Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 4, 1942, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyfourth year of pttllkstioa wednesday evening ffawoary 4tb 1942 5c m copy 200 a year eorgetowns tax rate is reduced by 4 mills dr r t paul addressed council reyoxoid clinics rtteworttown feb 2nd 1a fsniiwlng township council held their regular meeting an monday ef ternoon deputyreeve o w mur ray councillors o e cleave oeorge curl and w a wuson were pre cm o 11 tar presided t the meeting minute of the dnu14 wrr read and idwii a utter wt reed tram department pl highway re township road expendi ture bylaw tn iftu another letter ertoowiecired reretrtng th form cam pleted o show lb detail of work and wxpradluir on road during th last year moved and seconded by cum and murray tht lb fouowtsg account be paid th municipal world ltd a- aveaor suppli etc 1411 10 sub- eertptlon 11000 total mil th bttl telephone oo ha i u bui nett rrglstrauon of birth marriage and dnlhi tn 1b4j 11400 j banlord receipt book wjs rrunlai beater u council chamber 10 total gllto harry robertson stamps w00 waller uwim com for pheasants supplied to jaa burtrltih foecarried moved and seconded by wuson and chan uiit board of health account be paid dr a mcallister to attend tsg indigent for scarlet fevtr 1177ft dr c k- btevrnson treatment to patient no 10 orel 30 to dec 1 1m1 tit 00 department ot health of ontario insulin for indigent to nor imi nea uond and seconded by murray and currle that leave b granted to in troduc a bylaw to fix the salary of the road superintendent of the town ship and that uld bylaw br i read a tint umeoarrled moved and seconded by wuson and orate that bylaw no 004 to fix the aalary of the ttoad superintendent of the township having been read first time be now read a second and third timet and passed and the blank be ruled in with the turn of 1110000 and theseal of the oorporauci be at tached thereto carried moved and condcd by clean and ourrle that sheep claim be paid carf austin 1 registered ewe allied 4000 a n stark valuator coo charles austin shooting dog to 00 curled uond and seconded by currle and wilson that the following be paid t j mahoney secretarytreasurer on tario oood road association mem bership fee m 00 the serration army grant aio00 and that the letter from kr wu vanslckle be filed car ried uond and seconded by currle and clean that the road account be paid aubjo carried uond and seconded by murray and dean that relief account be paid asm carried uond and seconded by uurrsy and carrie that joseph benford tax col lector return all the roll in hi pos session to n it thompson treasurer on or before the 8th day of asnl 1043 dr it paul medical officer of health for the township addressed the council regarding the holding of diphtheria toxoid clinics throughout township schools uond and seconded by cleave end wuson that this council do ow ud jouro to meet monday march 3nd at s oclock dat or at the call or the reeve carried vaccination clinic a clinic for vaccination against smallpox will be held at the public school georgetown friday ftbruary 6th at 130 pm parents of children of preschool age are invited to bring children from 6 months to school age c v williams moh hiltsbarclay wedding at st albans church at albana church of digund olrn wulltmi tu the tctnt of a prttty mrddlnf oo biturday fcflfrnoon uit mhrn uly robrru cuuflhtcr of mr and urtv david darclay became the bride of oordon jamra icjts ton of kir and un lurry lliiu ororgrlom th rrv woo tbompfion official rd and llri ft j wlulatiu purd the tedding mujc the bride gten in marrlair by her father more anjjleirngu thlte aheer tnrr tafjeu with bouffant xlit fit ted bodice and blshop leee hti beaddreaa vti hrarthaped with flncviup ell and her bouquet vaa of better tlmea roaea and bouvardla bhe wore the groom a olft a lockct- ller brtdeamai ulaa elaine ooulna wore mliajor blue chiffon over taffemtv a halo of pink roebuda with pink net and ahe carried butterfly roaea she wore the bride a gift a gold croa the gtoonuman waa john kolden and uahera mere roy norton and irvtn lulta at the reception held in the parih hail urs darclay and ura huu re ceived for a honeymoon trip the bride travelled in a green aheer dreaa beige coat and brown acceaaorlea the couple will make their home in oeorgetown upon their return jthe georstown herald britiah war vtctmu fund i forwarded to toronto bnnlna telegram k5j5j3 cash on hand acknow ledged 1880 ftooeeds or euchre at home of mrs j crawford 7 00 t0u1 peb 4th 1043 um13 iiobe facts about the real kfasabthult mobe pictvucs sjouls reld writing in tho-ric- torlal tlevlekf with this sundays feb ruary 8 issue of the detroit sunday times casts additional light on the life character and personality of the gallant leader of the american forces in the philippines in addition you will find photographs that will he welcome addition to your serapbook of world war it be sure to get days detroittimes atvojl bepobt fob january the report ot the medical officer of health for january shows one ease of chlckenpox as the only communl- ahle disease in town for the month 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8i chlckenpox bearlet fever tfeulos oernuuvueaales mumps infantile paralysis typhoid fever whooplngcoush oerobrosrtliial menlnsttls tpldwnlc annul jylmtins of knox church congregation membera and adherents of knox presbyterian church met in the sun day school room on monday evening january wth to hear most encourag ing report of the yeara work and to lay plans for the coming year the miniate r the rev chas c cochrane opened the meeting with devotional cxerciee and was later made chair man for the evening in the course of the chairmans remarks mr coch rane thanked the ladies off the wom ens auocjauon for the work done on the manse during the summer months reports were examined and passed including those of the budget the wometvs mlsslunery society the ses sion fund the mission band the bun- day school the womens association and the yjb particularly grat ifying was the statement of the church treasurer which showed a very con siderable balance on hand in the election for managers messrs j williamson e mowhtrter and wm cromar ware returned to office the appointment of a church steward was left in the hands of the board of man agement mr alex hume church treasurer and miss jennie modoug- all budget treasurer were returned to office by acclamation the present auditors messrs r b foulls and 8 j mackenzie were ac corded a hearty vote of thanks and asked to continue for another year the meeting closed with the bene diction and light refreshments were served by the ladles of the congregat ion doris irtao uo tad juries a loss maimed at springfwd co wu3 estas la certs ka4arm lyaaa heaeyaaa a very prrtty wedding took place si the home of mr and ura prd w lr sprlngford oo saturday after noon at 3 jo o clock mhen inrlr daughter txrta irene waa united tn marrtsse to mr jamea a rou of ourlph ion of ura j u ross and the late ur ross of oeorgetown daffodils tulips and ferns axraaged around mhlie lattice made a beauti ful setting for the ceremony which aa conducted by rev o t tthlaldj of ottervlue olven tn marriage by her falhei the bride wa attended by hrr tmo lutera urx w j drnaon of acton as matron of honour and uua jun lrr of sprlngford a brtdrunaid the bride mas lovely in a mhllc taffeta gown with tightly fitted baque mi j htfh puffed tjeeca uarrjd to points at the wrut the long fuli akin waa very quaint with iu aetexaj chirred tiers the mretheart neck- line with pearls completed the cos tume the long bridal eu of white embrotdrred net waa shirred and a ugh i mih ulyofttevalie and imorl- urr bridal bouqurt maa of while row the matron of honour a charm ing gowned in old latrndrr taffeta lth the uimr quaint akirt and 6 ft re t- hear rvccaunr and th- brldrmiimld in queen a blue uflcta or ilmtjr tle tuft rry rrt doth morr carnation and matching ribbon in thrlr hair atno carried bouqueta of pink carnauoru the bridegroom waa attend el by hi tmln brother mr joenh h hoas of oeorgrtown i ttcfore the ceremony mjsa dollle broad sprlngford aang decaue so j compunird by mrs tarl lta sprlngford who alao plaed the aed- ding march during the signing of the rejlatrr mua broad sang tneetly throutth the yean the bride mother received in a own of honeymoon blue crepe llh corsage of hollywood roacs aauted by the groom mother who more air- force blue silk jersey with corsage of queen eliza be th roars fallowing the receptlor a delightful lunch was sened to the gucau by five glxlfrlenda of the bride later the happy couple left for a ort trip the bride choae for tra velling u winston blue dreu match ing hat and black acccuortea her coat mas of black bouclle on thelr return they will reside at 206 norfolk at ouelph where the groom is a member of the mclaanaghan and rov puneral bervloe the bride a gift to the groom was gold cuff link the grooms gift to the bride waa a gold wrist watch to the matron of honour and bride maid brocxhes to the soloist and pianist glamour pins ouesta were present from oeorge town ouelph acton hamilton woodstock delhi tuuonburg and sprlngford etqueubg federatiaa f asrktifaire howj annual meetins the cqunving branch of the hal ton federation or agriculture held their first annual meeting in the ccuncll chambers at strwarttowrj on monday rvmlng january 31 presi dent m ucnabb opened the meeting at mhicti about thirty membera wrre present the minutest of the ears meetings mer reed by the secretary thet mere paaed on a motion by mrs w bracken and o leaile this was followed by the ufiwrf report which shoaed a fairly good fin ancial situation with a balance on tiand of 031 29 the report mas adopt ed on motion by m brown and w cromar it waa decided this jewr iftu to canvata the township tor mrmbrrw and a motion by m brown and 8 may that the incoming board of rectors take up this work a report on the actlvlttei of the tomiuhlp federation and of he fro uncial mdtrauon waa prraente try the saersury borne of the accomr lllhments of the federation wr the sld tn asourtnit a frndcrml bonus on cheese of ir lb and a froln- clal bonus or hogs for a and d car casses a feed conference by whkh nil freight 1 paid on grain from its tern canada the seeking of frovln- ul lrgljatlon mhlch u1 enable the flnnncinj of ujr federation by a levy at i hlit r lc an acre or onefilth of a mill on aawjjnrnl aaslating farm rudio forum prorranunet coruldera- tion ol thr farm labour probm the uimitullon of a month paprr usued to tach of the irhmbers thr rttabluh- mrnt ol ontario und canadian ofscce mith full time ecretare ttie abrence of a sulliblc meeting pace in thr toruhlp wa ducussed und a mutton mas forwarded b w druckrn and w cromar that the es- gurlnu rx3 ration of agriculture cek through thr tomruhip council a mesna of tabltihlng a buliajble hail for the toruhip orgnltauons mcnrd by mr bracken and m brown that the 1m3 board of direc tors conslut of tmo members from each school section and one from each un ion school following this the election of direct oris for 1m3 took place on a motion by o lrjle and w bracken it was decided that each wo men h inmilule in the townihip oo- tint and send one director to the nct mreilng to be held on lb lfiih eric warne who u now working at south porcupine mas the winner of a cradle recently off r red aa a prise by mrs tom mcdonald or carrie in a dram for the herald war vic tims fund her suter mrs k pre ton received word- this week that mr wamr iioji donated hia prise to tn other raffle in the northern town this time for soljiera comforts a dou off ret in the same raffle and won b mrs a orace was recently raffled at a meeting or the wa to the lome scots so both prlxes have done double duty tn ratting money for war work lowest mill rate in 25 years set by municipal council salary bylaw providing salaries for council membera alto repealed fire brigade deputation wait oa coundt mrnld by thr irrvlcfk chrk uorjst of nrwmarsrl and we now hopr to site our fradrrs brttrr service will this aodliton lo our slsff we ta unded lo brain uu wmk but a st waded into u stack of lait minute copy for tne llrrald this momtcs r found tne eultor missing from his costs lasrn down with a severe cold while as hope be mar bare a predy recovery we doubt if it will tale place in time to com pute ihl edition of your paprr 6o when all drtslls are tsuct it look ilka anothrr thurtdsy folksl awaswaaattmwsmaalansl 1 social and personal norv4u w i sponsor euchre farts twentyone tables of euchre were in ploy bt a party last friday even ing in norval parish hall sponsored by tho norval womens institute sirs mlulcrc of georgetown and ur b d mcolurc received prlxes for high scores in tho gtunewhlla ura bert snow won a permanent wave offered as a door prise lucky draw tlokets were sold on a quilt with miss barbara oromar holding tho winning ticket lunch served by the institute memb ers brought a pleasant evening to a closo proceeds of the overling will bo used for institute war work mr and urs jam l rons ot ouelph were visitors in town today miss flora moffat of acton spent the week end with mrs j ucoermld and isabel miss violet oreenwood of dar luyer is visiting in norval with her sister mrs c orlmwood miss elsa bessey of kilbride spent the week end with her parent mr and mrs kerb bessey dr j e jackson former oeorge town dentist who moved from here to mitchell is now dentist at st lukes burrocks windsor mr and mrs h b williams and miss helen williams of toronto call ed on mr and mrs w h wuimhi on sunday miss joan hale left on monday for toronto where she has entered the nurses training course at st josephs hospital mr and mrs w wlnfleld and john and mr and urs w peck visited tn toronto en sunday with mr and mrs lewis laird ur h matthews left this week for stratford where he will be employed in the victoria street nurseries ura matthews and the family will leave soon to join ur matthews in that city roy peck has gone to toronto and enrolled as a resident student at the canadian electronics institute where he will complete his studies tn wire less telegraphy and commercial radio urs oeorge barber and urs paul barber were joint hostesses at a kit chen shower at the formers home on monday afternoon in honor of was frances cramer of toronto whose marriage to ur norman barber takes place shortly the tables were beau tiful with pink and white decorations and made a lovely setting for the de lightful tea which was served mr oscar lerch was reelected director of the ontario swine breed ers association at their annual con ventlon held in the royal york ho tel toronto on monday and tuesday of ink week mr f ii ollroy manager of the canadian bank of commerce milton hpokc on the man of the hour winston churchill at a meetlngof oeorgetown lions club on monday evening miss lillian williams of toronto left on sunday for washington dc where she ho accepted a position with the british purchasing commission she is wellknown to many oeorge town people having worked here tn 1038 37 as stenographer in k u langdona office the young peoples societies of knox umehouse norval and union presbyterian churches held a skating party at the oeorgetown arena wed nesday with about 60 members pres ent to enjoy the evening the local society were hosts for refreshments in the church basement after the skating rev and urs c c cochrane at tended the induction service at port credit last priday for his brother rev dr a c cochrane newlyap pointed minister at port credit pres byterian church dr cochrane came to port credit from tulsonburg also present were his mother mrs wil liam cochrane of orlula his brother judge arch cochrane ot brampton and william cochrane of kitchener and his uncle rev dr it b coch rane of toronto chairman of the home mission board of the united church ot canada ura prod harrison entertained the daughters of tho bt georges church at her home one evening this week pretwiutior to mrs h mathews hi ororirr womsns auxiliary hi id a ocll rtrnlng at ihe rectory on vtrdnrvda riming of lat apek an ricrlltnt number rrc prwnt and a oduhlful rwnlnv a as prnt a rr interfiling qui was con ducted b sirs hilnry mackrade tin prur bring on by mrs w v orant- thr principal eent was a mock trial nth thr rector qla judfr and mrs thompson as proaecutlng sttoror mn donn mrsorant end mrs ualth- rsb mere ail tried on absurd charge the prorccutlng attorney summed up mm mutlhrw a offences but asked for a light sentence the judge then lesd thr following address oinr mrs matthews the knowledge that you and jour fimlly are leaving our parish is cause for genuine regret among us you hsve entered so unobtrusively yet to fully into our church life that you hsve rosde yourself axllnlgh indispen sable nothing has been too much for ou to do you have endeared yourself to us not only by your will ingness and efficiency but also by jour kindliness and good cheer we are going to miss you but we are not going lo forget you we hope ou will be happy tn your new home e know you will be useful there but to make sure you wont forget u we ask you to accept tht gift which goes to you with our appreciation our pray- m and our love st oeorge s w a evelyn walker president edith l k thompson beety a very handsome tablelamp was then presented to mrs uatthewa who responded with ry cordial thanks nnd the assurance that she had been very happy at 8t oeorge and did not want to leave but would always remember her stay here with utmost pleasure and would value the gift most highly refreshment were then served and the gathering dispersed 24900 cigarettes for boys overseas not only did branch 130 ot the can adian legion send christmas parcel and cigarettes to local boy serving oversea but hut week they dispatched 34000 more cigarette across the sea recently the same orgaruratlon raf fled off a clock with proceeds of is being turned over to the bt john ambulance brigade the clock was won by cde adam v the above u out a small part of the community service the legion is ren dering during these trying times oeorgrlosn council held a bua lraioo on thursday evening whstt much important buslnes came before thr members the rtlsnmlnn regard- inr the reduction in th mill rat for 7i3 ottrsiiadoaed much of th other burlrxv although the repealing cat the uury bylaw waa not put through althout some deacenllng votes while thlt u hardly the place w comment editorially on council do ing we feel the council should ray congratulslrd on being able to droa i mills off the present tax rat mak ing thr rst for 1m3 40 mill not since 1917 has the tax rata barn re duced to such a level mayor otbboba felt it could be reduced still lower members of council were a btt sxsptlcsi and dldn t feel the rate should be re duced any further this year tn case 1 should have to be raised at a later dale due to some unforeseen earners- dlture it is not many years ago that ae can remember oeorgetown batnf burdened with a mill rale ot around m mills and we believe our council is doing everything possible to save thr taxpayers money so that more lurplus funds can be turned back to- to the war effort nest item on the agenda by way of importance va the councils stand re garding the repealing of the bylaw priaidng ssuirirs lor the mayor itetve and members of council after txing ducuvd at length mackenata cleave olbboni bradley and oostlgan jpiwncd a motion repealing the by- la mllh brown and macdooald op posing councillor crippji wa not prtmnt at the meeting council took th view that with uo ounv cltlxsng gtfftng thetr servlceo tree in publle inurrbls during thece war days t would be only right that the merabere of council do the same a deputation from the fir brigade malted on council and asked that some effort be put forth in regard to purchasing a new fire truck the old one being slmaat completely unfit for use if not outdated after over twen ty years falihtul service the clerk was instructed to write for prices on a new truck the usual bylaw granting certain exemptions in taxes on farm lands within the municipality was read the necessary number of time and pass ed and the 1m1 tax roll was returned to thr treasurer the tax rellartnt was also instructed to continue the collection of all tax arrears during 1943 taxes will be collected in four instalment with no discounts for prepayment of taxes a 3 pen alty will be added ft taxes are not paid oa due date welfare account totalling tsta a ere ordered paid other accounts passed are a fol lows h bpence ww sta aicas k- o mcmillan coal ujoo w h kentner ac son coal 3jjr oeorge munn w w rebate 49 p b harrison registration births marriages deaths laja hedley shaw st m j schula sts wj oeorgetown lumber co ltd js bell telephone co um f c whltmee sta two municipal world stationery atf k m langdon legal fees ua hydro electric tan f sinclair town truck sjw speights oarage town truck 1419 clef euthre party boosts bwvf by 700 free movies at knox church hext thursday sponsored by the oeorgetown lions club three feature movies not peace but the sword everywhere in the world and first aid for tpront liners will be shown froeto all at tending in knox presbyterian church on thursday next week february 13th at 8 pm these are sound plain stories from britain of the evening telegram british war victims fund of which the herald war victims fund is an auxiliary a special mobile picture unit from military district no a will bring this program to you a collec tion will be token for tho dwvj be sure to attend and do your part over 18000 was collected at the same show in durham lost night mrs j crawford olen williams opened her home to the rnembers of the olen community club on bator- day night for a euchre party in aid ot the herald british war victims fund a mtry pleasant evening waa enjoyed at cards and the sum of vim was reallied for the fund prisewinner included urs l per kins acton mrs bert hunter nor val l perkins acton and w david son olen wtntams a tasty lunch waa served at the close the draw for the holsteln calf do nated by mr ben young in aid of tht herald war vtotlms fund win tax place at the herald office on bator- day afternoon at s oclock mayor joseph olbbons will make the draw ur young has not only donated the calf but has offered to buy it back tor tlooo in cose the winner should not want to keep same we believe there are some tickets still available running third we could keep up with the jones more easily it the jones were not busy keeping up with the smiths montreal herald leaders all sometimes there isnt more harmony becausoeverybody in the crowd is trying to do a solo kitchener herald r

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