the georgetown herald wedneaday evening february 25th 1942 i as we see if srj t ems i fvxhalps due to the us of radio tor advertising purpoaas more to than to any other agency c era of the twentieth century nave to fk ficcuclamed to being cir rtalned toy rogrtms balyhoo or call tt what you ritr along with en lniuilao to purchase rtti everything fjom con rft to com flake end from toch paste to headache pala in titr cl lb entrrtajiment which we tiw txy tfcuvtarri to aiiocite ih the dflcreci article sij1 uw kbt of uwd and to other ai ttlj ref uie to rrn can2drr purchas ing of ther prodjcia sthjagx may really lie their programs we do not doubt for a moment that this pufeticlty abith has brcoma- the lo- k hu trrjr4jd the sal cl ihcae particular artic- that bat been gjito the publicity 10 tact f il bad failed to do to the 6ttruiix4 wxud hate bmi cuietocuinard lonj ago ilcmrtv when u come to lng de- ypinuirv of osn victory liood lomehow boot gtl tb klr of us ing laantui t misr laruc to put uutn citt li ee harnt uw wbrrc- with all to toel in some of that bono do amount of rcurttinmcot t gotng to help us finance them oq the other band li hae ww pur money and read cr liiro to the ear new three days and e ft iwu1 hat tkr klr of the ored of mot tooi to onub the ob r tiwaddi reqiut any ccurtaiiimrtji to bcip u make uj our mind to tmtl to the limit of oar rtcsirce to this prtwol vic tory loan prrhsp tome of the pub licity girn in cucnrcuon with uu recent lorn i brro duoaled ber we imagine that irqcl ol it ha brrn paid for and it mt bar cott to dooiiniod qoltr pd dral to a-ivci- tur uil loan no doot it 1u be cnaldrrrd monr tj iprnt and cl sorotho r would haf ukrd to uiink of canadiojui all imio4 utr lonuuon unuik ui to imuli- uio- boiid- ln to all mat iik u iwbiuuy and ul inurutnumnt w i t to do vlthuil u t m at t j ol i- t bclurt uu4 iil uji i i rnust iiml w unit t ji ciwa- uubi filtju ftfjidiiij ut ix- ptiv ol i li ft n v to ixaii pn htniim u un mits in it uu i iln- 1 l tin on the lit ui i ii l thi in turn tlni ui 1 a lu 1 o ihim i hoj m n in mi i li l fir t uli 1jlij uli li joj ma iixoll uuz it on 1 ju i u lj un t a ctwl ol flirti- i 1 vt ojid hunk inai u vti mi iaiiur tltuuuon and cou d nam j u toiid end ixciuvc no douut all ol u ui out timi jr onotner havt had to do wiuiout iomi tiling ibt ajiud badly btkqum ol thi lack ol lunds to purcb- ai the dwjnd tirucli u mu ha been 10 gallons ol aa uiat c anud for tome trip or urfuin it mu huc brxn a ni tct of uiij that ic thought e midcd taxla lb labca hac tumwl and c llnd tbat kbllc we may hrni the caji on band to gv tblb tbat or ibe other ibln thty an not to tx bad it blurted oil 1u jut a tvrt articles that nc arxc and c arc all i u miliar ului the n-gu- lauoni in regard to the hale ol tugur for instance becauw of 1u acarciiy now tbo number ol tcartc articles l incriaed ixtuuu ol the situation to uw pacific and ol tbt tail indlu in particular tb mjj filled m ltb un rubber rope and ii among otbc thinffs ard li ls going to be cuulcult to act the- iumi any other pacc it la a piuliar situation e uxd to uink that the potlon ol uialtb wus an idtal aim lor mat o ua bc- caum of the fact uiat uilth uould purchase amoot anything uial uc dcalrcd lljaivtr today the pocs- alon of wealth ha taken u nt angle and l llnd that io many yockk uiat vt wunt arc not to bo bad at any price monty ltm11 wont take the place ol lhovc goods it uoukin make ery good wawnlna lor lnitancc and it wont tuko the plucu ol ipico to cookica this 1m2 wla pi cutting out un- ntcevary fnlb mem to be aprcad- ing in one of the exchanges wo notice on announcement by one o the leading grocery tloru to uiat weeltly heanc town tbo tlore u going on a itrlcuy cah and carry bama it so jiapptab that wo arc familiar with that firm a story and remember when the buslncb was marled wo would imagine that the store gcta about hall of its trade from country cmtomers fnj tbo other halt from the town folic tbcy aro cutting out deliveries alto father in town and explain this b stating that the country folk coma in and get their tupplles pay the tame price for them as do the town folk and that the country folk tale them homo with them the town folk purchase their suppuea in small vuantlucft and expect them to be de fiverod they eugsest that the small on with the sleigh or wagon go for the groceries for hla own folk and where there is a scarcity of emab bays make use of the neighbors this firm hu always been successful and tt will be intereettng to note the cuo- eess or failure of this new venture off course we have often notioed an attempt to put this idea into practice however it has to often failed be- aause of a lack of backbone on the nart of the firm attempuns the in novation- right now looks uke a real time to try it out and it should be successful 1iyb1eby of pearl iiahbor s special p10tuhe pages with text in pictorial review with ftii sundays march 1 issue of the detroit bunday tunes included mhmb illustrations will be a full color picture of the ujoa arlkona in flames after the pearl harbor attack full eolor portraits ol rear admiral kim- ttttl and major qeneral short plus fl mmt be sure to get ens detroit bunday times this week and every week y l issux t 1 lcail a vtotvchalrman of tb timond vutory loan oommius u also arung as a canvuftrr to the cur rrot sweet caporal twbwm i in our mail bagr xi mi ut editor kindjy allow m w tn your p per to roqjirr vby wt to atk- cd to put our clocks on an hour ahead of standard uznr which has uood for almost tso thoutand years wtthou qjvujd nhm it l detrlmectal to tb baste ixulumry of canada- oar co into u at mar and the far mers have bwto ataed to do their ut mott to feed our army that c to sixe to win the war we are aruoou to da to a me realise that our ail la in cunfrr when it arr aekxd than the ckxk be pat on an hour that mearj ru tn tb morronj at tour ccock ixuxad of hvr tbr fir t e r to do u to turn on thr citrr liliu and huuie tbc ftr along tde wood and coal ccau monry and the elaclrtclty bill has to be pid tto c hate formrd hahtt for hrg time ou adtanor that time an hour and you tuterfrrt with tbr rww of rnilk aid mrt lrr in lb iumorrunr vbco tb dairy herd u on pvturr at lour o clock u thr niomln oo 1u find prartlcauy rrtryor of uwm lying down chewing urir cud tba contrrtlnj ui ioddrr into muu ou tntrrfeir wllh tbrlr qoirt lwmlkil lfcb1 jw3 thr flaw ll uk much wort brn r effir to ihr mlking umr aiound ft o ckws pm hrti thr ru mir t ufl ttont ti tb li irrnbr tut tlw com u tuimj ui d or4- fur tbr mutrr if ou 1 vr to rrott to fl toi and mth llun tlr cut muni- tbs chums do not want thtlr fsd until almost dsobreak you wouid not buy our fruits therrt ctzrtwnu or brrrlea if you knew thay vera ptcksd with th dew on tbam fccaui thy spoil tn th mrs tht haytng and barveat is a pain tn the neck for you are ready to rake and draw in and the daw ts on the graas and cram tocaui the aun u not up to dry them off ready for the days work our farms are so depleted of man power that it u about ail we can do to perform the cuues laid upon us at the present time and we are aiked to do more will you kindly tej me what are the adeantaxm of adranced urn to the xlty and loan proper other than lor the sports to enjoy threat ia zx to kindly ki u know we want to cooperate if tt u for the greatest good to the largeat amount of people with- oat grinding the tery lau grain that ts in ua ftikym iarmm u bat i say not true u so arrnt we land owners and own canada t ju we nothing to do but submit to an injustice to our industry and to ut then wby not irak kindly but firmly to thote who axr paid to make lavs for our coun try we are not iru or preaanla but boru and daughter of the pioneer tto htmrd our home out of the for- rm and drrdxd tbrm to ua ur hr trim falthfulry to bold llirro and if ve don t suumr our omtunhlp thry may toon slip away from u why cant w otn forcea put our rjkxildcrk to uie ehrrl as our people lor r sre told that rwry kingdom divldrd agabul 1ul1 u uought to du- w a wi1aon w a wilson eirwr of esqaeatng and a meenber of the 1m2 ekjuefting township oouncu cotnhtnm the djtlas of vvehirnin and can rawer in the campaign for talr of hrcond victory loan bonds tn the georgetown dis trict news items arw alswy sgajswelasswt for the herald fiend them a easr the week and help sake yow iwaassv town nswancr as newsy as peawsbisv leavt iavtyootfafirwi 6 by bus boszs tkavb icjutlon biwl tytry city or baui di- ttdnl ailnx lluif tttmli not oand tcfrthn tund olrmra v tmu kanada forkvdt b im u m ta um j ui db apa ui a m ua u to u9 t tm 9 ua pa oun uvj hot b oafiy a baatstj euura darulbt 8vtnf tfir tvtxii u mfcraattga w h vbho cray coach lines 1hb mbnacb of a hateful way of life cast its shadow across our homes victory bonds will raise up a shield against it so buy victory bonds to the limit we cannot be halfhearted while this danger threatens our very shores let us go full out now and give such vigor to our countrys effort as to speed the day of victory this is the least vc can do to lend our money for our countrys defence buy a share in victory today buy victory bonds how to buy give your order to the victory lom ultamu who oiu on you or puee it in the hand of any branch of ny bank or irivo f t to any truit oompuy or aand it to your local victory loan haadquartara or yoo can authortta yoar employer to atart refnlar payroll aavinn plan for yon bond may b bomht in daoomlnabona of iul llcft 500 llood andlarmr baleaman bank trnet company or yoar local victory loan headquarter will ba lad to yoo avwy aaalatanco in making oat yoar order form te fo lc mx ftvigtory ihds nallonal wat floanc coamlram ormwa cooocw