Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 4, 1942, p. 8

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tbegcotfetown herald weaitky evening february 4tfc 1942 bigger better sssbtwoiii w at bucks 3 r- or fiqlir 5 la aerse lb lb lb lb rump roasts rolled rib roasts wing roasts ruh pork shoulders pork hocks rib or loinlambchops lb stewing lamb lb whitefish is lb lake herring lb westons ojx kraft dinner mclarens peanut butter ii bova1 yobk t aa urn apple juice 3 pure clover honey 2 lb tin 33e 4 uua o at- tta orange and grapefruit juice prepared mustard 4 ox 8 cup zcwt mwzrt it n in bi lu gherkin pickles kleenex urar box american blend coffee ml mound palmouve soap 3 gillettes lye gold medal floor wax i lb tin gjuden patch it a tta golden bantam corn 2 27c 32c 31c 25c 39c 20c 16c 7c 14c 18c 23c 2sc 89c 29c 10c 33c 29c 39c 20c lie 29c for 25c fresh fruit and vegetables sunk1st sweet and juicy oranges 25 29 39c doz eatia larn sim 14 grapefruit 3 for 25c taruit drikteas calls apples 3 for 10c cautoknia luir lemons 3 for 10c spy apples 2 lb 15c parsnips lb 5c carrots 3 lb 14c so i cooking onions 4 lb 25c sxw cabbage lb 8c mh cautorv1 carrots 2 bun 19c waxed turnips lb 2vic iceberg head lettuce celery heart at market price c j buck phone 28w georgetown v three feature movies not peace but the 8woio- cvieywhzu in the would tost aid for front uneau the sound film atory iram britain or u evnunf telegram drltlsb war victim pund a special maall motion rtrtu vnll rran military dtatrfet no z win brio lata tama u m free at knox pretbyterian church sunday school thursday february 12th at 8 pm under the auspices op lions club georgetown a callactlan will be taken far tha tanalo ennla tcfaaram brltbh war victim fand church news butjlm yva isia teak af ik urn fckas at lillrt as af tkj rrrlti aat tfeaa kkakt nbili irrai m rn r c tola bjl tftrwrr 10 an boolaj bcbau fm 11 ita pjjs aorijci object gj udrn icalm lor uiiaf ktl arr d b4j pat evnjiif droc2n u ja iuwju to iuu41gq uoud pmvwaj invir unijn vsfj i pm lmrr jj iu l3 io- woo ttkumjki luctor ttcuintuna ivan- lt cmnmun- ijn i zn arwla raoi 19 am llm uit ii am ittra m- ataaa ink clra v imaafrima liond ifcw j ccenxb mion fi 30 m ifciad chood 300 pm tlsrrujntf v pm m haaa caartfc mnirtim j pm lrrnln ir4rr u faala rhartk nru 110 pm tivlthl bfttuu 7j0 pin lmlng iwrr i 1 at- musknt ckank turna i ii am llo oommunon i ram rmakjurun tdatcb i mrirtmtu 1000 am lliindr miij 1 11 00 am lublu ui h ji 7 00 pm ljbmc aoroilt 730 pm moimia lb 15 pm mocvdj ypii- liabfbonr pffrbylrrlan harih ihuv cu joo ciirr iubir uisiij u0 ilist tlj vis gin wuuaau t nlu4 co art h it k lrmki ua 2 00 pm bund tchoo 7 00 pm lullc aorslup oomc u the church in uie olea local news rrbtkah birthday party march ath particulars later blendon tabletb harmleu bbd effective tloo two weeks supply at uacoormacka drug store a conoort will be presented by the pupils or georgetown public school on friday evening feb 37th articular later something new for oora sufferers ve eenaocalne the new local anaes thetic contained only in lloyds corn bale oet a jar now at chapmans drug store euchre in legion rooms on wed nesday february hul the wa to the legion are running this euchre all proceeds going to the auxiliary sol diers fund everybody welcome oood prises admission sbc the st john ambulnoe brigade georgetown nursing division vi will bold a bingo in the legion hall on friday feb 20th at 830 pm the members will appreciate your patron age to help get equipment as this work at all voluntary oood priaea and apeclala euchre and croklnole in pariah bau norvtl wednesday feb lltb at 8 pm st sponsored by the an- ajlean congregations of hornby btew- au and morval proceeds in aid of bev p o jackson a former mo tor whole church and rectory at wov later tt have boon bombed jle hat aparlab of 10000 people ad in memoriam italpin in loving memory or wil liam hatpin who pawed away feb 6th 1040 wc little thought when leaving home he would no more return that he in death so soon would sleep and leave us here to mourn we do not know the pain he bore we did not see him die we only know he passed away and never said goodbye ever remembered by wife and family bap4ul charrb atinutrr lte j omrocn t7mr- fco 3ui an hour ol mlom- hli and prirr at 6 pm tiun pro 8li 3 pm tlancu- school hour 7 pm evrnln wnlcr thrme prarrr curntlal in 1ui mr oelrom alll mlnlstrr in srr- non and vm icy houm- shiu br a house of prayer welcome new advertisements wanted to rent unfurnished healed room centrally located leave particulars at it herald office fob hale pigs 8 weeks old apply p d charles itp oeorgetoan phone 83 r 31 room and board comfortable home for one or to iicnttemen single beda good board u phone 219 oeorgetown for hale private sale ol household umlsh- ings next saturday february 7th at the home of mrs m laws main st oeorgetown itp for male 1 goat milking with 3 kids or with out apply sam rooertb it stewarttown help wanted foreman fanner on 300 acre dairy farm wanted apply dr paul beer r r 3 oeorgetown it phone oeorgetown 82 r 2 two keys to a cabin by lida larrimore ttacauj i owtv upvs crmttiu xj john fciopjitj fi car befor evquar framr tusr mi cnh tttth hm ptrmrm uii aut of xuata frania l mparalrd by ticlchas cf 4wv urrd lawn tia lata ailrirxit lgh eu gray and m aharp irj tlrw tn acroaa caaco day jcj- k irpplni out of lis car gtancrd up uiroutt bar brancha of rtnir- oarma and ra- cauua tn tummt i rlchaj now tn blaaii autrrii o mt a ccid gray iy thrr wa wi to tha wind r thought a mjhi- lurjard would probably iratr in its nii an epl drmkc of influrnj nothing to do ubout it thouti itr tunk hu chin into tha collar t txmrtkin coat and itartrd auim ha icy pav merit to the ttir vt tha houa a child uir tfioutinf drtv him to the frmr puralial to tha treat if looktx through brown bkrlatons of liluc hushes into tha tlda yrd hi cumnkmlurr ha called tlr shoutuii iijiijrd nuthunlrl adumn lr sift mta right rur- old grundvin stimlinit on the mjt of u gjrdi it tvmi t iirung wui un intricate nriwui k ol ropci und fttrint jj i mintinrd hand to ward htm i m admiri itsni he called oh ur hi iiomi u going lund in bitthi were in 1 j ni tolu ad- mirul brd m i m md red tnow- huil und hil hu kled galoihc hhouted cliurlul s utnsi the ce- rucs of the aniit in hidiui june dead cunt a a squi ik out of her anyhow thats mtmo jiiiti n nipi t hired nstl thv luui ayu p- icr n 1t nnl john hfinlt it iv hi it the ru pidit with mikii ti in j id pit j 1 1 mi self to in himidii i iiit younif 1 hud tt ihi ii the ihilip- tics und iui his h m sn krm hul him avt i in tutlun t lhiiiith invii id i mx niiifuh md s r 1 lh- mx mh- if his l- in miim- ill ki p mjf inrtat up vou nt to s ht i it 1 b nidrniiij 1i1h ou sin mil ut whit a tvioiik with if nill miklmrd sii i old iiiitt kkcus4 ni adiikitl i id u itiktnr not a rudio u hliu ihi vou tould tr anyway couldnt ou thi- thild persisted got to krtp niovirnj nat youd better conic in pretty aoon thla wind la rold john went into the house lamps wer lit tn the wide hallway the wurm air made his face bum he threw off hi coat and went to the table beneath o giltframed mirror the days accumulation of mall uy there in tidy heap john ran through it rapidly nothing from gay tbare had been nothing for three days that was not unuiual though sometimes he received two letters day again several days would pass without a message from her tfad hoped there would be something today her letters were graphic am us inn affectionate he enjoyed them well- he stood looking at a postcard from dr sargeunt a crescent moon reflected itself tn dark blue water a round white tower a light house perhaps rose ujtninst a star- strewn sky a m m red bout with a hulffurled miii n ut inehor against u strip ol where diirk koom and boajw comfortable home for one or tiro gentlemen single beds good board oarage facilities for one car itp pitone 319 georgetown the life of lord nelson continued from page 7 when weiook at the map of our dominion or canada we ace in mani toba a great river and grain port at its mouth they are named the nel son river and port nelson in our own county or hslton we see the two townships nelson and trafalgar bor dering on the lake with the villa named nelson in thetownshtp of nel son bo we can know that even when places in canada were named people thought of nelsons victory and hon oured him since than the great name has lived for in war and desparate times the english think of nelson aid his wonderful message they still fight bravely lest they soil that mem ory by failure so nejjums memory and name will live forever as the greatest admiral that over lived wo regret having to hold over for the next ifisuo a report of tho annual mooting of tho horticultural society and other news items patnttno and decoratino painting and decorating at reason able prices estimates free nee wallpaper samples d iii3uunoton 3tp phone 401 tenders for wood tenders for several cords- of good body hardwood will be received by s 8 no 16 tenders to be in by fob 6th laurence burt seotytreas at r ii 1 oeorgetown a parm to rent 100 acres with good buildings and land in good state of cultivation ap ply to okas h smith 3t erin pjo box 113 phone 17 r 43 men and women wanted fast repeating business selling 300 otiaranteod household necessities if you are ambitious you can rnako good money from the start with a famllex route and enjoy steady work golden opportunity act now today famllex co a70 st clement mon treal auction sale an auction sale of the household ef fects of the late miss sarah oodfrey oeorgetown consisting of modern and antique furniture carpets rugs lino leum bedding stoves dishes etc everything is to be sold to close estate date to be annuonced later for bale 3ju00 house eight rooms in ex cellent condition draper 8l could easily be converted into a duplex par particulars apply on premises or to t w weir owner 10 watford ay toronto oat wanted live and dressed poultry highest market prices a barnstt son huttonvttla phone brampton ims r 14 reverse charges for rent two large rooms kitchenette end bathroom with continuous hot water newly decorated on the ground floor separate entrance also smaller fur- nlflhod apartment warm insulated rooms with every convenience apply 7 herald office it or phone dm cr bsgtchs- the wttanag oon nothing to his mind but the- boat irrundd him of the red canoe at the lake he stood dunking of the cshm of gay a voice addressed him he turned to see abaie descending the stairs waudflaf hesvdy her hand aiming along the rail her stats apron cracstlbg wtth starch her round hlgtvccjorsd ace wreathed tn an amiable fjnii hello ahcoe jcrn asid atu had lived with i e srgls for yesjs she was nxa a member cf the family than a terwrt as hui- dah was in his motii s home you tn fox good ajg nifwj halting at the nrwrl pat 1 hope to ill have ajprer on tn half hour vou uii jr er arent frost-bittttj- i jktj wth tundiy concern its juit comnjj in tafarf warm that mwr utm rrd td advise ou to rvb rym rri em abbie it rauen tsh life a docturt called en to ine i dont know at ojr age youre so set on it give me ue word if youre cultd out ot i can faft something in ue oven the offlc mm jir th duui john switched on a light and dropped into the chair at thr ixctors drii dr sergeant uld have krwn how to handle that whining ciesture hed called on link titer roon re thought lighting a cigdrrtie mr himtelf had bei unabr to inpa thlre ith the woman tio had juured into his wmtshil rmtir- rued eura a ttrram of wlf pity und imttgined tymptorn hn ei rninotican had cliecltrd with notrt iji the cave he hud founi ln t doctors fllea rhkill he i a hound at a rut mn aympalhy tiud ben all for trr 1 utrd tor wirtch no deftnitely he hadnt a bed hide manner john pulled the drk memorandum towurd him there were fewer nolutionk thun utosl wilttrn in the ileur hundrtling of mm sprtigue dr sirgeunt s necre i try and ollke nurtr or notu nun wu made in writing quite d if firrnt from mim spricur i li nsktd inn to t all thr congfi t su irt llu il huum 201 no rumi wi up- tended a kum pr fi ij to re quired the ferice- of 1 dk tur me lould nuike the cut in i a minute whin hed gnttfi irni und l ij flnhed his cnjirrltr- mc wuuld be gldd wln in p- rid of mutking time had mm4d irui he could go on w ith tl r work ii enjoyed john tilte1 hnk in his fie weald he glad wfcaa this pe riod of marking tlsae has psssed iluiir and propped his feet on the desk he would never be happy ln u practice he liked the stark facta of science unconfused by humsn contacts the crystal hardness of ti ulh that could be checked and pioved he had thought that he tuttht experiment a little on the dc perhaps he could when he had iitcume more accustomed to the routine of office hours snd cslts for the present he was too tired when his long day had ended to do anything more exacting than read for a little or talk to mary adams before he went early to bed the crescent moon and the red boat on the postcard the doctor had sent recalled the cabin again he should hove had a letter from gay she had been in florida when last ho had heard from her it was impossible for him to imagine the life she lived there as always when his mind dwelled upon the dis similarity of their separate environ- ments a chill of apprehension set tled about his heart he comforted himself by recalling the night she had seen him off at the station in new york but a great many wed nesdaya had passed since then and sho had not come tho memories of her which he liked best to recall went back to the tunc they had spent at the cabin ho found himself skipping over the vihlt to now york there was he thought deliberation beneath that apparently subconscious evasion when he recalled the visit to now york incidents presented them mlves which demanded clear and h uicti thought it utih more plena tint to feel ubout gay tlum to think now while she vvns ho fur uway limn him when unytlvmu nnhi bo luippcniiir it wiib disturbing to uiinlt he should begin again the expert meat he had ansivtnrwcl at the csh- in if he could become interested in tcjzkstiung of the sort he wyuid dop this useless brooding over gay it w that he admitted to rum- bru with reluciaoit hooesty rather u i fetixue or lcb of time hich t d prevented his original plan of ixjitrnirg the small room id itiics ue txxtor kept wuppiiee into a uh- 1 atory 1 nu leisure moments iif he was not actively engaged t p ru uriiaer lr doctor a te hi nm d wiuao nluj with jf tk of gd tiiat trre was no 1 jiu lui tnuilnv else it w- a- tu o luiii li ati irtjij e ctt u ln e me must stop t ht ii j d rail ue tul uls idjfue ft iit terrifyirgly ef 1 rrt vie wij t lure to ask 1 milt had wren she reurmed fcr ilr evenirfi otc hours ifr lock u 1 feet from l r drji bt fjf aaid rrached for ur telepone todd jurrv was in 0fhn nch gjy hw pin 1 m rtcent letter m v j 1 1 1 tteie wu a in i l 1 liitn cdy and him mi i o 1 t1 how the had iokrd tr r mtii it 1 at conltjun ht jitftiau e wfrn hr rd rrlurrrd to inn ul iillnh ing tlae slope with tia nitd n laird eager to le witl i n aa n she had brokrn uww turn 1 j and come swiftly to fun ftfiukrg through the are light how strong wtn thai tjonkj m ij hit trip to new york ciirted irr that she had made a mialafcr m- wouldnt uilns cf 11 mi- 1 rd reactrd for the telrpjn re af am halted knotted into a hit a rap sounded at tle door h ignored it at a second rap ha wrenched hia thoughts rem an imaginary scene on a moon lit beach in 1 lor id a and made a somewhat irritable reply tha door opened usry adams dr sergeants daughter stood hes itantly on the threshold im sorry ahe said thale all right mary johns face clra red are you tn s good humor fairly so why i have un apology to muki fr my youngir son cntiict will lr tropical sunnhlrt hud iveji m adums skin u itmint tun she wuti ilitcht und worn ol thirtv from huv ing dutifully urn j ttudly fu lowed tli vt t t fniin htxirg hid twa i ibirx rirh in u iitt rent ijn tiu kc n nii eprtid it from hi nlrufcr to k up thi- ntti sr front on t njvil heuienuni t i hut hi r dir k ei in tl e lorp p ik i 1 k hniuni 1 ss of her fuce uui uniiiiulid md 1 1 if ul und the kit ris sh told of hr agrant ei- iu me i re 0 ouice ol ornuse- minl to jol n wlui t hu skippy txen up lo usked lkjk john she held out s i i umpled sheei of cllow paper this leugram came for you e- u cduy afternoon 1 left it on tha 1 hie in the hull and supposed youd 1 11 co it when you cume tn but lp muht have you know how in ilwus looking for tetters from n it i found it in the pocket of the uiuiii he had on yesterday i thnk hes eaten most of it there isnt much left john took the paper from her hand the only typewritten words which rtmuincd legible were noon tomorrow- gay he looked up irom the paper to mary adams abblc took a telephone meissge junt after noon uhen miss spragus was out for lunch it was from the congresa square do you suppose that wss gsyt he usked in a dazed voice abbie said it was s lady she never gets names straight you know when i found the telegram i was pretty sure then shes been here all ofter nun john rati his flutters through 1 1 hair effect in c crmp disorder why didnt you all he holel i considered 11 uui i thought he 1 ght wonder wh i rjirt voui ele tania what will in llnrik ol ne uui unked still in a ed and be- ulered voice marys fuii iwmklim with vmpj- utie excltll1lcll 1 w njuinked skippy tf thui miki you leel bet ter she soid youll bring her here wont you may p for dinner il you like we can open the emergency bottle of olives or mnybe youd rather after dinner he sold will you tukc care of her during office hours is it imposing imposing im hysterical with excitement johns diffident smile widened mto an irrepressible grin mary he asked did you ever feel u though somebody had socked you ln the pit of your stomach and a mil lion stars were bursting inside of your head he reached cor the telephone mury moved toward the doorway smiling i feel that way every tlmo nats ship steams into port she said gently and went out and closed the door continued next week vtowen were placed on the attar the united gsiurob on ounday la 1os ing memory of the late ctaarisj at fifajrras tha biptlaual aanrlm obarlts bui and jann ruddy wara ehiuttnad

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