Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 25, 1942, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyfourth year of pohueatioa wednesday evening february 28th 1042 5c a copy 200 year a tflcf am from the victory loan chairman ottto rat u iml t la ctttaraa af hauaa oewatr we ara aew eatraacaultf ta katfwar aaara u uw fiitrai vkwary lata t n a fir baa 1 rawaaraftar fcas tt wfb ntlln lk m seat aj i tea tanifbv aa ik aat ef u b if n in u m u kcmikf ear aaata l tuu- far baslea caaaty w sal m f all t baa ear wq is la least a raa to lain it at uaaa waa ar arirfta- latrar t tit u aratarz war tfkartr ul 11 uut ulh ufa nrtli brta i tke uijlt mate ef ut aaaa few anas kara peawa l canadian army train in georgetown last wednesday 2205 people see train in 2hour stop here turee millioo dollar fa war equipzaeet oe exbiblt the ranartlin array thin tunctta a ctds of rttlarns ruimbrrtnf 330a wb u audi 1u erhertnwal appaar- ane to o last werrnaaflay the train which hu bans twfrny tear of canada in connecttoo with the current victory latn campaign wis i th total crljl iuuoo for two bam 19 u till noon and officials en extremely pleated at uia inurat ahosrn by ui um turnout in the nnrutrd of ta inaparuoo lour vplla of oeoraatovn public anil fbfb schools and olrn wusimi public school who marched in a body iron tnetr caarooma chairman w v oraat of tha ojcatr dutrlct victory loan ctwrrmhfaa in ry with other fifnrtalt of the campalfn met tb train at tha atallon wbm it inthd from ouaflpn and officially wtomea luutool j b wfkmna officer fwwwimttn gtait of alxtytll offl- cars njox a and mm who made up tba personnel of the train commit t myfnhe had an opportunitr of mwl- ln ool uckenna and tha araior mam here of hla aus in the louna car and wrre conducted on a tour of tba train 07 nun ha explained that gw three million dollara emrih of equipment was en display while tba train via tn oeortetovn an official pnotocranber from uto and two nbototranbrra from tba uonlraal standard mm on hand to tafca ptc- turaa of tha pcrsonnal which ni handpickad from reclmrntjt rlftbt ccroaa canada ool mrkrnna hlmulf u 00 loan from the floral uontrral rlflw tha train waa palctad in uu col our of tha four canadian dlrtilon rad for tha ut blue for thr 2nd french crvy for the 3rd and marocc for the armoured oonilimng of fif teen oara four or five cars in the front vera devoted to the men ihrm- calta diner orderly room ieeptn quarters a dynamo car for power asd comotnauon lounge and library tba train waa run on regular army tinea with a complete ftlaff of army men augmented onl b a few neccaar ralrnymen suptulra were drawn from aanteena in tmrloua dtlea en routa by prearranged plan the onlx fhing lacklns waa bathing fadllue and the yiloa had cooperated b oontlnued on pafe 4 atfaaaas effcrt ajad ar wtntaif ta aaafat la sh amy wtthaa aaar na aw raauut wrtn w are njtiuau m wtlh aas- tarka u tha wafl tk laluaun reaaa with lai eaiaay aaa arttt cwa- tiaaa t d aa wbui w kaf ma aferwaalaalar awaerietlly ta tralaea aaecu abiwa alanaa taaia and gwaa tbrr ar edy taw altee la wmr vlrtary a aefeat tfc dartataa iwau tar- nly in yawr heada wliaaat ih nanaairy fwaa t awwvtde lb praoer fawjsaarat defeai and eaataawaaeet tu t ear m owr wrry h and urea are al etafcr owr aaaiertal ara aaly of as i ipbilaal talaaa whkh hare been attained uirwach eentarte af atratft and awffrrtnx fit tha base f tletary and la the reail- aallan that wtumwt ttrtaey an h tea f appeaj t yea to parrliaae vlrtery bandi thr umll sf yoar abfllly r ruixtv chairmaa iflhnei coauty w v oavajrr chairman of thr local victory loan committee u w v orant of provincial piper ltd who l devoting mvxh of hu llmr and rnfryy to mallr the loan a micceaa georgetown district over halfway mark in loan campaign 108300 reported to tueaday night 57 of total u raited in hilton plgum relnued today by w ii long chairman of the tales committee for georgetown and district reveal ubocrlptlona of i108joo out or the 183000 objective set for the district this is roughly 9- of the quota with uic campaign at the halfway mark and ts on a par with total coun ty figures which show 57 or 713 uo of the total objective of u3s000o raised a comparison of the six districts u reproduced below showing the compara tive standings of the six divisions in llulton otoji ctlve raised approx burlington 280 000 110 600 40 ookvluc 410000 314 000 77c milton 20000 75 000 37t camphellvllle 40000 10j00 s0 ocorsetoisn 18j000 108 j00 ton- aton 133000 sflilo m- fbed menaixv vu chalman of the speakers com mute fred mcnally is in charge at furalahing guest speakera for eventa during the period of the becond vic tory loan thla week he was instru mental in bringing 8gt major lowry of toronto who talked to employees at the larger industrial firms in george town and the olcn on monday 1250000 713 850 57t- there is still almost 80 000 to go if georgetown is to reach ita objec- tle but e wont stop there in the vlctorj loan last june with an ob jective of tn000 231800 mi sub scribed are vse going to top it the georgetown herald british war victim fund forwarded to toronto evening telegram 2525 33 cash on hand acknow ledged 125 44 mcnabb st neighbour hood olub 1050 total feb 35 206128 dont forget bob ooldham night at maple leaf clardcns saturday feb ruary 28uh active service notes jim sargent overseos with the lome scots has obtained his two stripes and is now 1 corporal lao stewart maclarcn lins been transftrrtxl from toronto to no 7 air obsencri school portage la prairie minttobu ui in uniform home on leave lost ucck included ac1 stuart young jarvls ac2 lew humberstone toron to pilot olllcer ken mackenzie ayl- mcr ac3 bill schenk home on fur lough at his home in the olenl acs lawrence beaumont toronto lao horace hurley otielphi a03 lloyd boyd toronto a03 jack allbcrt who was taken hi at hu home in the olcn last week end was taken by a military ambul ance to toronto rlvcrdalo hospital when it was found he was suffering from a slight attack of scarlet fever victory loan shorts ley road condiuoai arr not siring txnrruhjp cinvawurra an ray time of ii lhu wwk ruraj cuxma who uh to imrat in tiir loan can iielp bjtatly it lbry mill oociuurt cn thrtn- wvltm ox jet in touch via their bank and maka thrlr puichikaca no nranch 130 canadian lrgton had the honouj of purchaunff thr irt bond tn lhla district a 100 one when hrr dmtrowl thr hotel olb- son at oajnlur a rrk ao monday ontnlun l c amr tuid j d skualth last all uiclr prrttonaj brvoziff- uih vhlch thr had brought allh thttn from thrlr home in toronto for an rxtrndrd ftu in oukmuc dur ing uir cumpulini according to thr drampton conjurr- atir mon ihofilr i thr canadian train in ororortovn laat wrdnraday than in our larger nflghbourumn the oflsrial fljrure for oeorreton wu 230ft while the conaenator placed drampton a figure at about 2100 lt ool mckrnna offloer command- 1ns the train told to interratirm storira which e think are aorth re peating in port erir a lady wtor aa noticed alp in k tear from her er and a query rcvralrd that fvhe had a min aho as u prlaonr of aar in oermany she as coins ulth thankfulnem to think that the red crorv uaa lending auch wonderful parcels to thr aur prlon n in 8ar- nla an elderly lady as overheard saylnj to her companion i m cer tainly going to buy more victory bonds i can ee now why we need to ha lion union parmer mutual in- urance companv in one of the lar- acr purchasts of the new loan and hae bourht tlftooo worth of victory bonds the aalc will be hpllt mx was with ocorgctown noamwaweyo nel son trafalgar oakmlle and burling ton each rvcthlng an equal share of the crwlll tlie vctor loin campaign has brought onr editor an unejcpected meeting with two old friends what was our surprise when we began our our of the ormy train to reoognuc tlie soldier on guard in the first car os cpl lawrence owen a fellow student at unlvcrmly larry was in hls final r of a theological coun when he decided to join the arm and he told its that since then he has married unci has u fourmonth old son another friend turned up in the masquers rrwie the next evintng in tlie person of a race mcctitchcon draco has been dancing for several ears now and was in england when the war broke out returning home in the fall or 1039 she now tenches a nanclng elas ut her home in toronto us wed as itpmarlng wltli the mas quers glen williams mr and mrs otjonovan and patsy of toronto were visitors on sunday at the home of mrs haines sr mr and mrs william evcrson and mr alfred blair of tpronto tpont the week end with relatives here miss marjorlo wagstase who has been in ul health for some time is now a patient in ouelph general hos pital mrs robert mcmenemy is spending some weeks with relatives in ouelph while mr momenemy is undergoing treatment in ouelph general hospital boys tn uniform home on leave dur ing the week end included acs law rence beaumont ac3 bill schenk and ptc dordon allen ac2 vemon kir- by is home on two weeks furlough from aylmcr many atttfld service worlds day el prayer the world a day of prayer friday fi4ruar 20th was obrcrvrd by the ioltanl church of georgetown in uir united church between 75 and 100 women attendeo o 1114 to the ahbrncr of the president of uir womrn s missionary society of thr united church mrs a m nlcl- n thr program mas in charge of mrs a it upright lit v icrpresldent ulir ukl b mrs s walker mr a llrnr and mrs wullam fun- clklr rrprrsrnung tmir anglican bap- ilst und lrrftj u rlan churches re- snrcurly tlir thrme of the uervtce waa i am utr way warm n from the van mis congttvatlons took part under the fojowlng divisions the way to the kuth r thr way of love the way of service and sacrifice tha w of hope those all formed a most inaptrlng mcaaage the program ftto prrpared by lour returned mla- monarira belonging to thr four church- collector salary increased 150 after lengthy debate moh and aurstora repoh feature special council meeting new fire truck will be purtwd baad hired for 12 cooeerta barbers petitioa wttbdrawri have vou dirrvr dovz vouk have vou bought vour victpav bowbt a have you boiotrr aix vou cant o the uoht vou can lend ih the ltalit vou can do if yaa raa uad aaar caauaubtieaxa wtlav vbtary ran vkierr iwarura ar imsn t ataea year aa uraaxk raar aaak art wttaaat drtay aa tha aaaal is trrrol herald stiff change hext week ker breimfcuij utpuru u oam atti a wjaaay hatmm4 zmplr uoim aatuv krrt reg broomhaad an employee of thr ororietovn herald for the past three and one half rn recrhed notice to report on monday morning at oalt where he has enrolled in the air- craft rtalnjng course and wnil finish his duum at the herald ihu week end itaxr who u the only son of mr uly broomhed and the late pred broomhead has been active in church wtirk at the united church woera h has been a member of the choir president of the tennla club and secretary of the ypj9 he u the tec- ond herald emnjore to enlist lac ltullr clark having joined the itcap last july he is at present stationed in ouelph the new man at the herald office is p m mile- oilmore who has been working for c r vanduaen of the tar a leader for the past ilx months hu home is in oshawa un til mr ollmore famlllarlxm himself wlh his new job there are bound to be drlaya ano we healute to predict jut when the herald which has not been tetting any carl edition reccrt tus 11 m will be off the press for a few wcelcs we will be doing our best and hope that subscribers will btur with us during the next month or wo iiastold cleave mr cleae recte of oeorgetown is another member of the clurens committee which u lending aid n the cunent loan drive dr e a dolson dies in toronto chlnraarotwy native moarned by brother and muter in this district dr edtrnr a dolson well known toronto dtntlbt and active welfare worker for bojs died tiirsday feb 17tn at his residence ibs dunn aven ue he had been in tllhcalth for some time and was in his sou year a native of chtnguacoasy town- slup dr dolson spent his early years there he taught school for a time in tarn going to toronto art a young man he entered the school of den tistry and graduated in 1005 he had practised in toronto for many years about ten years ago he and two other bible class teachers organized the lhvlctus club and since then they have done a great deal to fur ther the teaching of the scriptures to the youth dr dolson had also been actively interested tn boys work at oamp franklin for many year he was a member of parkdalo unit ed church where he was an elder also active in masonic circles he was a past master of king solomon ladero and first immediate past master of fidelity lodge dr dolson ts survived by his widow mildred r dean one ton e dean dolson two daughters miss id urs r c cavlu jean e all of toronto two brothera dr w j mcl dolson of toronto air ruler of norvftl four sisters mrs lrroy brown of st catharine mrs ocorge leslie of oeorgetown mrs norman cameron of norval and mrs william wilson of port credit 8neral important items of rrnifn were dealt with on uondaty emilat when a spaclal meeting of otcrvtuma council was hstd tn tha council chambrrs oo uain street dr o v wuuaxns lotodlcal offloer of hsaith and if a lmrr of the firm of jo- klns hardy audi tors for the town were prawn t to dahfcr thatr riport for 1m1 a salary tncreaj recueat of poo from k u unfrvsn ooctcu of taana and water rat vmj refusad and an increase of i1s0 was voted the lome ocou band wmj hired to h twelve oonceru in town durtnf the j tar at a fee of t3o a concert it vs urxadtd to purchase a oaw ore truck and the clerk m instructed to ad- vrrtue for uooers for chasals for the truck- a pvuuao by the bar ber and hahtlreatrrs for an coity ckating bylaw which waa to hawe been prrvrnted was vetoed whan three jfnrr backed out of their orttlnsl mtenuon and the required majority was not avallahle itoil bfrt ail mrambcra of the council mayor othoons reeve cleave and council lors bradley coatlfin brown crtprja uaxdonald and ifirvenrle were prea ent at what proved to be one of the most important rnee41nga in tha past year rint on the agenda was the report of the medical officer of health which will be reprinted in da tai in neat weeks herald dr wil liams made another strong recom mendation that a municipal gmrbafe and dlt- syateen be inaugurated point on which be has many times expressed hlmelf the coat he claims would be leas than is paid now for individual collections a great awt he suggeated would be a municipal building for the youth of the town for games lectures tha- ahicais etc hasps epumir oeorretown was relauveiy free from communicable dl teases last year ew cept for an outbreak of mumps which totalled 168 iasea he outlined preven- uu e measure taken including 70 immunisations against diphtheria and 20 vxccinatlons against smallpox a report of the health of school children telling of measures taken l eye ear nose and throat uoubu and dental hygiene st john ambulance work and the work of milk inspector dr r learmonth were other items dealt with in the report of the uojx aadueav lupeah mr lever town auditor espreaaail hlmseif as very pleased with the re port of tha year a business of the municipality and had only minor tuf- posuons to make repudina any tm- provementa which could be made dos tax collections were not good only 19 tog being issued compared with 10 in the previous year and he waa certain that there were more dogs- ihan this in town insurance carried on town properties ts sufficient with the exception of the water works of fice on which no insurance is carried improved tax collections he commended the tax collector on continued on page b the masquers make a hit in first georgetown appearance small but enthusiastic audience enjoy victory loan show mayor gibbons guest speaker the oregory theatre should have txen ciowded to the doon lost thurs day even in ir there should have been a uindlng line and even a number of dknppolntrd lastminute arrlv tils who couli hot obtain seats instead of ihls only sonic two hundred cltl- mtis were privileged to witness one of he finest varuty shows that this wrlt- fi h us even seen on any stage we hive ten the zlegfeld follies with a larg cait of atari and scads of beau tiful chorus girls radio comic fred alkn in hls pre- radio days in threes i crowd earl carrolls vanities otorgc whites scandals the international oarment workers show pns nml needles among others all t hitse sliowu had tlie benefit of star personalities publicized by highly- i iald pressibcnts expensive costumes und stage wis big stages beautiful ughtluir elfects everything to en hance the stage land of m alee belle vc and yet we can truthfully say that with one stage drop a narrow stage not designed for the presentation of stage shows simple lighting effect and a minimum of costuming we thorough ly enjoyed the performance or the to ronto masquers brought to oeorge town by the victory loan committee as part of the publicity work in the prevent loan drive the masquers sponsored by a number of ontario firms were originally a toronto little continued on page 5 the weather the changcarjlo nature of wlntar wealhrr and the futility of attcmptlsc to forccost it for even a day abaaa una ccn lot week we mentioned la- our lait report a auddert drop tn tba barometer which indicated a thaw and milder weather but the thaw waa of mich abort duration wat we were back to almost zero weather before the re port appeared in print the tarlabtuty alio within a com- parathcly small area might be noted in the fact that while we enjoyed a bright aunny day last sunday only a few mllea north and weat of us about bhelbume they were having a buzzard that threatened to block the road and ftnow ploughs were busy trying to keep them open for the past couple of weeks ww have had nothing more than a few light flurries of snow and a four or five inch covering remains on tba ground following are the temperature re cords for the week data h and l temp toes feb it so it wed fob ib 9t 10 thurs feb 19 7 1 pri feb 30 13 8 bat feb 31 10 i bun feb 33 23 is mon feb 33 33 u come on georgetown buy victory bonds

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