Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 25, 1942, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wdn evening febniary 25th 1942 timely topics for women ly ifbra lfces toe oost of vtctobv com high i dopl uc wtiy i tlxxjid talmd and sate to buy victory bort wfcra au arojxtd me moor b faring prct la vstrr on tninr thti hs bo rlm iica how nauch coat or ijot in this cohjt oery jear and lor disjnand and prrtute and fiovtr and other iuru x aol asord and now thy arr pfning to ipnul a miujoo 4cuj on a pirtsv eeli thai a about as umun a to bead- 1 fcs hrard too mjch of wcb txu u the usenet drlo the uu law dsj an4 it ha roused eey lrtih irr tbx aom pan u it imsj at fir i biam to tue jjt nouh aypjtci iuifiesuon to t irry danjcroua but atut uiur icuy u u to can ttt4rp lha oscftsj prn r air in b maim botxronr turi jjppou hcrtcoxnic an exrutejor our lylnj dovn on the ov ajhebc a human naluxr i nt it i tbi iu be a fcv peow to ctry coaunuruty ho ui hoard ho ana try to profit by others uil- fvtls vho il think of incmnjir and their famiiira tint and their feuovmrn and thrlr ctuntry but if at aj to rxr u h tm we ail male mitskc snj mr tj eo on nviajn mlilsix- wr hatr a xlvhl in a und of tnr prophet to furm and rvprms xit on opnlcn en all msttrn cf pjik intrrrtt iljt the fart that a diuprrwr jf hr behaviour of ojr rrtihbour down he alrrrl or a merxitr cf our ova council or enr oi oar cmbtnel mlnutrfv or the hor ntmmrnt far ihjt mjtrr rr not rcncrltdjuj- br 11 m a a trvliunttr rxeuv for ltlnf dark 1th a holerthan lhj rwwrjlifn on our lora arei rrtmmc co do cur tnue m the prwni rruu think hst aould hir happrtifd in llound after the fu of france if all hsdnt rallkd rond the fl in tuxr of the treat bitter re that mm hae brrn in their hraru if thr lomrn hadnt fwj rttle that tnvlt hate ttrr tf mm hadnt fouxht the flrr think ha voold hie hapiwrrd in ituvia ahen the oennana were anocklnir at the of tfoacu if mm lanm arwj chlidrrn hadnt thorn courage on a va of allien en tht ccntinrnt e hate no coticeptlon if they hidnt throvn utrrl thrlx all into flrtt hodjif and then turning back thr rnrrn hordr tio yrar afro thr vox berzrrd far ni ivit at rnrrv ha fol lowed rrtrrse foe thr rtu plir and oar aulre canada margin of bafety la ftowlrn trry unall and thojld be a mttrr of dret and irraw roocern to rry citlxrn vr hope civilian here al nrvrr har to be in the front 21n of battle bat our touti arr rrn now prrfiartnc for jut tht nrnlu- ajlty xfotl of ojt prop i har rwpnndrd notjy to our rckintry b nerd uany of our joun mrn hae alrradr paid the luprrmr arnivr othrn are uounded or prtonrr of r thouiahd arr on active rentre en land and tea and in thr atr cmhrr thou- and of men and nmrn to are uorklnjr 3 hlfu 24 hour a da 0 dat a week to keep a rorutnt flow of ar matertau koinjr fortli to our njrhtlnu force 0h r me workjnn from dan on in fair uiathrr or foul to krt our on xpr and thfvc of hit moth rland fid knoaint the thlni and imowink thr r i iki for ahlrh urr pla1nji how can unonr nnionk u for un no on whiixvir nfiuj to contribute hla or hi r tun of lln numj iiiiltl to rr m thr at victor u t 1 n c mi i in null irn ji i n ln itt nhr to train mori mm uni tun cut inn jilj uil i ml ml v in unl planr thtn ur mini rin j t or n il o ir jr t ftort u it i to tnati and thn mirno tint oi r ji im wlh th- roil in i r i u f oir m dm n t i i n il unl our hoirdln to a mli ini m md t i i to h ij tht t t t tint ui pa j for ctory l hmi n s sllll hi ti nt v n t iv in i jv n li a r u ti i ill ilv ifllxl 11 the pik 1 t it t n ti i h tli i n ncr t tha i nli ln r t ii ni j 1 1 i i mil iii mo- fomu n nn v biu i w in mi- m i l oi tin ojn r hand imc i of hi i tixi i uoii in in nr li i ii i brackru hac rl mtx vl d mn v il jr li v u l i i i b ji t k du i in irk- rd 2j win i i li tij hi v v j i i 1 ii p r f all drrvr kxijj is tin lr willi ui ptll ur llfi 1 tunc rl iii nr lim ln ititl the hou of ccwnmon l o liw i iun hav lhkiih mj lnrx ihul do ptruu mrnsuit h hn 1 o be ttikm oik tc i riph rompanj hls a lgnfd four plrl to 11a vbotl i in tin onlrr hock tlir ljrinunt of mun l oi and s n 1 ulo u in klrls t conduct lu visitor through the mi7 of blockloni coiridorj ard otlur tkpirtcni nt i the govern ment an t ud to olo ut ia ii crtjt trf bu s bit onu more acute shot s n in i bt dm tor compli 4 m a dial sa wasliliuiton ujv rd on th ufiutl nn isuninu i oi iul i thoasands of feet and the dl4ovrr th it a bo it 70 jk i c nl or the p jpulacc has tornc hort of foot troubl tlun ar r prison uu ut uo muni inl siju s for uomm and none th it will fit m firt moan man new fitting m bt fccr but a ill co ncidi more clu 1 ulth the anatomical proportion of the feet atlantic cuppo nn now h iln- thrlr lnnird khmii b iriru panami ric in alrviij no a ha 40 nrls in tht n pair and miint nuncc drpartmint at la guird hlti ihev iri clad as michinirs hrpcr and get the same rate o pi us the men 55 cinl an liour and thty ork in shifts aioind tin clock tlic do dope and fabric uork on win pi and contro urlui rart for tht upholttrtnn and inncllinr and liclp with tit sirvicmt ri mini and ovirhtulintr of tin i ni i u s olrls alsci direct clipix r nkcolf ind lantim by radio the hook of tin ultk mission to moacow dv josrtmi i davilm muuon 059pp moo mr d iiis book mlsslon to mosoow cont uils muny staitluiy revelations oiwut kuvlu mr davlca la a business man and an ad- mlttixi capitalist v ho viu tent to moscow as vh amb iv- idor m 103d and told to keep hb tts open and report on thliu- iu lit lound thwni not as he expected to find them bclnc u good lnwjtr ho knew how to ask questions and bclnij a good mbtcr he iot to know intimately more highranking itilssiano umn has perhaps any othc r fnnui i he was eonvlncd the orlu as a nholl wai too oltm blinded b piejuduc muleauiuu dlsjwlchci and adv criai propannda the com luilona ho arrived at v cro often quite contrarj to thoe held by other rovemrocnta ho wa- unprcod by the evidence or juul at tho trtuoi trials which fo many in the ouulde world doubled lie believed russia wo strong economically and politically and that suuln as a bold roolutc and able leader he beuoved too that her military atrcnth was great in apite of the execution of bo many generals during tho purge and that hs wa alnoercly anxious for the precrvatlon of world peace he retained hia uvcrlon to the soviet method of doing things but was convinced a basis for cooperation with the democracies against the barbarism of nazism could readily bo found and that some day we might be glad of russias help moreover he be lieved that if england had been in full poseasslon of the facts before the stalinhitler pact was formed she would have endeavoured to main tain friendly relations with russia at all coats there are plenty of other revelations in the book the reason the russians invaded poland and turned the baltic into a buffer state why hitler attacked russia the story of mr davica interview with bulln and his talks with litvtnoft the story of romm who walked out of the press club in washington and returned to moscow to testify he was a traitor of baron oelfter who left his own dinner party at which tho davles were ffutsts to go to prison and be shot the book is made up chiefly of confidential dispatches to the bute deportment diary entries and official and personal conespon- dence and the state has get a precedent by shvlas mr davles peimti- tlon to publish it it makes no attempt at embroidering facts for popular amsumptlon but it does give us the inside story of russia we are all anxious to hear as oven meal that will satlfipy tho war has brought about mruy economic changes but nowhere la tho nood for economy more noticeable than in the kitchen por this reason oven meals are more popular than they have even been before here is an exceptionally good dinner and it can be all done in the oven at ono tlmo naked pork tenderloin with onion dressing baked po tatoes and scalloped tomatoes and for dessert lemon sponge try this recipe for lemon sponge 3 tablespoons flour 1 lemon juice and rind 1 cup white sugar 4 toaspoon salt i cup milk 3 eggs separated mix flour and sugar together with milk add egg yolks and salt add lemon juice and grated rind fold in egg whites beaten stiff and boko in oiled pudding dish set in a pan of hot water until golden brown impftoved unlfoftm international sunday i chool lesson y barocd v ujvttqvt 0 heoar klulmouti id wiiujh by wtr fctniptr lettoafor marcb 1 f aitro fcc t acnpcui tact omarfl j ezsw c4kttq wt t tbe tamamles bt the 6xa lesion tcxtuar c tuai goldzm tcxtnfmr au ccpa lu eua plu jotm t a paxablra as means of conveying truth rvachrd perfecllon in the hands of the master teacher jeaua taking short alcrir of well known rvmu cr facts from daily lifr he prrarntrd profound truth in the moat aim pie- and attractive form except for lle poiubli of thr our ktnda of arrd which hr intrr prrtrd libit j hzs hr irlt il tu ilia litrer to make their on up plication thia has led tn romr ejif irrrne of opinion but tn general thr pa rubles area received aa ritl lent and helpful portions cf cod a word in the td paaaagra of brriplun assigned for our leaden u have flvi parublra each with a du tine live mraaage yrt together pointing out that there la a time of growth lead ing to harvral and judgmrnt and that our grucioua cod haa at great coat provided a way of redemptttn i nermai grwwth fa fheatad mark 4mw god la patient hr ottollfi i hi normal hrulthy ftrnd uruvkth of thr seed mun s to impalunt hi must havt forced unmth urtificiul ntlmuhitlon und ivm artificial rip f nink of tin fruit tht mi nn atlitudt 4 nti rr inlo his tun of hit 1 inldri 0 thi must uhi ad in mi imii 1 1 i ml tin ir i it tin mum tit out aid nuiki 11 hv li li 1 i it r iiiki tl v ti li ir id ti 111 iki lil uh r i i i tl m in tun in tl 1 ni ih s t r ui in ii 1 i hi n mn 1 t tl 4 111 till or h dl 14 t tl i t 1 iv jui m i i ttki tlliu ni trtu il ri bv 1 1 v ic nl s t ltinn rip rnn tht n hurv gxl r ordrr ind it ii n ui i it ni s tf t v iii hv t ults am t or t n l ill i ttij i n i 1 i 1 mh1 ii abnormal cirouth i dancer oua mark 4 31 j2 nnrmully th4 mulird tree is n mull pi int and vth n it n w into i grent tree onlthln ohm n in a i had tnkin plact hirdn miiuii nlui d noti mimt thinf uncli m in s rip ture came to lodi in its brum his just no christianity was nevt r in tended to tx mndt up of n nominally christian world mpirr in which un godly men the dark birds of the evil one mntt 13 10 nhnutd find comfortable lodgmtnt unfnrtunnti ly that tn just what happened to chrktlnnlty in the socnllid conqui si of the romnn empire ut the time of conitantlne the rifiults were dis ostrous the snmc principle m evt dent today in the control of much of the church by worldly men iii redemption la coatly matt 13 4446 while it is true that our rcdi mo tion is worth more than anything else in nit the world and that the christian would glndly set nslde or would he everything for christ n sake yet that does not fulfill the thought of this parable after all what has 0 sinner whose own right cousnes is di scribed in scripture as filthy rags to sell in order to obtain redemption and is it for snlc see eph 2 8 obviuuuly wc hero have the sa vlour with his nil seeing eye and loving heart noting in fallen human ity the ptnrl of rrent price his own church he jjicn utves up all the glory he had with the father comes to the eurth and even be comes sin for us that he may bring u to god salvation tn chriat is no little thing not something which was pur chased with gold or silver but with the precious blood of christ wc ought to value it highly and because we ore bought with a price we ought always to glorify god i cor 620 iv judgment la certain matt 134750 all kinds of fish were in the net and until the cord was drawn and the net emptied they looked much alike and enjoyed much the same standing as citizens of the sea but when they foced the fisherman there was a quick division and a final judgment upon the bad ones it la true that in gods kingdom as it is now manifested in mys tery in the church there are many who have come in by false profession through carelessness of pastors or church officials etc they go through the motions they look and act much like christians al though even here they create ques tions in the minds of true followers of christ the doy is coming how ever when they shall stand in judg ment before the christ whom they profess to love and follow how ter rible shall be their doom i they need not wait tn fear for that day- they moy now today maee right their relationship with god pre inventory drug ill bargains galore for thrifty shoppers in this seasonal clearance of heavily stocked lines buy now and invest your savings in victory bonds wfdjhurs fri sal february 25 26 27 28 mlntys par gillette shaving cream shaving lotion blue blades rr 25c rr 59c 25 blade 18c 2 35c 1 39c 100 hand lotions atortrt diinds rr 25c 18c 2 35c pine needle cough drops sprcuil 6c schick injector razor talcum powders 1 8 buctrt palroolive shaving crvun i attortrd brandt ail for j rr 25c i 59c 18c 2 35c perfume aikortrd odor rcr 25c lor rr 50c for 15c 29c pine needix nose drops rr 25c 18c 2 35c chest rub for colds rr 25c 18c 2 35c raydent tooth paste and powder rk 35c 23c milk of magnesia i oum kt v ic 23c camphorated white liniment rcr 25c special 18c 2 f 35c pine needle cold capsules r 25c 18c 2 35c gastronox i stomach powder sm clil 39c seidl1tz powders lxiii bt iil re k 25c 19c olive oil a real buy i i 4 fujnn s r k 35c i s 23c asa tablets 100 tablets 29c assorted tooth pastes per lube 15c green liniment r k 50c 39c minsol rub a miner il liniment rcr 35c special 18c 2 35c russian mineral oil 39c 69c tumeez the herbal tonic r 1 00 specinl 49 hot water bottles now is the lime to buy rcr 1 09 for gg reg h9c for gg rcr 59c for 49 cod liver oil capsules ioosrcr 125 for 89c vigorol extract of cod liver oil rcr 89c for 49c extract of malt and cod liver oil rcr 59c for 49c oneida herbal tonic re 100 special 69c nuro vim a bplcndid nerve tonic rcr 1 00 special 79c hirsutone for the hair a tonic nnd dressing rir 60c special 49c wildroot hair tonic with oil reg 135 value special 98c russian hair oil keeps hair well groomed rcr 35c special 23c halo shampoo special one cent sale 49c size nnd 29c size both for 50 tooth brushes at bargain prices group i special 9 group ii special 5 group iii special 23 face powders at special reductions group i i group ii i group iii special 9 i special g i special 3g special sale ubrary books 25c each 5 for 100 boxed stationery writ ing pads all draitkauy reduced envelopes hundred of other bargains no lifted pay u a call and save by spending maccormacks drug store phone 327 we deliver georgetown

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