Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 4, 1942, p. 2

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the georgetown herald wedaestday evening february 4th 1942 the georgetown herald h t oiiiiilin kbh olea immasaa lai mi mr if- 1 uj ihrt oatta s rxtna atnada and th cnltad rata boo a jpaar atcw oootu te walter c ssun ojuutjd i uoonvav ranald breenfcatd pbohk ko iubw of lb rwiitti wfcudy nawapaper ajwetatlon and tfi obtaxloquatwc dtnascs of th owha canadian troops in england have a good record and make many friends tto to thr autfa lmry a a ftfrif f utklm wrltl r hl tcjmn 41ur la ftcvwfcavrd ib i waitlaa l b1ib afu a trta uwrr vim 4fcr ciwiihiti rdtur ft tn ae- ta ax it uu natural that a canadian cm vuit to bnuin ahould mint to arc a mifh a poalb of the can dial army owrwu bone ox thr can adlii rdvora har oru or brothm u the arrrtcr etry orw liad tu of addrcttr of boy from hom act laity it nm t no cu tt ma n individual toidlrr the cinidun uniu arc acattrrrd cnrr much o thr acuthrm part ol england jnd while i u thrrr thry wrrr ukhi- p jn larffrtcar manuttr the bulk of thr cunaouan corps moving arouno london and up toward thr coa to mm a pretended imion it intfrrtin to trc this larr imi on thr moe but rurd to itxlic an u nr individual a few altrr i jrrlrd n lon don a rjthrr unplrint iiicijrn oc curred thr lirt ix rditois rrarn rd thr ct lat- on t3it uni i i h we ucrr met by f d odf 11 ol thr british council who t nd u through tht blackout to tin jrot uj mttlrd in oui room ind b ten ocjock hud u- ttti 1 011 to dinm 1 t tht lublr n irt iii u in th rlll room w had ti rah txtfun to tat btlon a 1 1 rd liimm 1 into u m t t t to or tit h m f a m al 1 tht penr o our how u ml n t w h o 00 i of ulilk ji d 1 m ii lntrrii a it t in hi me it a n txjiibaiji iiit auch ao i hit mdom b h 1 ji i 1 mupect our ho t f und 11 ji d rot want t iv mn htiw i lru o hi truftu tin tjt 1 tui 1 ur i aondrrrd ht hi in true jv ps i to ftound 1 v at it umid ojt 11 ant h- l as it mirfl hiv bnn b it m 1 im u aprrad aver britain at ht tc tor of a tfttat rouj o ai k pai rri atreuhin1 from coast to coast that troujiu in aliit th rrti nd tnovle proplr would ci 1 fti ynat but hich muh mn prop- i hjne bn culhd irtttii to tit rottor one ol thrm mtu a irurriloui poatcard deruxinein thr condact ol uie c4jiidtri troop ilrttajn th ttntrr wtd hr a- taming to thr tiivo tt- nnl morn in to ul me all about thrm 1 iradr rnquinn u id tiiat thr miltrr alii aua- lati tn ifxvori not too vrli thought 01 hutvrlf ard a bt of a ciank ttir 1 en uii trutir rrwtilrd vtial hr tiad donr tlw mjn turned up thr nrxt ii but 1 midr ore 1 im aa at thr i umr i tiaa itatr laxvurat bfrtf aiur jiat 1 madr it m particular burinr unrrr i arnt to ajt jbuut ttif canadixn boja in diglxad i rttrtrj anrr rom hurh and ltr i tupprd aa from thr uroap uid jjtrd wi jj thr liuihvli prou in ihrlf gardrnv i vot ociclal fliuira i rom caiiidiiin ann lralqurtria t talird i h civuurvi and liguh mj 1 in lu-iorr- i urft uouuon i haj wit fit l in t i ur nd aji doibl ttir j 1 1 r t cf uf r uii linn ai t triil enn o mi dcniitiuri i tuned litt t t muml ti 1 0111 dt ilni r i mi li 1 n jp u canad an x k put 1 t r in r amixitl nil h 1i1 i 1 h 1 1 h i l 1 n rii a ttl i nip jim u tht tind tj ii 1 iii 1 1 i k quaint old but indi and oportln osub in lwlffl 11 taw m cea pdxajh tirum it mltbt b petd tht tiir record of tba en- lliis relmtota uvinj near tbctr ovn homaa would be beucr thin that of in oirmlltrj artuauy it unt orlm tubaag uu tolcucra of th candn ccrp u only octnlrd a prrrmlrat tn progortioo to th number rnjjtd a tn thr tmprrui poroa u nitr ol driving ccodluona tht an atrmngr to cunadlans uir tufftvay x ddrnt records of canadians u bur ja pjoporlon to thr number of hi- r ininttjaun ol arddrnu nosd that thrrr a a trndrnry to blame hr ciniclaru fcr mat than their bhxrr vvr invancr a aoman cu ed up ciu dj 10 ja that a cn- tduji aju tthiru- had duizurd her trncr akra jia the knew tt a cuuqiiii ji- i d 1 hid a hjp- poyolajn ll paii td 011 thr udr it raau rd to lin thl tjir hjp- popotajnu no a citudiin ui unaj ttu iitiirlj- ltonrj u an- otjirr l mln ou 4 in artaxj lutimu i i li ii 1 t atur o ill luotru- ti r utt tadt- ot thr ijiaj- lji iirop r 10 th caiiaduiak ji u in a t urar ixmwsoii iilriul uljid a tax lo lair mr t ttir i4lij iu lun iit uir ltarkout vrticn t r dxair arnvrj tuid found 1 a u ci ilin ti aikrxl if 1 uu 1 mind if h arnt around b i liou a j cjik lit ills allr along uj to ija lo a cajiadun vilirn i lr ft ihrm at thr italian h ou u ijj a cit a pjrmi iruu mr walln fox thr ua n in tiiat umr u 1 u d nut- jjiilutl aurraftmni in uu it a f thiy rrr load in tifli prj r ol thr cajitdiani t a a ol a 1 hat had ja 1 hinfhj lin luj 1 idlattcha uir r rr 1 1 j ji nrwre 1 a im ilotit l 1 lo 1 ii j lid ulluttd on ciin tii 1 i thr nrl at uir 0 1 id a t in uigiiwn t il j un i 1 t n ji i 1 j lik ftho v i i ii i jl i n th maj i 1 bi ol h ilun altt il h 1 t 11 1 1 vi an tl f hi 1 hi un km n in ht 1 i 1 t 11 1 ml l 1 1 i ha 1 in ru 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 it l in in to i r pn n i h h t i p k 1 inn ip il h ti 1 d 1 i 1 1 r 1 0a tot r4r to ao aha rhantm bar mtod- aha wgtmnt tia him op ao mauar what bar oajvota aaid- bo ha vtct awif with her i hava airtdy mentlnrtm the wans raecptloa aivto ua at oofatij when a uj part of that city vaa wlpad out eoot rctioanta eacapad hh their um but ltttla ala rfin 1 11 fraraenta clothed the paooto oan- utan trwtilinij kitchen fed them cm null in medical aigpltoa vara usad to rate ihelr pain etandin tn the mlrlit of the ruins of ooweotry oatha dral the provost preaenud to taxh canadian adjtor a prtoaiasa souwxuj a rrou made of to anclrat nails picked up rjj the rulns- actuauy etrry prnoo i met had high prmlie for canada ami ti diin arvt it aa tincerr not mexr ly a potlte triuire uany of thea have litrd canada there a tor j ritrrdair head of a great tteel com pany ho knew my oan loan of frr u hit lurry drltuln a ho aajird pax tirularly about arton ontario becauac he had tutted thefr hi home toeing ik acton dmund winston churchiu ho promlmni to vkut canada a fain a oon u tir could a promibr tjocc carried out jame bonr london rdilm ut thr uanchrter ouaidun ho ioai hu clothrt hrn hi boat wa lor irl rtj a hr rrtumrd from canada and thr taal intr ho urd lo orfc at j taper park and or lies rd it aax ihr mml brautlful tpol on rarth lamdjaut htliitr u4 ljmiuji ulrb ifany canadian taoldirr air marr intt ivkhih vtrlt that u not aur j prutnir but few in canada rrallar ho man wrddlnjjp thrrr have been th ommaimjtnji oavrr of a wrtrm on tario battalion tod mr that 100 of hi mrn had marrtrd liituoi and ikottlih vult he tald thr mrrr tiood gir jf tiir brit lpr for hr inuitrd on in trrvirmlnji rrr onr brforr he gavr hi lrmlaiion for un- marrlaiir to lakr ptacr no tlil l wirnrtlilnai that cam olan rrlatlvr- of sodirfh ai d put tlrularl oinadlun hit hould not ovrr 00k ft k sandaru mho at ith mr brlli vt- that a crrtaln ljmir aurruuntlt canadlails in dn lain hi a cnbt s tfn in part a u 1 in nl nd itoul ii rliapn in li 11 ht at a tu uirtrilt factor i ja i k il m ti it 1 t ib 1 11 a ln4 a pi nl mvirnl now 1 ititltltd liw in tin n rt 1 on th jwr a 1 huji 11 1 ii in o 1 h dn mj in in iuj ii 1 k l ix i jill a 11 hi 1 tlh il 1 u a 1 11 1 li a 1 i 1 41 ik tr ji tl i im n 1 ul 1 h nt m 1 h u in lifi 11 1 s- tl h h si i 1 il u 1 1 1 iii 1 t a 1i 1 ii in itn iii c 1 1 a hu 011 tin l 1 1 i h 1 i l tin pr i n mirrtl il 11 li 1i ji kn 1111 ll 111 u 11 jl 11 him to 1 r li im 11 j h 1 1 p d a tfw nrarrd thr p 1 h n ln ji to 1 t li i ji nt do ibta p 1 1 1 h 1 ji i m 1 tin 1 1 ii fti 10 uj tiki cn il n o h homt p u it a thr lac bcauport quebec ski paradise 44gu to keop fit baa become a7 aomethldr of a wartime aloran la tho ranka of canadian mad aroortean iporta enthualaata many of whom aro combining thla timely impulau with tho joys of unbounded akl a port on tho hills of lute beau port nlno miles from quoboc city or la tho an cient capital ltaelf where faelll- uoa for ekllok skating tohor- kanlnir alolgh riding and anow- ahoulns aro all contributing to tho joya of quobocs wlntr sea hon acctitiitlblu by huatrd bus from thu chateau frontvnac popular heodquartors for american and canadian vluttoru thu kuuimlni anow howl with uh faclllthtt for evtry typo of akl hport iuih lately acqutrtu front piimi pio- nilnonco in tin north atntrltun 11 world ami thu utr with h miner ft ilmtnit mi proiulm ntly in military tn iimx nvn m ilh woll 11 1 in cl illuit hpo t lift ijic lltuiu- port ih pvihptlnu morn hid actiqn un uh h li iltmi ovt r htifnro ilrh n tin lm iti uupiirt lay out offtn the following attrsc- tlona twin downhill and alalom runs that sweep 2200 foot down tho a1owm of mont saint cast in a 4000foot downhill and 1 000- foot slalom on nolkhboring mont tourblllon a profoaalonal ikl jump two uptodatu akl- tows an attractive new chalet and tho mle sky lino trail these fea tures combined with blopes and trails of all abapea and attea and now whoso quantity la matetiod only by ita powdery quality com- blno to produce a matchloaa akl aettlnir for bealnnorn and experts alike interost in lac iloauport and quebec ha been further klndud this year by tho publication of parallel bkllnit tt 96pano trea- tlmt by k trlts i0011ji cetubrated instmrtor nt tho chateau kron- tfimc ski huwk school wlumt parallel tirhnlquo hr conclmity lrihentid in word and llluhtm- tlnn thu kwihh canadian httl maestro who ucronllnk to many american and ranailliin wltl uhpl- ranlh ian tatu n tin drudtiory out of ukl itihtrtiltlnti lion achieved remarkable results with his parullfl metboda and his school ha a iutk and nnthuala tic followlnk the importance of quebec and lae 11 f a u port in tho north am erican akl pleturo ta ftirthrr ns- flee tod in the variuty of all-vi- penae tours belnu operated this winter by the canadian 1aclfle hallway between iloston now york detroit toronto and quo boc city including generous stop overs at the chateau lrontenae neither do american vlattora overlook tho faet that their money is worth 10 per cent more in canada and that their tourist dollars contrlbuto to a common causo kcoplnj fit to win tho war la sound advice and the fuvorlto prescription of hundreda of am ericana and canadians for attain- itm thlh fltnohh ih now btlnc written in nkl tmcuh on the anowh of lac lluuuimrt illuhtratlotih hhow trllk lioouu- ln action a blimpho r hie run on mont rnlnt cunt in and aklurs in full enjoyment of hit hpnrt 1 th t k 1 a in ii tint iii 1 in i it iii a iii i al ti it tin 1 m in i 1 th it t r p 1 a i i of i ii ho d in t m 11 ipnii tl r fmwtl honu is rliap hit i l p ntv ai firm b il tin 11 iml 1 filli uft sonii ion t k mv ni v u ml ttu ni u nm h nit bit hiii mon th vkanl o hn k tli it in limiii btt 11 lor 01111 m intd itttir vin mon ji4n tht nrtl ptrci ls nrws ifovlio li itrs tolling hat h iplt it honu irr domt and thr iiki tht tioaw town n a pajm f which mss irom liand to hand oounclli or hen icr club- would b doinn notnj acts if ihi would mihscrlbe for tht locnl pa m r for il bos from thnr towu who it ov rsras imrttk un ipprftutt il ol conrv tin troop uri adrquittu fid but tlit rt fi w tuxurlttt r m mbr that whin jou nl lrc bom hings ari hivurit in fn inland that in ptntiful hi rt ouutits ap mo wilcom i w candirs ont twice ui fngiand ami thr writ n ll confrctions not nil chuimn l aauld h i klt much for vunc itjl oiks 8 nd potted fanc mrats md rhci m m irmal id and j inus in iin unit irlavrt brans nul gartrm ind razor bladi uiilstratcd mairawnis such as uh art hrnv to mnd but art mot wt icomt hind 1 fi w of uiim to our solthrs or to a havard canadian arm lfaudquartirs coclupur sutct undon liut riinrmbt r uttirs are bet of all tlirn cant lx too mans of uim jcooke floor contractor lloor laving whurfarinc handing finihinng we sreriam7e in old hooni oood worknintimtlp rfiuioniibli prices 3 new 8t phone im burlington i collections since 1800 we have handloa jj the collection ot debt no other firm in canada has aucn s a long record let our vint experience aerve you oi it doea ao many builneaa men and doctors throughout tho province our terms no collection no lhnruc for our tiorvlcis are your mmniiuic that you pay or re- miius only the collection hpetlalutii kelly aiken oltangeville ontario cjp stations guarantee ww seryffjt uirectory f r watson ddi mjj orotknon orftcr llojra v 10 5 excrpl i 1 rji allrrnooru dr j burns milne klntil si hoeon rai firorgrloan pbe as cufford g re1d ids i its iii ntist pi 110 sin ii orwi ovn a m nielsen tum tau rraetle cbboptktot- xray drustew tberapltt lajr atuatam offlc orr rjomlnion 8tora itourt 2 5 7jo 0j0 pjn clmd ttianlar ftusa uw lcroy dale kc m sybil bennett ba it irrllt and soricllor li 1 sirn crursttuvii phonr 19 idt radio r we specialize in this work is wan liprrlrnc j sanford son ptiane gcorrictowv jl kenneth m langckm turrlur sollclux- nourrpbdu pir moruur monr to uoan oftlci on uorv tlmatrt bltf mill birret ihonr hit oeottorn frank petch 1 l inseo al ctiovli r and all lasses ol rvsiranct prooipt service fhonr ml georgetown po box 113 jcooke cement and cinder blocks brick and tile mam facto red hlth opcodate power marmif all aucs an quantity 3 vrw st piiavx u bi rlingtov elmer c thompson insurance serirl tin auto windstorm r railway and allied hlramahtp si mmer lxcl rsios hone h9w or j georgetown monuments markers and lettering pollock ingham gait ont dfmtma on rcqut phono 3048 inspect our work in greenwood ccmctcn grav coach lines time table now in effect tfiimim standard tlmr lfaw georgetoun ijutboand lo toronto 1 0 oh a m 0 pm d 18 a m 08 pm ii 40 pm 013 lm 223 pm meal bound 0 35 am xij05 p m london 600 pjn 7i0 pan e 006 pm d10 31 pan enlljj pm 05 pm ayldo ijn except sun and hoi d except sat bun and hoi e bat sun and hoi f dolly except sun x to kitc v to hltotifu w il long phone c n r time table standard time going eaat puuenner a 6 16 am posmiiffer and mali 10 03 am posaenmr and mall 6 43 pjn paineruier sunda onl 8j1 pin pusmnirer dally 0 41 pm toronto and beyond coins weal paavnjrer and mall 834 tin pauenirer saturday only 1 13 pin paaaeiuter dully except saturdo and sunday a 00 p m puisenger and mall 64 pin paaaenger bundaya only 1130 pin golrut north possenirer nnd mali 843 ain going heath paiscniicr and mall 6js0 pm depot ihrket oibce phone hr gertrude cain school of dancing tumrtayi fl 10 pm legion hall georgetnun noyn anil airls private oiom unindi studio olen wlllloma phone r 13 hecore- ralph gordon the versatile entertainer for your next proffram illiwlrated circular free toronto ailtlreai 028d crawford 81

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