Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 25, 1942, p. 2

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening february 25th 1942 the georgetown herald sobfiorbtton ratss ouidl tad the united statu t3 a yar atocte oapla e urmtln rats w ailii as tfamaaaiaa waztr c rtbzn ojuutelo u ucoelvray ragioald nrrmmhrsrl fbone no uate of tb ommim w3y newspaper aauxtauon and tc oatartcriatc ixruloo of th cwhjl no great hardship a farm fnrnd in a letter to the editor in this weelca muc waxes bitter against the powers that be for the enforced daylight aavinr time which recentl was enacted in oimtdu as indicated in a recent column we have written to ottawa and are uwaitinp word as to how power is sard by settinr all the clocks in the dominion ahead one hour this of course is the reason for the shift and canada i orevcr can be assured that u hntor malting decision by two rrrat governments which resulted in daylight saving time be ing adopted simultaneously in canada and the united states was not merelv for the sports to enjo them selves we thinlt that our teller writer has not viewed the situation from the proper light insofar as it affects the farmer granted thot the farmer must run on gods time regardless of what we mortals decide to call it a farmers day is from sun up to sundown assuming that like the writer he has been in the habit of rising at 5 00 a m under normul conditions he will continue to rise at the same timt only now this will be known as 6 00 oclock under advanced time similarly in lh- evening if he has been accustomed to retiring at 00 p m it will now be 10 00 pm in utlu r word- ac cording to me clock he can sleep an hour later in tin- morning and ta up an hour later at night is not this the practical thing for our farmers to do rather than attempt to change the habits of all form animals and to cut gram and pick irint with the dew still on them there is one hardship which he farmer will have to grin and bear and that is the fart lliil town and city closing hours for stores theatres and social func tions are fixed to accommodate the uruin dweller this siuation howecr has existed for several sum zners in this district and though it has undoubttdl in convcntcnccd farmers it is scarcelv a matter serious enough for bitterness the farmer is now required to adjust his life to the new schedule year round for the duration of the war it means that he will occasionally miss or be late to some event in town which he wishes to attend or that on open night he will have to hurry with his shopping in order to make up that lost hour otherwise we cant see where any great hard ship exists for farmers under war saving time the victory loan the second week of the new victory loan sees us on the march to our objective of 185000 which we are quite confident will be exceeded by the generous lendings which have been a feature of previous loan campaigns in the district the importance of the new loan campaign can be readily seen when we realize what a bad time of year the government has chosen with income tax coming due and the danger of coun try roads being blocked hampering canvassers from calling the need must have been imperative for the government to decide to float a 600 million loan at the present time a paper traveller who calls on us from time to time was here on monday morning and gave us a new slant on government borrowing which we pass on for what it is worth this chap was of the opinion that the more bonds and war savings certificates an individual purchases during the present war the better deal he will get when the war is over and we start paying back the loans we are making now for instance supposing it is going to cost 30 per capita a year to pay back in terest and principal on war loans the man who doesnt buy bonds is going to be paying taxes to pay off some one elses borrowing after the last war it was the average working man who suffered because of increased taxes bondbuying had been orimarilv left to the moneyed people of the country and his taxes were us ed to pay off the debts accruing to them this time with the working man doing his share there will be an equalization after this war and the burden will be shared more equitably by all dont forget savings certificates in the midst of the current bond campaign we must not forget the war weapons campaign begun last fall to boost sales of war savings stamps and certi ficates georgetown had an objective of 5000 mon thly the amount needed to buy a universal carrier a report released this week by the chairman ltcol g d s cousens shows that sales of stamps and cer tificates in december totalled 4180 just 2000 short of the objective not bad but we can do better and we are confident that januarys figure will exceed the mark the editors corner gen mcnaughten takes editors into confidence subscribe for the herald tku u u u ut mim f srtieim wtuttm writa wjy for taw wwaljr areaytro w ouui vf ha vtbmiia la tftt krw-fler4- ua fcww u gnu britala a a fgt w la brfclkfc uj vxm rite as 99wtilj l s wmx to tetmf daaw u biuu iniimd aat fw- tajaj i tttt-tr- prtrrtiijn rditcut at aciod tlif ojuq nxjir of a iioncinaj jujrd lajbir la an iwr rooaj of a ujv numoo in lh- tojtfc of eng land ajound uxt vail rr military mat rurally ail of tixrm tjmiaj poniocu ox eiuunj and tirotuind on a urgr fccair though wmc me oi hm- coninrnt of ixuopr tkrr arnr chart on hie vail too inoalnej tpra of jirrraji until and tntmy croft huri cruit rr common in tnglond iw twnat um- th tr 1ijiu lo ria r aoond ojuide h r atniioa i cij c the flair root of a gaiotir now iqj ing buutaxy car on irw roof it a otrtrcvtr ltli a rlhersrr ti top tlie ifcir i rur jil arlil d xij utt uirtr nr clipped krdfra ajuji ti d lormaj arovn ftiie anr iro fcii- tr bomb dimir iirrv tt 4 un hradqururk of thr crdin conk ui lnrlijij thp itul aifrt man il ac cai tlirto lldot lr alio ml in tlir vllllv of tlr twm lar iu u all ltut- 4iuin icirrl aol mrnjhj t adn of tl r caiudjii fov- oft ux r aa tlaif friikj to h tt loa canadian lr aiarrtxl ati ci qati t ijiyi rtn mlii i nnlitar rr tr lnvo rd ddliirf a fjutlun hrn iajinrh j xr i t jt ji rjtlui willi tlhiw fr k r igtl thl 1 hil h till i hojw juj m ij i jra to canada jd tl th th it thr thln jo 1 l il ii tikl i if 1 iju rj k tirry o thf oftlcrri and mro tin h ojr iinji t jii- jrank u in n o i rrmni lixnn i ut lrom uu l i a- i 1 iui o hrlp to tumi i ihlu iiuiion md luvr rtn itt rupi to do i ik hi th iio- th i i h 111 ll lull v an al in mu h t uicr u ibl j lh n n in uu u 1 i j i 1 i i ijh- to all cm luiirr iqajpmcnl thr rml nrd uxty will be found by a card tniex tytem end put at tne wort wtirr thry axr moat nrdd mast almtaamisral army th canadian corps has a afw cnt mppjy of nurhanraj traniport and hu tvo rca j qiadran t- jchtd to it aliirh is mtr tlitn h airragr ttwrr arr tatrr a many eniinfrr a tn xtr latt mar tbere are nr regtmrnu of ion rmnjt gun an armored dlvtscn urvey and miltomly 1 weton and a tbo- j til ualjsttd forrr tv cinidlara have lax mot mkhinmuoa tii llrf- hi in ii jkd intr rrf to ttp if iud oirji we arr now on intnlo- unri rnutl a wiur bajtlrr and ran taax- lr ufltour in any diitcuarx an lrtiu ion of tlkr ckftnunent u rairr tnxo ti inh i ii oi iji and thr oer- miru may ri attrtnpt an lnvaloo ul lowland and it may u- that in bit ijir to tni bca ill be aftff that but no nrrstktaiu tlir otrmaru hatr utnra u tnurtt ouuiiu to jiid a r hac hich vitrt llirm an impxjauobr tail tnr hu lan caffipalirn ha brrn ai vd lanainrrruir and mtih for tlrir u io lrvl for csrlum to tri amrrfrarus ahat to do tha kiln thr r an hi an i f nrxs nut iru ihrtn at that timr thr rmun armx rrr villi in rrtrral ivtro4rad aria f jiroundrd and tlatrt s thiratro i 1 hjt nrn at that trr crnsrraj 1 1 nut brll r that itavua a a oing u br krvjrkid i f lh- ut ii aa j hrartriti b tht lr w ilurrr jme run in tliar dif that he iu mruj- hu to bir jkitti for the future on ihr jrt that hit aould continue to f i k tit vr tan ktr thrm mochanicaj wtjn i to isd 1 to h tliry ar pmliit ln in tin ural ofbcl 1 rr- isuita from ftuvla i mrj n but tin it l j trl- rnut hup brrn prt- l it i ulth t nomn mclianluoo ml hit rt uas no ne d to be krrjuy njif m1 at tlvir md thi j are iinlul i o to tt ewn thrlr alilm kmi itiu rno thin povlbi hhlpwng cmmjmurm improt 1 t t t r 11 v f hljipn oona hi id k canada a army i i i iiji hip hai mi iri n t rtttna ah m in j h m rr q ilca- m i im w tl r north atlantic u rap d be om n- onl- i 1 r h if t i lrooj and 4 let us keep v car from growing old directory j f r watson dba 1u oow icouri 9 to 6 bcoapt thun47 aflrroooos fc dr j burns milne dcvtvu rubvocov xrav j a m nielsen thk iiu at rtuttss ddrotrrmttor xray dructeu tberaplsl office ovrr domlnloo 0otelostl lioun 1 i 7 jo j9 ctaaatf ttisttaar ahli in pi- 1 1 j in mnt ijp n a rkid t n otlu ho t n thr n i it 1111 ul ii u immthc- aork in h mi ifiias niprun iik u in t 1 i on q i cu tlil i im i ji mv- u i ir i s and tli rvr for vs iiu ti can uluiii ri no 1 then m b fuu tl tin ahrd on the production of machine and an aiid iu wriisdik ito fir tin it ham t been much ns rcsit for 1 hi nvler 11 n iiifurti nn nt v r hr had ft a romjalu it la hard on th iruupr no to let llurn rr more ac- tun bat canadians urv otrmi noi juj1 to fight but to ain uic ar it l hstdn to k 1 1 up morale tn rem kinmiri t jtotn hin in tin untti thrnuehea the men in canada axe bring aril ralnrd run oincral mcnauthton declared tin iuimi not fevl tht are mcond ciilks troop because tliey an vtill in canada tin first ihmmcin a gathered in almait record time oaalc training of thit dutsion uu still going on in prance that a a dxwdmnug hicli hits neier been overcome word hit brin iavd back to compute all basic training in canada including the learning of trades the new duwonj particularl thr third concentrated on bxulc training firt and no the art learning raptdi in itnl ui 1 it is much more difficult to at bi ic- truinlng afw r adanced iruinin t h u ben completed new equipment perfect more and jnorv skilled tradesmen arc needed by uie arm and they cannot be taken out of induatr tht trade schools are tlurcfore north their weight in gold repair ahopa are itall nectvar none of tht mechanical equlprntnt us actually defect i e but uierr were ome faults in design at ltrst because of tlk hud- den jump into production iwuud of liavim thi usual tvio ttirs of tcstms tlic manuraclurera icnt experts oc and corrected the faults the hew s tu ii is ixuctly oj ac wish it for the past ear oanadun troop have been arriving in britain fully equipped our air force navy and industrial development have ciuar- gcd oenerul mcnaughton would not say how many thould go into the army and how many into lndutu we ahould aurvcy our man tofr firt we wunt no fluli in the pan we rouat plan for a war of long dur ation and not put ail our good in the allow window now no one want to break up a division uhlch has at en once formed someone mut de cide ahat u to be our maximum uar effort the oenernl believed there would have to be an invasion oi uiu con tlnwit tthut wua one of thti lavoutb topics or dtuute in england at that i me i he siiid there wiu no doubt about it a well organtzkxt nation cuiinot be brought to iu kiieas by inlsailea and bomb alone tlie air training he heme b atill canudaa greatest euoru4mt bombliia rem the air hua itt umitatlbns in a wee at the end of the last war over 20000 tons of missiles wero used in 2500 raids on the front and more could have been used air power cannot drop enough bombsvand infantry can not set there tost enough after the botnba ore dropped to be of tho max imum use one of the editors asked whether the young man with a good education ahould go into tho air force rather than the army oeneral monaughton said educated men wero needed in all branches of the service even it they enlist as privates in the xnfantfii i r i n inxi t iiit 1 ii cm nil m tr xp i imli uliitir thr hftd li in ri iitri iiu- trailing ihead htn tin iiii lu ti sxtrior- lv liuh it dird inu 1 utncc r im l far i th tti in tin hut 1 i jiuii tr ion he aai 1 u is rttj it he uoop ihls win pit sf in im of tluratlon hrpa pi in tht lr pkin tlnn und proe t lui il ls aell mot lonn brlorr th it itirrt had uui m i aqmsditlnn to hpltlbenttn i land in tlm arctic tlie inhablunu hid ben taken oft nnd the coal mine ditrood so that thr enemy could no ns4- trvm trie canadian ran that eiedltlnn it aas useful in man i- llritaln norm and ruavla all asked for it a daxirr at the heart f betua in tin end uir canadian corpn ll i dtgyir n n ted at the heart of ber lin in fighting value and range of ictlon ae have an edge on the oer- tnan pnxer divbdona the 5th can khun amiorrd division 1a atronger tnin an hie orrmuu have tn ftrat canadian unk were then being nc ued the uould be severely tistrd before going into octlon there ax n need to doubt their quality nor tht qu dlty of any other cana u inmade equipment drcn guns from cmnda arr av nearly perfect as any gun ever turned out and thev came throuuh tht lr trials with flying col or summing up the oeneral mild that r hildas unat problem waa the de- vlopmcnt of it manpower to the im st advantike it might be that the mint rtiuils would help there is big job to be done as the editors rase to leave after spending nearly two hours at the corps headquarters general mc naughton shook tu each by the hone again we departed feeling that ue had met one of the greatest of all canadians and one who had been lierfecuy frank and ouupoken under lili direction the canadian corpn can bo depended upon to give a good ac count of itself since then the acncral has taken a rest because of hihealth due to overwork now he has recovered and has come to canada to confer with oovcrnmcnt and army officials here about plans for the future clifford g re1d ldh odh drntlst phone 410 main hixrxl oeorgetown leroy dale kc m sybil bennett ba furttrtrra and botkltor m1j bueet gntftun phae it radio r we specialize in this work j sanford son ctoloctown iii ii ii itt 7 kenned m lanffdoo turristtr baudur naurr rastla fvs uortsv maory to loan office omrorr theatre ffldf mju btreet pbeaa ts oearf t frank petch uccnsbo aiicnontb and all classes op inflcmanc i prompt strrtce rbane 391 oatmf itswa po ibn413 n jcooke cement and cinder blocks brick and the uancracttrud wlla sta4aia paver mutiaii all aim anr quantttr s nvw st ranb tu busuxnotom i r i ii elmer c tkompson insurance service plre auto windstorm cp railway and allied summer exovrsions phane llsw ar oeattom monuments markers and letferdia pollock a ingham gait ont dealsna on request phone mm inspect our snrk tn orsetnreod oe hajob frank shtllen major prank puuen of oojcvule is chairman at the second victory loan drlvo lor italton county gray coach lines time table now tn eppeot dayllstit sarlnc time leave georgetown emetboand te c 708 am 0 is am 1133 pjn 323 pin weatbeand u 0m ajn xuoflpjn tsranto ja pjn sjs pjb mpjb leaden 700 pm sjsopjn a 10m pjn uo pjn dilljs pm ay44b pjn axlms ajn arexcept bun and hol d eteept bat sun and hol e bat bun and hoi f dally except bun i to tatohener y to stratford w h umta phone c n r timetable dayllfht barlna tims gains east paasenser tju ajn passenser and mall 10 os ajn pauenccr and mali s pjn paaseneer sunday only b31 pjn passenger dally 94s pjn toronto and beyond gains west passenger and mall m ajn passenger saturday only tu pjn passenger dally except saturday and sunday 8j4 pjn passenger and mall 64s pjn passenger sundays only tljo pjn going north passenger and mall 848 ajn gelnr benut passenger and mall sbs pjn depet ticket otbee pttene law 1 oerttuidb cain school of dancing toesasys u mas legun hab aaatftsmm boys and ototoprrmle am nranob studio man wunana raorib iru saeara ralph gordon the venatue entertalnsr tor your nest program illustrated elroular ts totconto ujfeasi ahb omsrfabl bi

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