbjw befcaal mr ann ru l of mh i hint in inmuliitu 1 thi lonik rtiord i t h vtikjil mtoit 1 in niv iis and sm nul numi und fourth in on tar 10 in umoss noni on n r jti- ih mi hw of x rfi nuit of bjof live llulum a- ulsi mfond in the unount ol mone mjom rlbrd jx i capita truly noti worthy rcord on- plac where lle county wus low wns in the number of subscribers und mils mr anns nttributoi to the siipixirid wur having camiwlgn oin- quiitl mployec luid not tx i n ciriusset to buv boixls in the miiiiii r di nonilnutlotis thls time a nur hnrouh canvass is b lug punmd itnd victory lonn orennlzalions illl ilcrute wilt wur saving omculs o induce the public to lend money in one way or the other or both former georgetown man dies at milton david l bomnn ml- formi r riurkiltran nsjdint dud uddi niy from a hiirt utuuk ou tiaturdd january 17tji ut the hnint of hls bro th i inlaw thunixs cox of milton tin ijti mr hummtrvul who u in hls bywi year was birn nitr llmr- hoav fr lud lived in milton for lh- ikust six y urs he as u m mbt x of knox ilnoiyti rian church milton wur iving un two duuuht r mrs ii p whiitakir flmonton aluna ana miss ik n a hommtrviilc kuder- ick mao und und one alster mr r nulrn toronto tin- funeral took plar on tuesday january toth from mr cox n sldence rev john rld- ucll afllciated interment woa in flrnnwixkl cemtttry oorittown slippery roadt of a week ago rcsult- id tn rev h 8 ltworlngs car talcing to the ditch and colliding with a tree while on his way to sheridan church on sunday morning he suffered pain- ful head cuts which ncceattated medi cal aid jap boats for canada hundreds el flihlng basts owned by person f japanese origin have been taken ever on canadas pacific class the nasals trill either be borchaaed or leased from the oamers and operated by wnlte fishermen for the dorsuon of the war a canadian tar is shown here aa he altachra a llfhl to the mast of one of the jap vessels after ii had been aetxed the bests were lowed to vaneoaver island from point all alone the coast photo mblle information former brampton maycw dies foomn of mr and mra thamaa lyaau morrttmba to heart attack tenant weir mcculloch former may or of brampton died following a hear uttiuk at his home last prlduy a life long nrumpton resident he was an ussociate of the w b mcculloch planing mill he flnt became a mem ber of the brampton council in ikw und the following year aut acclaimed dcpuiyrrevc in 10cc he a elect ed reeve und held the office for three years servitig us wiirdrn of peel coun ty in 11x13 he mu electd mayor in ilkm und mrved two terms he w chairman of the brampton hydro commksion at the time of hls death and u dircitor of peel memorial has- pital botird mr mcculloch who uas m years old ls hurvhrd by lib widow violet pulton mcculloch a daughter mar- giirei and tun brothers prank and wtlbert he wils a cousin of mr und mrs thomas lyons of ocorgttoun tlie funeral isenlce nt st andrews presbyterian church on monday was attended by u lurge number or friends from the district ills pastor rev nell miller paid tribute to his life of public service in the community pall- beam were mayor r worthy w bently thomas moore head a i mu- nei w thoirimm and herbert wilson the lnaujrural merung ol the halloa county council at ullton on tuttt day jan 13th opened almost where it left off lat year with a rather heated dltcuioon a to who should fill th appolnunrnu on the county rosuss committer reeve llillmer or oax- vlue and reeve flimpaon of nauaca n thought they should represent thru dutrlct on the road oommjtt tule rrer cleave who has been ou the council for s number of years thought h only fair that a new man ltn e flimpon of nauagawey thould be paased up this year it was finally brought to s vole and the road committer u now compoard of rervw ollbrrt of trafalgar rerte uay of rrjucajng reeve oavr of oeorfe- to n rer e kern of nr uon and herse hrtlop of uuton rrevt john blair of burlington ta tendered the warderuhip for imt by accumauon reeve norman oll brrt of trafalgar and flmr hoaard uay of ilmjurjurui withdrawing their ruirnei ailrr bring nominated in fsvor of mr bulr this b the ftm urn since 1034 that burlington ha had tha lienor of the wardrruihjp oeorge har ris editor of the octette a aaj drn at that time tjie lo county council compruu the following risrves and deputy- ievis of tlie county georgetown reese harold cleave llwqurang reeve h c mu de puty ret ve o wtvilty murny trufajgar ltiir norm in ollbert ijviii w h hull nt ison rete lille kirn- deputy i w j fioberuoii nts iirjmja- rreve jojin simpson acton rcn j m mcdonula burlington rewe john bjalr de puty hic norman crnlg mlltnn rcvc pr c ii hi lop ojkllli hieve j m campbell 1 put rtxvt c v ifillmer afur mm- new warden had taken i he oath of office before if 1a honni jiidire munro the following fttandlng cjnimlttes wxri announced by the nominating committee pin a nee cleave campbell mcdon ald may und hall education campbell mcdonald c m county building heslop uay ro bertson llillmer and craig hospital account kerns kealop hlllmer and iuu printing simpnon campbell craig and murray railways agriculture and legisla tion uay kerns gilbert and ifillmer special coram unl cations ucdon- ald robertaon cleave and hulmer county roada ollbert may cleave kerns and heslop a number of other appointments were mode by council including rev woo thompson and mr m b moyer to the geo high school board urat3yv to fill the unex- plred term or revtd d davidson who 1 1 no a resident of smiths palls mr h b browne to milton high school board mrs d hartley and c h hul mer to the old age pensions and mother allowance board exwarden lemlc kerns and warden john blair commlionerb to the house ot refuge reeve norman ollbert and reeve john campbell to the board of the child rens aid society of halton and peel for 1042 the next meeting of county coun cil will be held on february 5th in colors a page picture of gen douglas mac arthur youll find it on the cover page os the pictorial review with this com ing sunday fob lt lsuc of the detroit sunday times in addition among other attractions the pic torial rev low allt bring you two pages of uxt and pictures keep the flag plying i presenting an intimate gllm- pe of oeneral macarthur be sure to get sundays detroit times bring ing you many outstanding features active service notes active service list next week a revised list of the names and addresses of district men on active service will be published in nest weeks herald we would appreciate it if relatives and friends weald verify she addresses we now have brine in corrections and additions in order that our list may be complete and correct t erncsl colman 16yearold toronto office boy b chief of the messenger services of division blxs ajip or ganisation in that city with a pres- ent star or 34 he wants it up to 50 for the next blackout and ultimately hopes to have 1m in his onroxilmtlort ernest is a nephew of onr and mrs a e oolman and grandson of mrs e oolman of ocorgetown cpl tom wnrnes sends an interest ing clipping home which describes a christmas party given by members of a canadian unit for 300 evacuee child ren at soutlwood oove the entire cost for the narty had been raised by the men themselves and an organla ing conunlttoe had been formed with three men from each company undo the chairmanship of major j r bar ber a03 norman marchment who rc- icently spent two weeks furlough at i his home in the olcn after a train ing course at clinton has been post ed to a new station in new bruns wick among new recruits from this dis trict who have enlisted in the army are onr l o james who la at stanley barracks toronto pte buster kale with the artillery in toronto ac2 jack oll bert olen williams in the rcap pte ernie coles who is stationed at kitchener noted in town lost week lao leslie clark ouelph ac deorge ailmcr winnipeg pilot officer ian mockeiule hngersvlue his family and friends were thrilled last saturday night to hear onr earl wucox on one of the overseas broad casts he is the first ocorgetown boy who has had this privilege to our knowledge