Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 4, 1942, p. 3

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the gccraetovra htramwcfoeky evening february 4th 1942 dont let your liver make you an invalid sty bisyr iwui er tfeatr ow t tetfl b yw kavrwiwuuitmutitttuwy uuf to pwwmmit til kss4th ysur your itirr il the bryru fkia iaioubod aod mou iffipiifitci iuyour krajih- ii kja vwtft to buuitl ijftutrt 1xj ftaodt i tta heraldry your htmir luk tbi rnarrflt btiuan ctjtr4l om11ij nn dt4pfrw a4110 jovf lr pocr i j hu tu jirj food 1 rd uf ur j irf txvt novuiffl co ffh your hmj u hn lit- jti owl tf onir pupr i1k t v on rvi nthjihmt t tu r put fj n j tih ebc lb jumpum tn r tnunifvt ninou uowmo j ihnimiik pin iir ffos lhi roiw n ikj hnumi ininpjiid ldrk7 ci i fk r 4n it hint j xl lt kt jnn fur lrm j v 1 trvi i hr it ujimj h il on tvmh nj ii t t1 in- ufm ullin lxf 11 lt r il tn j n pvi ti tu k on t ruj the huh iil roun l cj mmjt d j nip halyon ockovzkzm9 assoc iation utucr j a wmjwtf mcszbcnt roa ims z k uuscoo or lumiltod tu the guetl speaker at the annual meeting of the auoclauon held at lujton n- ctcliy itr ilaxnpuu in b- addretj fretted the ubportaike ol paying more attention lo our hay and paa- urr crop the lndufcioo of more leg- ulti and the bulldaa up ol lhe lr t u ol orpuuc ooitur in par unl fn for uw fcxmml county firj fuir to or tjrid in acton on luih 6 nd 7 xrctivrd coaalnucwi u u t me wjl and cxit prowwbunr u tr cjrlrd ot in 1m3 tiic lujtoo ab- wxluon mui be rctxtrnli tn dplay ol w3 grain tor tlr at thr king edjd hoctl in toronto hit ol vttjmxry th ttir faction ol dllcrra rrwjjltl as folo itrtairtt j n wlllmou muton vlor pire j e piairn arton ht ti j k whjuxkjuutoji uirctof kjurun i lurrtn muloo 1 j ilujirldnr and it liilkr otoiwr- ton o w jjurruy arun triajvir v iud hunib c uirrr lij ctldn v uiuinur cxkllf tilthfiiitoii kim m in v j itu6tit- on muloti subscribe for the herald na jjl i isjrillcil l ilia lu a liirvlci mlluli imi imiiki j ilou jlliitl impfioved uniform international sunday i chool lesson by harold u ujwtwjuist p d timely topics for women by bihwa btiots lesion tor february 8 a busy sabbath in capkknatw ltmon ttxtuirt i tj m gotdln tkxt1 to if leift c tt ixjd uy hrtuloo 1 10 thr subuath of ihi- jew and the lords day sunday of ihr chrift uan uirr both intended to bo dayi of rtut thr ordinary uctivitlra ol life urrr lo rtum tind enr wa to b tttr to uornhip rd to rrt thr mniinir in which u man uui fhu gtkjuivin day of m t t a rtmurk ably accurutr mdirulor tjf his fptri luul ktdition we haw txforr us tht uccounl ol a vi ry t uiy sathatti dit which our lord ipnt in cjjm rnuurn ihr city in uhkh mobt of hii rnlknty works rrr dont but whuh ijinorrd hirn und hi tttu minn tu ltbown dtmruc lun miim 11 23 2it ah wi lk ixin t tail iu attrikl tjtr almiiu at our ind b activity tn ihtit day hiui it m ki tun un rid ulthl r it urn what wr muy do with our it -can- iluttn uek are vol hrt at iioue a mjn hcict if iu cuvr but ir ac c ti iutttjc rr nliab the 4 j m mtiny 0n jr to win up a lamijy and no uilk- cl io djrktr of or- uji ljqjt iiuirt en n unforiun- j it 1 irur tiul houir accdrfiu ukr ttniic oj iij ovd id d-i- d ch rjr 4i d j rt vn r k j iwrnm tm do a n u uomb wii i j tf 1 1 luj ritjd ntj u j 1 i tmiij drvj uid touy j njjd hjnjl in modrn hotnr i j u li jfj uoiij danttr ut ltt isnct a iradktt ituamu of riiu j ihr jjjjiu ol uluikihk ur- llj it jii o iwn nt it tm iioijj ymlnjf thrlr luir of lmiiubjuij for ihf com- ffjr jnoujinf to ih rrtj4 l huit tiiuji inr kiuhm hrh i ill l jl oiujii js trr nwot i o uin inr mt mni a jj ti nou4 l- alild ia thi i inj kxjjd ihvrr or i j- 1 it i ij in c um l- uxj tu i u in linn iij mlld but htn i come to play ihoe hit rtwa k rruly bad no mot ctpr rubber tor and unnu ihoea may hat tut rubbrr o brcaum tcack rubbrr can uur more cocsposll ioa it u lur pj llo- siuj hi rjc topt and irathrr ut or pex- lpb ropt aora the gay tojrd can puy ho aith bnghtruuirruis to itrilcn r liar becoenr actuuocnrd cn m ftlcn br jj luxrti 4o much iu o f- jilab sftrr pretent jp lu- n iwa up rubfcxt for nrat uaaon moot br pctt oonr lor thr duratjoa ait- ccjomj rjlnrtt4 tor rubbrrt luu- rubber and ilosnrr and nnt iili ovrruioti uijj or furii bacjc i fabrru3ld vrlvrt and fut rt tans to br odftjiontd from gn- it fho ud b t uji carrolls hetiu ketchup 14 oa k4l 19 introduhnx mother puticrt coffiee tr- 29c v 5se queenland i pickles sweet mixed 27oi 23j shredded wheat domestic sii coffee croll- ronur newport fluffs- light bulbs wnku chan floor wax laundry starch frebzeeze u 2 p ssc mb pit 19c llb b 39c xsc tb xoe t tla 59c ik ixc pk ioc grapefruit juice unnractaowl 19c peanut butter freak bulk p 15c or wwu ww vinegar sandwich spread iudney beans h beans hiu vturu heinz spaghetti mushroom souphi nonsuch luuh siot poiub ar i4e x9cfs9c x st 7e s ssse a srasc t atatralian smciicu raisins 10c i vs sandwich biscuits ik 19c normandie creanu carrolls cleanser 3 13c i cowana perfection cocoa v mb 24c snap powder l x x5c lifebuoy soap d asc pearl white soap 3 x4e kleenex pio xoc 25c x9c aerowax uqol j floor wu phi tla x9c nugget sbo poiih put tu x3c scrub brushes c x3c 1 baking powder cub and carry sa w i magic 8 24 sdmki8t oranges 21c 27c 35c heedless grapefruit 5 for 25 bbad lettuce 8c head lu ao deuciods apples 3 for 10c cookino onions 3 lbs 20c kt lo limit quaiillllci ol all aa fly rtqlllrk ighron nti1t nd vfttn c prices good i iu- stlpiay nightowlyi hone 357 free delivery j2 kt ihtfii lut fruit w ftnd mini in thri sunduyi to ni fur i ti rnity ilnc i i la the church u 21 2u tit silbnlli day found our l rd with hit jjplt in tht rntiijui tin ir ili f worhtiip tr f rv in of worship vvl probablv f r- rnil un ik kmj in rirituil v ilil lt i lit im tlx less wilt then ulltll llll m o iv if wl iius 111 ophrtuml i- r filnwhhlp urij mt it uliii h htm h iltt ritliiit i linnet 1 tn kf jm till fiotih ol tiu vvtxk vslxivnt li mary uim chat m- mllii 4vjpi jxao lji- li pirt flinr uiad r ut by ll ii 1 ifjr ruil aitun ut u in tinmt jrouid ahuh ilty ijjtn cjiata oj oin in mjbr and brautiful hji v 1 m vulj r cuaal wnd tp i ur namt ol a fi a huilt on a ruvhtd pioakwiury i ujj mjf tun cnid ut va tuid ho o jiotiry hili aid cta4- ur tjur lijt trjtd cut jot hi jdr wid jt w h it la lit aid jvtui to carr ojt in jkttii lor bjiid it ana o u au at vvuxlvint thjt joiin ajkd hit o n in mi jam iiitr mmntrt va- t t lo jikj liut jnj r 4ifid hu aifc r u alio uuii juhn uju ajine in ih a tj t uit4 n uptid vi li by urui t ii n york void 01 wind it j aid uji uia mj i i m i a it if jm hiita i i und anton o irniiiikiaiit bo wkiid ihimii i i dltuwiiti ui lh u it tj ni yoiit ll iiiik lit ti 11 ik jb- iim 111 ii lit l u t i u ui ii in ii di in 11 lllll i- il ri ni i tin ik ill rit ir i ii i ul i 1 1 i hi llil i u r l i in v mill llru lln in tluin in tin ni i unl nurit it u in i mi liliiku in it i illil ijkin to mi t ujm t in i i iuun nf ills ii il ii i i i to in u t tiory ftj in tilt lai nit r ttiio it j ii- o j uan and huuvk tmr and kt iii lit ntt ad- h hit in ol till to m i lojla ht hi si ru hid n i r tk fi ll it if t prt i i i u i t n i rship pokt ijui hi p r c rlnn it is uutl ink in in in two riiltn kip mill ol his d iv for ui jt u forim d e cuuld not do whut lit did but c cun bt n ud tu tjivt ourselves i ih tn acrvict us will us in tiorfhip or in apeuktnk tht rr la much work i m aii to be dont in the church und gods n k uh peoplr should be rrody and ill- inff to do il ii in the lions v 203 from the aynanogiie christ went into the home how appropriate i we too ahould go from the church to the home always bringing with us the strength und bit ming of the arorahlp acrvlce the daughter of a great preacher and bible teacher aald the thing she moat loved in her father was that he did not give out the cream of his christianity in his meetings and bring home the skim milk too often we fail to bring into the horns the power and beauty of the service i in the church we who have been very sweet and spiritual in the i nut al container are i church ahould not come home to be sour and crabbed j jesus brought a blessing into peters home miraculously healing j i his motherinlaw of a great fever i setting her free to serve here again we cannot do what he did i but wc cun in ills name bring pow er and blessing into our homes ilin the city vv 3234 i from the home the ministry of jesus reached out lo the entire city as the strict iovvh forbidding truxel on the jewish sabbath were rset osldc by the coming of sundown not only the cily but the entire country side brought their sick and needy to him the hcene mnjjkrrt the imagina tion us one attempts to conceive of this coming together of troubled hu manity for the musters touch j murk tells us that he henled many matthew that he healed nil and 1 luke the phmeuin js emphatic in buying ttuit he healed cer one of them it fl- ux uu t m oun sharp ioiu 11 t0 hfimk h iaiils in ail i nuku mipljami s net tjtub ii k um wniiiif pj s from he mrdirlrit- ib nt j h la n ttur uo m t kttpjs boii polvon und curang tm oairhtrt t lm htfppirir on a mall thro ru m il ir mt hall i iht mnj for loud iiiihtr m manv u wrccn comedy hut it con be prett pulnful in rral life cuifh co tht all cr nor isfcid rujn rt htiier i ciildriri pathlnra cluttering 1 up t hall the kitchen or the cellar trpi urr more than jmt a nuimtncr i n are a mtnucc to jyitty and tha rlumrrn houid be truinrd early to ir maponmblr for putting them a- i v ax in their proper place will your basement pou uupectlon are jour pipes and chlmneyi clean am pipe and electric wiring ell in- tluttti are hot nhe kept in a oll righ kept n coterrd tuxa hjia ruoblvh and tiiji been ulloed to accumulate ilife ure fire hnrarels ou should luck on regular avjdenta elo not jut huppen rii ure ntirl iluujs the re vult of urrltvtm s on the part of somooc home mifttv iv t r important but it iv pov iblt m mun tvtry nuin- r of tin f inuly i wifet toivlous we mny learn from thih incident that our christian fnith which has been develop d and strengthened by our time- of vwirship and kcrvice in the church should not only reflect itself in the home but bhould reach out into the life of the conrnunity in which uc live the primary in terest of the christlan in his city or the place of his residence should be spiritual a desire to bring to bear upon the people of the commu nity the power of the gospel there is however a secondary responsibility which is of much im portance und that is the extending of christian influence into every phnso fcf school social political nd bjulnesfl life it la said that when d l moody came into a bar ber shop the entire course of tho conversation changed the chris tian should have on influence on problems of social welfare tho work of tho public schools the proper con duct of hufllness in tho community and surely upon its political life it is said that if every christian in america would voto according to his professed convictions we could put the snloons out of business in a tingle election why not do itr milt ol it mum- b4iuk urutiiudt fnf si met rt mlt red u 1 i clous i hintf u mich ik m rcj it ses boh him that tfws an i him inn tnkiv 1 wtli unit was mou 1 it h would i um not onlj uu ii il to t e a hit of tin liu hon lii h liki a dirk suie stuks tlu uuiiaii iilithinxhipv uui t tuly lutatls it ik nut ntrtiiw pi roiiu plu rt uuid iimill sllok iasiiions fok sltll 1 a 1 1 snuiri i shed t iil coining iron uill ik mjipiiii out in low luei miniks anil nioiiln shoes that art ut tor mriin with thick soft lenth- i upier- and thhk holis but btciun in l triipintd o uu with tuls aul i itinu clothts calf ihfllsiu l or dull it acu oil titlura lot spring and bliuk ii the ikkht lmjiortant color though red foot- wuir will be common ntnliik shoes an extra thtm day ue being ihovvn ulth high spiked ii american 6hoe are not ban ned but a 72 percent duty has cut down imports i h i ol 1 u hum l corn hkip stilt ti lolt st ah i ik1 inn mi proi to bt u diiiive i or iu thi ar jiij t xpt ritnccd i d in iu in llrtajn luvc found in t u i imiling ol a jmopli in arume i tot j mint a mutter ol buppllta i ol iju dialribuuoii wr lahoujd hun all utlcocnr iht decuaon of the iininjuuit u rauon tiuflir hilc uiere i stiu a ajjiiajl burpjui in the country hut mot of ua quit do home oajong ill find that of o pound per per- ton for all purpose 1a a rather scan ty allowance thi li tspeclally true in uu- family ahtrc there are grow- intt girl and boys a ho like a aaeet doi- irt out to ekt out the ration e have mo enod ftututltutes still un rationed honey and corn syrup have you ever tried honey on your hot cereal la the morning x am sure the child ren will love it have you tried corn yrup to replace a portion of the sugar in fruit ices and home made ice cream or in corn starch puddings and pie filling or in pudding sauce and honey i an excellent substitute far migar or part of it in fresh fruit cup in fruit salad dreaalng in bran muffins or u it mice tener for glased carrots or fluffy baked quah or cored baa ed appjrs here is a recipe crisp in uhich honey of the migur 2 cupo canned peaches cup peach juice cup butter cup loiuy cup migur t askion ut egrs 1 i nsmkm cloica tt hkii nutnitr l taikmm anluu i t tuistid bread cubt c u toin uakia i ulencl butter auot und jhoiuj niui etgs ud beat ft ell add ilt and fiaoriiik 6ur in bread t 1h hoisted uhlli oun 1a heating ui com liktn puce j mixture in a huttcreu baking dlsli pour dioed pi kius and julio otr tho top cover with the nmilning butter mix- tint hake hi modtiale oven 376 p nbout 3 mlnutes maj be served liot or ind yield 11 mlvhitfb wimki- itebum ulls iu tlmt sugar kius are uou being curried by girls in london you uill see tlicso little itattui pouches pinned to ult lapels watch n girl in a restaurant when leu b brought she augments tho tiny union of mignr with tho lump or two taken from the pouch or if sho does not iic sugar in tea her portion is dumped into tho pouch you can buy sugar kits made of colored leath er at most notion counters in london uteres for peach replaces part the worlds news seen through the christian science monitor s ah lnurnahdnal daily newlupsr h truthful conitructive unblaihl frw ram saiuallobaj v iun editorial ar timely andiiulruclivc and id dully j falurr toslhr with lha wrcltly maiazlna srcllon mala c tha monitor an idral nrwapaprr for tha honta v th chmnan scrncr publiihmn sociaty on norway strrtr uoton matmchuiattfi v irica it 1 2 00 yearly or 1 1 00 a month saturday iiuc indtiflno miinn section 3z 60 a yaar inlrodiicitiry olfcr 6 laiue 2 cent name addreru samplb copy on requu1 j

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