Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 28, 1942, p. 6

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jtke georgetown herald wednesday evening january 28th 1942 timely topics for women ly ifttfctri itbtf it ciw utffm bzv per ft lac uw alu u u breas 1u tsect on tfc rtorj peor w t zclic bt ijov w w har to aojau oar y of ut to sws tbr bjnrn u oi a groat ax mrtu that u larouartiag us tnan am crrcrv draainj rrr cjqmt to evr iacya at tfa- mo tfcw tuotot piotlnco itrtn u 1 u rvcjrtng of acke form fcf arrrir eatinna tvw lbt vit cwrr tu tifukttfa of oct xr rflsjt t5it fcorr tjfii ixrj mau br cairo i3 that rf u ftjrvtj upon by mac t earn and kwi bjt to br attcspulair it fcou br a jun vtrfr nm r3 rxc tjay mna od rath ai3 poor mi juxirpatr to tr fij and br ci ur utcteta ol iu acopr oar jit mrtct j- rird to u rood otj of slidccs in aort- tn vi ur oru bt ur c liirk fcir ttnptatt2 iir tr or ur axal lor and nflij mejdruur tv ciuurjr or aj cl ur kiamim air tou- fcbf tb oricg oo prvea u cot oo waft ttaojti tirrei mro ur iu wwtlldf ui uncajatxtro ljutirex xjc1 brtaf kvctis to dopt jjt conomlm thr cjrt oo cnlt bunar ha t bnlfcf en patxc apriidinj but tt jii auo made it jjltt hjdr ilj jijn rj pita to ittjati uxj ttr lut atim trr roritoc u mr ttir aurf ico cj u latin tii cirettfo 1jjv lii ajtf firm cuxefkuucr lraln wt auun m r x0r ut cl ur j kntoteriji ln crd itewlmj ir l tmr r u tftir u aulrj rtf i o k to irruinj r jim url t it tl uitn u- ttrra nr rtjcl is ui hj imrr mdj iu n u4- rtufi tlu ttadnl rrn kji r tt u3 lj 3twt l 1 ij j u r iy 4a tw brtur lbn it u brlcir tl r mu ni jiui tj r j en iffiir wutii- ik3 crrlu ui lir3 11 jatcrt to dj llrfi u tt a iu ur in nj j lk ttr rcniorhtnt ol rtn in j ndo i r l jiie l tiiuitl i dail tdui rirrtxi sr in tiliu tlt r th ur jrni i j iictr and tllil ojrf lr ludr lr llrwl it 1 ti j 1 ti r nt u tjik dmt it esrmcm arid mrxtiai tt vt jn tjtlrr j iri r it ji u j fljlrirt nd at t rciio t j 1 jt ujj twn 1- 1 it tin tlt jt iiftt tl jiup vk i ji l iti r il luljur uius tic hi btn bd b j kaucja r l u3 j a tl jjj kt tliad t out lhar ltwa tji i jr a 1 itt j ft r j vi in 1 it ij ui lu a ftjvd tkktltj ui 1 l an uirnt ici lk3 t fi lit jf tnr 1a tlirad br j41 tatn utkd it 1 ii m u r 1 ul u- ui u a j mi jrl u uto 1 f d il lin llfi tif in ji- l hi 1 kl 11 u i ii tj ut itjiar ar tj rt 1 1 u 1 ui crrr xk hi kr u lljt l u nlm m 1 nd j l 1 1 i di to thr tovlrk fjiortt oj ti ilm t i r i ul n 1 n 1 l 1 niinl i 1 i ml trilj h tl nilt bi 1 nilu irlii ct u r k il i 11 bj hum cof tl hu to ijt hf mill u nulin unt u 1 u 1 n w t oo vlutojt nut cnl raujux gi0 ok n u iv- il bji l 1 i i n rtffulmiik kruji ink brufiu a njji iiijt r il 1 inn l ui drutir rrrjiurii ati it t ki v ij fvi ji 1 n iul 11 1 in i 1 i 1 but uit ct pjim r ul 1 ti 11 u tii i 1 1 11 l 1 1 4 ix4ii it tt ll tn 1 11 uii 1 i 1 1 jil to ll 1 mix 11 1 u jt i ti i r ill i l inli t 1 r jvi t u i ut 1 n 1 t ivini i- tcarc m it n il l trinii nuiii uic tot tui t o a uctal ui- 1 t7 j ol ma i r u n m ftlt ntlcn und lotin v ut in i tj 1 jt comfort ir 1 1 ram 1 ot j u tprndjnii jwnr purchaj to hu 1 1 to do w it fjn mjj m i hm nt o ti rd t hui in wnd in tiilm notions did oj kno that b tint pojruii btujn ttiti our jchauiri you cn pci1 them more uilnl thua ao ilinjt ut4- ftrnl ut thf iinic time coiurmn the mutmiru which ur jail undr the kjh tle mabrrgliia in mhich fvv hc bun mord makt an cc rnt bleach u a rtvult of thr iwtlon of tnr vk fchrlu cjilorlnr u brcominu very tcarcc to ihu u oni y of corurrmriii it and auo cut doun on four bhins bilu- you m be blc to bu rubber rin nct wrtun but thr arc urr to bt acarcr so xxi mtuld br lr to krrp thr onr off your fruit mr ftj you open them krrp them stay from grrnw and from mrong un- itcht mhlch arr bnth hairnrul to rubbrr ur r w j wtttr that the lrafra on hrr cjtlamrn tumrd rllow tod the bud rottrd brforr blooming thr rrikion probaoij a bc- cmui ahe ffc u too much maur a cyclamrn should br murrd apai tngly from thr top but if in full bloom natural it lll rrcjulrr a 111 tie mor water it houd grt plenty of unt but not too much atrons unlight unlet filtered throush a thin curtain for olb hcaatbook porty u the old age of outh fifty thr outh of old agr victor hugo the book or tkc week thx sovtetb expdctei it by anna louise strong lornimjnn green ztopp t3 00i no more timely or eiuightenlns book riaa come to ua in recent months than the sotlcu expected it by anna loula strong i hope you all u1 find time in our crowded dat to read it bccauic in it you will find the aniuer to many quemiona trtat have perplexed ua in this country dr strong is an american journalist and orld traveller uho hat known and liked the ruvlaru unci the day of iho revolution in 1030 the founded the mokow nes the only englith- language paper in ituifila she haa hod frequent contact with stalin molotolf ijtvtnofx ahd other soviet leaders but the has known the humble people too and was able to speak to them in their oun laruruasc she bays that from the beginning stalin knew the var with oer- many ua lnovltoblc thuv explains the horrible growing pains of tho early das of the new republic the fcvurlh haste of his three flvcear plane with their rcuklng mlttakci and uate the iacrtllccs he demand ed of his people uhom sundard of living cuflcred that the red army might be ctrong and the trtaon trials by uhich he cumlnatcd u10 fuui column from ruuln but throush all the years of bitter want the people of tho new russia grtw in loyalty and devotion to the kadtr who act before them an ideal ol equal democracy and norkl peace dr strong wiys no other country has been the objtct of uch amazing slander and mlundc rounding but today a thousand mytlu urc being shrlvtllcd instead ol backwardness the itillan people arc dla- playlnff initiative and courage young rusmarus are natures in the air they are the mosurs of machines they have advanced five cen turies in twenty ycrrs tho wholo soviet slraugy ii tied up with state industry and the collective farms there is clai cooperutlon betcn the civilians and the army in peace time each farm and inch industry had lis own de fence brigade and its own labour brigade which nou cooperate with tho army and make he uholc countryside a living front vhin war cumo women were able to take over civilian duties and were largely responsible for evacuating both farms and industry as the army retreated state insurance covered the losses from the scorched earth policy a thousand miles ol retreat 1a a great test of any armys moral that they could then reorganize for a full offensive is amazing and can teach us much about the meaning of total war dr strong answers many questions that we are particularly interest ed in just now why was the war with finland fought why did the soviet sign a non- aggression pact with hitler why did she march into poland how was she received by the baltic countries on what ftftan has russia saved england is russia inconsistent what are hitlers chances of conquering russia x had the pleasure of hearing dr strong when she snoko in to ronto last week before an overflow crowd bbe is surprisingly young look- tog to aplfe of her white hair but an excellent speaker who impresses her audience with her breadth of vision and her sincerity can you make a good omelet when an unexpected guest arrives or you run out of ideas for lunch or supper an omelet is a lifesaver it is quick and easy to moke ad an be varied according to the extras you have on hand 4 eggs slightly beaten 3 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons cold water pinch of salt and pepper beat eggs lightly add water or milk and seasonings put butter in bat iron skillet or omelet pan turn in mixture and when it cooks hit with a spatula letting uncooked part run underneath until whole si of creamy oonstltuenoy when brown underneath fold through middle and ttttn out on hot platter or if you prefer you may sprinkle grated cbeew over it just before folding or any one of the following sliced sj odoked in butter chicken or ham that has been minced and flftttttrf in butter leftover peas or beans or jelly serve at once soldiers comforts committee held annual meeting o slrltir1ri ejiift w year wfc gtotait0v oop rfpj it uo a oi at of tt tcood p tatslirj of tr ocoithovs surr ooxsjoru oxd- cciu tu taki tn tt p rv r ljtsnrj en wadcrtdaj jen my zlic trx a ket vaa rrjrtd prctalmt vlb ixrv 8l3 uitkm uyjjjtt ard urt rotrr ojyjt crttxr ttrf uu of dorct iltq otrriu hu roar thao trrd tn u pao4 t at ur ua of itr uu ajjxl mtrjxm thrrr rr fjrty t2m on ur hu bhtr toda lli txfjjt ul nlbt attecut iuj ttua tnaxts that eeiot is fe0r flrojfuj itaurt i c4d il ttr ooauetu l to cocidjr to rarry 00 ajrcnajjuf tn 1wj ll roatft ijuj to vrk3 vrr tfazr of clu- rlt and v balabcr m htrd r br urn tn thr baljcr titrrt irprtctfd ttkr ceuntu- trtt orirrn ocea tun djjutr tar r u tl u hcu irj a ul of lurr muu- vtainf tn 4 ai lm cla in vjlraurr ar3 lajfiurc 16 cf ji t i tr in no mfflui cuaitlu nr tent ots- mv hi li aja cxuiirl all lgtt 1 1 1 h ttr kair y ncjtro arl thr cji 1 1u pjtj aind tjj ji ai d lxrttibrr hli tt rwn 1 1 1 in ti ihr u intiuu air fu1 tl fatrful matt u ti in mim of cj it r txrn ltur trj uo rrsj tf tm rtpfc tiajair at brtrj jr- n r nu ittl bt 11m u mvii ura n rd ci trvt frriidi at thr rrt w r n pit d thr r uix t tlw lui ct ipirc both ebonry axd hrmesa to ts lbr jra of trr oattivux balamcc 8hect ureftfs uo iul urjg t loyoj sir isaj li jit tairg ur aa tfcg e7 jaj x parcra ooctrnta trerjul eaprcoxa ada ri ttjar i 4fc5 111 it 100 imu rtjtir wrdstkba naaffispay iu brampton ie tt 8 pro to i am dat ittyiltlar apulifilon o lloc7 luvaftr s cavefoneat latceted a1 traazt bmtts f ens far sal at uoia farm dr paul beer r r 3 georgetown a c aw tkr wtfi new sa tfwougb the christian science monitor am lmtajji hljy nmttfrr j t aj tial mm4 uaranm u la vlf tcwiin ab il un4j njrtit flrrffttm u9 7 0u ori nlj ctlwl k lomk ud iiu olj t if co vu sammi cofv os hiquiyt xxawxy i w 1 1 1 1 1 j i you want printing of distinction phone 8 r by order of the wartime prices and trade board you must have a licence by march 31 1942 every person or firm is required to have a licence 1 if engaged in the business of buying for resale 01 selling ony commodity or 2 if engaged in the business of supplying ony of the following services the lupplying ol electricity aoi steam or voter telegraph virtlets or telephone umcet th tramportotton ol goods or persons the provision ol dock harbour or pier lacilitiet warehousing or storage undertaking or embalming laundering cleoning tailoring or dretsmahing hairdressmg barbering or beauty parlour semces plumbing heating pointing decorating cleoning or renovotmg repairing ol ony kind the supplying ol meats relrtshmcntt or bercragn the cihibitmg ol motion pictures process monuloctunng on o custom or commission basis if you have already applied for or obtained a wartime prices and trade board licence under a previous licensing order you should not apply again why licence applications should be made at once apart irom the legal requircmtntsxiicensing ol the name ol every person who has been granted o your business will enable the boomto advise you licence or who hos alreody applied lor o licence il quickly and fully ol the price celling regulations being placed on the boards mailing list your name thot allcct your business will be added when your application is received to get your licence 1 get an application form at your ncorest post office 2 complete tho application and mail it postoge ircc there is no licence ice 3 you will receive by mail a licence identification cord bearing your licence number those who do not need a licence 1 farmers gardeners livestock or poultry producers and fishermen unless buying goods for resole 2 employees of a person or firm which is itself subject to licence 3 operators of private boarding houses note persons who hove already applied for or obtained a wartime prices and trade board licence should not apply again what the law requires you to do after march 31 1942 any official representative or investigator ol the wartime prices and trade board may require you to produce your licence identifica tion card if you are subject to this licensing order after march 31 1942 you must notify the director of licensing ol the wartime prices and trade board ottowo in writing quoting your licence number of ony change in the name address or character of your business within 10 days of such change yotimust retain your licence identification card as it will eemain in eifect unless suspended or cancelled as long as the maximum prices regulations continue if you are already licensed o licence identification card valid for the duration of these regulations will be automatically mailed to you before march 31 1942 you need not apply for a renewal and there is no licence fee for further information write the regional director of licensing wartime prices and trade board at the nearest of the following cities vancouver edmonton regina winnipeg toronto montreal halifax saint john or charlottetown luad uiidtr ttuteiitaorlty of the wattime hices and trade board ottcwe cued

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