Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 28, 1942, p. 2

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the georgetown hoald wednesday evening january 28th 1942 the georgetown herald kutd alas mm wl chui gwatda and th rjaltad btau a jw ri oopu i atvwtijaaf ksiaa w w hw a bnhi waikr c ehhn oarphxd i aaootlvray rszlaald broomhaad phone no uamttcr of th ofimllin weekly kawapaprr association and th cieiartoquaosc ntruion of tut cwjia the editors corner is georgetown war conscious we hear a lot of talk nowadays abou canada not bring warconscious that its citizens are taking too much for granted and fooling themselves into be lieving that russias stand against hr axis is relieving us of the burden which we were carrying we are not qualified to speak for canada for ontario o even for holton county in this lespect but we do ferl that georgetown is playing her par and playing it well in the battle against the dictators one hundred and fifty men serving overseas und as many again in training in canada the magnifi cent work completed by the red cross society last cir vith a more extensive program planned for the coming year victory loan organization already underway and a record of success last ear which ranked among the finest in the province salvage co lection by thr lions and school children a growing force in thr com munity british war victims and soldiers comforts funds legion ond legion w a i o d e lome scots w a only a few of the many organizations drvo ing a large part of their time to war work wc could go on enumerating ways in which the citizens of this dmtrict are helping the war effort but throe few rxiimplts whl serve iheir purpose they show that grorgrtown is playing her part but there is no effort that cannot be exceeded and improved on and we must not ullow ounwuei to grow complacent in the thought thut we nr- doing our utmost there is alwuys a little more that rich in dividual and each organization can do 1 few mote dollars in war savings stamps an extra donation to a worthy fund more time spent aiding the war work of some organization we are fighting a nrim bull- ngainst an enemy who spares nothing to achieve his aims and we must match and surpass his effort with our own if we are to emerge on the winning side a laymans feeling like the vast majority of our countrymen we do not profess to be a politician or to have any do or die political beliefs which tie us to one party right or wrong for a lifetime i is seldom that this newspaper indulges in political controversy because we believe that in wartime especially we must pull together re gardless of political creed with a minimum of criticism against the party in power we cannot however le the present mess at ottawa pass by without airing our own views on the situation and we sincerely hope that many of our read ers whether in agreement or disagreement will make use of our columns to say what they think in the first place we are absolutely against the proposed re ferendum or plebiscite which the prime minister an nounced in his speech last thursday why are we against it because we think it is useless serves no purpose and is a waste of valuable time energy and money in essence mr king wants the people to state whether they wish the government to have a free hand in making decisions which they believe in the best in terests of the war effort he does not seem to realize that the canadian people have already given him the free hand that he seeks we have placed our trust in our government at the same time keeping an opposi tion party to check on its actions helping where it can offering constructive criticism where it can and expos ing any behindthescenes actions which it feels are in the best interests of the citizens to know at the same time we cannot say that the con servative party at ottawa has a clean sheet by any means have they functioned in their proper capacity as an opposition party in wartime decidedly not in our estimation no sooner was the smoke of the last election cleared away than the conservatives hopped right into the fray again seiring on every mistake made by those in power magnifying it and selfishly criticiz ing to boost their own position there has been little cooperation from either side to iron out political dif ferences at home while canada fights an allout battle abroad and so we say to our prime minister and the liberal party take the trust we have placed in you to guide the affairs of canada through these difficult times and drop the idea of a referendum and we say to the conservative party try a little cooperation if you be- jieve the liberals are doing their best in the war effort and if you dont think they are ask for a vote of con fidence we cannot believe that the majority of lib eral members would continue to follow blindiy a leader who was making grave mistakes in his conduct of the war effort an ordinary canadian citizen is not in a position to judge such vital issues as are now on the agenda at ottawa we must trust our leaders to do their best if they believe selective service is needed by all means put it in force today our government does not ask us for a referendum on rationing on price leroy dale kc heads putrid red cross for third term aim ttt us mamam ta mrahiraalp drtfc n tr rait u tawfc aft pwshrlly iffxu ul baarlaj imii ut latroy dtle kjc wsj reelected prealdent 01 owrvetovn branch oj th canadian red crou society st lb annus memlnf of th ormntrillnn wfclch ni held in the ptxvlic library lut phday molng un p b cat- fui ut ralph rot and mr roger ou arr tint uvond and third ucrprealdrnl reapectively while ux g w uruntora and uu yvonne adam wlu continue to act a treat urrr and aacrrlary of the branch carsill rawaru ttra p b coffin a chairman of ux purcbojlnj commuter gave the rrport for 1s41 tfmto vu tpcnl for tbe pvrcruue of wppilea 11335 for wool and sm or material in addl- tlun the commlllrc looked alter five llntlfji war sueau in uir district and forwarded 14 to provincial hews quarter collected for we purchaie or tlanaeu lilt w o ivca rrcjorun for thr brain committee aald thai all cuola had been completed and a new one jott bersi about i ico article had umi coouitetcd during the -aj- ul wallace cvunpbell naif toe nooft for the knlttlru commlttew 2829 article made with too poundi of aool belr uvd all t l cwmiajel a i tialrman of hie iliapita oommittrr ild tliat till aora had been reduced dunnx th vrar but irtiui a a undrraay gain and a new quota had btn received tlvr tao quota rumiwlim last eal ruroyrwd 1207 article mllcvrthrr iflto annie ltan reporting for the hiillnit cammlttr n ijrtrd m rlup- mrntt toullltm cm article for the mir hlir lhankr1 c i putter and w ii tjonif for ihrlr wnlcri to ihu munllln haldlctv rmfa1 mr a reeve prrjdi lit ol thr sol di r comfort oimmltut ruld that tlirr hid urn i tiit iiiiim hi tile aura ol thu cyllhllulii durmu umi 111 lut nt ikii linn ulva had hioali from 40 to liti tliree siup- nu ol fucltltc jld liu chrlst- 1111s hjicu it v lit mi all arte cc uil st l ovtiv is miii litters irocn tin rixim ills tod ot tin lliiiix ol the men to thr curumuiin fur tin ritnrmljrjlxrs pmltlnl repeal pnvil lit lal aa tlirii calud up- i lot hli rcjrl lor tile rjr ii cunurit ulad hi rhiirmrii of the variou- conimlltir for ihrlr effort jlvd poke of tin tine rooiwralloa bitaeen th mrmbrrs ot tin society ahicli rod result d in ufll u lucceu- ful iar ttie member have hjd only one ot- jectlie he owlaird to make aa many artlclm aa thsy coum or had ana purpous who the bit sod or th cork fall oo th vozato b nesindcd th rsmtlnf that th sua cwa help in irtnryry- snd aur inz th year to com it will b morw ncoeaaajy to rail money in outaid worfc he mentioned the memhenhlp drh which u in prosrtai the obeuv or which had been art at 1000 mambrra starting- the- new year with ttqo on hand ihr soclet it in food lmindal ahape but an crtrtnrrcaalng aupoly of funda la naeded and the money railed in the mrmbcnhlp dlte will si be ued by the local uorirty lux ear 11200 a ralxed in special p0- jecta and an obectite ol iiwi la aimed at thla jear ur dale dwell on the internationa amct of the fled crow wlii head quarter at oeneva oaluerland thb u recuiinucd by our eneenlea and red cro reprrjrnlauea are permitted to enter oermany and ire that clothing ana food acnl to pruonrra of war ari properly dutrlbuled he made a allrr irujr pew for aupport from uw- teneral purallc deprrclaliju the financial aacrt flcr of canadian ato uie in the tnou fatourrd country in uie world today oerera oaitea the fouoalng ofori werv eleclerj for id joaepli bewumont ivjnorary ureal dent ida annie rwn iht a- w nlaon rtr woo tnompion u c pleca hoi orao icepfealdenla i iarro uale kc pieudeut atlx yvonne adama terrlar o w uclujuxk trraaurer mis i ii cotb 1 1 ul tlccpictldent ltalwi llot second ilcepr un itoirrr uuot ird vice preltderu otscutne oonunlltee 10 committee chalrmi n iln w k ualaon ipur- lixliw uri w o peck laralng mi p oae iknlttlnn dutributlngl mr j j olbotm iknlulritf recelv- iim mr t l campbrll ilooiltal 1 uu a ll ihlhliii mri w v ham ikjuiulty a c wrlk ladtrr- jiiiiiki mit ann lai7rfjn bpeclav liiiiiih l- u ripn dilutive from tdch of live ladlm orvianlxatlujl wctu ujl counill ol wumrn i o d i- wo- mini insutute and wa to thr lr- ituu pr v j moikuii ilirokl clcavtx jomiji cjibourl- lluard may w a vslwjn ueotcol tlordon coilaen w i ii uiiu w v orant w c blehn iu v ci o thomiron artliue lhaumont k c ljnday mr italph llosv mrs w 1 o thompron a icprewnuthe from earh of the five loejl churches tao representative from each community of llmehouae nonal olen wilharru and 8u-wart- toah 11 c mcclure and 0 b otton wrw appointed auditors for i9a2 and wage control oh tux increases on the conacriplion of certain nre groups of men for home defence we do not expect them to usk for a referendum on any thing else salvage we have had many queries from housewives who have been saving bones and fats for thr salvage drive in this district frankly the lions club which sponsors the salvage work hus not been pushing the collection of these items because of the difficulties in storage now the department of naional war ser vices in a series of advertisements currently running in the heruld is telling us that these are urgently needed for war industry so the club is adding these to the col lection list we must ask however that fats and bones be collected in sealed containers tbe salvage shed is not airtight and a nuisance must not be created by storing articles which would draw rats flies and dogs in large numbers particularly in warmer weather once again we urge citizens to bring their sal vage to the salvage shed the entrance to which is through the alleyway between silvers dcpt store and the lee sing laundry or to send it to school with the children your contribution in this respect will save time and expense of collection and make all the more money available for war work checkup says dept of agriculture the ontario department of agriculture in an advertisement appearing elsewhere in this paper draws the farmers attention to the need for checking up im mediately on necessary repairs to their machinery al though supplies are limited implsment manufacturers and dealers are hopeful that all orders for spare parts can be filled providing they know in time what de mands are likely to be maximum farm production is required this year and prompt delivery of repair parts cannot be guaran teed after spring work starts costly breakdowns long delays and loss of time of men and equipment can large ly be avoided by a careful overhaul of farm machinery during the winter months the department of agriculture is also urging that farmers swing in behind the voluntary agricultur al war committees being formed in every county these committees are making a survey the results of which will enable each neighborhood through planning and organization to secure the maximum use of avail able labour and equipment in the community great britain needs more food from canada supplies for domestic consumption in canada are short the maximum in production can only be reached by making the best possible use of what we have in every county township community and upon every farm a iawtar ef th uctts wa tfc vtl of tlyrm bv ootefeaittswt wblcfe it is wtrpahayil wall paw ml darts 1m1 mm w v ofwhi sad ita bad leirlfinwu srs ta tfamy of pofcuaty wfefcfc ta tatted wa eobsan ol had ore n a ta th herald a- o walk sad hph una wui hand aatawruatac ut ifra ann taswtea urw- p b fwftn r woo tnompfon sad harola cbaaw miyirtt up a special project eommitt- dtlatu to th proetnclal council in toronto this month wen choaro and comprti latkoy dale o w wc- rjfa- aaua vtocn adam al annie ryan un p b- comn lira rocer ouroc ut ralph rras ur w v orant and un t l oamptatl jwaswf sttnts mma jttos bfiwmnt sad swbwtsry of th jotti- lud gross st nmajstnini ntttt ttbool t4m ths mill tin 6a tfwt trmtiin of ut dmlc sad sni to ths bsntnr eggrntsitvya waft cotthfmo 0o tbhl ditifktwemab die ated 92 uh jaaul stwjib ud aj ut tm ulu janrt smith ttfelonaj rwamawl of thu alatrtct pisrifl swwy on ywat day jajaosrv r st ta eff john uanvurh lot pint un wot oi she was ta her had ca she au s daughter of th uu arctba smllh i9th tin rvawmtnj awtr trrrw cotta afler lawrlns he farm the krpt alora in terr costs lor few yar wtu her atatar rasa rwttr- ed to brsmpton th rtmrsi strrtss ni held from ur utwinrvavi boss on thursday jan 1mb sib burial in olen wtnisau oamstaaw directory a m nielsen xray drafts tbersplst latdy stfawhs ofbcw over oaorvyatown tloun i s j jo f js pwa clifford g reid uda iidji dcntist ptione 410 alam fllxewl ororgacva leror dsl kc m syba bennett bjl talfwjur aad baltrtun u1u atravt of flaw tavw tt radio r we specialize in this work u tear rrwartawa j sanfordson ocomarrowm u ivefineala rva lasulsjtloq knvlar sauetlar hsury rwsb pint uortams uonay to loan ofbo oratory tbwatrs bldf ulll atrwtt ul fabsaiaaiabtsaavaevwbswwj frank petch uokn8zd adononnm sad dxlcsjusxs of omriuncs prompt bsnrtot wm ml po box 40j sssbim m naaxm j cooke cement and cinder blocks brick a tile btrmlwotfmt elmer c thotripeon dtsiomakob usvicm pin auto wltmlttoem op kabwwy aad 0ld msslltats suiofkm bxovbalomb pkaawt tlsw ar 1 monuments and u11u1mu pollock a ingham gak out daattn ob nicjuillpbotm ms ta a gray coach lines timetable now m ksaturn rkandsm tlbu lkatk ommwrown f famwjb tussb llm pjb ul pjb cm da jtfbjta jsdvb usar fuo pjb tjsbjb m has pjb uc 0w dftlowa pja syus bju axil js pja- a kxetpt sua sad bol d xsespt fsat htm sad bol s pit sob aad hot f uslly atsspt boa x t aar c n r timetable puaentar standard tka oslas bss us l pustbfcr sad uail at i psssintir sunday oat ut i nssantsr dally ftl toronto sad bayeod pajunter saturday oejy ud pminur daliy sxospt bsfrjnlay and atntdayt pwnwntr sad ifsh psssmnsr bundsys only it j i osta ksttk pssstrafwr sad iisll imass7ekss oatar bas sadvran oebtbude cain school of dandng tosadsya 6 is pjn leflon halt gesrcetown boys and atrls prlvste olus drancli studio olen williams phone s r iii ralph gordon ths mrsstlls entcrtalnar for your runt promam illtutrsted circular pres toronto adarsssi msb crawford st r

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